1 minute read

Project Apollo

My name is Ryland Harding and I’m a British Army Veteran from Bridgend, and also founder of Project Apollo.

Our Mission is simple.


The atrocities in Ukraine have inspired us to mobilize in country capabilities for extracting vulnerable refugees, reuniting families, and providing logistical support to relief efforts.

To date, Project Apollohas delivered 25 Tonnes of critical Aid to those in need inside Ukraine in association with The Association of Pallet Networks

Big organisations are slow to act with too much bureaucracy. Aid sat in warehouses for days on end and slow to reach those who need it.

We are a small team, but are having a Big effect. Project Apollo is moving families from Ukraine to the safety of Poland. This is a US/UK coalition, united, to ensure that the most vulnerable are able to escape the war zone.

As our movements into hazardous areas increase, we have now acquired new Level 4 body armour for our female and child passengers. This will drastically increase their safety as they are moved to their areas of refuge.

For more in formation about Project Apollo, you can email: ryland.harding@projectapollo.org.uk www.projectapollo.org.uk1

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