In The Words Of
by Carl Marsh
‘Tis the month of fireworks, although being an animal lover and owner of three dogs, three cats and two horses, it can be a bit stressful for them. We do our utmost to keep them calm at this time of the year, as it seldom is just the one night that fireworks are being let off. I wish you all a pleasant night if you’re into this sort of thing, and I send you all my love and respect if you’re - like my family and I - having to make sure it’s passable as a slightly noisy time for our fur family members. INTRO RANT Politics - perhaps a rude word to use these days as you and I are surely disheartened and fed up with all this ‘merry go round’ nonsense that the Conservatives have been forcing onto our ears, eyes and patience these last few months! Granted, all MPs are the same, regardless - in my opinion of whichever Party they represent. However, I am yet to find any MP that ‘properly’ listens and represents the common man or woman. Prove me wrong? I won’t vote again. And this new guy running the UK Government wasn’t voted in by the electorate, neither was the person before him that only lasted a few weeks. It’s a mockery—a farce. IT MAKES YOU THINK WHAT NEWS THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN BURYING WHILST ALL THIS PANTOMIME HAS BEEN GOING ON!
REVIEWS Where do I start? There is a saying that you can wait ages for a bus, then suddenly two or three come at once. This is the case for me right now. In a break from tradition, I need to use a whole page following this one to highlight what I’ve done, so expect a little review of Bob Dylan; the first birthday of The Parkgate Hotel; then the opening night of ‘Tir a Môr’ at voco St David’s in Cardiff Bay. INTERVIEWS The World Cup commences! I can’t wait to see Wales play against England in the same qualifying group. Granted, one on paper - should beat the other, but the other has a nation’s pride and support behind them that won’t criticise them if they fail. So I wonder which will prevail. With the World Cup in mind, I needed to get some football connection, so I did. England’s best football song for any/all tournaments is the David Baddiel/Frank Skinner/Lightning Seeds piece: Three Lions. I spoke to the latter [Ian Broudie] about his new album and upcoming tour, and perhaps a bit about the football and England’s Lionesses. He is performing at Tramshed on November 18th at 7:30 pm. Support is by Badly Drawn Boy, who I interviewed a few years back and can vouch that he’s a stellar support act worthy of filling the venue on his own! Have a great November, be careful out on fireworks night, see you all next month,
Carl Marsh Twitter - @InTheWordsOf_CM YouTube - InTheWordsOf