Cardiff Times Magazine - January 2022

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January 2022



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20/12/2021 10:26



C A R D IF F 20 22














PUBLISHER Cardiff Times

Greetings to one and all. We hope you’ve managed to enjoy the festive season with loved ones and wish you a prosperous new year.

EDITOR Louise Denning 07903 947594

As we reflect back on 2021, it would be remiss not to mention the passing of our longtime contributor Michael James. Michael cared deeply for his community which was reflected in his articles for many years. His legacy will always inspire us to be better people.

FEATURES EDITOR Mark Denning 07758 247194

Also during 2021 we were proudly nominated for, and won, two awards for being Best Magazine. Achieving these awards will always be a great honour and could not have been done without our team of tremendous writers. They are all unique and contribute something completely different which makes the magazine accessible to all readers.

SALES & MARKETING Beth CONTRIBUTORS Wyn Evans, Vince Nolan, Sara John, Carl Marsh, Michael Fogg, Ralph Oates, Natalie McCulloch, Joe Dilling

Last year also brought the struggle of trying to keep the magazine going and it has been tough. Bookings from the hospitality industry make up a huge part of our advertising, especially during the festive season, but due to closures and the uncertainty of more possible lockdowns, organisers have cancelled shows, postponed events or simply haven’t had the budget to spend any money at all. Our magazine is free so without funding its impossible to print and distribute a magazine. It will inevitably start to improve, so all I can say to any business struggling is, hang in there and try any new way to create new ideas if you possibly can.

We’ve had some rather unpleasant events occur in 2021 related to work, but we’re certainly not giving in to any negativity, if anything they have spurred us on to be even more positive in 2022. Keep smiling, keep dreaming and keep safe everyone. Happy New Year!

Louise & Mark EDITORIAL 029 2046 3028 ADVERTISING 07903 947594 EMAIL WEB Follow us on Twitter @CardiffTimes Instagram



January CONTENTS 6 Shingle Bells by Wyn Evans 8 HAPPY NEW YEAR! 10 Someone Stole My Tortoise Whilst I Was Hoovering by Vince Nolan 12 The First World War has ended, but it hasn’t gone away 14 In The Words Of by Carl Marsh 18 Almost in Angola - What Happened Next by Sara John 24 Learn the game of Bridge at Cardiff Bridge Club 26 Fashion done your own way by Molly Dutton


32 What Does Exercise Mean To Me? by Joe Dilling 36 Scott Gammer - A Welsh Heavyweight Hope by Ralph Oates 44 New Year New You! 49 Social care and support provider mirus are now a Real Living Wage employer 52 Welshman to be the first person to run across all of Wales’ 189 mountains in aid of Mind Over Mountains by Natalie McCulloch


· · · ·


02920 490212 07875 077294 24 Russell Street, Roath, Cardiff CARDIFF TIMES 5

Shingle bells byWyn Evans !"#$$%&'($)*(+$,(-./'(/01(2*&'(*#3('3"$01( 1/4($+(*#3(#$%21/45(6*&'(7330(/(%$08(*3,.(/01( '#3(#/'(9$,:31(#/,1;('$(6(/%%$9(<#3(=2,%(/( %23>205(!#3('%33?'(133?%45(<#2'(8$3'(92*#(*#3( *3,,2*$,4@(2*(#/'(0$*#208(*$(1$(92*#(#3,(#/A208( Down Syndrome, it’s just that she’s a fifteen/83,(/01("$)%1('%33?(+$,(<3/.(=B(/'(2+(2*( 93,3(/0(C%4.?2"('?$,*5(<#30;(/*(DDDE(#$),'( 6(9/:3(#3,()?(/01("#/'3(#3,(1$90'*/2,'(+$,( 7,3/:+/'*(1),208(/01(/+*3,(9#2"#(93(9/*"#( !*3A3(B/":'#/%%&'(FG3/1%4(HE(IB/7$$0'(/01( J#2.?/0K33'(./13(*$1/4&'(%2'*L(/01(G/083,( M$)'3(I,)772'#;(/'(3A3,L5(<#30;(/*(/,$)01( DDNE;(*#3(+$%%$9208(3-"#/083O

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Cardiff Times January - Page 1 Editorial_Layout 1 19/12/2021 21:47 Page 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR! On behalf of everyone at St David’s Hall, we hope you had a nice Christmas and once again we would like to extend our huge thanks for your continued loyal support over the last two years. As ever, we have a brilliantly diverse programme this month to fend off the January blues, and there’s much more to get excited about elsewhere throughout 2022 at the National Concert Hall of Wales. Football fans are in for a real treat as the man widely regarded as Liverpool’s greatest ever player, Kenny Dalglish (Thurs 20 Jan) speaks live in Cardiff for the first time ever. Yet, he’s just the first of several sporting legends to grace our stage in the coming months. If you prefer the oval-shaped ball, we’ve got two great shows you won’t want to miss! James Haskell and Mike Tindall join host Alex Payne for an onstage edition of the popular podcast The Good, The Bad and The Rugby (Weds 4 May). Plus, ex-England international Martin Bayfield (Fri 7 Oct) shares stories from his varied life from a Five Nations Grand Slam to the Hollywood movie screen and the MasterChef Final. Likewise, cricket icons Phil Tufnell and Jonathan Agnew provide analysis, insight and hilarious anecdotes from their careers in Test Match Special (Thurs 14 April), and UFC Hall of Fame fighter Michael Bisping (Weds 19 Oct) lets us know what it’s really like inside the Octagon. Meanwhile, Cardiff Classical continues with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, who perform six sensational concerts with us from January to June. Other highlights from the season include the Philharmonia Orchestra (Weds 9 Feb) conducted by John Wilson and London Mozart Players (Thurs 24 March) featuring virtuoso pianist, Isata Kanneh-Mason. Strictly addicts will be delighted with our dancing double-header as 2021 winner Giovanni Pernice (Sun 24 April) and fellow finalist Johannes Radebe (Mon 25 April) perform their stunning new shows on consecutive days. There are also the beloved dancing duos of Anton & Erin (Sun 13 Feb), Karen & Gorka (Sun 6 March) and Aljaž & Janette (Tues 19 April); plus there’s a stellar line-up in Here Come the Boys (Tues 5 July). If you’re up for a laugh, we’ve got that covered too. Nina Conti (Sun 16 Jan) is back with her sidekick Monkey, and also returning are stand-up superstars Omid Djalili (Sat 30 April), Dylan Moran (Tues 3 May), Sandi Toksvig (Mon 16 May) and Paul Merton (Tues 24 May). No Such Thing as a Fish (Sat 22 Jan) is stuffed to the gills with fascinating funny facts, while The Guilty Feminist (Sat 4 June) is equal parts comedy, deep-dive conversation and activism. There’s also a healthy helping of rock and pop with huge names like Echo & The Bunnymen (Sat 5 Feb), Tony Hadley (Weds 9 March), Adam Ant (Weds 16 March), Heather Small (Fri 25 March), The Divine Comedy (Thurs 12 May) and Dexys (Thurs 29 Sept) to name just a few. Finally, we haven’t forgotten about the kids, who will love half-term family fun with Fireman Sam Saves the Circus (Mon 21 Feb) as well as Zog and the Flying Doctors (Mon 11 -12 April) at Easter!

Cardiff Times January - Page 2_Layout 1 19/12/2021 20:02 Page 1

OMID DJALILI The Good Times 30.04.22


THE GUILTY FEMINIST LIVE with Deborah Frances-White 04.06.22

LONDON MOZART PLAYERS feat. Isata Kanneh-Mason 24.03.22

DON MCLEAN American Pie 50th Anniversary 11.09.22

ED GAMBLE Electric 15.04.22

ADAM ANT Antics 16.03.22

MICHAEL BISPING Tales from The Octagon 19.10.22

BIZET: CARMEN 22.04.22

GIOVANNI PERNICE This is Me 24.04.22

LEA SALONGA Dream Again 21.06.22

JOHANNES RADEBE Freedom 25.04.22

‘And Another Thing...’ Someone Stole My Tortoise Whilst I Was Hoovering byVince Nolan !"#$"$%$&'#()('*+#*,*"#-./#0*1#23)%#4&%#&#/*5*"(# 3*&6')"*#)"#7&'*%#8"')"*1#9#6)6":(#;.(3*/#/*&6)"<# (3*#%(./=#&%#)(#4.$'6#3&,*#;**"#-&/#(..#/&5=#-./#0*1# >.4*,*/+#)(#/*0)"6*6#0*#.-#(3*#%(./=#.-#&#0&"#43.# <.*%#)"(.#&#%3.*#%3.?#&"6#;$=%#%.0*#(./(.)%*#%@)"# %3.*%1#2..@#3)0#A#3.$/%#(.#4&'@#.$(#.-#(3*#%3.?1# 23)%#&'%.#&0$%*6#0*+#&#/*5*"(#3*&6')"*#?*""*6#;=# Business Live: “Asses of timber frame firm acquired.” One assumes that should have been “assets” but 4)(3#*0?'.=0*"(#'&4%#(3*%*#6&=%BBB0&=;*#".(1 23*#C"<')%3#'&"<$&<*#0$%(#;*#,*/=#53&''*"<)"<#(.#

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Who do you want me to kill and when?” Seems ()#-(%&("*7(8,257--(24(,7:2<%&'("*7( !"#$%&'()"&*+,$+$"+-,.+)/()+0%+!"123#4)+5,#5",#)+ (#3+0%+0%&%+"#+)/%+;%&&*9 5#:7(&2)*7,7(&7#,("2(*29.%&'("*7( %"*4"5,*%""6 29.%&'("*7:("2'7"*7,( ,)+-1)+-%!(1$%+,)+$"1#3%3+2,6%+"1&+#%7)+3""&+ D/%&%+0($+#"+U1$)"8$+,#$5%!),"#+,#+M&(#!%+($+ Y,7-%.7&"%#9(,752,.(42,(%--3%&'(8#,.2&-;( (+()#-(*29.%&'( 7!*#1(8*"9*8":*4'++*,("40*%&$*7:%:#(*;(%$5(1%'"(1+!* #%,./-"1&+0($+8%$$,#.+(-"1)+,#+/,$+.(&3%#9+:+;%0+ for0%+/(3+(2&%(3*+-%%#+,#$5%!)%3+(#3+0%+0%&%+";;+)"+ the first time the other day and the unique three +&("*7(7#,9$($7#,-(24("*7(\!0(-2:7(#5"-( 4$5$*!&"4(*$<=+:!'>$+8*"(*7#1?"(*@5'#$*!"*4$* K(&,$9+L%+&%5%()%3+)/%+5%"52%+$81..2,#.+%7%&!,$%+ :$(*#&.;(>(923.(1#&'( /"1&$+2()%&+(+$5(&&"0+,#)&"31!%3+,)$%2;+)"+1$+0/,!/+ 1#"$(&#!-0%#.(6(1-)(&##;%./(8#"(1-)(HL#4(:"'(>#)0MI( 24(",7#-2&0(8%,#5$(#&.(,71799%2&()7,7( 5$A1'5$2*%"*1*+"=1+*&"!%$+580*B&$*C"++1A!$2*D=5:#*%"* #,%&'("*7(52&"7&"-( "#+)/%+0(*+-(!69+V1,)%+0/()+0"123+/('%+/(55%#%3+ must have flown in when the patio doors were P')%/.(8-4&0(#"(4)'"('""#"K((( >'$4*%&$*)1#$!*%&$5$6*7)1'(0*%&$*E()+'!&*+1():1)$* 42,'%<7&;((J$(4#<23,%"7(%&<29<7.(#(:#&( if Customs had found Colonel Gaddafi stowing "5%#9++<%,#.+8(#=+)/%+/1#)%&=+>+1$%3+8*+,#$),#!),'%+ 7.(38("*7(57%9%&'0( =1(*F$*>$58*="(9:!'()6*G$5$*4$*&1>$*1*="++1A!$2* <-&;%./(#8(%.0#&'"-.!'7(6(-3(&'$(0#(*'&%'9'(02-0(02'( 5#997.(672,'7(M%9-2&()*2()#-(K2%&"9$( (0(*+"#+(+A)9+K%)%&4$+W1.-*+U21-+-1$+,$+(#*-"3*4$+ !=5:#*1+"()!'2$*1*="++1A!$2*+:()6*B&$*%4"*15$*("%* or, over )&(!6,#.+(#3+)&(55,#.+$6,22$+(#3+5,!6%3+)/%+2,))2%+.1*+ the worktop 0'"3(2'!;&'"(#"%/%.-0'$(8"#3(02'(0'X0%&'(0"-$'7(12'"'( 52&<%5"7.(24(-"7#9%&'(:#%9(#"('3&82%&"( .1%$$+-1)+,)+0"123+!%&)(,#2*+/('%+!(1$%3+(+8(X"&+ 15+(#3+&%2%($%3+/,8+-(!6+,#)"+)/%+0,239+?"+/(&8+ ($=$!!15'+8*#:%:1++8*$<=+:!'>$6 .7-/;(?2"7("*7(5#&(%&( !/"1-7&'(),./'()&-)&!)$#++1*)#)-9;/6))B/)&3) !"#$%&'()%&*!)+#,)&'-./*0$1*)&')2#+1!)3/.) to heckle was to tease or comb-out flax or hemp #&.()#-(-7&"7&57.("2(.7#"*(1$( 3,52"8(),!+,#!,3%#)9++ 3"#%@@@@@@990%22=+1#),2+#%7)+3""&4$+!()+.")+ 45446))27&+!-)81&'(),1+$/"1*)89)"/!-) L)!#9)!/"1-7&'(),./'()&!)&-)$#++1*)#)-#+%/N)) Yard) to ensure that we had properly warmed up since we didn’t want to pull anymeaning drinking #-(&2"(177&(287&7.( fibres. The modern was coined in Dundee B&$*A:F*41!*!"#$*%&5$$*#'+$!*("5%&*"9*H"+1(* .&(7-:"&'*1*);1/;+1)&-),&++)/3)$/0.!1)81)'/-7&'() A0.-71."/.1M),/0+*)#)-9;/)/')#)71#*!-/'1)81) S1$)+)"+-%+!2%(&E++F,3+*"1+/%(&+(-"1)+)/%+1&"2".,$)+ /,89++++ muscles. Unfortunately, only six of us turned up and a minimum *#&'%&';(P7(,743-7.(#(8#,.2&(%&(DSHH( of ten were required or the %.(02'('-"&+(`a02(!'.04"+5(:)(02'(2'!;&'")(0#%&'$(%.( B"4$5!*1(2*:A&'++*1++*%&$*4186*I$*4$5$*!:FJ$=%$2* 80-)8#*)'1,!)3/.)-71)<#.*&33)0'*1.)=>?!) #)(.#E1)1../.N)))Q1-,11')-9;/!)#'*)#0-/$/..1$-) &"%2&#9()#$A(#&.(-"%99( visit was off. I engaged four old-timers who were in the bar (could have been the 0/"+0($+%()%#+-*+(+-%(&C++Y%+0($+(+8%)%"&"2".,$)+ A)(*,#.+0,)/+/1#),#.=+,;+>+0%&%+,22%.(22*+/1#),#.+;"&+ 4,2:(Y,7-%.7&"(>&.,7)(]#5/-2&(#&.( @1*1.7/!1')A/."#-&/')B+#;)C#'$&'()D'!1"8+1) &-?!)(1--&'()7#.*1.)-/);/!-)!-033)-71!1)*#9!6))I'1) %"*%&$*4'%0*4'!2"#*1(2*4$15'!"#$($!!*K1++'%$51%'"(* 02'(8-!0#"+7(#.'(#8(02'(0'-3(1#4&$("'-$(#40(02'($-+)B( aforementioned ones from the Taff Vale) and asked them whether they fancied having a 7"(%&-%.7;(+"(5239.( H8%()*+1&"2".,$)=+"/+52%($%+*"1&$%2'%$J9 81$/&""8$=+0"123+>+/('%+B1%$),"#(-2%+8"&%2$C++ ,7/),&++)'/)+/'(1.)81)!+#;;&'()1#$7)/-71.)#!) -&'9)"&!-#%1)#'*)9/0.),7/+1);/!-)&!)0.&'1*6 %&$5$L0*"9*!"#$*"9*%&$*#"5$*>"='9$5":!*+"=1+!*4&"!$* .'1)(-.$(02'(#02'")(1#4&$(*400(%.(1%02(!#.)0-.0( )#-(7=753"7.(#4"7,("*7(!38,7:7(T23,"( brewery tour and free beer for the afternoon. Fearing some kind of honey trap, they took ;#.-)/3)-71&.)./0-&'1!)0'+1!!)-719)#.1)(&E1') 3%"7(&#-"$('%<7&(*2)( D/%+I%(3%&+";+)/%+P55"$,),"#+(#3+>+0%&%+$,)),#.+,#+ :2$"=+0/()+3"+*"1+!(22+(+3%%&+0/"+/($+2"$)+-")/+ 5:)F8*,("4+$2)$*=":+2*&1>$*F$$(*45'%%$(*"(*%&$* some convincing that my offer was genuine. Cautiously, they agreed to join us. Picture the %.0'""4,0%#.)(-.$(-()0"'-3(#8(H84"%#4)($'*-0'5I((J%02( O71),/.+*)7#!)-#%1')#)!-.#'(1)-,&!-)R)#-)+1#!-) ,397.(*7(5239.("3,&(%"(.2)&(%4(*7()#&"7.( !;1$&#+)*&!;1'!#-&/')89)/0.)A&.!-)F&'&!-1.6 &$12*"9*1*A'(*1(2*1*>$58*!#1++*A'(*1%*%&1%6*M:5'()* 02%)(%.(3%.$(6(2-9'(!#&&-0'$()#3'(A4-&%0+(,40U$#1.)( scene, -71);#.-!)L)!11")-/)/$$0;96))L)7#E1)811') 5pm on a sunny )#-;(C$(#(-822/$( "1&+$"!,(22*+3,$)(#!%3+2"!(2=+D/%+M1#6*++M1&2"1./=+ %*%$+,#+(+/1#),#.+(!!,3%#)C++?"+%*%+3%%&9 "2;(?2(897#-%&'(-2:7(429/;(( weekday evening at the side L(,$5("4$/!0+$>('$/!#$!-*/-&*&1NO$$M3$#("K*$ the first half theB#,)-7&!)&')#)+/$#+);08)/')-71&.)!;1$&#+!)8/#.*G)) pub owner’s young son came into 0/%#+(+2(3*+!2"$%+-*+)"+1$+($6%3+)/%+<(&+G(#(.%&+ .1#*&'()#8/0-)#);./;/!#+)3/.)-71)454S)T0(89) >+/('%+3%!,3%3+)/()+0/%#+D&185+3,%$=+>+0,22+.,'%+ 63%&&7--()#-( 12%!2(!#3%!)(2-9'(4)'$(0#($'-&(1%02(3#$'".($-+( to the Brewery on H21)@/E1)@/$#+)#'*)$7#";&/')+/$#+)3#."!) entrance 2/.+*)<0;),7&$7),&++);.1E1'-)#'9)-1#")&').1*) %&$*F15*4'%&*5:)F8*F1++*'(*&1(26*G$*'!*1*A1'(9:++8*!&8* /!0+$!-*/-&*&1A$?!*/+-AO$*/+$#-'"=$1!&#A$M7'*$3$ ,;+)/%+)",2%)$+0%&%+$),22+15$)(,&$9++Y%+";+!"1&$%+ /,$+%12".*9++>+0,22+$(*E+!"#$!%&!'()*+!,(-!,$!-*&!*&! 2'!;&'")\(((( Caroline Street EFG()*%5*()#-(7=#5"9$("*7("%:7(%"(",%7.("2( fisheries.” butwarmed the first !7&.-!)#'*)(.11')!7&.-!);+#9&'()1#$7)/-71.) Yard) and to ensure thatAllwevery hadlaudable properly upC'1*$-+!#$&"$*/+$@!@+-$*/!*$*/+$D(@+$#(+12O since we where didn’tfour want to pull any drinking 1(2*($5>":!*+'%%+$*):8*4&"*41!*%&'(,'()*"9*A+18'()* T2&"%&3%&'( pensioners who could barely confi rmed that they were but thought this to be a ./$&%)$0'1112-$*/%03!4*5$678!*0)!9+%03!%0!:/(0'! &-1")/')-71&.)"1'0),#!)F1*&-1..#'1#')I+&E1!6)) 81$#0!1)$/+/0.)8+&'*);1/;+1)/3-1')!-.0((+1)-/) muscles. Unfortunately, only six of us turned up and a minimum of tenI were required or the 5:)F86*D%$A*9"54152*%&$*+15)$!%*!A$='#$(*'(*%&$* 7,("2(:$(:#/7,;(+(.,#&/("*7(2"*7,("*,77( HJ2-0()%W'(#8()2#'($#')(+#4"(3#402(0-;'KI stand were seen hanging onto IE1.71#.*)&')-71)!#"1);08G))HDE1.9)-&"1),1) *&!-&'(0&!7)81-,11')-71)-,/6))U/-)$.&-&$&!&'() She Who Must Be Obeyed was quick to spot G*!>&"4$,&*/$*/+$#-&"=A$*/+-+$/!1$!5,!>1$ "*7(,287(who '%&*+$)15,3+B1%$),"#9+>+0"123+/('%+$(,3+$"8%)/,#.+ (:!7&2!;4$02< T%!;+(<#3&%.)#. 5""#*4&"*A5"=$$2$2*%"*!&"4*&'#*&"4*%"*!#1!&* visit was off. I engaged four old-timers were in the bar (could have been the *(#&.(-#47"$(,7#-2&-;( come here we come here.” You don’t say. awounded lamppost, for support, rather some merry quip about -71")/3)$/0.!1)80-)-7&!),/0+*)#331$-)2#+1!M) prey and made 7++"$%'9/$1"(77+->$!**!9/+#$*($,&"+2$ A$"A+$*'(%"*%&$*7<#'(!%$56*B&'!*2'2*("%*5$1++8*&$+A* >+0($+&%!%#)2*+($6%3+-*+)/%+$"#+";+(+.""3+;&,%#3+ H<2%)(%)(12-0(!#3')(8"#3($"%.;%./(#.(-.('3,0+( aforementioned ones from the"*7:7I Taff Vale) and asked them whether they2,6%E+R>+3"#4)+6#"0+ fancied a than illumination. An Canada, Ireland, Tonga, Russia,having South Africa #8*12>1(=$2*8$15!6*G"4$>$50*;*A5":2+8*A"'(%$2*":%* ;.#1(6(2-9'(1"%00'.(-*#40()'&&U*4+($-0')(*'8#"'( 3"#++#A$@+(@5+$%!=+$!$5&0&"4$)-(%$&*A$ the youngsters’ confidence. Everbeer the generous soul they would #'*)V#;#'6))O7&!)7#*)"1)&')"&'*)/3)-7#-)P0/-1) 0/%#+8(3(8+0($+ ";+8,#%+,;+>+0"123+0&,)%+(+1&"2".*+;"&+/,$+F(34$+ 2'-$5Iafternoon brewery tour and free for!2#8(2&( the afternoon. Fearing some kind of honey trap, they took %"*&$5*%&1%*;*&12*!:99$5$2*1*5:)F8*'(J:58*2:5'()*%&$* 7'*$3$!%$%!=&"4$!$1*!"#$7+9!'1+$()$*/+$ (-("'!'.0(0"%,(0#(3+(&#!-&()4,'"3-";'0(#.(-(G"%$-+( 7,7.("*#"("*7,7(#,7(2&9$(H(-*28-(+(,7#99$( ;*'(>'%$2*":5*A"%$(%'1+*8":()*A+18$50*1%*&1+9*%'#$0*%"* 3./")QQ<)!'//%1.)$/""1'-#-/.)O1*)@/,1),7/) never…… remember. ;1#%&(29++>+3,3#4)+/('%+)/%+/%(&)+)"+$(*+%12".*+ some convincing that my offer #(,287( was genuine. they agreed to2($)+0,)/+1$+-1)+0%+ join us. Picture the I1+$!*>*7:!%51+'1*#1%=&*4&'=&*1%*#8*%'#$*"9*+'9$0*41!* ((((((((((((((((((( Cautiously, 3#"/0!+9)!#&*)*0.&'()/'1)/3)7&!)$/""1'-#.&1!G)) !%$A*":%*'(%"*%&$*=15*A15,0*4'%&*&'!*N:#0*%"*!&"4*&'#* 5(9=#(,"12$3K%$4&0&"4$'@$,&"+A$+0+->$#!>A$!55$ '-&'$(-&3#)0(.#(,'"%)2-*&')(02-0(1#4&$(3-;'(02'( cently had-1)+>+6#%0+0/()+/%+8%(#)9++:#*0(*=+/%&%+,$+ a great Zoom call with Mark Dacey (on the leS) whoH6(;.#1(12'"'(+#4(1'"'(12'.(02'+(1'"'(2-.$%./( is the dynamic CEOscene, of 25/.2)&I(!875-#<7,-0(C22"-(#&.( 5pm onare aplus sunny 8"'%3+)/%8+"1)+)"+ quite an achievement. On the side we “And thoselike of ayou who watching in black A drunk who for smelled &"4*%"*A1!!0*=1%=&*1(2*,'=,*%&$*F1++*="55$=%+86*G$* %("*/2$$R($,!&*A$*/!*K1$"(*$&*2$$3K%$4&0&"4$'@2$ 02'(*"-%.)(#40bbb/'00%./(-.('X0"-(2'&,%./(#8( #1%./(O#.$-+5(6.(8-!0(6(2-$()#3'($#4*0(12'02'"( th Port Talbot Group of Colleges. It does not need Y287(2&(#( me to suggest the uncanny and white, the pink is )/%+!(&+5(&6+8(#*+ next to the green.” 47(%-(K3-"(-875-(#&.(.,3'-(#&.(-#3-#'7( &1>$*1*($4*8":()*5:)F8*5$=5:'%*1(2*%&$*%&5$$*#'+$* weekday evening at the side brewery got on a bus and sat 0/()+>+0&")%E 41!*>$58*)""2*1(2*!""(*)"%*%&$*&1()*"9*'%6*G"4$>$50* S&"+$+0+->$#!>$!55$%("*/T$$$$ 3#4025I +(1#4&$(3-;'(%0(0#(02'(!-"(8#"(02'(D#4".'+(2#3'5(( ,287 down next to a priest. The 41+,*&"#$*4'%&*1*A:++$2*#:!=+$*41!*A:(=%:1%$2* emblance he has to actor Ricky Tomlinson or vice versa. entrance to the Brewery on &2)(#123"($230(13"(+(*#<7(*#.(7&23'*(24( 8"#)/$+(."+($+(+ G*+;('"1&,)%+G,6%+)(2%=+H/%+0($+(;;%!),"#()%2*+ 1%*"($*A"'(%*&$*,'=,$2*%&$*F1++*">$5*#8*&$12*1(2*1!* L'-1.1!-&'()+9.&$),1)71#.*)/')-71),&.1+1!!)-71) -0(%)(/#%./(#.(*'!-4)'(%0B)(.#02%./(0#($#(1%02(EV( drunk's shirt was stained, hisa first date. “Do you 4'%&*#:=&*#'5%&6*B&$*($<%*218*4$*9":(2*":%*%&1%* (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Two people out on Caroline Street four ;*%:5($2*%"*5:(*19%$5*'%*;*A:++$2*#8*=1+9*#:!=+$6*;(*1(* other day: “Sports and awhere Maserati car.” 3,&%!)+!"#$%B1%#!%+ asabout Gaddafi because of before his likeness (:#9#,/7$;(M7(.2&L"(*#<7("2(*2:7(-5*229( face was full of bright red bra ow I haveknown wriKen sell-buy dates but a recent tripHP#(+#4(;.#17(%8(+#4(1#"'()#4.$,"##8(0"#4)'")(.#( to my local supermarket ,,&+(%))4')K(Q&#)'"(%.),'!0%#.(#8(02'(,-!;-/%./( #1(8*4$$,!*A5$>'":!+8*;*&12*'(12>$5%$(%+8*!')($2* 5&=+$P+-5(*$:!%%>NO$MU+1A$7'*$>('$#("K*$ 27/),/0+*)7#E1)-7/0(7-)/3)-7#-)$/"8&'#-&/'N)))) pensioners who could barely +(2&57(2)&7.(2&7(24("*7(5*7)7.(87&5%9-()*%5*( $99"5%*("%*%"*!&"4*1(8*!')(*"9*4$1,($!!0*;*+1:)&$2* #.'(1#4&$(2'-"(-(1#"$(+#4B"'()-+%./5I(((( lipstick and he had a half";+U"',3Z[9T++K%&/(5$+ )"+)/%+;"&8%&+I,-*(#+2%(3%&J=+,#'"2'%3+(+)&,5+ :A*%"*7#1?"(*@5'#$*1(2*=":+2*&1>$*41%=&$2*%&$* a/7("*#"(13"()*7&("*7(*%'*9%'*"(24("*7( Friday revealed almost no perishables that would make the following Monday. In fact I '-&'$(!#4.0"%')(#8(#"%/%.(8#"(8"4%0(-.$(9'/(&%;'( Apparently many have including a poet onto called @-("('"9+$*/+$M*2O$$$MV/A$V=2O$W((=1$!*$ '%*"990*%5'$2*("%*%"*+'#A0*1+%&":)&*'(*1)"(8*1(2* stand were seen hanging empty bottle of wine sticking !*#/7-87#,7(3-7.("2(),%"7(*%-(4#:23-()2,/-;(P7(3-7.( )/,$+,$+0/*+>+3"+#")+&1#+ )"+K(&,$+)"+0()!/+L(2%$+52(*+M&(#!%9+L%+ Dave Cox whom I have just “discovered”. 7:%:#(*D$5'$!*95"#*%&$*="#9"5%*"9*H"+1(*B"4$5!* .W-.%-(-.$(:"/'.0%.-5(=#(02')'(!#3')0%*&')( some doubt whether they would make it to the car for the home. What is going one journey dayH6)(02-0(+#4"("'-&(8-!'(#"(-"'(+#4()0%&&(!'&'*"-0%./( leS on the sell-buy date. It takes an inordinate amountrather of skill to supply goods just %&'("*7(5#,(42,(#&(JNO("*7&(%"L-(-7,%23-0( out of his pocket. He opened !:))$!%$2*4$*)"*F1=,*'(%"*%&$*A:F*K>'1*%&$*O*!%$A!L6 ,!&*+-Q$M:,($P+-5(*1$)(-$%+$!"#$H%%>2O a lamppost, for support, L'-1++1$-0#+);./;1.-9).0+1!);.1E1'-)"1)P0/-&'() "2(5*7)(2&(%"(-2(:35*("*#"(+(5239.&L"("799()*7"*7,(%"()#-( 4'%&":%*'(J:58P (+51-9++ /(3+3%'%2"5%3+(+NO+*%(&+&%2(),"#$/,5+0,)/+ in-@me withhis hours to spare. Waste levels must be astronomical. newspaper and started (!4&0%9-0'$(%.('X#0%!(!&%3')7(,%!;'$7(,-!;-/'$7( ^-&&#1''.KI because it’s nothing to do with EU supply issues? Closer inspec@on of the packaging -()7(12"*()7&"(#92&'(42,("*7(7=5%"7:7&";((( !"#$!$%&"&%'%$()$*+"$,+-+$-+.'&-+#$(-$ illumination. Andog Daisy #'9)/3)7&!),/.%)71.1)80-)L)1'$/0.#(1)9/0)-/) friendarthritis?" Drthan H has trained her reading. A couple of minutes later, he asked the priest, "Father, Our what causes :+0,;%+$%#)+/%&+ (+M&%#!/+$,3%+(#3+52(*%3+)/%8+/"8%+(#3+ '.(0#(02'(,#"0(#"(-%",#"07($%)0"%*40'$(-"#4.$(VY( A recent WalesOnline article^C(2,(&2"(^C;((!"#$%&'()%"*("*7(C#,.0(%&(.#$-('2&7(1$0( bizarrely claimed him A real comedy genius and hugely ealed countries of*/+$0&1&*$,!1$())2$3$+"4!4+#$)('-$(5#6*&%+-1$ origin for fruit and veg like Tanzania and Argen@na. So these Staying withwomen, food, I look have beenup. doing some research into what is no longer manufactured in afternoon they would Q'(1++80*#8*#1%$*7((1*!$(%*#$*%&'!*%&$*"%&$5*218* "Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked too much alcohol, and *($7-&"4$/+-$!$7(**5+$()$-+#$,&"+2$R($1'-@-&1+$ HL#4"(*4)(&'-9')(%.(`c(3%.40')555(]'(4.$'"(%05I /1$-(#3+(+&"8(#),!+ (0(*+"#++M&%#!/+,#)%&#(),"#(2+0%%6%#3$9++P#+ -7#-)JK!),1.1),/.%&'()>5)"/'-7!)#')7/0.) .13.1!7&'(6)) "'2#4)')(02'.($'&%9'"'$(0#(02'()2#,)(-.$(,40(#.( %&(2,.7,("2(#"",#5"()2:7&0(+(3-7.("2(3-7("*%-(B32"7(4,2:( the UK. The list isport endless but here is a He small sample Pringles ( elgium), Smar@es (Canada) ,/($,+-+$&"$*/+$7!-$89('5#$/!0+$7++"$*/+$ mes@bles are cul@vated in exo@c climes, picked, packaged, taken to the or airport, 4&'=&*;*%&":)&%*;*4":+2*!&15$*4'%&*8":contempt for your fellow man," the priest replied. "Imagine that," the drunk muttered. never…… remember. -+!55>A$1/+K1$!$F(-#+!'J$9(55&+2$3$,!1$1!*$ )*#"(#123"(-/7)Q)*%44R(>(8*,#-7()7( /E1.-&"16))L)7#E1)'/)*/08-)-719)#.1).&*&$0+/0!+9) )%7)+8%$$(.%9+A/%+0&")%E+R>;+*"1+(&%+$2%%5,#.=+$%#3+ this particular trip (Mike’s first), weThe didpriest, it in the ()2'&9')(1%02(#.'($-+(&'80(#.(02'()'&&U*4+($-0'5(60( Colman’s English Mustard (turned Germany), Terrys Chocolate returned to!-.1-$71*)#-);.1!1'-M)80-)>5)"/'-7!)#')7/0.N)) reading his paper. thinking what had tofor the !)(-+%+"*&("+#$("+1$)-(%$*/+$:!))$;!5+<$ “Well, it’s asaid, night out him.. and aOrange night(France) off forand his P ( ouses of !*#/7-87#,7L-(P#:97"0(>5"(+++0(!57&7(+W0(9%&7(S^I(( L)7#E1)#+!/)811').1#*&'()Q/8)F/.-&"1.?!) ributed around UK warehouses then delivered to the shopsabout and put he on the shelves with ,&*/$G/+$S/($P'1*$F+$V7+>+#$*/+$(*/+-$ 88#,7&"9$0(%"(52:7-(4,2:("*7(DS"*(T7&"3,$( Parliament) Sauce (The man and apologised: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come8-3%&+5I on8%+*"1&+3&%(8$9+>;+*"1+(&%+2(1./,#.=+$%#3+8%+*"1&+ so strong. HowNetherlands). long have youStaggering. had ')(-.(%.#"$%.-0'(-3#4.0(#8();%&&(0#()4,,&+(/##$)( R$!:!*+"",$2*1=5"!!*%&$*%1F+$*1(2*!1'2-*.D"*4&$5$* "23Q;($/,"#%3+0(*=+(+-1$+)"+F"'%&=+;%&&*+!&"$$,#.+ #0-/8&/(.#;79),7&$7)L)#+!/)!-./'(+9) !"#$!1=+#$*/+%$,/+*/+-$*/+>$)!"9&+#$ O7#-?!)/E1.)-7.11)91#.!)#')7/0.6))O71)/'+9),#9) A drunk who smelled like a arthritis?" -/)*/)-7&!),/0+*)81)-/)-&"1)-.#E1+)!/)"#981) "I don't have arthritis, Father," the drunk said,$8,2%9+>;+*"1+(&%+%(),#.=+$%#3+8%+(+-,)%9+>;+*"1+(&%+ "but I #!>$,/&51*$1/+$1&@@+#$!$45!11$()$,&"+$ just read in the paper that )0U%.U0%3'I(1%02(Z[(2#4")(0#(),-"'5(J-)0'(&'9'&)( -",$()*7&(-2:7"*%&'(&2"(-",#%'*"()#-( (#3+)/%#+"#+)"+K(&,$9+>+0($+$,)),#.+#%7)+)"+/,89+:)+ ere’s one for&1>$*8":*F$$(*%&$*+1!%*9$4*#"(%&!S*T"2*5$A+'$2-* you .1$/""1'*6))A0''9M);/&('#'-)#'*)E1.9)$+1E1.M) Knock knock. Who’sgot there? iKle and old lady. /!0&"4$!$7-+,+->$*('-$!"#$)-++$7++-$)(-$*/+$ brewery on a bus sat iKle old lady who? !"#$1/+$1!&#A$M3$5(0+$>('$1($%'9/A$>('$ the Pope does." 80-)1'/0(7)#8/0-)"16))L')&-)71).1$#++!)#)-#+1) XP7992;[ -719),1.1).131..&'()-/)C.)27/6))L')"9),/.+*)-7&!) beenyodel. all round Wales.” H6(.''$(+#4(&%;'(d-.(S#/2(.''$'$()0'"'#5I )0(*'(-)0"#.#3%!-&5(( idea“I’ve you could 3&,#6,#.=+$%#3+8%+(+$,59+>;+*"1+(&%+!&*,#.=+$%#3+8%+ Dover, a!)*+-"(("2$?+!-&"4$1(%+$=&"#$()$/("+>$*-!@A$ uniformed Customs Officer came onto I had no (-/7)()74"(@4,2:("*7()#,8(#&.()74"A;(N4( down next to a priest. The about having chronic flatulence as a child ="(,2$3$#("K*$="(,$/(,$3$9('5#$+0+-$5&0+$ ,/0+*)81)+&%1)*.&E&'()#-)>5)7/0.!)#)"&+1),7&$7) Staying with the drink, there has always+()#-(,7#.%&'(#123"(#(523,"(5#-7()*7,7("*7(#553-7.( been I am a man */+>$*((=$1(%+$9("0&"9&"4$*/!*$%>$())+-$,!1$ ,7&$7),#!)8/-7)1"8#..#!!&'()#'*)#-)-&"1!) *"1&+)%(&$9+>+2"'%+*"19T++Y%&+/1$-(#3+)%7)%3+-(!6E+R+ "1&+-1$+(#3+$(,3E+RS1$)+/"23+15+*"1&+5($$5"&)$+ drunk's shirt was stained, ,/0+*)81)P0&-1)!+/,)80-)'/-)0'+&%1)-.9&'()-/) ofR$!:!*41!*!&"=,$26*G$*!1'2-*.B&$5$3!*F$$(*1* a,&*/('*$>('2O$3$1!&#A$M31$*/!*$>('$(-$*/+$,&"+$ certain age so my tolerance threshold does workhis as well as it used to *239.(&2"(17(52&43-7.()%"*("*7(,79#"7.( 6(1-&;'$(%.0#(#4"(&#!-&(*-"7(<2'(O#-.%./(O#.'0(-.$( 0-+%./(1%02(8##$7(6(2-9'(*''.($#%./()#3'("')'-"!2( much snobbery attached to wine. E1.9);#&'30+6))C0.&'()/'1);#.-&$0+#.)#--#$%)71) )#-(.7-5,%17.(#-(X*#<%&'(:3,.7,23-(%&"7&";[(+()#-( 4+"'&"+2$B!'*&('15>A$*/+>$!4-++#$*($C(&"$'12$$ negotiate the recent traffic Indeed, carnage in Cardiff par@cularly when being asked toface embrace I was therefore heartened when >48+,#+)/%+)",2%)=+52%($%+(3',$%9T .1*$+(#3+>+0,22+!"8%+(2"#.+(#3+!"1#)+)/%8+(#3+ wasnew fulltechnology. of bright red A1(2$#'=*1(2*8":3>$*F$$(*'(*I1+$!P*I&1%*4$5$*8":* *!5=&"4NO$G/+$1!&#A$M3*K1$%+$*!5=&"4$*($*/+$ )-1(d-.(S#/2()%00%./(-0(02'('.$(#.(-(*-"()0##&5((6( @922/(%"(380(+(*#.("2A;( #(12-0(%)(.#(&#./'"(3-.48-!04"'$(%.(02'(VY5(<2'( people make a living from it, but I am making a ,1'-)-/)-71)C/$-/.!),7/)"#'#(1*)-/)H.1+1#!1) <&-9)<1'-.1)#!)-719)&";/!1)8&%1)+#'1!)/')-71) D&9*'-+$*/+$19+"+A$E@%$("$!$1'"">$,++=#!>$ She Who Must e Obeyed suggested I download ahad new app called What Words. This is a B3%"7(.%-#882%&"7.("2(97#,&("*#"("*%-(*#.(&2"*%&'("2(.2( lipstick andHe hequotes athe halfdoing there?” *"19T+G,6%+)1&#%3+)"+8%+(#3+$(,3+R>+3,3#4)+6#"0+ ,&"+2O )2#40'$(H^'+(d%.!'($#(+#4(1-.0(-($"%.;KI stand because of the lockdowns. I’m giving up the pressure” for him. Doctor %)('.$&'))(*40(2'"'(%)(-()3-&&()-3,&'\((R"%./&')( .1!-)/3)0!6)) (#&.(&7%'*123,(24(23,-0(97"L-(5#99(*7,(U,( naviga@on aid which#!)!#9&'(G))HQ1--1.)#')1";-9)7/0!1)-7#')#) divides the World into metre s uares and gives each s uare a uni ue +0+"&"4$!*$*/+$1&#+$+"*-!"9+$*($*/+$F-+,+->$ empty bottle of wine sticking wine, every day, all month. No wait, that’s not !"##$%&'(%)'"*%+'"*%,'"-'*.%/0'%)'"*%12%/0'% 0%+#%%3%3+(+5($$5"&)+(#3+>+/('%#4)+.")+"#%9T+>+ )%"*(5#:8%&'; '&/%43@7(=3-"0%')(?Q-.-$-@7(Q#&3-.B)(E./&%)2( combina@on of three words. I s@ll drive about a lot for business, believehome, it or not and I was ?&"!55>A$!$75+11&"4$)(-$*/+$#-&"=Q$X(#A$&"$/&1$ *7,(&#:70(%-()#9/%&'(23"()%"*(U,(V()*2( God noisy smiled andout quietly “Working from ("$B!-(5&"+$G*-++*$,/+-+$)('-$@+"1&("+-1$ ^'()2#40'$(*-!;\((HC#(02-.;)7(6B9'(-&"'-$+(/#0(#.'( O71)B#&'-1*)F/-71.:L':@#,),#!)+//%&'()3/.)$#.) tenant” which I replied: thought good. I’m giving Wine every day all month! of his pocket.was He very opened 345%6##"*'7/8$%/09:%$'"*%9:%;197;%/1%<'%8=>?$% said “oh it. spiffi ng” orup. words to that effect. Then, inassured a )0-"$(?S'"3-.+@7(<'""+)(Q2#!#&-0'(F"-./'( that this system wouldfrom be much more accurate than using our sat nav. I used it for 4((#"+11A$1+"*$*/+$4-!@+1A$*($9/++-$7(*/$ &'!0.#'$1)'/,)-7#-)71.)!-0'-)*.&E&'()*#9!)#.1) K.1!0"#8+9)-7&!),#!)&')-71)*#9!)813/.1)-71) son, working home.” ,/($9('5#$7!-+5>$1*!"#$,+-+$1++"$/!"4&"4$ '-"5I ,("2(OW(#&.(,#.%2(8,7-7&"%&';(M7(,757&"9$( _%&#99$0(-#.(&7)-0(:$(4,%7&.(U#<%.(*#-(92-"(*%-(+U;( newspaper andloca@on startedI was looking for was ou Two peopleover. out on a first date. “Doa you like the policy, $!%#%+&%8,#,$!%#)+";+(+L"&23+L(&+N+5&,$"#%&+";+0(&+ -.!'@(-.$(^R(?^#4)')(#8(R-"&%-3'.0@(=-4!'(?<2'( rst(9/0%/0'%34%*'#*':'7/97;%-989;'7>'.%#'*:9:/'7>'% @me the other day and his the uni ue three word I managed to find reasonable C/$-/.!),1.1),/.%&'()>5)"/'-7!)#')7/0.6)))) 4-+!*$!"#$1%!552$W&**5+$)((51$,&55$#-&"=$*(($ ("*($!$5!%@@(1*A$)(-$1'@@(-*A$-!*/+-$*/!"$ Merlot Tammy?” “Yes, butof you don’t pronounce reading. A couple minutes later, he asked the priest, "Father, what causes arthritis?" *7%,(4,2&"(.22,()*7,7(#(&2"7()#-(8%&&7.;(( !/.-1*)&-)/0-)#'*);#&*)3/.)&-6))B71)&')-0.')%&'*+9) ?2)(*7(%-(K3-"(U#<; Are ost Design fault or user error? "7-%017':/$5%&1/%21*%;197;%/1%<'%@*=A#B:%$'"*% %$!(5%+$)"&*=+G,6%+31!6%3+3"0#+,#)"+)/%+;"")0%22+ 02'"&-.$)@5(=0-//'"%./5(( G48+*1#*(145*U*V8$*9"5*("4 :$%#)(:3%/#)(( %'9/$!"#$4-+!*$)((51$"("+$!*$!552$$P>$-('"#2$ $ &55'%&"!*&("2$$H"$!)*+-"(("$*/+>$,('5#$ the "Mister, “t.” .1&"80.!1*)"1),&-7)-7&!)&""/.-#+)$/E1.&'() “Oh, Looks waiter: “Twobeing with cheap, Hasta la ista. it'sOk.” caused byatloose living, wicked women, too much alcohol, and -7(97#<7(8#,579(#"(422"(24(.22,;(Z%<7(V#.%2( /0'7%9:%9/C%%% #%7)+)"+8%+(#3+>+5,2%3+/,$+!"()+(#3+8,#%+"#+)"5+";+ Merlots foremail: me and“Thank Ammy.”you, the Monet !"#$"%&"%'(#$"%)*+,#% "+0+-II$-+%+%7+-2$$$ is in the bank.” I '"'B)(#.'(8#"(+#4\((HY.#!;(;.#!;5I((HJ2#B)(02'"'KI(( contempt for your fellow man," the priest replied. "Imagine that," the drunk muttered. He C7%&'(V752,.7.;[(?2"("2(17(23".2&7()7( /,89+>+)"23+/,8+#")+)"+8"'%=+0/,2$)+0%+0%&%+-")/+ /3)$/0.!1)$/0'-1.1*)-7&!),&-7)HO71.1),#!).1#++9) Talking Ourreturned friend Dr H to hasreading trained her Daisy toThe bring her a bottle of redabout wine. No surprise 0&'(#&$(&-$+5I((H>%00&'(#&$(&-$+(12#KI((H6(2-$(.#(%$'-( hisdog paper. priest, thinking what he had said, turned to the H$#-'"=$,/($1%+55+#$5&=+$!$7-+,+->$4(*$ '/)'11*)-/)(&E1)"1)#);.&$1+1!!)&";.1!!&/'&!-) &%31!%3+)"+2(1./,#.+1#!"#)&"22(-2*9+D/%+U1$)"8$+ (#&.(+(87&&7.("*7(42992)%&'(&2"7I(XY97#-7( really, she’s a Bordeaux collie. I was sat with She Who Must Be Obeyed the other day whilst of 4(!#4&$(+#$'&5I ("$!$7'1$!"#$1!*$#(,"$"+J*$*($!$@-&+1*2$ painting but thank you anyway.” man and apologised: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had .1*+0(26%3+)/%+-1$=+3,3+)/%+!"1#)=+8,$$%3+G,6%+ arthritis?" "I don't have arthritis, Father," the drunk said, "but I just read in the paper that :/+$#-'"=K1$1/&-*$,!1$1*!&"+#A$/&1$)!9+$ As we have observed when people type -3(-(3-.(#8(-(!'"0-%.(-/'()#(3+(0#&'"-.!'( ,!1$)'55$()$7-&4/*$-+#$5&@1*&9=$!"#$/+$/!#$ the Pope does." ')2#&$($#')(.#0(1#";(-)(1'&&(-)(%0(4)'$(0#( !$/!5)6+%@*>$7(**5+$()$,&"+$1*&9=&"4$('*$()$ 0%!4&-"&+(12'.(*'%./(-);'$(0#('3*"-!'(.'1( /&1$@(9=+*2$L+$(@+"+#$/&1$"+,1@!@+-$!"#$ Staying with the drink, there has always been CARDIFF TIMES 11 2.#&#/+5(6(1-)(02'"'8#"'(2'-"0'.'$(12'.(=2'( 1*!-*+#$-+!#&"42$H$9('@5+$()$%&"'*+1$5!*+-A$ much snobbery attached to wine. Indeed, #(O4)0(]'(F*'+'$()4//')0'$(6($#1.&#-$(-(.'1( /+$!1=+#$*/+$@-&+1*A$M?!*/+-A$,/!*$9!'1+1$ people make a living from it, but I am making a ,(!-&&'$(J2-0_J#"$)5(<2%)(%)(-(.-9%/-0%#.(-%$( !-*/-&*&1NO$MP&1*+-A$&*K1$9!'1+#$7>$5((1+$5&0&"4A$ stand because of the lockdowns. I’m giving up

The First World War has ended, but it hasn’t gone away.

© Benjamin Turner

When the War Came Home is Welsh author Lesley Parr’s second historical fiction novel for children. Just like her debut, The Valley of Lost Secrets, it is full of heart, adventure and intrigue.

When Natty has to move to a new village, she meets two young soldiers who are still battling the effects of war. Huw can’t forget the terrible things he’s seen, but Johnny doesn’t even remember who he is. As Natty tries to keep a secret and unravel a mystery, she finds her own way to fight for what she believes in - and learns that some things should never be forgotten. Here is a sneak peek extract taken from the book which is available online and in all good bookshops now … I walk and walk, every step taking me away from this new life I don’t want. A new school, another just-for-now place to live, new people. A bus passes and I realise I’m on the road out, the road to Libanwy. I want to keep going, keep walking until I get home. The hill’s getting steeper, my chest getting tighter. I stop and sit on a low wall, my back to the road, and look out across the fields and up into the mountains. The view’s not so different to the one I know, but I might as well be a hundred miles away. There’s the Gweld, and the open space Nerys said is good for picnics and rolling down. An odd, spluttering laugh bursts out of me as I picture her tumbling down the mountain. I bet she goes like heck. 12 CARDIFF TIMES

Now that I’ve caught my breath, I get up and step over the wall. The road to Libanwy disappears over the top of the hill. Grudgingly I turn and head back down to Ynysfach. In the distance, between the trees and yellow daffodils, is a perfect square. The bowling green. I wonder if Johnny, Charles and Lavinia are there now. She said they are most days. I smile, remembering Charles’s jokes and Johnny saying ‘speckled bread’. It felt like – I don’t know – like we had something in common. More than me and Nerys ever will. Maybe because this is her home, not ours. Me, Johnny, Charles … we’ve all been forced to come here, we didn’t choose this place. I look down at my boots as I walk, at my bootlaces, and Johnny’s words float into my mind: But I didn’t come home, did I? All that time in Belgium, when all they ever wanted was to win the war and get back home. That’s so much worse than Mam losing another job and us having to come to Ynysfach. Here I am, feeling sorry for myself, when Johnny doesn’t even know where his home is. A mad thought comes into my head. And it grows and grows. I walk faster, towards the park.

In The Words Of

by Carl Marsh

where I have always wanted to go, yet never had the chance. It’s a gorgeous place called Portmeirion, which is next to Harlech. My sister has friends who have a place in Harlech, so I went there with her, her kids and my Dad. Unfortunately, my Dad is now very ill with Cancer, so this could have been the last holiday he will be able to take. I will write about it on the next page. INTERVIEWS

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s start by saying it will be better than last year [could it get any worse?]. I can only hope that your Christmas was brilliant [I am writing this on the 20th of December], but with the threat of more restrictions by the drip in charge of Wales, well… I hope that you had a blast, and seeing as nightclubs are shut from the 27th of December, Cardiff Bay must have been busy for New Year’s Eve with all those revellers with nowhere else to go! I could rant for an eternity about Mr D and his fanatics in the Welsh Government, so I will leave that to all my readers to ponder over. My Christmas present to myself this year was a new Volvo XC40. I went to pick it up from the Cardiff showroom, was given the keys to the shiny new motor outside and moved all my stuff into the car for me to be told that they had ordered the wrong car! My order was for an AWD [four-wheel drive] as I live very rural. The car standing there was front-wheel-drive only. The rest of the spec was correct. Now I have to wait until March for a new one to be built. The garage has been so apologetic, yet I still don’t know why the error had occurred. I will keep you all posted. NEW YEAR SUGGESTION In the summer, I went to a place in Wales 14 CARDIFF TIMES

Just the one this month as I wanted to devote a page to Portmeirion and my Dad. Nina Conti is playing at St David’s Hall on Sunday the 16th of January at 19:30 hours (or 7:30 pm if you’re not ex-Military, like me). The show is called The Dating Game, and if anyone knows what Nina is like, you’ll know she is a ventriloquist and an excellent one at that. This new show will have her do a derailed version of Blind Date [if you’re too young to know this show, just DuckDuckGo it (search engine)]. Nina will be aided by her face masks and devices, and no doubt ‘Monkey’ will make an appearance. Voice throwing at its most excellent, I know it’ll be hilarious, and with lots of audience participation, you just know each night of this tour will produce a uniqueness to each performance. I have watched her on TV and YouTube many times and have never failed to laugh so much. I hope you can all stay sane throughout this year, so do take care, and remember: “Never take anyone, or anything, for granted and live each day as if it’s your last!” Carl Marsh Twitter - @InTheWordsOf_CM Facebook - @InTheWordsOf YouTube – InTheWordsOf

In January, a Place to Go in Wales - Portmeirion, Gwynedd, North Wales. As I mentioned in my column, I visited this breath-stealing place in the summer. And I know it is not in Cardiff, and I know it is about a four hours’ drive, but what a drive it is once you leave the M4 and start to get past Carmarthen and heading towards Aberystwyth and that coast road! With my sister having access to a former railway cottage in Harlech, a few miles from Portmeirion, I thought it would be a ‘two birds with one stone’ situation - I emailed Meurig Jones, who is the most knowledgeable at Portmeirion Village. He invited my family and me along. I didn’t expect a VIP tour around the site on a golf buggy with Meurig being our guide, but yes, that is what we had. I cannot thank him and the rest of the staff enough. If you happen to see any travel shows that end up in Portmeirion, it tends to be Meurig that you will see talking about the place. As I previously wrote, we did go in the summer,

but it was packed. Meurig said that it was much quieter and allows you plenty of room to manoeuvre if people visited in the early months of the year, so that is what I am doing. You can stay over as there is a hotel and many self-catering accommodations. You will also find some Village Rooms serviced by the hotel, and all rooms and accommodations are unique. I could fill page after page of who has stayed here, but The Beatles take some beating for me. And let’s not forget The Prisoner was filmed here, which is how I got to hear about the place. By having Meurig as a guide, we did get to find out all about the designer and original owner, Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, who between 1925 and 1975 built it all in the style of an Italian village; a charitable trust now owns it. I am so glad I made an effort, and I will return. (Sadly, not long after this holiday, my Dad has gotten very sick, so the pics you see contain my Dad, Sister, her kids and Meurig, and my Dad is now stuck at home with a hospital bed and carers four times a day due to cancer which the GP overlooked, so my Dad had to pay privately to find out!)


There aren’t many ventriloquists as funny and skilled as Nina Conti; there aren’t. Nina is for the adults, aside from any kids’ party types, as sexual innuendos are aplenty, voiced mainly by her favourite sidekick, Monkey. This tour is called The Dating Show and will involve a lot of audience participation with the ‘volunteers’ wearing a face mask device controlled by Nina and a lot of voice throwing around the innuendos as mentioned earlier of a sexual kind - no doubt! I spoke to Nina on the phone, and this is what she had to say to me:

person that people will like, rather than someone who is thrusting! [Laughter]

Carl Marsh

That’s what Monkey is always there for, as he’s like my casting agent. So, when I start the show, I’m talking to people with Monkey, and I can get a pretty good idea of someone quite quickly. If the audience is already kind of laughing at the answers, or the conversation that you’re having with someone [via Monkey], you can feel when the audience engages and thinks, “well, we’d like to see that person” or “we want to know more”, so I take all my direction off the audience.

With the central theme of this tour being about dating, and with us all still being in this Covid nightmare, I can’t see it being an issue if the audience participants come up onto the stage wearing a mask, as they will have to put a more oversized ‘animatronics’ type mask on top! Nina Conti The (my) face masks are pretty COVID friendly. They will protect the person as they are cleaner than they’ve ever been, with more cleaning than I had used to do. But, yeah, it’s just the same as it used to be now, even though it’s funny to think of the mask as being some big sort of naturally protective wittingly.

Carl Marsh The only issue you’ve got is that people who go to shows like to have a drink - some more than others! So, it must be hard to be careful who you pick out for the skits? Nina Conti

I do enjoy this - even though - when you’re doing an unscripted thing, it’s got a bit of an edge to it that’s thrilling, so I’m excited to go out there. I can’t wait to get people up. I can’t wait. Carl Marsh

Carl Marsh What’s been the biggest nightmare you’ve had on the stage when you’ve had audience participation to aid you?

And also, it’s probably one of the only entertainment tours you could watch every night and at every location, and you get a different thing every night.

Nina Conti

Nina Conti

There’s been sometimes where I’ve got somebody up, and they’ve been a bit too cocky. I always end up talking about this because if you get a group of lads needed a ladder, he’ll start making some thrusting sex moves, and I’m not shockable or offended, but the audience doesn’t go for it. The work I have to do then is to make them be a bit more - what’s the word - empathic, likable and compassionate

Yeah, you’d get a different show. You might have to sit through about five minutes of jokes with Monkey and me at the beginning, but from then on, you know, the rest of the time is new; and new to me! [Laughs]


Nina Conti - The Dating Show is on Sunday 16th January 2022 at St David’s Hall.

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Almost in Angola - What Happened Next by Sara John !"#$%&'()&#**)#$)+&,(&-.)&/#$+,00&-,1)2&345)16)$& )+,%,4(7&-.,2&,2&"#$%&-8479 :(&5,)8&40&4;$&%.$)#%)()+&<=>?&#1&2%#$%&%.)&()@%&+#A&#(+& #B%.4;C.&8)&8)$)&%,$)+&#0%)$&4;$&+#A&4(&2#0#$,D&8)&8)$)& B44E,(C&04$8#$+&%4&.#5,(C&+,(()$&%4C)%.)$7&F)&8)$)D&6A& (48D&$)B#@)+D&G4104$%#6B)&#(+&.#**A&,(&)#G.&4%.)$H2& G41*#(A7&I41)4()&#2E)+&,0&8)&.#+&2(#E)=*$440)+&4;$& $4412&8,%.&#&%48)BD&6)04$)&8)&.#+&#22)16B)+&%4C)%.)$D& )5)(&%.4;C.&8)&.#+&6))(&$)#22;$)+&%.#%&2,C.%,(C&2(#E)2& was a rare occurrence! Everyone said YES! The rolled #(+&%8,2%)+&G4B4;$)+&%48)B&8)(%&;(+)$&%.)&J44$=KB44$&C#*& 0$41&%.)&4;%2,+)&8.)(&8)&8)$)&)B2)8.)$)&6;%&84;B+&6)& very firmly replaced on the inside when we returned and 8)$)&$)#+A&%4&C4&%4&2B))*7 L#%.)$,(C&%4C)%.)$&,(&%.)&$)#$&$)G)*%,4(&#$)#&C#5)&;2& a chance to ask each other questions about what the )5)(,(C&1,C.%&.4B+7&J,+&#(A4()&E(48&8.#%&#&6$#,&8#2M& I41)4()&2#,+&%.)A&.)#$+&,%&8#2&%.)&B4G#B&(#1)&04$&#& barbeque but pronounced Brie just like the cheese. What +,+&8)&%.,(E&84;B+&6)&4(&%.)&1)(;M&:&2)G$)%BA&.4*)+&,%& 8#2&(4%.,(C&8)&.#+&*.4%4C$#*.)+&)#$B,)$&=&1,C.%&%.)$)&6)& fish? If so, where had it come from? -.)(D&4;$&C;,+)2&#$$,5)+&B44E,(C&5)$A&84$$,)+7&-.)A& )@*B#,()+&%.#%&#B%.4;C.&#&6$#,&8#2&*B#(()+&04$&%.,2& )5)(,(C&#&2%$4(C&8,(+&.#+&G41)&;*D&8.,G.D&8,%.&%.)&5)$A& large fire pit used for cooking out of doors, would be too $,2EA&%4&B,C.%7&F,%.&1#(A&#*4B4C,)2&0$41&%.)1D&8)&8)$)& #2E)+&,0&8)&G4;B+&*422,6BA&8#,%&%,BB&%414$$48&)5)(,(C&%4& enjoy a brai. They reassured us that our “treat” had not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lions, already with great fine manes and with extraordinary *$)2)(G)7&TBB&8)$)&%;GE,(C&,(%4&!#(+&,%&8#2&#G%;#BBA&P,(%4H9& #&5)$A&+)#+&8,B+)6))2%7&-.)A&+,+&(4%&)5)(&B44E&;*&#%& ;27&-.)A&2.#$)+&%.)&044+&#14(C&%.)&C$4;*D&8,%.&O;2%&#(& 4GG#2,4(#B&B,C.%&C$48B&40&8#$(,(C&8.,G.&1,C.%&%$#(2B#%)&


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to manhood. There was international competition. You !"#$%&'(($&)*&)+&*,(&-)./&0*&1-2&-&$)3)+4&(5-67$(&"'&4(+%(.& %)''(.(+!(&4")+4&8-!9&*"&*,(&:*"+(&;4(/&<,(&"3(.1,($6)+4& 6)5&"'&="+!(&)+&-&$)'(*)6(>?&*,(&1)%(&3-.)(*@&"'&=1,-*&)'2>& -+%&A#2*&2-@)+4&*,(&1".%&=!."!"%)$(>?&,-%&4"*&*,(&!,-72& !,-+4)+4&2(-*2&-+%&1-+*)+4&*"&2)*&*"4(*,(./&;*&*,(&8-!9/& B)9(&*,(@&%)%&("+2&-4"&1,(+&*,(@&1"#$%&-$$&4"&"''&*"4(*,(.& *"&,#+*&6-66"*,2?&".&6".(&.(!(+*$@&4")+4&*"&-&C#48@& 0+*(.+-*)"+-$&)+&(5!)*)+4&'".()4+&7$-!(2/&D"6-+$(22/

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The girls stayed quiet. They just wanted it to be over. They 1-+*(%&*"&4"&,"6(/&<,(@&1-+*(%&*"&4"&,"6(&1)*,"#*& -+@&7-.*2&6)22)+4/&D(&$""9(%&"#*&"'&*,(&1)+%"12&-+%&"#.& 4#)%(2&7")+*(%&"#*&-+%&*"$%&#2&-8"#*&*,(&4."#7&"'&E).-''(2& 1,"&1(.(&!."22)+4&*,(&*.-!9/&E.-!('#$&-+%&($(4-+*&1)*,& *,().&@"#+4?&)%(+*)!-$&*"&*,().&6"*,(.2&)+&(3(.@&1-@/&F#*&)+& -&6#!,&26-$$(.&2)G(/

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Further along, for the first time we saw Dik-Diks the 26-$$(2*&"'&;'.)!-+&-+*($"7(?&1,"&1(.(&"+$@&-8"#*&*1"&'""*& ,)4,/&;&$-.4(&4."#7&"'&*,(6&1(.(&8#2@&(-*)+4&4.((+(.@/& <,(@?&1(&1(.(&*"$%?&1(.(&'#$$@&4."1+&2"&*,().&@"#+4&6#2*& 8(&A#2*&-&,-+%'#$&"'&8(-#*@/ ;&4."#7&"'&".@5?&*,(&+-*)"+-$&-+)6-$&"'&H-6)8)-&2$"1$@&-+%& ($(4-+*$@&6-%(&*,().&1-@&-!."22&*,(&*.-!9/ <,(.(&1(.(&-&$-.4(&4."#7&"'&3#$*#.(2&"+&*,(&4."#+%&+"*&'-.& away close to finishing off someone or something who had -$.(-%@&-$6"2*&%)2-77(-.(%/ ;$$&*""&2""+&1(&2-1&*,(&'(+!(2?&2)4+2&-+%&)+'".6-*)"+& 8"-.%2&1($!"6)+4&#2&*"&<,(&I."!"%)$(&J-.6/&K:#.($@&"+$@& *,(&!."!"%)$(2&*,(62($3(2&1"#$%&,-3(&7#*&#7&*,"2(&2)4+2L& M."8-8$@&*"&$#.(&N#."7(-+&3)2)*".2&)+2)%(O/


D(&2-1&-+%&$(-.+*&2"&6#!,R&;$$&*""&2""+&)*&1-2&*)6(&*"&2-@& and wave goodbye. We were quite tearful. We had met -+&(5!(7*)"+-$&,"2*&1,"&*"$%&#2&2"&6#!,&-8"#*&!."!"%)$(2& -+%&7."3)%(%&-&1-.6&1($!"6(&'".&#2?&!"67$(*(&2*.-+4(.2?& -2&1($$/& <,(&A"#.+(@&8-!9&*"&!-67&7."3)%(%&#2&1)*,&-+&"77".*#+)*@& *"&7."!(22?&)'?&)+&'-!*&*,-*&1-2&7"22)8$(?&*,(&%-@>2& 7."!((%)+42/&T"2*&"'&#2&$)3(%&-+%&1".9(%&)+&8#2@&6"%(.+& !)*)(2U&4-.%(+&8).%2?&!-*2&-+%&%"42?&*,(&"%%&'"5&)'&@"#&1(.(& $#!9@&1(.(&*,(&"+$@&-+)6-$2&@"#&2-1/&D(&,-%&(+A"@(%&-& .(-$&(57(.)(+!(&1)*,&-+&(57(.*&1,"&!$(-.$@&$"3(%&,)2&$)'(?& -+%&,(&(+A"@(%&2"&,(&2-)%?&2,-.)+4&*,(&1"+%(.&"'&)*&-$$&1)*,& #2/&0*&1-2&-&"+!(&)+&-&$)'(*)6(&!,-+!(/&D"#$%&-+@"+(&(3(.& 8($)(3(&#2L D(&,-%&*)6(&'".&-&21)6&1,(+&1(&-..)3(%&8-!9?&+"& !."!"%)$(2&)+&2)4,*?&-&8.)('&.(2*?&-&!,-+4(&"'&!$"*,(2&-+%& 1(&1(.(&.(-%@&*"&(+A"@&"#.&(3(+)+4&*"4(*,(./&;&4."#7& "'&2*.-+4(.2&'."6&%)''(.(+*&!"#+*.)(2&1,"&,-%&2,-.(%& 2"&6#!,&*"4(*,(.&-$.(-%@/&D(&1(.(&-$$&)+*.)4#(%&-*&*,(& 7."27(!*&"'&-**(+%)+4&-&F.-)/

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“A little like ourselves,” someone said.

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<1)"%#(,4#1,*#1//#)((#&((,#+)#$1&#1//#(2"%4#37)#?#8"/)#/+))/"# strange, I wondered if I had caught La Mal D’Afrique?


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Fashion done your own way by Molly Dutton The New Year is all about new beginnings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some really unique fashion choices and I 5"%$'!"#'."'(0*)':$":5$'0&$';*02&0-1'/"' express themselves through their outfits. My style has slowly adapted to fit the fast-paced 5-2$./)5$'0*1'8'0(',"-*,'/"'$@:5"&$'/!0/'#-/!' )";'055'-*'/!-.'("*/!A.'0&/-95$3' B*$'"2'/!$'(0-*'/!-*,.'/!0/'8'!0%$'5$0&*/7' $.:$9-055)'/!&";,!'/!$':&"9$..'"2'("%-*,' ";/7'-.'/!0/')";'(;./'!0%$'0'.$5$9/-"*'"2' ./0:5$'-/$(.'/!0/'90*'+$'#"&*'/-($'0*1'/-($' 0,0-*3'C!-.'#-55'.0%$')";'/-($'0*1'05."'0' 5"/'"2'./&$..'#!$*')";'!0%$'/"':;/'/",$/!$&' outfits for different events and situations; 2&"(',"-*,'";/'2"&'0'(-1D10)'#056'/"'10*9-*,' 055'*-,!/'-*'/!$'95;+3 E)'/":'-/$('"2'50./')$0&'-.'0'.;&:&-.-*,' "*$3'F$%$&'1-1'8'/!-*6'/!0/'8'#";51'.!0&$' 0*'-/$('/!0/'!0.':&-1$'"2':509$'-*'()'101A.' #0&1&"+$'G1$.:-/$'!-.'$@9$55$*/'./)5$H3'C!$' item in question is in fact a gilet. Now, I know (0*)'"2')";'#";51'!0%$':-9/;&$1'0'20&($&' -*'0'*-9$'#0&('9";*/&)'.$//-*,'0.'.""*'0.'8' ($*/-"*$1'/!0/'20.!-"*'-/$(7'+;/'8'*$$1')";' 055'/"'!$0&'($'";/'"*'/!-.'"*$3'C!$',-5$/'-.' /!$':$&2$9/'/&0*.-/-"*05'-/$('/"'!0%$'-*')";&' #0&1&"+$7':0&/-9;50&5)'+$/#$$*'.$0."*.' .;9!'0.'#-*/$&'0*1'.:&-*,3'I&0*1.'5-6$'J0&0' !0%$'&$055)'50/9!$1'"*/"'/!-.'-1$0'0*1'.!"#*' 26 CARDIFF TIMES

!"#'."($/!-*,'/!0/'#0.'"*9$'9"*.-1$&$1'/"' be quite unfashionable can be made into a 6$)'95"/!-*,'9!"-9$3'C!$'+$0;/)'"2'/!$',-5$/' -.'/!0/'-/'90*'+$'#"&*'"%$&'0'9"(2"&/0+5$' >;(:$&'0*1'6$$:')";'#0&('#-/!";/'&0-.-*,' )";&'/$(:$&0/;&$'-*'/!$'.0($'#0)'/!0/'0' 9"0/'#";513'C!$)'05."'5""6'&$055)',""1'#!$*' +5$*1$1'#-/!'/!$'K0/!5$-.;&$A'9&0L$'"2'#!-/$' ."96.'0*1'#!-/$'/&0-*$&.'0.'/!$)'$5$%0/$'/!$' sporty aesthetic of any outfit. I personally :0-&'(-*$'#-/!'0'%-*/0,$'.#$0/.!-&/7'5"/.' "2',"51'>$#$55$&)7'+5096'5$,,-*,.7'0*1' ."($'F-6$'4-&'M"&9$'/&0-*$&.'G/!$.$'#-55' +$'1-.9;..$1'50/$&H3'?!-5./',-5$/.'90*'+$' :;&9!0.$.'0*)#!$&$7'8'2";*1'(-*$'2"&'NO'-*' ()'5"905'9!0&-/)'.!":'."'-2')";A&$';*.;&$'"2' #!$/!$&')";'#0*/'/"'-*%$./'-*'/!-.'/&$*17':":' 1"#*'/"')";&'5"905'.!":'0*1'.$$'-2')";'90*' find a bargain. C!-.'*$@/'"*$'(-,!/'.$$('&0/!$&'+"&-*,7' +;/'8':&"(-.$')";'#-55'/!0*6'($3'42/$&'+$-*,'

exposed to all types of events in the city, I have learnt that a good pair of white trainers will never go a miss. I must have brought about six pairs of my favourite shoes to Leeds (apparently bringing them all wasn’t a sensible idea, I disagree), but the one pair that have fitted every outfit are my Nike Air Force 1’s. Whilst these shoes are typically associated with teen girls, I believe that they should be an item that everyone invests in as they offer practicality and style. I wear my pair with almost every outfit in the city, they even compliment all of my clubbing outfits, because trying to dance to ABBA in heels is not easily done (I learnt that the hard way). Even if you don’t fancy spending the money on Nike products, any pair of white trainers will have the same effect. ASOS have a large selection of affordable, comfortable trainers that are equally stylish and can be replaced cheaply if necessary. My final recommendation comes in the form of staple jewellery. I was always taught that it is essential to find any piece of staple jewellery that makes you feel special, even if it is just a small, simple ring. If you’ve been reading these articles for a while, you will know that I don’t do small and simple, so my choice of accessories is slightly bolder and might not be to everyone’s taste. I have developed a love for big (faux) gold pieces, particularly hoop earrings and rings. I will very rarely be seen out without my staple gold hoops and my stacked gold rings. One of the joys of jewellery is that you can pick items that represent your personality perfectly and, in doing so, you can match them to any of your clothing items. I think that it is so important to communicate your personality through your style and this is a really simple way that you can begin to do that without too much hassle. If you’re unsure of where to begin, it is always good to think about whether you prefer gold or silver items; this is a very personal decision which can often be made easier by looking at what colours you wear in your everyday

outfits. Then, you can pick which type of jewellery you want to wear. My mum has always loved big statement necklaces that have bold, unique elements, whereas I usually avoid necklaces as they don’t match my style in the same way. You don’t need to break your bank either. My famous hoops came from a pack from Primark that was around the £3 mark. Mostly what I’ve learnt from city fashion is that it is vital to have your own personal style, even if you enjoy trends. You can still join in with all of the popular looks whilst maintaining an element of individuality; for example, you might want to invest in the puffer jacket trend, but maybe purchase one in a unique colour that lets you express yourself.

© Kärlek Studio CARDIFF TIMES 27


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Joe is an ex-Army Medic and is now a full-time Personal Trainer where he helps people regain their confidence through exercise.

What Does Exercise Mean To Me? !"#$%&'(#)%"* !"#$%&'%()*#+%')%#,#-(&+#.%/%0#1&#2#%*3$4% )5%6+%2&#7%&'%3+%3%*#3$+%')%3$%#$8%3$8%3+% “something we just have to do”. It doesn’t "32#%')%0#%'"&+%734%3+%'"#-#%3-#%+)%*3$4% benefits to exercise when you look below the +6-53(#%1#2#1%)5%96+'%1)+&$:%7#&:"'%)-%06&18&$:% *6+(1#%5)-%#,3*;1#<%/$%'"&+%3-'&(1#.%/%73$'% ')%+"3-#%7&'"%4)6%*4%)7$%#,;#-&#$(#+%)5% 7"3'%#,#-(&+#%"3+%8)$#%5)-%*#%3$8%");#56114% &$+;&-#%4)6%')%+'3-'%#,#-(&+&$:%5)-%4)6-+#15<%

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Sweet little Mystery - The Songs of John Martyn 23 January 2022 Soul jazz diva Sarah Jane Morris and guitarist Tony Remy pay homage to the sublime genius of John Martyn – a restless, often selfdestructive artist whose unique voice and music is both breathtakingly bold and achingly tender in its beauty. 2019 marks 10 years since his tragically early death aged 60.

JESUS JONES 12th February 2022 Jesus Jones have achieved a number of huge worldwide hits, including “International Bright Young Thing”, and “Who? Where? Why?”. The band were awarded an MTV award for “Best New Artist”, as well as being nominated for a Grammy.

To find out more information about all the events at Acapela visit or ring the box office on 029 2089 0862 34 CARDIFF TIMES  

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G a otts, a a ei s, Flook, Toploader, Chris Difford, a ones a e e , Alistair McGowan, Tom Robinson, Tony Christie, Altered Images, Go on Gi t a , Geno Washington, Peatbog Faeries, Dean Friedman, an a , ha ata , Albert Lee, Nell en, eth o e , e , he h istians, ah ene, o o eag s, e an , ooten a e s, iot a an , ia s o ato, a an, na e a is, a o e, st ha e, he h ee eg ees an LEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR THE FULL SCHEDULE - OVER 150 EVENTS A YEAR!


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Scott Gammer - A Welsh Heavyweight Hope by Ralph Oates !"#$%"&$'()%$*+&,"%&-".&-%."/0-1*.$"%*22"'2%')." ',,0'3,"',,$#,*-#"40-1",&$"1$5*'"'#5"/672*3"',"2'0+$8"9-" ,&$0$"%'."'"5$+0$$"-4"*#,$0$.,"%&$#"93-,,":'11$0" 1'5$"&*."4-0')"*#,-",&$"/0-4$..*-#'2"0'#;."-#",&$"<=" 9$/,$17$0">??>8"!,",&$"@$*.60$"A$#,0$"*#"9%'#.$'B" :'11$0"4622)"5$2*($0$5"%&$#"*#"'"4-60"0-6#5"3-#,$.,B" he stopped his opponent Leighton Morgan in the first -4"'"4-60"0-6#5"3-#,$.,8" C-0+'#"&'5"3-1$"*#,-",&$" fight undefeated in two bouts. :'11$0"%&-"%'."7-0#"-#" ,&$">D"E3,-7$0"<FGH"%'." 1'#'+$5"7)"I'62"J-)3$" '#5",0'*#$5"7)"&*."4',&$0" K'2/&":'11$08

20 fights with 4 wins and 16 defeats. At the Motorpoint !0$#'"*#"A'05*44"A2'0;$"%'."#-,"'72$",-",&*.",*1$"2'.,",&$" full four rounds when stopped in the first stanza.

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!"#$%&'($)&*#%$&+&,-.-/$%0&1)-&2-3#-&."4&$)-&!"#$&'/%& the Octagon Centre, Sheffield in Yorkshire. The contest 5"356#,-,&')-3&7/88-4&'"3&!9&'/9&".&/&%$"::/;-& (3&4"#3,&-(;)$0&<)(6-&'/($(3;&."4&)(%&%)"$&/$&$)-&=4($(%)& $($6-&7/88-4&>-:$&!#%9&/3,&"3&$)-&?@&A-:$-8!-4& 2005, he entered the square ring at the Showground (3&B/48/4$)-3&$"&./5-&C#6(#%&D4/35(%E&/&."48-4&=4($(%)& /3,&B"88"3'-/6$)&)-/29'-(;)$&5)/8:("30&D4/35(%& '/%&$)-&!(;;-%$&3/8-&$)-&<-6%)8/3&)/,&./5-,&$"& ,/$-0&D4/35(%&)/,&2/%$&-F:-4(-35-&)/2(3;&."#;)$&"3&GH& "55/%("3%&'(33(3;&+?&!"#$%&6"%(3;&++&/3,&,4/'(3;&I&".& )(%&%/(,&!"#$%0&1)-&."48-4&$($6-&)"6,-4&)/,&."#;)$&8/39& top fighters in his time. However, it was clear his best days were behind him. He had lost his last 12 fights in /&4"'&!-."4-&8--$(3;&7/88-4&/3,&$4#$).#669E&)-&'/%& 3"$&/&,/3;-4&$"&$)-&<-6%)&!"F-40&A"&($&5/8-&/%&3"&;4-/$& %#4:4(%-&$)/$&7/88-4&,-.-/$-,&)(%&"::"3-3$&!9&/3& -(;)$&4"#3,&:"(3$J%&,-5(%("3&$"&>--:&)(%&5/4--4&;"(3;&(3& /3&#:'/4,%&,(4-5$("30&A#4-3&K/6/5)9/3&'/%&$)-&3-F$&$"& 8--$&7/88-4&/$&$)-&LFB-6&M4-3/E&N"5>6/3,&(3&O"3,"3& "3&$)-&I@&N-5-8!-4&+@@P0&1)-&2(%($"4&5/8-&'($)&/& slate of 16 fights winning 8 and losing 8. This was in no way a risky contest for the home fighter merely a !"#$&$"&>--:&)(8&/5$(2-&#3$(6&)(%&=4($(%)&$($6-&5)/66-3;-& $"">&:6/5-0&M$&$)-&-3,&".&%(F&4"#3,%&7/88-4&'"3&"3&/& :"(3$%&,-5(%("30 1)-&$(8-&)/,&3"'&5"8-&."4&7/88-4J%&!(;&5)/35-Q&/3& "::"4$#3($9&$"&'(3&$)-&=4($(%)&)-/29'-(;)$&5)/8:("3%)(:& ')(5)&'/%&2/5/3$0&1)-&$($6-&%)"$&5/8-&"3&$)-&IH&C#3-& +@@H&/;/(3%$&/&8/3&7/88-4&)/,&/64-/,9&,-.-/$-,E& R/4>&K4-35-E&')"&%$-::-,&(3$"&$)-&4(3;&'($)&/&3"'& resume of 26 fights comprising of 21 victories and 5 defeats. The Welshman was undefeated in 16 fights (356#,(3;&I&,4/'0&7/88-4&'/%&$)-&./2"#4($-&$"&'(3& $)-&5)/8:("3%)(:&/3,&'"3&!9&%$"::/;-&(3&4"#3,&S& ".&I+0&1)-&./3%&(3&/$$-3,/35-&/$&$)-&A)"';4"#3,&(3& B/48/4$)-3&'-4-&"2-4*"9-,&$"&%--&$)-(4&8/3&!-5"8-& $)-&3-'&5)/8:("3&(3&$)-&,(2(%("30&T3&'(33(3;&$)(%&$($6-& 7/88-4&!-5/8-&*#%$&$)-&%-2-3$)&<-6%)&!"F-4&$"&'(3& $)-&=4($(%)&)-/29'-(;)$&5)/8:("3%)(:0&1)-&:4-2("#%& )"6,-4%&!-(3;&C/5>&U-$-4%-3E&1"889&D/44E&C")339& <(66(/8%E&C"-&L4%>(3-E&V-2(66-&R-/,-&/3,&N/2(,&U-/45-0 In his next bout Gammer made the first defence of )(%&=4($(%)&54"'3&/;/(3%$&/3&"::"3-3$&')"&)-&)/,& :4-2("#%69&8-$&/3,&,-.-/$-,&-/46(-4&(3&)(%&5/4--4E&R(5>9& Steeds a fighter who had complied a record of 9 fights W&2(5$"4(-%&'($)&I&,-.-/$0&M$&$)-&M./3&O(,"E&U"4$&1/6!"$& "3&$)-&I?&T5$"!-4&+@@H&7/88-4&4-$/(3-,&$)-&54"'3& '($)&/&I+&4"#3,E&:"(3$J%&,-5(%("30&1)-&%-5"3,&,-.-35-& 5/8-&"3&$)-&+&R/45)&+@@X&/;/(3%$&."48-4&=4($(%)&/3,& B"88"3'-/6$)&)-/29'-(;)$&5)/8:("3&N/339&<(66(/8%& ')"&'/%&/&2-49&-F:-4(-35-,&!"F-4&)/2(3;&$/>-3&:/4$& (3&G+&!"#$%&'(33(3;&?H&/3,&6"%(3;&H0&<(66(/8%&)/,& $"&)(%&54-,($&,-.-/$-,&$)-&."48-4&#3,(%:#$-,&'"46,& )-/29'-(;)$&$($6-&)"6,-4&R(>-&19%"3&!9&/&."#4&4"#3,& >3"5>"#$&(3&+@@GE&/3,&(3&$)-&%/8-&9-/4&5)/66-3;-,&."4&

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Daughter becomes author on grief the day her mum dies! I experienced my biggest dream and worst nightmare all in one day because on 13 October 2021, I became a self-published author with my book Mastering Your Crown; A Guide to Transforming Anxiety, Fear, Loss and Grief in Times of Crisis and kissed my wonderful mum goodbye for the very last time. Mum and I were best friends so in 2013 when she was diagnosed with a terminal lung disease, our worlds came crashing down. As a consequence, along with my innate sensitivity as an empath and healer, in 2016 I experienced a severe episode of mental illness; anxiety, panic attack and PTSD that led me to become agoraphobic. Anticipatory grief from my mum’s diagnoses and repressed grief from previous loss were the cause. Then during the first ever COVID lock down I was inspired to share how I go through my earlier crisis to help my mum and others who were suffering like I had. You see, grief is not just caused by losing someone we love but from all types of loss including getting a divorce, moving home, losing a job and our freedom, even change. The Coronavirus pandemic has certainly created a great deal of change for us all and many are unknowingly grieving their old lives and their old selves, as a nation we are grieving how life once was. Unfortunately my mum didn’t get the chance to read my book but in her honour, I have decided to donate a percentage of each book sold to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Trust to help other families like mine. I also hope that the book brings some peace, understanding and comfort to all those who read it, in these difficult times. Emma Gholamhossein MSc. of 'Mastering Me' is a Health, Well-being and Exercise Specialist, Energy Therapist, Psychic Healer and Astrologer.

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teeth checked on a regular basis to flag teeth on aissues, regular totoflag up anychecked underlying webasis need up any underlying we needlist. to add hearing to thatissues, maintenance add hearing to that maintenance list. Good communication is vital for our teeth checked on a regular basis to flag Good communication is vital forwell­ our mental, physical and emotional up any underlying issues, we need to mental, physical and emotional well­ being. By neglecting our hearing, we teeth checked on a regular basis to flag being. By neglecting our hearing, we add hearing that maintenance create barriers toto better health and up any underlying issues, we need tolist. create barriers totobetter health and communication thosemaintenance whoismatter tolist. Good communication vital for our add hearing to that communication to those who matter to usmental, most. physical and is emotional well­ Good communication vital for our us most. of our age hearing aids can Regardless being. neglecting ouraids hearing, we mental,By physical and emotional well­ Regardless our our age hearing hearing but can improve notofonly also being. By neglecting our but hearing, create barriers tohearing better health and improve not only our also we our family relationships and quality create to to better health our family relationships and quality those whoand matter to ofcommunication life. Thebarriers whole family benefit when communication toproperly those who matter to of life.most. The family benefit when hearing losswhole is treated and us hearing loss is treated properly and us most. effectively. Regardless of our age hearing aids can effectively. Regardless of our age hearing aids can

he last 12 months he last 12 months has really flagged up has importance really flagged the ofup the importance of communication with he last 12 months communication with family and friends when has really flagged upfriends family and when we have been forced he last 12 months wethose have forced the ofbeen to be importance apart. suffering has For really flagged up with to be apart. For suffering with hearing loss, thisthose has with been a very lonely communication the importance of hearing loss, this has been a in very lonely and isolating With this mind, I family andtime. friends when communication with and isolating With thistogether in mind, to I wanted to puttime. a little piece we have been forced family and friends when wanted to put how a little together explain about ourpiece hearing works,to we have forcedafter o be apart. For those explain howbeen our hearing works, and whyabout wesuffering should bewith looking it. be apart. For those with and we should be looking after it. earingto loss, thiswhy has been asuffering very lonely


hearing loss, With this has been a veryI lonely YOUR HEARING IS mind, VERY nd isolating time. this in isolating time. With this in mind, YOUR HEARING IS VERY IMPORTANT antedand to put a little piece together to I wanted to put a little piece together to IMPORTANT xplain about how our hearing works, It allows toour communicate with explain about you how hearing works, It allows youappreciate to communicate nd why we should be looking after it.with loved ones, your favourite

improve not only our hearing but also SOUND ADVICE improve not only our hearing but also our family relationships and quality SOUND ADVICE our family relationships and quality It'sof important get your hearing life. Theto whole family benefit when life.and The whole family benefit when It'sof important to get hearing checked here atyour Viney Hearing hearing loss is treated properly and loss treated properly and checked and here at Viney Hearing wehearing have over 35 is years experience weeffectively. have overin35Sketty, years Swansea experience effectively. with outlets and

and why we should be looking after it.

loved ones, favourite sounds and appreciate process theyour world around sounds and process the world around

you. Your ears and your brain work OUR YOUR HEARING ISears VERY HEARING IS VERY you. Yourto and your brain work together provide a soundscape MPORTANT together to provide a soundscape of every environment you're in, even IMPORTANT

of every environment you're even when you're asleep. Your earsin,collect

allowsIt you to you communicate with allows to but communicate with when you're asleep. Your ears collect the sound it's your brains job to lovedappreciate ones, appreciate your favourite the sound it's hearing your brains job to oved ones, favourite interpret it.but Ifyour our changes then interpret it. If our hearing changes then and process the world our ears aren't collecting allaround the sound ounds sounds and process the world around our ears aren't collecting all the sound that ouryour brain needs to work properly. you. Your ears andbrain your brain work ou. Your ears and work that our brain needs to is work properly. Family communication vital, whether together to provide a soundscape ogether to provide a soundscape Family communication is vital,or whether hearing loss affects the family not. of every environment you're in, even f every environment you're in, even hearing loss affects the family or loss not only changes ournot. when Hearing you're asleep. Your ears collect Hearing loss not only changes our hen you're asleep. Your ears collect relationships to the world but also how the sound but it's your brains job also to how relationships to the world we relate to brains our families and they he sound but it's your job tobuthow interpret it. If our hearing changes then we relate tous. our families and how they respond to nterpret it. If our hearing changes then our ears aren'tto collecting all the sound respond us. ur earsthat aren't collecting sound our brain needsall tothe work properly. COMMUNICATION IS KEY hat ourFamily brain needs to work is properly. communication vital, whether COMMUNICATION IS KEY We find that because of familiarities amily communication is the vital, whether hearing loss affects family or not. We find that because of familiarities within the family dynamics, we lossthe not only changes our earingHearing loss affects the family or not. within family dynamics, we get complacent with each other tochanges the but also earingrelationships loss and not only our get complacent with each other we tend to world get lazy with ourhow we relate to families and how they and weour tend to get with our elationships to the world but also how communication. Welazy sometimes speak respond to us. communication. We sometimes speak when facing away from the person we e relate to our families and how they when facingto, away from from the person we are talking or shout another espond to us. are talking to, or to shout from another beKEY heard around room expecting COMMUNICATION IS to be heard around room and expecting walls corners.



We find because of purpose familiarities OMMUNICATION IS KEY walls and corners. Wethat don't do this on but failure We don't do dynamics, this on purpose but failure withinto the family wewithin communicate properly the

This month we have turned This month we over have to turned our health page Viney our health page to Viney Hearing Care to over find out how Hearing Care to find out how important healthy hearing is to important healthyof hearing our quality life. is to our quality of life.

We findget that because of familiarities to communicate properly within the family can create relationship stress complacent with each other ithin the dynamics, we family can relationship and anxieties do not need. andfamily we tend to create getwe lazy with our stress and with anxieties wesometimes do not need.speak et complacent each other communication. We IT EARLY nd wewhen tend TREAT to getaway lazy with facing from our the person we TREAT IT EARLY are talking to, or shout fromspeak another ommunication. We sometimes If hearing loss is caught early on there If hearing is early there to be heard around room away expecting is a lotfrom weloss can docaught to eradicate these hen facing the person weon "Your ears we andhave your turned bmin This month is a lot we can do to eradicate problems, the longer its ignored the wallsto, and "Your and lo your bmin re talking orcorners. shout from another these wor/; ears together provide our health page over to Viney problems, the longer its ignored the more difficult this becomes. Treating f We don't do this on purpose but failure wor/; together looprovide todifficult be heard around oom expecting a sou ndsca pe every more this becomes. Treating f a hearing loss will not only help us This month weto have turned to communicate properly within the Hearing Care find out how a soundscayou're pe o every alls and corners. a hearing loss will only helpwith us hear better butnot it also helps environment in, Viney even familyto can create relationship stress health page over to important healthy hearing is to to but itbut also helps with our We don't do this onbetter purpose failure environment you're in, even ourhear balance, our ability to tell which when you're asleep. Your ears and anxieties we do not need. our balance, our within ability to tellfrom, which direction sounds are coming our Hearing our quality ofYour life. how o communicate properly the Care to find out when you're asleep. ears col/eel the sound but it's your direction sounds areprocessing coming from, short term memory andour amily can create relationship stress col/eel the sound but it's your healthy hearing TREAT ITicing EARLY bminsjob lo interpret it."is to short term the onmemory the cake:processing it helps toand slowimportant nd anxietiesthe weicing do on notthe need. bminsjob lo interpret it." cake: it helps to slow the hearing deterioration preventing

If hearing loss is caught early on there the hearing deterioration cognitive changes. We get preventing our eyes and we can changes. do to eradicate these cognitive We get our eyes and REATisITa lot EARLY problems, the longer its ignored the more thisTIMES becomes. Treating hearing loss is caught early on there 50difficult CARDIFF a hearing not only help us a lot we can doloss to will eradicate these to hear it also helps roblems, the better longerbut its ignored the with our balance, our ability Treating to tell which more difficult this becomes. direction sounds are coming from, our

our quality of life.

"Your ears and your bmin wor/; together lo provide f a soundscape o every "Your ears and your bmin environment you're in, even wor/; lo provide when together you're asleep. f Your ears

with outlets in Sketty, and Whitchurch, Cardiff, soSwansea it couldn't be Whitchurch, couldn't easier to visitCardiff, us andso weitoffer free be ear SOUND ADVICE SOUND ADVICE easier to visit us and wehearing offer free health checks and free aidear health checks andto free hearing aid It's important important get your hearing clean and checks. It's to get your hearing clean and checks. You are guaranteed impartial andHearing checked and atatViney checked andhere here Viney Hearing You are guaranteed impartial and in professional advice using the latest we have over 35 years experience we have over 35using years experience professional advice the latest hearing technology. We look forward to with outlets in Sketty, Swanseainand with outlets in Sketty, hearing technology. We look Swansea forward toand helping you hearCardiff, better. Whitchurch, so it couldn't be helping you hear Cardiff, better. so it couldn't be Whitchurch,

easier to visit us and we offer free ear

easier to visit us and we offer free ear health checks and free hearing aid health checks and free hearing aid clean and checks. clean and checks. impartial and You are guaranteed You are guaranteed impartial andin professional advice using the latest professional adviceWe using latestto in hearing technology. lookthe forward hearing technology. We look forward to helping you hear better. helping you hear better.job We need to do a better

Get Your Free Ear Get Your Free Ear Health Check Health Check

We need toafter do aour better job of looking hearing, of looking and in turnafter keepour ourhearing, brains and in turn keep our brains and balance healthy. It takes and balance healthy. It takes less than an hour to assess less than an hour to assess your hearing health, and yoursooner hearing health, and the a hearing loss is the soonerthe a hearing detected better. loss is We need do a better job detected theto better.

Get Your Free Ear Get Your Free Ear Health Check

Health Check

If you would like to arrange of looking after our hearing, If you would like to arrange a free hearing assessment, We need to do aour better job andhearing in turn keep aplease free assessment, call Viney Hearing brains of looking after our hearing, please call Viney Hearing and Swansea balance healthy. It takes today, 01792 204886 and in turn keep our today, Swansea 01792 204886 less than an hour to assess or Cardiff 02920 250121. brains or and Cardiff 02920 health, 250121. balance healthy. It takes your hearing and lesssooner than an hour toloss assess the a hearing is detected the better. your hearing health, and

�ney Hearing Care �ney Hearing Care

the sooner hearing loss is If you wouldalike to arrange a free hearing detected the assessment, better. please call Viney Hearing If you would like to arrange today, Swansea 01792 204886 a free hearing assessment, or Cardiff 02920 250121.

please call Viney Hearing The South Wales Magazine 53 TheSwansea South Wales 01792 Magazine204886 53 today, or Cardiff 02920 250121.

�ney Hearing Care

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