Cardinal Courier 4 23 2003 V2N12

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VOLUME 1 - ISSUE 1 - XXXX XX, 2002

CARDINAL COURIER Inside this edition

Fisher finds a provost

New era dawns Ambrosetti clear choice to take over

Power was out through thursday morning, one week after the ice storm that hit the area. Photos on page 8

Jay and Kevin wreak havic on campus during Easter Break. Story on page 12

The show must go on! Fisher Players perform despite the storm. Story on page 15





A new hand will be guiding the academic development of St. John Fisher College next year. And all the people involved hope that Ronald Ambrosetti – the new provost that was hired earlier this month – will continue to guide Fisher well into the future. Ambrosetti’s hiring concludes two years of controversy and uncertainty, and Fisher President Katherine Keough hopes it will bring many more years of prosperity for the institution. “He appears to be a man of action and clearly he is a man who can lead,” Keough said. Ambrosetti is currently the Vice President of Faculty Affairs at California State University at Dominguez Hills and will arrive full-time in August. For Keough, this appears to be in stark contrast to a year ago, when she deemed the provost search a failure. “Last April we were in a state of disarray, very few people were happy,” Keough said. “This year the promise of moving forward with all constituent groups engaged will be fulfilled.” Keough was referring to a Provost Search Committee that included “every constituent group on campus”, including faculty, staff, trustees, and students. Last year’s group included each of those groups as well, with the exceptions of trustees. Mary Loporcaro, the chair of the committee, also said that a consultant was hired to aid the group through the process. “We had the perfect group of trustees, staff, faculty, and even a student representative,” Loporcaro said. “We worked together and everyone contributed to the success.”

Twelve months have passed. The United States is at war. An ice storm rocked Rochester. Syracuse University won college basketball’s National Championship. What a difference a year makes. There have been no faculty assembly meetings calling for a noconfidence vote in St. John Fisher College President Katherine Keough. The local media hasn’t swarmed the campus in search of chaos. Fisher has a new provost. What a difference a year makes. Last April, Donald Bain was in the eye of the storm. His appointment as provost shocked the campus, and charged one of the most heated debates in Fisher’s history. This April, things have settled. On Aug. 15 Bain will gladly step down from the position he manned for a sometimes turbulent two years and hand the reigns to Ronald Ambrosetti. What a difference a year makes. “I am very eager to lay the groundwork for the transition to the new provost,” Bain said. “Between now and mid-August when (Ambrosetti) arrives promises to be an exceptionally busy time. I am looking forward to the challenge.” This is far from the only challenge that Bain has experienced since taking over as Acting Provost for David Arnold two years ago. His tenure has been filled with them. But no challenge was greater than what occurred last April. After Keough deemed last year’s year-long provost search a failure, she scrapped the process and asked Bain to remain in the position for an additional two years. Some faculty members were outraged and called for a no-confidence vote in Keough. The end result was the faculty

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VIEWPOINT.........3 Q & A....................6 NEWS................1,4-8 NIGHTLIFE......14-15 IN FOCUS......16-18 OFF THE WALL...12 SPORTS..........19-20

Julie Kane

Fisher President Katherine Keough greets Ronald Ambrosetti on Saturday, April 12. Ambrosetti will take over as Provost in August.

Continued on page 6

Buffalo Bills camp makes impact CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Bain ready to step down as provost


After three successful seasons, St. John Fisher College and the Buffalo Bills decided to extend their academic partnership last summer. Having an increased freshman enrollment in the Fall of 2002, one might ask how or if the NFL team’s training camp has affected Fisher’s academic image. “We have seen an increased awareness in our primary service area,” said Stacy Ledermann, director of freshman admissions. “Most of our freshman applications come during the Bills training camp because of more campus visitors from Buffalo and Syracuse.” Compared to the fall of 2000,

Fisher has seen an increase of 36 percent in freshman enrollment with 498 students in the Fall 2002 from 365 two years ago. Seven percent of total difference has come from the Buffalo area (Erie County). “It is also true, Ledermann said, “that Fisher has improved their facilities, increased academic offerings and improved the regular advertising and marketing of the college since the Bills first arrived.” With help from the Strategic Planning Committee and President Katherine E. Keough, Fisher’s developments include the Thomas Golisano Gateway located in Basil Hall, Founders Hall, and renovations in Kearney Hall. One of the most noted improvements is

Growney Stadium. “Our sports department has improved tremendously in three years,” said Jennifer Campbell, business manager of the athletics department. “We have a new baseball field, a football/soccer/lacrosse field and new locker rooms.” Campbell states that most of these facilities were on the drawing board before the Bills came to Rochester. With plans to begin a partnership, Fisher pushed to have the improvements completed. The college paid for all the renovations. 5,000 to 6,000 fans attend Bills camp everyday, bringing national and local attention to the campus. “Five years ago we had 800 resi-

Continued on page 4

Courtesy of St. John Fisher College

Bills General Manager Tom Donahoe has made several additions to the Bills, which should





To the Student Body of St. John Fisher College:

As we near graduation, I would like to thank each of you for your personal contribution to another landmark academic year at Fisher. At the beginning of this year, we all witnessed the successful opening of Founders Hall. A number of you participated on the team that created the initial design concept for the project, providing input from the student point-of-view. Reaction to Founders Hall from all constituents has been nothing but positive, and you should be proud of the role you played in its success. In a similar fashion, a number of student leaders were chosen last fall to take part in our campus-wide strategic planning effort. Many meetings and much hard work later, we now have a completed draft of the plan that will go before the Board of Trustees in June. This activity has been very worthwhile in that it has allowed individuals from various constituencies—faculty, staff, students, and trustees—to work closely together toward a common goal. And, as part of the “discovery” process, we have all come to realize what a strong institution St. John Fisher College is and what a rich heritage we all share. Another highlight of this academic year is our successful Provost search. Once again, student participation on the search committee and in the campus forums ensured that your voice was heard. This collaborative search process resulted in our hiring Dr. Ron Ambrosetti, currently Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Academic Resources at California State University at Dominguez Hills. We are eagerly awaiting Dr. Ambrosetti’s arrival on campus in August. A final note to our graduates—congratulations to all of you for having earned your degree at Fisher. I hope that the journey has afforded you the opportunity to explore places and disciplines that will stay with you forever. And, I trust that you have made friendships that will last throughout your lifetime. As you prepare to leave the “safety net” of the college environment, I trust that you will reflect fondly on your time here at Fisher. Now that you are joining the ranks of our alumni, come back to visit and see first-hand what’s taking shape on campus! With best wishes for a relaxing and refreshing summer, I remain, Cordially,

Katherine E. Keough

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Cardinal Courier

Page 3 April 23, 2003

The Courier: One year later By Kara Race, Cardinal Courier Senior Editor

Wow! I almost can’t believe that it has been a year, yet at times it feels like it has been forever. One year ago today my dream came true, my something was created— the first Cardinal Courier debuted. A year ago, a small group of us were fighting an uphill battle as we tried to rebuild the student newspaper. It is so strange to think about those people who said it couldn’t be done, who thought we were going to fail, who didn’t want to see the Pioneer die. Remember the debate over the changing of the name? I do. It was probably one of the biggest controversies of the school year. Keep the Pioneer or take on a new identity. We went back and forth, teetered and tottered. In the end we did what we wanted and created the Cardinal Courier. We proved everyone wrong and succeeded even when it seemed tough. Let me just say that it was

worth it! This has been the most rewarding experience that I could ever ask for. It was scary and I was very unsure at times, but who wouldn’t be during their first year as an organization? Thank you so much for making us what we are, for accepting us as a part of the Fisher community. Thank you so much for picking up a newspaper every other week, for reading it so thoroughly. Thank you for putting up with my headstrong editorials and laughing at Jay and Kevin’s off the wall antics, for treasuring what Jason discovers at Fisher and enjoying the colorful photo spreads that we bring with each edition. Thank you for reading everything that we put in there, from news to features to sports to everything in between. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bring you an award winning newspaper, one capable of receiving first place in the “General Excellence” category from the New York Press Association. Thank you for allowing all of us to accomplish our dream. A year ago, I never would have imagined that we would have found this kind of a home here but I am so glad we did! This is the Chief signing off.

Comments, questions or concerns? Comments, questions or concerns? We want to hear from you. We want to hear from you. Whether it’s news tips, advertising inquiries, press releases, Whether it’s news tips, advertising press releases, or just sharing your thoughts, yourinquiries, input is important. or just sharing your thoughts, your input is important. Phone: 385-8360 or 385-8361 Phone: 385-8360 or 385-8361 E-mail: E-mail: Coming soon: The Cardinal Courier digital edition. Coming soon: The Cardinal Courier digital edition.


Kevin Aubrey

Senior Editor


John Follaco

Alexis Speck

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Kim Muratore

Jay Adams

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor: Some say, "You can never go home, again." Oz's Dorothy says, "There's no place like home." Sorry, Dorothy, I'm finding that harder to believe. A little over 30 years ago, I was part of the first group of young women to live at and attend St. John Fisher College. I considered myself to be very fortunate; we knew that we were safe, in a bubble, and the real world was out there. We felt protected. I was active in the Big Sister Program, other campus activities, and was a Resident Advisor, as was my husband. I saw students treated with respect as individuals surrounded by adults who truly cared about them and the changes they were going through. I met my husband at Fisher as well as his parents at our sophomore Parents' Weekend. I have many fond memories of my time at Fisher and the people I met while I was there. Fast forward to 2001. I am a mother of three. I am a teacher, a published writer, and a person involved in my community. I hear the words that I'd hoped to hear from my firstborn,"I'd feel comfortable at Fisher." He is accepted and we feel reassured knowing that we are handing over our child who exists because of Fisher, to be educated at Fisher. Well, Dorothy, "I guess we're not in Kansas, anymore." Remember the Parents' Weekend where I first met my in-laws? Not much of it

still exists. Remember the Fisher where parents and their children were cherished and respected? Remnants of those days remain but much has been replaced by a less personal, more businesslike environment where who you are on the outside is more important than who you are on the inside. The Fisher of 2003 continues to be very Rochester-based without too many thoughts of those living elsewhere. Isn't that like preaching to the converted? Why not think outside of the box both nationally and globally to encourage some diversity? The students of 2003 seem to have difficulty getting into the classes that they need or desire. The website crashes before a break and underclassmen get preferences over upperclassmen. What about that problem-solving that I learned so long ago? Parents may call with little communication back except the bill from the bursar's office sent to the student who is unlikely to be able to pay the almost $26,000. I know. Blame it on the Buckley Amendment. The college president gives parents her home phone number at orientation only to fail, months later, to return phone messages left on her voice mail. Students whose parents are already paying exorbitant costs are charged an additional $200 (nonrefundable) for the privilege of putting their names in a lottery for housing. Where does this money go? If the student does not get the

desired housing, why is this not credited to the student's bill- or refunded? I have held my tongue for almost two years, as I have watched such a special part of my life take many turns for the worse. I have several questions for the Fisher administration. Has the personal touch on which Fisher prided itself gone by the wayside, to be replaced by apathy and rudeness? Is this progress? Has Fisher joined other colleges in operating solely as a business with little thought to the people or the process? Finally, will Fisher, due to student difficulty in getting into needed courses, join the ranks of the New York State University system and graduate students in five or six years but at a much higher cost than the state schools? During my time at Fisher, I was encouraged to speak up; to right wrongs and not just sit quietly by and do nothing . For that I will be eternally grateful! At least my parents got their money's worth. Sincerely, Patricia Dunham Marzola, Class of ‘76

Do you have an opinion? Submit a letter to the Editor!

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MISSION STATEMENT The Cardinal Courier was created to provide the St. John Fisher College community with a quality newspaper. Not only will this publication seek, investigate, and report the news, it will strive to do so with honesty and integrity. We will be the eyes and ears of the student body. The Courier will provide the campus with a medium in which to read interesting news articles, thought- provoking editorials, and entertaining features. Courier staff members hope to inform, educate and humor its readers. In turn staff members will receive the hands-on instruction and training needed to enter the world of professional journalism.

NEWS Training camp concerns

Page 4

April 23, 2003

Cardinal Courier

Summer residents have felt pinch SENIOR EDITOR


When the students are away, the Buffalo Bills will play. It sounds like a great plan, but one problem is that not all the students are away. A handful of students remain on the St. John Fisher College campus during the summer as their campus turns into the Buffalo Bills’ empire, which leaves these students feeling like they are nothing more than an inconvenience. “It’s almost like it isn’t even our campus anymore,” said senior Vanessa Cardinale, “and it didn’t matter that we are students here.” When the Bills arrive, the campus is transformed. The merchandise tent is built, the Bills Experience encompasses Growney Stadium, bleachers surround the practice fields, and vendors set up shop. Those are the major changes, but several other minor things pop up as well. Minor that is, unless you’re one of the summer residents living in Michaelhouse, like Cardinale did last summer. Then things like a makeshift fence surrounding your home aren’t minor. It’s a major inconvenience.

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Because parking is limited, students have to park at Murphy Hall. For a few weeks they are able to cut across Fairport Road. through the trees that border the street. Until the fence arrives. “It’s really a lot of fun walking across Fairport Rd. with tons of groceries in your hands,” said senior Brett Gray, who has lived at Fisher the past two summers. “Then you have to walk all the way from Murphy parking lot, around Dorsey and in through the gate between Dorsey (Hall) and Murray (Hall). Then you still have a walk to Michaelhouse from there.” Making things worse, the temporary security guards that were hired to secure the camp, were often unaware that students were still on campus. “There were a dozen students here, yet nobody seemed to know that we were supposed to be here,” said Mary Holmes. “I would have appreciated the rented security guards to be made aware that we were indeed allowed to walk around campus.” Terri Panepento, director of Residential Life, says that changes will be made this summer to alleviate some of the problems.

“We shared the same concerns,” Panepento said. “So we made the change to have students in Murphy for this summer.” The move will eliminate some of the need for students to venture into the camp area. Gray is pleased with the move. “We won’t have to worry about parking because we can park in front of our building and not have to worry about crossing the street and climbing over fences,” he said. “Also, it would keep us away from all the noise.” The experience wasn’t completely bad. The summer residents, as well as staff members who work over the summer, literally had a front row seat to all the NFL action. Library director Karen Junker and her staff work throughout Bills camp. Junker sees it as a positive experience that doesn’t detract from the work of her staff. “The library stays open with regular hours and services during Bills camp, and strangely enough, since we are over the hill from all the activity, we are very little aware or inconvenienced by their presence,” Junker said. “I personally enjoy having Bills camp here,

File Photo

Tents housing special events go up throughout the campus during the Bill’s Camp. and I think most of the library staff does as well.” Even the students who feel the most inconvenienced appreciate the positives that the camp offers. “I really enjoyed living here over the summer, despite the fact that there were tons of other people on

Buffalo Bills camp dents living on campus,” said Stephen Potter, operations manager of the department of safety and security. “With the new residential halls built last year we now have 1,200 residents living in the facilities.” With all these new improvements taking place, Fisher members, including general manager of the camp, Allison Bosworth, have a strong belief in the college’s independent growth. “It’s a win-win situation,” said Bosworth. “This is an academic partnership, so you cannot say the Bills have not contributed but also

Fisher has made its own effects.” While improving the college’s Communication, Nursing and Science departments, Fisher created a sports studies program in 2000, which many students have taken an interest in. “We have 140 sports majors as of 2002,” said Michael Gibbons, chairman of the sports studies department, “with about 45 students becoming involved ever year.” During the summer the Bills look for around 15 students to hire as interns in the fields of operation, marketing, and scouting. Fisher, the town of Pittsford, the

campus everyday,” Cardinale said. “It was kind of nice to see everyone here appreciating our facilities. It made me proud.”

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Continued from page1 Rochester Police Department, and the Rochester Transportation System all contribute to make the camp possible. “It brings out the best in everyone,” Bosworth said. “Our grounds crew does a wonderful job with the practice fields and around campus, while the faculty loves to go down to help and meet the players.” Within the last two years Bills owner, Ralph C. Wilson Jr., has contributed a scholarship program and funding for new academic building to St. John Fisher. Wilson is an active supporter in the areas of education and medical research. He also contributes with his wife,

Mary, to programs at Strong Memorial Hospital. How has Rochester and Fisher made this relationship possible? “Rochester loves the Bills,” Bosworth said. “Fisher’s location is wonderful to help bring fans from all over Western New York to the camp, while there are many marketing investments in Rochester.” The contract for Bills training camp has been extended through the summer of 2011 at Fisher. The college is expected to receive 2,200 freshman applications and open the Ralph Wilson building in the Fall 2003. Email address:

Security Blotter There is currently an investigation going on here at Fisher involving both campus security and the Rochester Sheriff’s Department. There has been a reoccurring problem of an intruder entering into unlocked rooms in Murphy late at night. The intruder has stolen money and other valuable goods from rooms while students are sleeping. Mike McCarthy is heading up the investigation here at Fisher and students should contact either him or security if they

become aware of any suspicious behavior. Vandalism is also becoming a concern in the Murphy dormitories. A total of three alcohol violations have occurred on campus over the past few weekends. Security Tip: Especially now, because of the recent problems occurring in Murphy, security would like to stress the importance of keeping dormitory doors locked at all times.

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Cardinal Courier

Does the St. John Fisher College community benefit from having the Buffalo Bills Training Camp here? “It’s good for the image of the college, but sometimes it’s bad for students because they lose access to the sports facilities when the Bills are on campus.” -Gerald Dias, senior

“Yes, because it brings money and people to the college.” -Chrissy Putnam, freshman

“Yes, it’s beneficial because it brings a lot of media and visitors to the campus.” -Lyndsey Ludovici, junior

“Yes, I think that the Bills benefit the school because it helps get Fisher’s name out to potential students.” -Chris Juliano, junior

“I think all the publicity is great for the college, but it takes away some of the students’ summer access to the campus.” -Laure Henningsen, sophomore

“Having the camp is very beneficial for the campus. We are putting our amazing field to use, giving students another place to work for the summer and giving the campus publicity.” -Janis Timian, sophomore

A look at some colleges that host NFL camps UW-River Falls

Team: Kansas City Chiefs Founded: 1874 Where: River Falls, WI Campus Size: 225 ac. Students: 5800 Camp Began: 1991 Attendance: 3000

Bryant College

Saint Vincent

McDaniel College

St. John Fisher College

Team: New England Patriots Founded: 1863 Where: Smithfield, RI Campus Size: 392 ac. Students: 2700 Camp Began: 1976 Attendance: N/A Team: Baltimore Ravens Founded: 1876 Where: Westminster, MD Campus Size: 160 ac. Students: 1600 Camp Began: 1996 Attendance: 100,000

Team: Pittsburgh Steelers Founded: 1846 Where: Latrobe PA Campus Size: 200 ac. Students: 1200 Camp Began: 1968 Attendance: N/A Team: Buffalo Bills Founded: 1948 Where: Rochester NY Campus Size: 140 ac. Students: 2100 Camp Began: 2000 Attendance: 105,000

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Page 5 April 23, 2003

NFL camps bring success to many different colleges CONTRIBUTING WRITER


St. John Fisher is among a handful of small colleges hosting NFL training camps during the summer. Maintaining one of the longest relationships in football history, the Pittsburgh Steelers have held training camp at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, PA since 1968. “Our relationship with Saint Vincent has endured so long basically because of the Rooney family,” said Ron Wahl of the Steelers organization. “The family is deeply rooted in the Catholic faith,” like Saint Vincent. “Also the Rooneys have a legacy of strong business relations.” The Rooneys have owned the team since its inception in 1933. “The campus is ideal from a football standpoint because it is only about 50 miles from Pittsburgh, which enables players and coaches to return home on off days in a very short period of time,” said Wahl. Another benefit to the relationship is the campus itself. “It is isolated enough to minimize distractions,” Wahl said. The Steelers helped Saint Vincent finance a new dormitory and maintain its grass fields, Wahl said. Situated in southwestern Pennsylvania, the college is “ideally located for our fan base,” Wahl said. Another long-running relationship between an NFL city and a college is between McDaniel College and the Baltimore Ravens. McDaniel College has hosted Baltimore since the team relocated there from Cleveland. Before moving to Indianapolis, the Baltimore Colts held camp at McDaniel from 1949-1971. More than 100,000 fans attended the 2001 training camp and the camp brought in over $1 million to the college and Carroll County, according to a news release from the school. There are other benefits to the relationship besides increased revenue. In 2002, the Baltimore Field House of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Ravens offered trips for children living in public housing to visit training camp at McDaniel. The

activities included autographs, meeting players, and attending a scrimmage. Every summer since 1976, the New England Patriots have held training camp at Bryant College in Smithfield, Rhode Island. A 3 year contract extension was signed in 1999. “Bryant College is on a secluded campus which allows us to keep our focus on football without a lot of outside distractions. We have had a good relationship with Bryant College over the years and I am glad that will continue,” said team coach Pete Carroll in a written statement available on the team’s website. Students benefit from the relationship with the Patriots through internships the organization offers, according to Bryant College. The Kansas City Chiefs make River Falls, Wisconsin their training camp home, despite the 7 hour drive between the cities. The cooler temperatures and chance to “get away from home pressures” motivated the Chiefs to choose River Falls in 1991, according to Mary Haleda, the college’s camp coordinator. The Chiefs “are here for a very specific work purpose-- to cut the team from 85 to 47 players,” a task made easier by the camp’s distance from Kansas City, Haleda said. Besides internship opportunities, the Chiefs “pay their way which helps somewhat to reduce food and housing costs to our students,” Haleda said. The money the school uses for utilities and building costs is eased by the Chiefs’ payments to them. Revenue from camp is also used to make campus improvements, Haleda said. “The publicity has been great for the campus. People around the country have heard of us through sports media information,” Haleda said. Although camp does not draw a large number of fans, Haleda said the campus and community receive more visitors to the area because of the Chiefs. “Many folks make this their vacation destination,” Haleda said. Email address:


Page 6 April 23, 2003

Cardinal Courier

Ambrosetti eager to start S TA F F W R I T E R


After a long search, St. John Fisher has a new provost. Dr. Ronald Ambrosetti, current Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Academic Resources at California State University at Dominguez Hills, has accepted the position as Provost of the college. Here are his visions for the future of Fisher, as discussed during a recent visit. Q: What are your impressions of the campus? A: Even before coming here, I had knowledge of the campus. Following it for many years, knowing of its excellence, knowing of the popularity here in the Rochester area, its benchmark institutions with the “company you keep” with LeMoyne, St. Bonaventure, even the Loyolas, and knowing that this institution has really been on the move for the last six or seven years. I think there’s a vision that drives it, and you can see it even from a distance. As far away as I’ve been, in California or on the East Coast in Rhode Island in the last six years, and I’ve seen it come from the uppermost leadership. A great deal has been done on this campus and it’s something I’d like to join. Q: Why did you decide to come here? A: Because of the opportunity in private education right now given difficulties with state budgets. I’m in California right now and I wrestle with state budgets and how we’re going to implement production plans everyday at the uppermost levels of the institution, in a system larger than SUNY. I’ve been watching this now in terms of cutting. In the next three to five years, in the system I’m in, we’re going to be cutting and at the same time trying to serve larger numbers of students. It’s very difficult. I’d rather spend my years building as a provost. I love to build. St.

John Fisher has been building things and has a vision of where they want to go, building programs, building capital for the buildings and campus facilities. If you look around here, the environment is dynamic. I want to be a part of something moving forward, not moving backwards. Q: What interested you most in taking this position? A: What interested me most was the way this institution can move forward and build things, whether it’s a new dorm, a student union one of these days, or an academic program. My area is the academic side, which includes student life, faculty life, program development, building a core concentration, and perhaps building a College of Arts and Sciences. These are things I want to talk about. I am here for building these kinds of things. That’s why I applied for the position and am thrilled to get it. Q: What will you bring to Fisher? A: Experience. As the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, as a teacher–I’m finishing my 36th year in higher education—and as a faculty member for most of those years, I’ve been a program builder, I’ve developed courses as a faculty member. I know the academic side. I’m bringing that experience along with 10 years worth of administrative experience at the two largest systems in the country, SUNY and University of California. What’s interesting is that you end up, whether in a big place or a little place, asking the same questions: How does student learning happen best? How does faculty development happen best? This is regardless of size. I’m on a campus now with 13,000 people and we ask the same questions. The difference is this: at Saint John Fisher, with the leadership and resources, we can build things fast and expand fast. That’s what attracts me here. Q: What is your most important achievement to date?

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master planning or facility development. What kind of buildings do we want to build, what kind of campus growth do we want to take place physically? You can’t do one without the other. The other of course is the heart of the institution- what is the academic master plan? What do we want to grow, what do we want to do to enhance the quality of this institution, the quality of the learning, and its reputation so that when students come here they not only learn what they need, but they are walking out into a world that knows what they have learned and respects that. A: Having been in a dean and an associate vice president position, having been in upper administration leadership positions, helping to guide processes of program development assessment, building a college, getting accreditation for successful schools, building faculty, attracting and keeping faculty and students, and doing it all being a part of a team. Building teams of people to do these things is what’s important. Q: What do you feel has helped prepare you the most for this position? A: Being in higher education. I’ve loved being in college teaching, and I still do—I came out of the English department. I love teaching, I love working with students, I love working with faculty. I like the excitement of a college campus, the intellectual flow, the give and take and exchange of ideas. There’s no place I’d rather work. Q: What are your early plans upon arrival here? A: We want to look at what kinds of programs we might want to be developing. Overall, merging with

Search continues for director of student life S TA F F W R I T E R


The search continues for a qualified person to take on the responsibility of being the director of student life. The school had about 50 candidates for the position from an array of other colleges, according to Dr. Rick DeJesus, the Dean of Students. Ultimately, the decision lies in DeJesus’ hands. However, he said, “I am working with a Search Committee that includes two professional staff and two students to review the candidates’ credentials and experience.” The committee and DeJesus have narrowed down the some 50 candidates to seven preliminary candidates, who will first complete a telephone interview with the committee. From that group, three final candidates will be selected. These candidates will then come to the campus for a full-day interview process, which will include meetings with students, DeJesus said. “If all goes as well we hope to make a selection, offer the position and have a candidate accept the offer before the end of the semester. The new director will begin work in June” said DeJesus. Email addresses:

Q: How will you improve relationships among students, faculty, staff, and administration? A: I plan to spend a lot of time working the streets. I’m a walk around, on-sight type of person. I believe in talking to faculty and students, going to department meetings, and getting involved with everyday decisions of the faculty, students, faculty government, and student government. This is because it’s everyday decisions that have to do with what happens five years from now. If we can come of a mind now and plan together, five years from now what we end up building is remarkable. It happens in this one-on-one departmental level type of grassroots interaction. Q: What is your ultimate vision for Fisher? A: My ultimate vision is continued growth. Let’s build programs, improve on the programs that we have in the liberal arts and sciences. Part of the Fisher vision is that core of a liberal arts and sciences education. We want to enhance that, we want to improve

New Era assembly passing a resolution that – among other things – called for a multilateral strategic planning process to take place and for a new provost search to commence. With the exception of Keough, nobody took more heat in the dispute than Bain. He was criticized by faculty members with whom he had worked with for years. Bain – the long-time chair of the history department – has been at Fisher for 28 years. “I was not troubled but I did feel a strong sense of duty to my responsibilities at the College,” Bain said. “I never took any of the comments or controversy of the period personally. I just tried my best to see it through.” And now he has. “(Bain) realized that last April was a destructive experience for everyone involved,” Keough said. “And he has worked very hard to move people toward a more rational way of solving problems.” Perhaps there is no better way to measure this progress than to compare the chaos of last April, to the quiet of today. “(Bain) is a man who is capable of smoothing all ruffled feathers and quieting turbulent waters,” Keough said. “He is even-handed, fair, and just, in his dealings with everyone.” He has understood the need for a fresh start. Therefore, Bain has never allowed his name to be considered for the permanent provost position. “One of the reasons I decided not

it; we want to look for ways so that student learning is in context and agreement with the world that is changing out there. We want students to walk out of here knowing the traditional subjects of philosophy or foreign language, I believe in all these things. But I also want them to walk out of here and be able to deal with something along the lines of electronic learning. I want them to be able to know how to work with a team cooperatively, and to have the values that Fisher has always prided itself on. They happen to be mine also. I’ve worked in secular institutes all my life. The values transcend. Q: What do you see your most important role as? A: I think the most important role is a facilitator of academic excellence and a facilitator of learning; teaching and learning at its best. I want to bring the best faculty and students that we know to this institution and have this mix that we call education. Whether in the biology lab doing cellular investigations of DNA analysis, whether in science education, whether we’re doing communications, journalism, or public relations, my job is to ensure that we’re bringing together the best faculty and the most interested students, and provide them the wherewithal, provide them the facilities and the resources so they may do their job. I want students to walk out of here in four years or after graduate school knowing they have been able to soak up the very best out there, and that’s what we’re going to do. Email address:

Continued from page1 to be a candidate for the provost position was the hope of having a stake driven in the ground as a point from which the new provost – fresh with ideas and energy and free from the past – can move us forward academically. To move beyond the past,” Bain said. Clearly, being in the midst of this controversy was not what Bain had envisioned when he agreed to take the one-year acting provost position. Last April, he consistently stated his desire to return to the history department, and continually assured all involved that he would gladly step down once a suitable replacement is found. That doesn’t mean he regrets making the administrative leap, however. Actually, it’s to the contrary. “The two years I have served as provost have been the most interesting of my twenty-eight years at the College,” he said. “I have often felt like the medieval monk who must peek out from beneath the cowl. Yet, I have found the faculty, staff, and students remarkably cooperative and superbly professional in dealing with the judgments I have had to make. Frankly, I have viewed my service as a privilege” Now there will be a new provost residing in Kearney Hall next fall. Perhaps the bitterness of last April can continue to be slowly forgotten. What a difference a year makes. Email address:

Cardinal Courier


Page 7 April 23, 2003

Heading into the real world S TA F F W R I T E R


The real world - three scary words that are lurking around the corner for the graduating class of 2003. Soon the days of sporting events, delicious dining hall food, and weekend parties will be over. In their places will appear business suits, bills, and nine to five work days. A frightening notion ,isn’t it? Who would have thought that growing up had to happen so quickly. Not to say that the seniors aren’t prepared for what lies ahead of them, though. Many have been keeping busy all year, trying to balance their time between school work and internships, hoping for the best when it is their turn to enter the job market. One such student is Jennah Muse, a sociology/political science major here at Fisher. Muse is currently interning at the Rochester Police Department, hoping to become a police officer herself some day in the near future. Having already passed both the Mon-

Jennah Muse, a sociology and political science major, has hopes of becoming a police officer. roe County and RPD written tests, all this vigorous young woman has left to do is take the physical test. The demanding challenge should serve no problems for her however, considering she is extremely athletic and plays on the Fisher softball team. An issue that many students

encounter is actually getting an internship in the first place, but Muse had no such trouble. A friend of hers had interned at the RPD in homicide, and suggested Muse as a possible intern. She soon found herself working in the child abuse unit last semester, performing tasks such as looking up information on the computer, serving arrest warrants and searching houses. She was even taken to a shooting range where they let her have some target practice. After all of this hard work and effort, (which she is not getting paid for by the way), Muse is still worried about becoming employed after she graduates. “The only thing I’m scared of is not getting a job right away. I know I want to be a police officer,” she said. Another student who is preparing for an entrance into the feared “real world” is Joe Bovet. This intelligent history major has secured himself a twelve week paid internship, housing included, in Fredericksburg, VA for the summer. He will be working the Civil

Joe Bovet will do an internship at the Civil War battlefields in Fredericksburg, VA this summer. War battlefields, specifically those of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, giving tours and operating the visitor’s stations. Bovet went through a longer process than Muse to secure his job, which included searching for available internships in the library, sending numerous resumes and recommendations, and a tele-

phone interview where he was finally offered the position. While Bovet begins to pack for his trip, he considers himself lucky because most of his friends don’t have full - time jobs yet. “The economy isn’t really favoring people entering the job market right now,” he stated. The days are slowly winding down for the graduating seniors. In a little more than two weeks they will walk across that stage and cross the threshold in to adulthood that they’ve been told about for nearly twenty-two years. The question is, are they ready? “I’ve had a good time here my four years but I’m ready to move on,” said Bovet. Muse feels a little differently however. “I kind of wish I could stay one or two more years. It is going to be hard to leave.” Whether they are prepared or not, the future is waiting on the door step of the class of 2003. Whatever may come their way, they are willing to greet it with open arms. Email address:

Class of 2004 elects new officers Class of 2005 and 2006 elections go uncontested S TA F F W R I T E R


The Student Government Association recently held elections for class officers. Four students were chosen from each class to represent their class in the student government for the upcoming school year. The elections for the class of 2005, and the class of 2006 were both uncontested. Elected to represent the new sophomores next year were Mark Foti as president, Valerie Panna as vice president, Rachel Sechowski as secretary and Jamie Bunker as treasurer. The four are already planning ahead for the events they would love to see on campus next year. “We are interested in bringing new and exciting events to campus next year,” explained Panna. “We

are excited about Fisherpalooza. We also have a few ideas for new events for next year. One is a competition like WinterOlympix but instead of being hall against hall, it could be Fisher verses Nazereth,” she continued. Class president Mark Foti also commented on planning for next year’s events. “We have begun to make plans for what we want to do next year. All the officers have been working together to keep ideas flowing,” he explained. Besides bringing new events to campus, Panna hopes there is more student involvement in the upcoming year. “I want our class to come closer together and be more involved on what’s happening on campus,” she concluded. Elected to represent the new juniors of Fisher were Megan

Webb as president, Justin Neden as vice president, Ashleigh Dopp as Secretary and Nicole Davis as Treasurer. Like the class of 2006 officers, the new junior officers are excited for the upcoming year. When asked why she wanted to be a part of student government, Ashleigh Dopp said, “Not only do I want to become more active in the St. John Fisher community, but the other officers are great people and I think as a team we are going to accomplish a lot this coming year. I am very glad that Megan, Justin, and Niki took me in as their secretary because I love to express my ideas and help others.” The only contested election this year was that of the upcoming seniors. Ticket “B” won with over two thirds of the votes. The winning ticket was Erin Griffin as presi-

dent, Andrew Massoud as vice president, Tiffany Kwiatkowski as secretary, and Mary Bergmann as treasurer. Bergman discussed the importance of student government by saying, “I think student government is important because it sets up students who want to be leaders to make a difference in other peoples lives. I also feel that it helps students in their transition in to the real world after college so they know how leadership positions function and work.” The newly appointed senior class president has a lot of plans for the year to come. “As class officer I hope to bring our class together. I hope that with the fundraisers we have planned we will be able to accomplish this. We hope to get feedback form other students so

that we will be doing the kinds of things that they would be interested in doing. We hope seniors leave here next year saying their senior year was the best,” Griffin explained. In order to run for class office, the candidates had to meet a few certain conditions. First, they had to have a ticket consisting of four officers. The candidates must be full-time students or part-time students who have paid the Student activites fee. The candidates must have a GPA above 2.0 for each semester and they must ensure that they will be attending St. John Fisher College for at least another year. Email address:

Clubs elect new boards S TA F F W R I T E R


In addition to the Student Government Elections held recently, several clubs and organizations have reported their 2003-2004 club officers. Serving as president of the Sports Studies club next year will be Senior Morgan Hawley,. Incoming senior Chris Kennedy, junior Alanna Stage, and junior Aaron

Schmitt will round out the board advised by Scott Bryson. Returning as president for SGA Club of the Year, Fisher Pride Union, will be Kristen Bisallion. Erin Klinkman will be vice-president, Christina Davidson secretary and Jeff Meteer, treasurer. Doug Howard will return as their adviser. Gospel Choir’s new board will be lead by president Chiron Brown. Chris Bilecki will act as vice presi-

dent. Secretary and treasurer will be Megan Harty and Chastity Johnson respectively. Arlette Miller-Smith will return as adviser. Many clubs are in the transitional period right now, as several new boards are already planning next years activities.

Email address:

RNs and LPNs We offer choices! Flexible work schedule to fit your lifestyle! Temporary and Direct Hire opportunities! Career Development for nurses! For employment opportunities call 585/454-5511 or email


Page 8 April 23, 2003

Cardinal Courier

New Executive Board selected

Ice Storm of 2003



On Thursday April 3rd, ice pelted the Northeast causing a state of emergency in Monroe County and classes at St. John Fisher College to be cancelled on both Friday the 4th and Monday the 7th. The whole campus lost power on Friday evening into Saturday morning, but Murphy Hall and the Elaine Wilson Pavilion, including Birmingham Cottage, remained without power for days longer as RG&E worked around the clock to restore power to Monroe County. Outside, the ice remained causing terrible driving and walking conditions. Here are some pictures taken from around campus during those icy days.

Kara Race President

Above: Ice forms on a tree limb outside of Ward Hall on Lavery lawn. The ice on the trees caused many broken branches not just on campus but across the county.

Bunny Dugo VP of Assembly

Left: Some berries hang off of a tree on Lavery Lawn.

Right: The grass on Lavery Lawn stands covered in ice, a common theme over the course of the Ice Storm.

Josh Harris VP of COP

Pictures by Joshua Tomasewski

Parking shortage hits freshman S TA F F W R I T E R


The shortage of parking spaces at St. John Fisher College has been a growing concern for many who work or attend classes on campus. The parking problem has also exasperated other issues such as the increasing amount of parking tickets, and a general sense of dissatisfaction for many students. These and other reasons were enough, that the administration decided to make a change that would improve the situation. Starting fall 2004, Fisher freshmen residents will not be allowed to keep a car on campus. Michael McCarthy, Fisher’s director of safety and security, says the parking problem was getting too big to ignore. “It’s because of the parking

crunch on campus, we have more vehicles than we can accommodate,” said McCarthy. He says the lack of parking space may be a result of Fisher’s expansion. “The fact is, we have more housing, like with the new hallss in Dorsey, but no additional parking,” said McCarthy. The change will take place with few exceptions. Those freshmen who rely on their vehicle for jobs or who need a vehicle for medical purposes will be allowed to have parking permits. Although it is difficult to foresee the impact, if any, the new rule will have on future freshman at Fisher, Melissa Loughery, a Fisher admissions counselor, says that it most likely will not be a major issue with anyone. “I don’t think it’s going to be a problem,” said Loughery. “Most

freshmen don’t even have a car.” While prospective freshmen were not available for comment, current freshman Julie Bola offered her own. “Some people live far away and their parents can’t pick them up,” said Bola. “So it’s inconvenient [not to have a car].” Bola said Fisher doesn’t always offer the best means to venture off campus. “There isn’t anything to do on campus,” Bola said. “If you want to go get food or go shopping- [a car] is pretty vital.” According to Bola, the new rule will inhibit some of the freshman’s former freedoms, but the lack of parking space remains a problem; one which Fisher administration appears to be attempting to solve. Email address:

For the new Student Government Association (SGA) Executive Board, the first order of business will be to increase diversity, decrease student apathy towards campus events, and develop a student Bill of Rights. Race says that they would like to get the bill of rights written and approved sometime during the Fall semester. She said that SGA hopes to be contacting other schools over the summer and will have meetings to draft the document. There will also be open forums for student input once the bill of rights is drafted. SGA will also be concentrating on maintaining communication with administration. “We want to have lines of communication with the Provost and the Dean of students. We want them to understand that we are the line of communication,” said Race. As far as keeping students interested and involved on campus, “we know that apathy is a problem and we have to find different and more inventive ways,” said Race. One such way is an updated website where students can talk and communicate with SGA without leaving their room. Another way is to have assembly representatives go out and interact with students. “Students are not willing to go out, but if you go to them, they have good ideas,” she said. SGA will also focus on club retention. “We will be forming contacts with other schools on how to get people interested,” said Race. “We want to make COP more of an open forum to know what they are doing.” They will be pushing SGA as a resource for students, says Race. “We want students to know who we are, what we do and that we help solve problems. We don’t want students in their freshman year saying they don’t know what SGA is.” Email address:




Winner of the New York Press Association Better Newspaper Contest

“Cardinal Courier, St. John Fisher College An outstanding overall package. Strong page 1 design, excellent center photo spread, great advertising, good use of student voices. Overall, a great college newspaper.� - Kelli Grant, NYPA judge

The Cardinal Courier received First Place in General Excellence from the New York Press Association.

Thanks to all of our readers for a successful first year.


Cardinal Courier

he Best of . .

Jay and Kevi

In December, Jay and Kevin looked all over the campus asking people to join their band. The two were successful in getting Teresa Crombach to participate (above), while Jay sang the statue love songs. (below)

Compiled by Alexis Speck

Throughout the 2002/2 school year, Jay and Kevin have scoured the campus a ing people questions such “Will you be in our band?”, “Will you dance with me?” “Did I scare you?” Many have participate these photographs, unlike statue who still refuses all Jay’s requests. In conclusion to the sc year, Jay and Kevin, have piled a collection of some o their favorite pictures and experiences.

April 23, 2003



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During this year’s football season in October, Jay got Coach Paul Vosburgh (right), Andrew Aizer (left) and Cody Hodge (middle) to celebrate his touchdown with him by dancing on the field. Many people were asked the question, “Will you dance with me?” and everyone eagerly participated.

(Above) Jay asked the statue during the winter for a ride, the only offer was on his shoulders. (Left) Jay and Kevin sounded off on music and the two agreed to disagree with this picture.

Page 12 April 23, 2003


Much ado about Infomercials S TA F F W R I T E R DY N A M O


We've all had those nights where we toss and turn in bed, trying to fall asleep to no avail. Chances are, if you've had one of these nights, you usually drag yourself out of bed at some ungodly early hour to catch some quality programming on TV in hopes that it might make you the least bit drowsy. However, as soon as you switch on the TV set, your hopes of watching something the least bit interesting are dashed. All you see is some yokel spewing information about another useless product no one will ever buy. Immediately, you fall asleep. Late night/early morning TV is littered with what are known as infomercials. If you aren't familiar with infomercials... well that would be sad if you didn't know what they are because that means mommy and daddy are trying a bit too hard to keep your 9:00pm bedtime while you're away at college. But for those of you who aren't narcoleptics, an infomercial is a half hour television program giving information about a certain product and offering low, low discounts if you "call right now!" If you're still confused, I've got two words for you: Richard Simmons. It's bad enough on some nights when you can't fall asleep because you're worried about a math test or the big Ping-Pong tournament the next day, but being subjected to infomercials is an unavoidable slap in the face, especially when there's a bunch of overexcited morons running around, screaming about how great their products are. One of these such morons is known as "Chef Tony." Yet, there is no evidence that he is a real chef except for the fact that he wears a chef's uniform. I want to see come credentials here! I can put on a uniform that says 'mechanic,' but

that doesn't mean you're going to want me working on your car. I will give Chef Tony credit though, he can wield a knife like no other. He also knows a hell of a lot about microwave bags that turn out gourmet dinners in a matter of minutes. In fact, I think Chef Tony peddles more products than Phillip Morris. Another thing he accomplished was talking my counterpart, Aubs, into buying one of Chef Tony's official knife sets. Although, that doesn't take too much effort. Just tell Aubs that a dancing monkey comes with a purchase and he'll take two. Apparently, late night is also a great time to show a lot of infomercials about how to improve your overall health. There's this crazy, pony-tailed creep named Tony Little who is always a little



infomercial, they automatically throw in Tony Little himself who, on the day your workout device arrives, will pop out of the box and begin singing show tunes. This may not be the best marketing idea, but, once again, Aubs fell for it. He says he's "allowing 4-6 weeks for delivery." Unlike some of my other stories, this one comes with a moral: waxing your armpits will be more relaxing than watching some shouting salesman on TV trying to pry your credit card n u m b e r from you. If Tom Parker you're having trouThese “Blades” come with their very own First Aid Kit. ble with too amped up about losing weight an infomercial addiction, here's a and staying in shape. He's now thought that may steer you in the pushing this weird contraption right direction: Aubs "sweatin' to that looks like a medieval torture the oldies." 'Nuff said. device that is supposed to shed pounds like a hot Chef Tony knife through butter. But I think with a Email address: purchase through the Tony Little

Life is hard, there’s no question. Car problems. Money problems. Problems fending off those people with the green suits who threaten to beat you if you don’t buy their product. I think they go by “girl scouts” but the only scouting I see is done by the homeless guy I pay a dollar a week to scout my sidewalk and warn me when they’re coming. My fear of Girl Scouts comes with one perk. I like the cookies, and they bring them to your house so you don’t have to go shopping. They make life easier for you. Heck I could go a whole month all hopped up on “Thin Mints” and Jolt cola. In fact that’s my usual month of February, but my love for ease in life’s trials and tribulations extends to one of today’s lesser known marvels: Infomercials. I just may be the world’s biggest sucker. From food dehydrators to making quick money schemes to my idol Chef Tony and his wonderful knife series, I’m in. There is always a way to make life better. Better pasta pots with holes in the lids so water can drain out and the pasta stays in, rotisseries that are so easy you only need to set and forget them, a diet scheme hawked by a feminine man in tights and a little chart with cartoon foods on it that help you lost weight. Its all part of what I call “Pure Genius.” And it’s that genius that influences me to trust a man throwing books around and wearing a suit covered in questions marks. The “Real testimonials” full of bad actors reading off of cue cards, a man with the largest eyebrows I have ever seen telling me the miracle of juices, it’s all a part of the magic that makes infomercials great. These products really sell themselves, or at least suckers like me like to trick ourselves into thinking

Where the Heck is Everyone?

Jay and Kevin scoured the campus once again and were severely confused to find no one around. Unaware of things like “Vacation” and “Break” Jay and Kevin marveled at the lack of students on campus.

Right: Jay embraces the only friend he can find and they finally put their differences aside. Proving once and for all tha statues and humans can get along in this crazy world, no matter what differences they have.

Right: With no one around, CNN quickly turned into Nick Jr in the cyber cafe, much to Jay and Kevin’s delight

Right: Jay and Kevin grab seats on the basil couches that are normally reserved for people “Cooler than them.”

Above: Jay can finally use the Back Machine for as long as he likes now that there are no scary football players around to give him yet another “Super Atomic Melvin.”

Left: Desperate for some Bon Appetit goodness kevin tries the “direct approach” to enter the dining hall to no avail.

say that this is true. I can’t stop watching when I catch them at two in the morning. I watch them so much, over and over, that I can recite them right along with the infomercial. The master salesmen, Ron Popeil and Chef Tony, I consider my personal friends and would like them to please return my phone calls and letters. And while they’re at it, lift that restraining order they have on me. Seriously guys, come on, I’m just a harmless fan with pictures of you as the wallpaper in my bedroom. On a healthier note, my most recent addition to my infomercial collection is the Miracle Blade Three Perfection series and I gotta tell you, they drive like a Cadillac. Speaking from experience, they work just as well on fingers as they do on any household object (except propane tanks on gas grills, the fire chief was not impressed that my Miracle Blade Three Slicer successfully sheared the valve clean off, thusly sparking a fiery inferno that consumed one third of my apartment and melted my new knives. Luckily Chef Tony’s offer comes with the Miracle Guarantee which states that he will replace the knives for free even if the damage is my fault! I asked the fire chief to write me a note that stated that the damage was indeed my fault, just to put the screws to him. He was not amused.) The second I got them home I tried every torture test I saw Chef Tony do. Although after awhile it was tough to tell how well they worked through all the blood. However, the paramedic told me, when I regained consciousness, that my cuts were exquisite and that he had never seen cuts quite like them before. I, for one, was quite flattered and I’m sure Chef Tony echoes my senitments exactly. Email address:



ollege Bookstore

In The Fishbowl

This is the time for book buy-backs! Now is the time to sell back your books for next semester

10% OFF*

Soft Washed Hats by Gear in the latest fashion colors. Khaki, Navy, Red, Olive, Gold. One size.

All emblematic clothing with this coupon * not to be combined with any other specials April 28th through May 2


100% cotton long sleeve T-shirt with front chest and sleeve design, makes this one of the favorite choices of many! Gold, Blue, and white $27.98

Matching nylon pants and jacket available in two great color combinations. Yellow/Blue Cardinal/Blue Jacket $39.98 Pants $34.98

Don’t forget about mom this Mother’s Day! Mom T-shirts will be available after May 3!

75% Off

Selected group of shirts and sweatshirts

These T-shirts come in three great colors that make it hard to choose.

Just $14.98

Colorful shirt and hat set comes with bold red letters on the front of the shirt that match the fisher hat!

Just $24.98



ollege Bookstore

In The Fishbowl

April 23, 2003

Wednesday April 23rd


OFF-Campus Sean Costello at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que., 99 Court Street. For more information call 3257090. MCC’s Business, Industry, Hospitality and Technology Job Fair, 11:00 - 1:00, Bldg. 1, 2nd floor hallway. For more information contact Michelle Fisk at 2922248, Open to participating RACDA member colleges including all St. John Fisher College students. “Leaving for the Country: George Bellows at Woodstock.” George Bellows (1882-1925) is the focus of a nationally touring exhibition by Rochester’s Memorial Art Gallery, now on view at the MAG through June 22nd. 75 works from the period 1920-24 are featured, predominantly landscapes and portraits. Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Avenue, Rochester. For more information call 4737720.

Thursday April 24th ON-Campus Bring it on! with Career Services, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Call 385-8050.

David Wright, Director of Fan Development...speaker from MLS, Major League Soccer. Sponsored by the Sports Studies Club. More details TBA. OFF-Campus SUNY Rochester Educational Opportunity Center and NYS Department of Labor hold their 2nd annual Career Fair at the Riverside Convention Center, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be more than 30 employers on hand looking to fill a variety of vacancies throughout the Rochester area. For more information, visit

Friday April 25th


ON-Campus Last day of classes. SAB Open Mic Night, 9:30 p.m. OFF-Campus Red Wings College Night. This specific listing is for Sports Studies Majors only sponsored by the Sport Studies Club. They will have 25 tickets at $2.50 each The game is at 6:35 p.m. vs. Syracuse. Commuter Council Final Event, Red Wings College Night, 6:35 p.m. More details coming soon.

Saturday April 26th OFF-Campus

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ 12-second flight at Kitty Hawk. Visit the Rochester Museum and Science Center from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. for exhibits, activities and speakers. Visit for more information.

Sunday April 27th

OFF-Campus Recover, Taking Back Sunday, From Autumn to Ashes and Count the Stars play Water Street Music Hall, 204 N. Water Street. For more information call 325-5600. “We are beautiful 2003,”AIDS Rochester Benefit Night at Club Rain, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Liver performances by Renee Stakey, Darienne Lake, Ambrosia Salad, Heather Skye and Aggy Dune. Also host Chris Beckman from MTV’s Real World Chicago and DJ Henry. The $5 cover will benefit AIDS Rochester. 21 and over only, ID required.

Monday April 28th

ON-Campus Stress Free Zone begins.

Tuesday April 29th

ON-Campus It’s all in the Details, with Career Services, 12:301:30 p.m. OFF-Campus BLAST!, winner of the 2001 Tony Award for

Cardinal Courier

2 twenty for

Page 14



This week’s 2 for Twenty is Keenan’s Restaurant, located at 1010 East Ridge Road in the Georgetown Plaza. Keenan’s offers fine dining in a casual atmosphere, with lunch and dinners served seven days a week. If you hit Keenan’s for lunch, almost everything on the menu is under 10 dollars a person. Besides their large menu selections, Keenan’s offers specials for both lunch and dinner that make for a very reasonable bill. For lunch, they have several appetizers and soups, ranging from three to nine dollars, fit to be a meal themselves. Appetizers include garlic bread, mozzarella sticks, onion rings and much more. The same thing goes for the salad selection. Keenan’s has several garden, Caesar, and spinach salads for a good price. When it comes to the meal itself, Keenan’s has something for everyone. You can get a darn good Chicken Club sandwich for less than six dollars, complete with fries and coleslaw (or chips). They have over a dozen different cooked sandwiches and melts, all for

less than seven bucks. But that’s not all. Keenan’s has several full meals like Haddock, Chicken Piccata and Eggplant Parmesan, complete with salad, for less than ten dollars. And if you want something from the deli, Keenan’s has what you want. You can get a BLT, a Grilled Cheese or a Keenan’s Club sandwich, with fries and coleslaw for six dollars or less. Drinks are all reasonable, usually selling for less than two bucks. I enjoyed my dining experience at Keenan’s. The parking lot is well lit and the restaurant itself is very clean and friendly. Everything is reasonably priced, the service is good and the food is good. What more can you ask for? Keenan’s is open Monday through Thursday from 11am10pm and Friday/Saturday till 11pm. Their hours on Sunday are 1-8pm, dinner only. They accept all major credit cards, as well. Although reservations are not necessary, you can contact Keenan’s Restaurant at 266-2691. Enjoy! Email address:

Sunday May 18th

O.A.R. and The Lost Trailers perform at Water Street Music Hall, 204 N. Water Street. For more information call 325-5600.

Tuesday May 20th

The Forty-Fives play at The Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Avenue. For more information 454-2966.

Wednesday May 21st Matchbox twenty with Sugar Ray and Maroon5 perform at the Blue Cross Arena.

Tuesday May 27th

Inertia and Terrorfakt play Water Street Music Hall, 204 N. Water Street. For more information call 3255600.

Geva’s Theophilus North S TA F F W R I T E R


“I quit! I quit, I quit, I quit; I quit!” These are the first words the audience hears out of the mouth of young Theophilus North. Theophilus, commonly referred to as Teddy, is a young prep school teacher from New Jersey who is sick and tired of his mundane career and life. He longs to see and experience new and exciting things. He longs to be emancipated, to be free. Only 102 miles outside his home in New Jersey and Teddy’s car breaks down on him. Unable to afford to have it fixed, Teddy decides he will begin his adventure right there, in Newport, Rhode Island. It is the spring and summer of 1926, so the country’s richest and finest families will all be staying in Newport for the next four months or so. Teddy decides to

“Best Special Theatrical Event” and the 2001 Emmy Award for “Best Choreography” is comprised of 54 brass, percussion and visual performers brought together in a unique explosion of music and theatre. Runs through May 4th. For tickets and showtimes, call the Auditorium Theatre at 454-7743.

find a job at a local country club and finds lodging at the YMCA. Teddy’s main job at the club is to teach young children to play tennis. Not very good at the game himself, Teddy does more socializing than tennis playing with his clients. He is well liked by the children he instructs and the word gets out as to what a charming and enthusiastic young man Teddy is. He begins receiving a number of telephone calls from Newport residents who would like them to read aloud to their loved ones. Teddy builds friendships with his clients and seems to learn at least one thing from each of them. One boy quotes Tennison to Teddy, “I am a part of all I have seen…” Teddy refutes Tennison and acknowledges that he is the only one in charge of what he does and does not see; he chooses what he is a part of. Teddy meets two couples along the way, one married, one forbidden to be together. From them he

Rusted Root plays at Harro East, 400 Andrews Street. For more information call 454-0230.

Wednesday April 30th

ON-Campus It’s all in the Details, with Career Services, 7-8 p.m.

learns about the patience, respect and compromise that love demands. The last man Teddy comes into contact with is an old and very sick man with a great love for Philosophy and the Bible. With Teddy’s help, the man decides he is not dead yet and needs to live his life to the fullest. Teddy admires both his strength and courage and realizes that even when standing before the door of death, one can not give up on life. He realizes one never truly lets people into his life and realizes that may be the reason why he has never had “his great adventure.” The relationships one has with other people can lead to some of the most exciting and important times of a person’s life. Theophilus realizes now he never even had to leave home to be a part of the world. So, he ends up right where he began, New Jersey, ready to start living the rest of his life.

OFF-Campus Jane Hirshfield reads her poetry at MCC. She is the author of five poetry collections and a book of essays, Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry. Her work has appeared in Best American Poetry, The Pushcart Prize Anthology, The Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, The Nation, and many lit-

Cardinal Courier



Sandler and Nicholson shine in Anger Management S TA F F W R I T E R


Anger Management is a tale about Dave Buznik, played by Adam Sandler, a designer of catalogs for overweight-cat clothing. Dave is sentenced to an anger-management program following a confrontation with an arrogant flight attendant. Dr. Buddy Rydell, played by Jack Nicholson, is the anger management guru who moves in with Dave and starts to take control of his life. Buddy first meets Dave on the flight, where Dave asks a flight attendant for a headset, setting off a farcical sequence of events that

causes Dave to be accused of attacking the flight attendant, even though he only touched her arm. Dave is not angry; he is just an idiot, allowing Buddy to make him do insane tasks in order to “cure” him. Buddy makes him attack a childhood bully who has become a monk and convinces him to break up with his girlfriend, Linda, played by Marisa Tomei. Dave does nothing for a reason, only because Buddy tells him to. The whole movie hints that we have now created a society in which no one is allowed to express even the slightest hint of anger, which leads to repressed people like poor Dave. A number of celebrities have

cameos in the movie adding to the quirky comedy. Woody Harrelson appears as a cross-dressing hooker with a German accent, Heather Graham shows up smothered in brownie, Luis Guzman flabbily squeezes into fluorescent belly shirts as a gay man with anger issues, and John McEnroe and Bobby Knight join the anger management classes, only Bobby Knight thinks he is in a Sexaholics Anonymous class. Overall, the movie was funny and entertaining, although the ending was a little disappointing but I won’t give that away. Email addresses:

Taking It With You: A Review S TA F F W R I T E R

erary periodicals. MCC Theatre, Building 4, Brighton Campus, 1000 E. Henrietta Road. For more information call 585-292-3023.

Thursday May 1st

OFF-Campus June Panic plays at the Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Avenue. For more information call 44542966.

Tuesday May 6th

Senior Cruise on the Spirit of Rochester, dinner drinks and DJ. Seniors are required to take buses, which leave at 4:30 p.m sharp. OFF-Campus Party Of Helicopters plays at the Bug Jar, 219 Monroe Avenue. For more information call 454-2966.

Wednesday May 7th

Senior Ball at the Four Points Sheraton, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. OFF-Campus The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus comes to the Blue Cross Arena, through May 11th. Tickets are avail-


Making your way to the Kearney Auditorium in icy weather might have been quite a hassle, but for those who were able to make the trip, their efforts were well rewarded by a funny, relaxed performance by the Fisher Players. The group, consisting of over 20 actors, actresses, and stage crew, put on a show to be remembered by all who attended. “You Can’t Take it With You” by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufmann is a whimsical production about the crazy lives of a New York family. The plot was centered around introducing the Kirby’s, a family that is considered to be the social norm, to the Sycamore’s, a family that is made up of a variety of different characters, each with their own unique personality. When Alice Sycamore and Tony Kirby announce their engagement, the families are readily awaiting introduction to each other. After setting a dinner date, Tony brings his family to Alice’s home unannounced, a day early to expose the families’ true colors. During a quite embarrass-

p.m. at the Country Party House. Play money, drinks, munchies and lots of prizes. Seniors are required to use the shuttle, which leaves Haffey steps at 7:15, 7:30 7:45 and 8 p.m.

Kelsey Yuskiw

Fisher Players’ production of “You Can’t Take it With You” took the stage in style after being delayed by the April 4th Ice Storm. ing moment for Alice, you see how much each individual’s personality contributes to the overall image of the family. Alice can’t help but try to contain the wacky antics of the family, while they are content being just who they are. Even with the Kirby’s arriving a day before the set date, the Sycamore’s are happy to accommodate their arrival. After seeing how the families reacted to each other, members of the audience couldn’t help but reflect on the hidden secrets of their own family. As the audience laughed at the behavior of the families on stage, they also knew

Friday May 2nd

OFF-Campus Blue’s Clues Live through May 4th at the Auditorium

Center. Tickets are $15.50 to $25.50. For more information visit

Sunday May 4th

Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Deanna Carter at the Blue

that each behavior was important to the relationship between the members of the family. By learning to overcome their differences as a whole and to accept the other family for who they were, Alice and Tony were able to see their marriage through by creating a new tie between the two families. With performances like this, the Fisher Players show their true dedication to their work. After countless nights of rehearsing, they weathered a storm and told all who attended that the show must go on in style. Email addresses:

Cross Arena, 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $39 and $49 and can be purchased through Ticketmaster.

able through Ticketmaster, and range from $12 through $30. This is the first time they’ve been back to Rochester in 4 years. For more information visit

Thursday May 8th

Senior/Faculty/Staff Softball game, 3 p.m. behind the Student Life Center. President’s Celebration for Seniors, 5-7 p.m. on Lavery Lawn. Rain location is Ward Haffey Dining Hall. OFF-Campus Pat Mitchell, the President and CEO of PBS, speaks at the Rochester Women’s Network 25th

Anniversary Gala Luncheon. The noon Monday May 5th luncheon will be held at Senior Week Begins the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Senior/Alumni/Faculty/Staff Tickets are $50. To purGolf Outing, 8 a.m. til ? at the chase, call the RWN St. John Fisher Golf Course. office at 271-4182. Senior’s Casino Night, 8-11

Page 15 April 23, 2003

Friday May 9th

Seniors’ Awards Ceremony and Reception, Kearney Auditorium, 4-6 p.m. OFF-Campus Buju Banton, Covenant and Melotron perform at the Water Street Music Hall, 204 N. Water Street. For more information call 325-5600.

Monday May 12th

Anthrax and Motorhead play the Penny Arcade, 4785 Lake Avenue. For more information call 621-7625.

Wednesday May 14th

Last Train Home performs at the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 99 Court Street. For more information call 325-7090.

1776 at Geva Theatre, 75 Woodbury Blvd. 1776 is a musical about the men who forged our nation, using their hearts, minds and courage to bring about that most important American ideal Independence! 1776 brings our national history to life, with characters we all know - Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. But what about the rest of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence? What compelled them to join the fight for freedom? This is a tale of the hopes and commitment of the men behind the document upon which our nation was built. 1776 runs through June 22nd. For tickets, call 585-232Geva.

Saturday May 17th

Delusional Spell plays at the Penny Arcade, 4785 Lake Avenue. For more information call 6217625.

Page 16 April 23, 2003


Cardinal Courier

Security at Fisher

voice concerns Alcohol use most Students Survey cites a lack of trust between students and security pressing issue CONTRIBUTING WRITER



Burglary, rape, and assault are all key issues at colleges across the country, but alcohol violations are among the leading hang-ups on campuses like St. John Fisher College. Six schools with similar enrollment — D’Youville College and Canisius College, both in Buffalo; Hobart and William Smith Colleges, in Geneva; Nazareth College, in Rochester; and LeMoyne College, near Syracuse — each had the core of their on-campus arrests start as alcohol law violations. “It seems the most pressing issue is the alcohol use and the issues that alcohol brings,” said Mike McCarthy, Director of Safety and Security at Fisher. “That bleeds over into medical issues. Somebody drinks too much and they get sick or get in a fight and need medical attention.” According to statistics from the Office of Post-Secondary Education at the Federal Department of Education’s Web site, Fisher Security filed 56 on-campus disciplinary reviews in 2001 for liquor-related incidents. Of the near-2,500 students at Fisher, 1,100 live on campus. “One might edge out the other, but we’re pretty close to Nazareth in statistics,” McCarthy said. “We get noise complaints, lots of requests for information and lesser calls for escorts and unlocks. RA’s generate reports as well. They may handle a noise complaint, but if they have trouble, they call us.” McCarthy was careful to mention that not all calls end up as reports. An isolated noise disturbance will not be written up, but multiple complaints about the same person could warrant a report. McCarthy also said that alcohol often leads to excessive noise, arguments and damage to college property or an individual’s belongings. Most of these are referred to the college’s judicial review board. But, looking at arrests versus disciplinary referral stats, in regards to on-campus arrests, the numbers are confusing. Canisius, D’Youville and Nazareth reported

no criminal resident hall arrests in 2001. Canisius is void of alcoholrelated arrests back through 1999; Nazareth reported one alcohol related criminal arrest in both 1999 and 2000. However, Canisius College sent 199 on-campus liquor law violations to disciplinary review in 1999 and then 106 in 2001, but no arrests were made on-campus. D’Youville logged eight reviews in 2000 and 2001. Nazareth filed 84 on-campus disciplinary reviews for liquor-related incidents in 2001. Fisher Security made no oncampus or resident hall arrests for alcohol in the last three years, but completed 52 liquor related reviews in 1999, 46 in 2000 and 56 in 2001. Conversely, Hobart and William Smith Security logged 182 arrests in 2001 and a whopping 531 in 2000. Hobart and William Smith enrollment for last year was 1,900 and has been steady for the past three years. LeMoyne was the worst off, arrest-wise. Security there made 375 liquor-related arrests on-campus and 300 in resident halls. LeMoyne sent all 375 liquor law violations to disciplinary referral in 2001. The college could have counted resident hall arrests with on-campus arrests, meaning there were only 75 alcohol-related arrests made outside the residence halls, but the OPE statistics did not clarify this. Each college may have a unique situation to address arrests. Hobart and William Smith may rely on Geneva City Police to handle those under arrest. Canisius may not make arrests and leave that to Buffalo city police, but take further review action on-campus. LeMoyne may combine their statistics or, like Fisher, their judicial review body may be separate from the security department. Security officials at Hobart and William Smith and LeMoyne College declined comment and did not return e-mails. Email address:


Students want to be respected and treated like the adults that they are, but it is security’s responsibility to make sure nothing happens to them, which is the most important part of the security guards’ job. Thus, security has to maintain a professional and parental-like role which teeters between friend and enemy. Ask students of the Fisher community what they think of campus security and usually what comes to mind is parking tickets and confiscated alcohol. Regardless if the individual is a commuter, resident, male, female, two-year or four-year student, they all pretty much have the same opinion of the security guards at St. John Fisher College. Information was collected from an informal, qualitative survey of 45 random students to find out what their primary concerns and views of campus security are. Six open-ended, typed questions were constructed in a way to let students confidentially express their opinions and give suggestions about Fisher security; the following trends were reported: The majority of students said parking tickets and breaking up parties. Students feel there is a lack of trust between themselves and security because the majority of the work they see the guards doing is issuing tickets, not escorting people, patrolling the parking lots at night or showing a general concern for the safety of the students. Stephen Potter, operations manager of safety and security said, “We try to maintain a climate conducive to learning. Alcohol and drug abuse is an issue, alcohol being the biggest problem. We know we’re not going to clear it off campus, but we try to keep it under control. Hopefully students are better prepared for classes as a result.” Parking is an issue that is taken out on security because that is what students see security officers spending most of their time doing. “Maintaining parking issues seems to take up a lot of our time, especially during the day,” said Potter. St. John Fishers Campus Safety Bulletin for 2002-2003 says, “The Safety and Security Department is responsible for campus safety and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” Students feel there

Jay Adams

Security has been the subject of much debate among students this year. is a lack of safety especially in the evening because they do not see security patrolling the campus as often at night as they do during the day even though many students attend night classes. Of the 45 students questioned, nearly everyone commented on the fact that there is a lack of safety in the evening. Mike McCarthy, director of the department of safety and security said, “There are a total of 13 campus security guards that rotate three shifts for 24 hour coverage. The day shift handles mostly parking and academic issues. The afternoon shift deals mostly with special events and service calls and the evening shift receives’ calls related to alcohol more frequently than health calls.” All of the guards are required to pass a New York State guide training program, an eight hour class informing the guards of the basic laws of arrest, trespassing statutes and protection of property. The class teaches them how to make a citizens arrest but lets them know that they don’t have the authority of a police officer. Overall the program advises the guards’ of the generic control they have over an individual. McCarthy and Potter are retired police officers however all guards are equally trained to execute a wide range of duties. An additional part of their patrol function is to guard suspicious and criminal vio-

lations of policy, from implementing the noise ordinance in the residence halls to drug use and sexual assault. Security is also responsible for responding to medical and life safety issues. After 5p.m. the Wellness Center is closed so all health related calls from a physical illness to a mental health condition like stress or depression are redirected to security. Should a student overdose on drugs or have to go the hospital for alcohol poisoning, security is liable. Security has a lot of responsibilities and they are truly looking out for the students well being and their own. McCarthy said, “Regardless of the type of call we get, it’s considered as a, “we-betterget-there-in-a-hurry” kind of call.” Overall the survey shows that students would like if security was more lenient on the parking and partying issues. More importantly they would like to have a better rapport with the security guards and want to feel safer on campus. One survey respondent said, “I would feel safer if the guards were as visible in the evening as they are during the day.”

Email address: cardinalcourier

Fisher ranks among safest colleges CONTRIBUTING WRITER


As compared to peer colleges, St. John Fisher is one of the safest institutions available When compared to six schools of similar size: Canisius and D’Youville Colleges in Buffalo; Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva; LeMoyne College in Syracuse and Nazareth College in Rochester, Fisher’s three-year crime rate is among the lowest, according to statistics from the federal Department of Education’s Office for Post-Secondary Education. “I’d like to take the credit for it, but there are a lot of factors that play into it,” said Mike McCarthy, Director of Security and Safety at Fisher. Looking at criminal offenses in

residence halls, three peer school had higher on-campus arrests for burglary in residence halls than Fisher did, according to the OPE stats. Canisius, D’Youville and Nazareth reported no criminal resident hall arrests in 2001. Canisius and D’Youville are clean back through 1999; Nazareth reported one liquor-related criminal arrest in both 1999 and 2000. Canisius led in burglaries. A total of 15 were reported in 2001, 28 in 2000. Nazareth followed with five, then Fisher and Hobart and William Smith, four each; LeMoyne and D’Youville, two each. Fisher had only two reported burglaries in 2001 and it has almost 2,500 students in their undergraduate program. Nazareth had three reports in 2001 with 1,900 undergrads enrolled. Canisius led with seven counts in 2001, but also has the highest enroll-

ment of the six schools. In 2000, it had 14 reports of burglary. The school reported 3,400 students in its undergrad program. D’Youville, a school with less than 1,000 undergraduate students, had no resident hall crime reported since 1999. Updated 2002 statistics had not been complied or posted on the OPE web page. McCarthy said that location, quality of life, and the student body all play into the amount of deviance at a campus. “(Being a private college), there’s a quality of person admissions looks for,” McCarthy said. “Urban versus suburban or rural. Here in Pittsford, that location, the standards of the area... They all play into that. “(Also), I think it’s noteworthy to say that there’s very little influence from the outside. There are

few crimes generated from outside people,” McCarthy said. “You might get someone smashing out a window of a car and taking a stereo, but by in large, there’s little exception to that rule.” Over the past three years, only one illegal weapon arrest was reported among the six schools, coming in 2001 at LeMoyne. LeMoyne also had the most trouble with drug law violations. LeMoyne Security made 68 on-campus arrests in 2000 and 14 in 2001 for drug law violations. All of these went to disciplinary reviews. Fisher, to compare, had 18 reviews in the last three years; nine came in 2001. LeMoyne has 2,500 undergraduate students; Fisher reported an undergraduate enrollment of 2,400 students to the Department of Education last year. “We are the investigative arm of the college,” McCarthy said. “Res-

Life is the judicial system. We are the primary responders, we do the investigation and then turn it over to Res-Life. They pick up the ball from there.” No school had a significant number of (if any at all) auto thefts, aggravated assault or robbery, though Hobart reported at least three instances of arson each year between 1999 and 2001. Only two schools - Canisius and Fisher - had reports of forced rape in their resident halls in 2001. No school had any report of hate crimes, stats from 2002 were not available on the OPE website. “I’m proud of our department and proud of our level of expertise,” McCarthy said. “We’ve got a good, caring group that tries to do their best.” Email address:

Cardinal Courier


Page 17 April 2, 2003

Ringing in your ears reasures of Fisher




A treasure of Saint John Fisher College is the school’s system of ringing bells. Throughout history, bells have been used for religious ceremonies, to tell time, and in celebration or mourning. Bells were first used in a religious sense, in the 8th century when a priest used them at a funeral. At Fisher the bells play every half an hour, and the school’s alma

Real World star visits campus CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Irulan Wilson, from MTV’s Real World Las Vegas, visited St. John Fisher College Thursday April 10th after flying 16 hours to meet the 150 students who gathered in the Varsity Gym to see her. Wilson began by telling the audience the answer to her “most frequently asked question,” how she got picked to be on the show. Wilson told the audience that she and her best friend sent in a tape to MTV, “just talking real and being straight with them.” She told the students that MTV wants “real, honest” people who are not pretending to be someone else. After she sent in the tape she got a call from MTV telling her that she made it to the next level, therefore MTV was going to send her a packet that was to be filled out. Wilson told the audience that it took her three days to fill out the entire packet. After the packet was received, MTV gave Wilson a call telling her that she had to come to a final round. After the interview process Wilson got the call that would change her life forever. “I was in Blockbuster, picking up a movie, and I got a call on my cell phone from MTV saying that I was to be on Real World Las Vegas. I started screaming in front of all these strangers in Blockbuster telling them that I was going to be on Real World!” One female student asked Wilson if she and Elton were still together. (Elton was one of the roommates on Real World Las Vegas who started dating Wilson on the show). Wilson answered, “Yes, we are still together. We just moved to Los Angeles where we bought a house and a dog together.” Shana Eldrige, a sophomore at Fisher said, “I watched the show every week so it was great to see one of the characters step out of the show and then come to Fisher. It was weird, but she was so cool and answered all of our questions.” Wilson will be on tour for the rest of the year, visiting colleges all across the country. “The other cast members are doing pretty much the same”, said Wilson. Some of them are trying to get into the movie business while others are starting up modeling contracts. Wilson says that she is still close with all of the cast members, “some more than others.” Email address:

mater is supposed to be played at 12:30 pm. The question has sometimes arisen as to whether or not those are indeed “real” bells that are playing. The answer is no, they are not. Fisher President Charles Lavery had an old carillon system installed to play the bell music, early in the history of the college. However, by then the system was already old, and sometime in the 1980s the music died. In 1996, a gift was bestowed on the college. That year, the class of 1956 (one of the pioneer classes), decided to donate over $10,000 to the school. The money was for a new carillon system to once again fill the halls, and skies of Fisher

with music. The system was made and installed by a company called Maas-Rowe Carillons. The “bells” run on a clock system, which can be altered according to preference. The system can actually do a lot more then it currently does. A special CD was created for the alma mater, but the bells can play anything from Ave Maria, to Amazing Grace, to Are you Lonesome Tonight? The bells are a special part of Fisher, and even though they aren’t really bells, they are a treasure nonetheless. Email address:

Jason Marsherall

The bell tower over Kearney Hall provides the campus with music every half hour. The music returned in 1996.

IN FOCUS Bouaketh’s twist of fate Page 18

April 23, 2003



The scar on the back of her head is a symbol of her path in life. It was one of those things that was meant to happen. Some believe in coincidence. Bouaketh Chanthavisouk believes in fate. While playing volleyball last October, Bouaketh hit her head and was diagnosed with a concussion. By mid-November, the symptoms of the concussion had not gone away. She was plagued by headaches and her memory and concentration had deteriorated. Just to be safe, she was sent to have an MRI done. “On the MRI, they found a tumor, but it had nothing to do with the concussion,” said Bouaketh. “If it weren’t for the concussion, I wouldn’t have found out about the tumor.” Computer lab assistant Vanessa Cardinale, who has worked with Bouaketh for a year now, says that Bouaketh is lucky to have found out about it. “It’s quite a bit of bad luck to find out the way she did,” said Cardinale, “but she is lucky to have found out when she did before it began to affect anything permanently or the tumor got bigger.” When the MRI was done, the tumor was middle to large size, about the size of a walnut. “The space in your brain is so tight that anything that grows in there, it’s going to interfere with some of your functions,” said

Cardinal Courier

Bouaketh. While doing some research online, Bouaketh read that most people who have tumors of this kind don’t find out about it until they are in their 30’s; another reason she feels lucky. “People don’t find out about it until it starts affecting their hearing or facial nerves. I had perfect hearing and there was nothing wrong with my face,” said Bouaketh. “I had no symptoms of it at all.” The tumor was not cancerous, but it still had to be treated. Bouaketh had to weigh some options and decide what was the best route for her to take to recovery, but being a flight medic in the Army National Reserve, she understood the severity of the situation. “There were lots of options. But I had to decide between radiation therapy or surgery,” said Bouaketh. “I figured surgery was the best way to go.” Bouaketh underwent successful brain surgery in January at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester to remove the tumor. Bouaketh knew that she was to have surgery back in November, which gave her ample time to think about going under the knife. “I didn’t have my doubts until the day of the surgery when I met some of the other doctors that were going to be in there because I hadn’t met them before,” said Bouaketh. “The surgery went okay. I don’t want to say it’s a common surgery, but for neurologists, it’s a

surgery that they do a lot of.” Bouaketh spent five days in Strong’s intensive care unit to recover from the eighth hour surgery. Although she doesn’t remember much about what happened after the surgery, she remembers lying in ICU, unable to speak. “I had a chest tube in and [the nurses] wouldn’t give me a pen so that I could tell them anything I needed,” said Bouaketh. “I was fully aware of my needs and what it was that I wanted to tell them, but I didn’t have any means of communication. It was really frustrating to not be able to tell people what you need.” Bouaketh, who can usually be found in the Kearney computer lab as the Senior lab assistant, is now back at Fisher after a month away to recover.

“Things were a bit chaotic down here,” said Cardinale of Bouketh’s absence in the computer lab. “She’s so organized, everything is in order when she’s down here. She’s really the organization structure of this department.” Bouaketh has recovered enough to return to her position in the computer lab and to continue her work this semester, but the side effects of the surgery still linger. “Doctors say about 6 months until I start getting the feeling in my face back, but it’s no rush because I thought I wasn’t going to be able to talk. But my speech therapist says that everything is fine. People can understand what I’m saying and I talk loud enough,” said Bouaketh. “But I do have hearing loss. Hearing on my left side is never going to come back and neither is my balance. The tumor just affected that part of the nerve.” Bouaketh also feels that her memory has been effected as well. “I was pretty forgetful before, but I got lost going home [two weeks ago] and I had to call my sister have her give me directions home. I ended up driving in circles for about an hour,” said Bouaketh. “Sometimes I forget to do the simplest things. I have post-it notes all over my room to remind me to do certain things. It’s really hard.” Along with the challenges of trying to recover from surgery, Bouaketh also had to worry about staying on top of her school work in order to pass this semester. “It was hard being gone for that

month because there was stuff that I wanted to do, but I really couldn’t. I wanted to catch up on my school work in order to stay with my classes, but it was really hard to focus and to concentrate,” said Bouaketh. “I ended up having the computer read stuff to me. It helped at first, but I kept having to have the computer read the same things back to me because that’s just how I read. I read things over.” Bouaketh, however, is not the type of person to admit that she’s having a hard time adjusting to adversity. “She’s an incredibly strong person,” said Cardinale. “She’s handling it in a way that will bring normalcy back to her life. She would never show that she’s having a hard time, but she’s handling it as well as anyone could expect her to.” With the spring semester almost complete, Bouaketh is looking forward to taking a rest after she finishes college. “I’m probably going to go to graduate school next year,” said Bouaketh. “I wanted to go away to college, but now I think I’m going to stay in the area.” Bouaketh wants to attend graduate school at the University of Rochester to major in education administration, just another step in her path of life.

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Cardinal Courier

Sports column

Jay’s Jottings: random thoughts It has been an incredibly busy month in sports. The Syracuse Orangemen with Jim Boehiem at the helm finally won the NCAA championship. Mike Weir won the green jacket by defeating Len Matise in a playoff at the Masters. The NBA playoffs are underway and the favorite to win this year may surprise you. Here are some random thoughts about sports during the month of April, as if my opinion matters: - Thank you Martha Burke! You fought the good fight for women all across the nation by protesting Augusta National for not allowing women to become members. Your editorial asking Tiger Woods to skip the Masters and take a stand didn't go over too well with Woods as he did show up to play at the Masters. However, with the way he played, he may have been better off boycotting the tourney. The one thing you did accomplish, Martha, was you delivered a completely commercial-free Masters tournament as CBS was afraid of embarrassing its sponsors by running their commercials during the tournament. For that Martha, many of us say: Thank you! - Hats off to the Syracuse Orangemen for defeating the Kansas Jayhawks in the NCAA championship game a few weeks ago. Freshman Carmelo Anthony and Gerry McNamara led the 'Cuse to the promised land in a game that had its ups and downs. But now, there's talk of Anthony leaving the Orangemen to enter the NBA draft, possibly beating out high school phenom LeBron James as the #1 overall pick. C'mon Carmelo! Do these scenarios mean anything to you? Wide right? No goal? Ron Little? You erased all those bad memories of western and central New York sports blunders and now you want to leave? What's the worst that could happen if you stay? 4 national championships? - Speaking of LeBron James, he is now officially "ineligible" for college as he played in his third all-star game of the offseason. NCAA rules state that a player can only play in two to stay eligible to play in college. Some top A-list celebrities were on hand to see James play in the Jordan Capital Classic last Thursday. Those on hand included: Michael Jordan, Carmelo Anthony, Warren Sapp, Patrick Ewing, and Spike Lee. Former Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussien and the Anahiem Angels' rally monkey regrettably couldn't make it as they both had prior commitments. -The Lakers' championship streak may soon come to an end. Shaq and company may find themselves on the golf course a little early this year as the Sacramento Kings, led by Chris Webber, look determined as ever to avenge last year's embarrassment. While the Kings were riddled with injuries during the regular season, the team is happy, healthy, and ready to roll into the postseason. I think there will be a rematch of last year's Western Conference Finals as the Lakers will meet the Kings once again. Except this year, the Kings win as Kobe calls a time-out with none left. - Us anti-Yankee fans can't catch a break. It seemed as though with Jeter on the bench with a separated shoulder, the Yankees would crumble under the pressure of being without their star player. But noooooo, the Yankees have continued to win and make their mark on the AL East, thus proving that the New York Yankees are the best team that money can buy. I wonder what a World Series Championship costs on the black market these days?

Spring roundup S TA F F R E P O R T Fisher athletics have had a flurry of activity this month after the ice storm cancelled games and practices in the early part of the month. The women’s softball team currently stands at 17-7-1 overall with a record of 9-3 in the Empire 8 conference. Freshmen pitching sensation Amanda Herberger has been particularly impressive this season. Herberger struck out nine batters in last Thursday’s victory over RIT. That game improved Herberger’s season record to 7-1. The 9 nine strikeouts gave her 80 on the season setting a new college record for strikeouts in a season. For the week ending April 12, 2003, senior Amanda Kent was named the Louisville Slugger/National Fast pitch Softball Coaches Association Player of

the Week. Kent recently became the team’s all-time career leader in runs scored with 157. The baseball team currently has a record of 10-7. The women’s lacrosse team is off to their best start in the five year history of the program, with a record of 8-2. The Cardinals defeated Wells College 18-1 last week, the game was highlighted by 15 different players scoring. The men’s lacrosse team currently has a 3-6 record, going winless in the Empire 8 thus far with an 0-5 mark. The men’s tennis team is currently 6-5. Their most recent match was a loss in the second round of the Empire 8 Championships. The Cardinals were defeated 6-1 by Ithaca College, after getting by Alfred University 5-2 in the first round.

Page 19 April 23, 2003

Bills already loaded prior to Saturday’s NFL Draft SPORTS EDITOR


The Buffalo Bills are gearing up this off-season after finishing an impressive 8-8 2002 season. With some major aquisitions during the offseason, Gregg Williams and gang are overlooking the playoffs and heading straight for the Super Bowl. When the Bills show up at St. John Fisher College for training camp in July, some new faces will be shacking up in the rooms of Haffey. Offensively, the Bills didn't need to do much work. Last off-season's trade for Drew Bledsoe seemed to be the spark that turned the Bills from a puny 3-13 campfire to a raging, point-scoring inferno. Running Back Travis Henry also lit up the scoreboard many times to help the Bills win a few nail-biting games. Eric Moulds, the Bills Pro-Bowl Wide Receiver, is another determined player coming back to join the Bills offensive machine this year. A few months ago, however, Bills' General Manager, Tom Donahoe, made the annoucement that Peerless Price, the Bills' No. 2 go-to receiver, would be sent to the Atlanta Falcons for a first-round, No. 23 draft pick in this weekend's draft. While Price's speed is second to none in the NFL, Josh Reed, a Bills 2nd round draft pick last year, stepped up in the 2002 season and proved that he can be a stand out player, but Reed has some big

shoes to fill. Making a return to the Buffalo Bills is Fullback Sam Gash, who was released from the team three years ago and joined the Baltimore Ravens, the team that beat the New York Giants in the Super Bowl in Gash's first year there. Gash was signed just last month after future hall-of-fame fullback Larry Centers was cut by the Bills. While the Bills haven't made too many moves on offense this offseason, they have been impressively focused on a defense that finished 29th in the NFL last season in points allowed. The big story this offseason is the signing of both Takeo Spikes, linebacker, and Sam Adams, defensive tackle. Spikes, who played last season for the lackluster Cincinatti Bengals, was aquired after he became a free agent two months ago. An impressive specimin of speed and agility, Spikes will compliment the Bills' linebacking corp and Defensive Coordinator, Jerry Gray's, for-

mations. He will also work handin-hand with Middle Linebacker London Fletcher, who will be entering his second season as a Buffalo Bill. Adams is one house of a man. At 6-foot-3, 330 pounds, he and Pat Williams (6-foot-3, 315) will fill the gaping holes from last year's porus defensive line. Having Adams and Williams up front will also allow Spikes, Fletcher, and new Bills linebacker Jeff Posey to rome virtually free as Adams and Williams will tie up mulitiple blockers. Defensive End is the only position that is still up in the air for the Bills. Midseason last year, Chidi Ahonatu was signed to help complement proven Bills end Aaron Schobel, but Ahonatu, recently released by the Bills, was no miracle worker as the Bills still allowed opponent's rushing yards to rack up. It may be safe to say that the Bills, going into the draft this weekend, will choose a defensive end, however, Donahoe has made it clear that he is so confident in his team's ability already that he will choose the best overall player left when the Bills pick 23rd, regardless of position. With the draft wide open, Donahoe will surely make a decision which will make the Bills an even better team than they already are. Its going to be an exciting 2003 season. Email addresses:

Last Event of the Year!! And We Plan on Going out with a Bang!!

4/25 – “Open Mic Night”

@ 9:30 Fishbowl w/Special Guest Host We want to thank everyone for their continued support this past year!! We look forward to seeing you at Open Mic Night and wish you the best of luck as the semester comes to an end!! If you have any questions or suggestion for SAB events (especially for next year) please contact us at; by phone: 385-8394; or our new Instant Messenger screen name sjfcSAB.

We would like to send a special congratulation out to the 2003-2004 SAB Executive Board: President: Aaron Schmitt Vice-President: Nikki Fingland Spotlight Coordinator: Jamie Spring Films Coordinator: Evan Abbey Nitelife Coordinator: Heather Schoff Publicity Coordinator: Jessica Potter Multimedia Coordinator: Melisa Beauchesne T he Student Activities Board of 2002-2003 would like to thank Connie Peppes for all of her hard work and dedication to her Executive Board, SAB, and to all of the Fisher community!! You will be truly missed!!

Page 20 April 23, 2003


Cardinal Courier

Havas shines on and off field S TA F F W R I T E R


Lisa Havas has excelled in the sport of lacrosse. She has received numerous accolades and has proven to be a valuable part of the St. John Fisher’s women’s lacrosse team and she has only been playing since her senior year in high school. “I never expected to play lacrosse,” says Havas, senior, “my parents are entirely against sports involving sticks, but my gym teacher convinced me to play. I didn’t know how [to play] or understood the game.” She learned quickly. Within her lacrosse career, she has been named the female athlete of the week twice, the Empire 8 player of the week twice, has earned AllConference honors, been named to the Women’s Lacrosse All-State Second Team and made the Empire 8 President’s list. Just this season alone, Havas set the single game scoring record with seven goals against Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) on Saturday, was a finalist for the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA) Directors’ Cup Postgraduate Scholarship Award and became the first player at Fisher to go over the century mark in goals scored in a career with 102. “It is unbelievable,” she says about the many rewards she has received, “I never really expected the Director’s Cup, but Norm [Kieffer] brought my attention to it and told me to apply. It was a big surprise.” While these awards honor her skills in lacrosse, this sport wasn’t her first choice. Havas says she

“She is absolutely invaluable to the team,” - Shannon McHale, Havas’ teammate has always been a soccer person, but playing at Fisher wasn’t part of her immediate plans. “I never expected to play soccer at Fisher because of the huge transition and I didn’t think I was going to have time,” she says. “I always said I was going to play soccer, but never did.” With soccer no longer an option for her, Havas joined the lacrosse team in her second semester as a freshman. “They needed players and I signed up,” she said. “She is absolutely invaluable to the team as a person and a player,” said Shannon McHale, the women’s lacrosse coach. “The most amazing part with regard to the lacrosse stats is that she only played one year in high school.” Even though she is a skilled lacrosse player, she has other activities that she enjoys as well. During her sophomore and junior years she did a lot with Campus Ministry and Circle K as well as other organizations but after awhile, it became too overwhelming. “I belonged to five or six organizations, all with leadership positions, including lacrosse, and I had school work and was still trying to figure my major out. I took a step back, I couldn’t do it,” she said. Havas lightened her load and now she only belongs to a few clubs. She is on the general counsel of the Resident Student Association, is the secretary of the Sports Studies club and belongs to NRAH. She has also coached a youth lacrosse team (ages 6-12) in Penfield.

During her time at Fisher, Havas has become a well rounded individual and lacrosse has helped in that area. “In the larger scheme, lacrosse got me better adjusted to the college environment. I’m a quiet person and I was thrown together with 20 other girls in a similar situation.” Havas said that lacrosse has helped her with her time management skills and because of her title of co-captain, she has also developed leadership skills. “I have never met anyone who does so many things, community service, positions on campus with clubs, academic excellence,” said McHale. “Lisa is a true role model. She has the ability to accomplish an incredible amount of work, be there for her teammates, be very down to earth and be sensitive to others.” Through it all, Havas has always had the support of her parents. “My parents never played sports, but they are very supportive. They always tell me to try my best and learn what I can. I never had to try to win their support or worry about losing support, regardless of the outcome, they are there,” she said. Havas said that they may not understand the game, but they will show up to support her. Though it can be hard, Havas has managed to balance her personal life and her sports life. She says the two sort of intermingle, but they are still mixed. She has a different set of friends outside of lacrosse, but “some of my closet friends I met in lacrosse.” During the season, she spends a lot more

Senior Lisa Havis is a three-year member of the women’s lacrosse team. She is also a member of the Resident Student Association. time with her lacrosse team before the games and afterwards, but during the off season, her time is divided between her friends. “I’m a little worried that my friends would think that I’m giving them the shaft or that I’m putting them on the back burner,” she says, but eventually “they all understand.” When she isn’t deciding on which friends to hang out with, she is busy being a perfectionist. “My weakness is that I am a perfectionist. I set high standards, which becomes a problem when I’m involved in group projects. I get frustrated with others if they don’t set that standard too.” On the other side, she says her strength is

Miles brothers playing ball S TA F F W R I T E R


The bond shared between teammates is a strong one. A connection must be made between teammates in order to understand how each other think and play. The first siblings to play for Fisher baseball since Pat and Brian Craig, Mike and Jason Miles are much more than teammates, they are brothers. Their understanding of each others abilities and emotions transcend the playing field and even the locker room. Having grown up together and watched each other mature as athletes as well as human beings, they have learned to be able to work together both on and off the field. The Miles brothers are members of two teams, the St. John Fisher baseball team, and the Miles family. Throughout their high school and college athletic careers they have pushed each other to become the best baseball players they can be. They feed off of each others intensity joy, and disappointment. The brothers began their careers as pitchers at Kendall High School, just outside of Rochester. It was there that they gained their fundamental understanding for the game. It was their also that they learned to be more than brothers, but teammates striving for the same goals season after season. The brothers live at home with their parents in Kendall, and commute to Fisher. Jason, a righty starter, is an

accounting major and junior at Fisher. He transferred to Fisher this year from Monroe Community College. Jason contends that being able to play on the same team as his brother had considerable impact on his decision to transfer. With impressive stats such as an overall opposing batting average of only .177, and a won-loss percentage of 1.000 it is clear to see how Jason is a valuable member of the team. In his three appearances at the mound this season he has pitched a total of 16.1 innings, and has struck out a total of 16 batters averaging just under one strikeout per inning. Mike Miles is a senior management major at Fisher. He enjoys the opportunity to close for his brother as a lefty reliever. In his four relief appearances this season, he has allowed just one double, and one triple. Mike also flaunts a won-loss percentage of 1.000. Although the opportunity to play on the same team as brothers is one to be celebrated, the situation also has the potential to create tension between the siblings. During a game on the team’s yearly trip to Florida Jason had pitched a brilliant game which left the Cardinals up three runs in the final inning of regulation play. Mike was brought in to relieve his younger brother and gave up a home run with two men on base to blow a three run lead. Jason’s efforts that day were counteracted by a single play made by Mike.

that she doesn’t let herself settle. “It’s a wasted effort if I didn’t put 100 percent into it.” She is putting her all into figuring out what she’ll be doing after graduation. “I honestly don’t know what I’ll be doing in the future. I’ve been trying to figure that out for awhile. I do want to do something in sports,” she says. But in the meantime, she will be interning from June until August at the Summer Olympics in Lake Placid. She will be doing event planning, media relations and other activities with their Operations Management. She will also be living in the training center with the athletes. “Hopefully I will meet some people for networking, but I don’t know if this will turn into a job offer,” she said. As her four years come to a close, Havas says the most important thing about lacrosse was the friends she has made. “There are so many phenomenal players and a lot of them never played until their freshman year,” she said. “What makes Lisa a great player is her incredible drive and intrinsic motivation. She has a determination that is unmatched. She has a winning mentality and will not settle for less. Something inside drives her and allows her to go beyond her limits,” said McHale. “My only regret is that I did not have the opportunity to coach her and our other seniors for four years. Lisa is one of the most motivated and most genuine people I have ever met. I definitely admire her,” she said.

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Tennis No. 4 in Empire-8 SPORTS EDITOR


Benjamin P. Goossen

Mike and Jason Miles are again on the same baseball team. Frustrations in situations like this one impact not only the team, but a bond between brothers. As brothers they have learned to work together through such conflicts. The brothers are well liked by their teammates, and receive much praise from them. Their ongoing positive attitude and strong work ethic are enjoyed by all associated with the Fisher baseball program. When asked about his fondest memory of the Miles brothers, Chris Remus starting 3rd basemen alluded to an incident last season when Mike Miles delayed his own relief entrance into a tight game to use the bathroom. Mike’s “call to nature” is still joked about in good

fun to this day. Brandon Potter, starting catcher, expressed his fondness of the brothers and remarked that they have “completely different personalities”. The Miles brothers exemplify all that encompasses the term teammates. They know how to push each others buttons, how to inspire each other, and how comfort each other through rough times. Teammates of all sports should strive to understand each other in a similar fashion, to do so would drastically improve the morale and overall performance of any team. Email address:

The Fisher Men’s Tennis team placed fourth in this past weekend’s Empire 8 Conference Championship. “Our team went in strong and earned some good wins,” said Jason Fiume, “We played well and held our 4th seed.” Fisher faced Alfred in the tournament’s quarterfinals, pulling out a 5-2 victory as senior Kevin Aubrey beat Alfred’s Bill Tuttle to keep the Cardinals from falling into the consolation bracket. Jason Fiume also earned a point for Fisher with a 5-7, 6-4, 6-1 singles victory. Dale Stoker came from behind to also notch a point for the men’s tennis team. Fisher ended up losing 6-1 to the eventual-champion Ithaca Bombers in the semi-finals later that day. Nate Rich earned Fisher’s only point over Ithaca, winning 4-6, 7-6, (8-6), (10-0) in second singles. The loss to Ithaca placed Fisher in the consolation bracket. The second day of the tournament pitted Fisher against rival Nazareth. Chris Zeger won in sixth singles 4-6, 7-6, (7-4), 6-2 and Jason Byam won fifth singles. Zeger and Byam netted Fisher’s only two points as Fisher lost to Naz 5-2. “We bonded as a team over the two days and came in with high expectations of doing well,” said Tom Linhart.

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