The Vaughan Identity

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MUSIC : Royal Blood









jean & jack franco

As the school enters its 100th year, the new-look Lower School newspaper enters its first. After one successful year and one rather faltering one, we, as the new editors, have come up with a plan for this newspaper. We’ll aim to release one issue every month, making this a



monthly publication; expect no more and no less. In every issue there’ll be articles ranging from game and film reviews to current affairs and sports. As this is monthly, anticipate fairly recent news, but do not expect breaking news! We hope you enjoy it!

Please come to the library on any Thursday Form period if you would like to contribute, or contact Mr Garfath and Jack and Jean Franco.

School News

VAUGHAN TO RUN: THE MAN WHO RAN HIMSELF INTO HISTORY SAM LEAHY and JEAN FRANCO I: What do you think of the Vaughan to Run event? CB: As I came up with it, I’m a bit biased in terms of what I think about it. It all came about as Mr Stubbings asked for ideas to celebrate the Centenary. I found out that Cardinal Vaughan was born in Gloucester and is buried in Westminster Cathedral. So I proposed the idea of running from Gloucester to the Cathedral, a distance of 193 miles. While I was running along the Thames one day, I was listening to ‘Born to Run’ by Bruce Springsteen – well, I was singing it actually – and I thought ‘change that to Vaughan to Run’. It’s corny but it’s catchy, so it became Vaughan to Run. I had to sort out all the accommodation, and get a backup team: Mr Secker, Mr O’Grady and Mr Leigh were fantastic, and the key to getting me through. I stayed in a couple of pubs; I stayed with my sister, the Canon at St Peter’s at Gloucester; I stayed with Mr Secker’s family in Kingston. On the last night I stayed with someone I hadn’t seen since primary school 41 years ago - I’m not telling you my age - it was great to see him. It was really good time. I: How much money was raised? CB: At the moment it’s £1,800 on JustGiving, and I know that two Churches have raised £685. St Peter’s Church in Gloucester gave a cheque for £250, and there’s more to come in. If you’re good at maths, you can add that up! I: What do you think about whilst running? CB: Lots of things, some I can repeat, some I can’t! I have my Walter Mitty moments; I have my little dreams and things like that. I plan lessons, stuff like that basically. It helps me to relax. I: What do you look forward to the most at the end of a race? CB: Food, shower and a nice bath. That’s it really.


I: Who would you most and least like to run with? CB: (Silence in thought) I’d least like to run with someone who’s a little bit overweight and who slows me down – I wouldn’t know who that is! I’d run with anybody really, but with Paula Radcliffe most of all. I: One of our articles is on the Scottish Referendum. What your opinion? CB: I’m happy that Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. Good result in my opinion, but then again, I’m not Scottish. I: So, what would you say is the word you use the most as a teacher? CBA: It would have to be , 'OK' and 'basically'. I: What would you like to do if you were not a teacher? CB: I would like to have enough money to travel 365 days a year.

ISRAEL and PALESTINE: HOW IT ALL STARTED JOSEPH STEWART Israel and Palestine are currently on the verge of total war. There has been a level of violence that hasn’t been seen since 2012. This current conflict has been long aging, and originates from 1912. The disputes first arose after the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans, after which Arthur Balfour promised Israel to the British Jewish community. At current the fighting is mainly rocket fire from both sides, though Israel is evidently having a much greater effect on the Palestinians, with reports (from 6th August) suggesting 2,200 Palestinians have been killed, including 415 children dead within Gaza. Gaza is approximately the size of three London boroughs, and rocket fire from Israel has a high risk of hitting civilian areas (and often does), leading to innumerable deaths over the years. However, Hamas (who are recognised as a terrorist organisation by the US and UK) also fire rockets and have sent in various suicide bombers, which haven’t had the impact Israel’s attacks have. The great difference in opinion on both sides is going to make it hard to find peace.

did this by migrating en masse to the area, and setting up their own economy and system of selfgovernance. This migration was spurred on by hundreds of years of persecution in Europe, in particular the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews died. Therefore, to a certain extent, Israel was created as a safe haven for Jewish refugees. There were conflicts during this migration period - between Jews and Palestinians over territory but it was quite calm compared to today. Britain and the United Nations finally allowed the Palestinians and Jews to establish their own nations, as promised beforehand. The area was broken up, with the majority of the land going to the Israelis. The Arab world believed that the Israelis were infringing on the land they were promised, and Israelis were already starting to take Palestinian land. In 1948, fighting broke out between Israel and Palestine, the latter backed by all the other Arab countries in attempt to eliminate Israel altogether. Israel won, and over 700,000 Palestinians fled the land, leaving Israel to expand their nation to what is now approximately 78% of historic Palestine. Many Palestinians claim that after the war the Israelis wouldn’t let them return home, forcing most of them to live in Gaza and the West Bank.

The promise of this land for both sides was the catalyst for the future conflict; both sides believed they had the right to establish a nation in that region, Arabs laid claim to this land by fighting against the Turks, and organising themselves into cohesive nations: Iraq, Iran and Palestine. The Jews A group called Fatah governs the 4

West Bank and could be seen as more progressive; unlike Hamas, they have worked to ensure that Palestine is recognised as a nation by the 138 countries in the UN. They lean towards a peaceful end to the conflict, and recognise the state of Israel. However, Hamas were democratically voted in, control the Gaza strip, and are the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Much of Hamas’s weaponry is supplied to them by Iran. Due to attacks on innocent civilians, they are recognised as terrorists by the UK, US and even the EU. Within Gaza, after the Six Day War with Egypt, Israel set up bases to establish control. In 2005, along with Egypt, they set up a controversial blockade. Israel currently controls and restricts necessities, including: travel, food, water, electricity, gas and construction materials . The blockade has brought great hardship to the people of Gaza, and has been heightened by the heavy rocket fire from Israel; various groups are calling these attacks “war crimes.” Israel view this blockade as a way to protect itself from rocket fire, but it is often perceived as too harsh. It seems difficult at this point to see a peaceful future as a possibility, partly because Israel is controversially backed by the USA who has heavily funded their military. How this conflict will end is a question troubling various world governments.

SCOTLAND: BETTER TOGETHER THOMAS McGRATH I hope you were as worried as I was that Scotland This made ‘now’ perhaps the worst time for Scotmight have been short-sighted enough to vote for land to choose to make our country smaller and independence. to slash our population, workforce and therefore our competitiveness against the big boys. Thankfully they saw sense. This, then, is why I am delighted that my country is to remain a Unit- Although the English enjoy making jokes at Scoted Kingdom of England, Wales, Northern Ireland land’s expense, we cannot afford to forget what and Scotland. they give us. With Russia bullying its neighbourRecently, newspapers have been riddled with ex- ing countries, and the Chinese rearming, now is pert columnists describing how Scotland may or not a time for cutting down on our military - that is, if you don’t want to be bullied by Russia too. may not be richer, more respected, or more powerful by becoming a ‘Billy-no-mates’ nation. Scotland houses many of our military bases, and This is all well and good, but facts and figures re- its climate and landscape are ideal for training our soldiers. They also house a great deal of our navy ally don’t answer everything. and shipbuilding docks. Moreover, if we lose For example, how many people have thought Scotland we lose Scottish culture and Scottish trathrough what it might have felt like waking up ditions, which is a loss that somehow feels unnecone day and noticing that our country had just essary given that diversity is a hallmark of the been sawn in half? I don’t know about you, but British way of life. whenever I look at a world map I can’t but feel surprised at how underwhelming our little island Finally, separation would have meant choosing is and, more importantly, must seem to everyone sides. Those Scots living and working in the rest else in the world. If Scotland had gone, we would of the UK would have had to make their decision on whether to remain a true Scot or become Anhave noticed our little island on the map, and then had to remind ourselves to subtract about a glicised. And we’d lose Andy Murray too. third again. What would we have been left with? Scotland and the UK have enjoyed one of the Our country’s irrelevance. most successful partnerships in human history, At the risk of sounding like a Geography teacher: culminating in, however controversially, the this world is globalised. We in London know this greatest empire ever made. It would have been better than most; you only have to look at the such a shame, then, to have thrown it away to incredible diversity of names on the Vaughan’s prove a nationalistic point. I don’t feel English registers for evidence. This world is one in which I’m British and proud. a worker in the UK has to compete with those in China, India, Japan and America as well as the rest of Europe. In a world competing on a larger scale than ever before in human history, it makes sense to go big. China’s people are poor compared to Americans, but there are only around 300 million Americans compared to over 1.2 billion Chinese. This means that China is, overall, wealthier, and that gives it ever increasing power.


The Critics


Guardians of the Galaxy, based on the Marvel comic books of the same name, was a risky venture for Marvel Studios. Being based on relatively unknown characters and tasked with the job of ushering in the new ‘Cosmic era’, it had a lot to contend with and even more riding on it. However, it seems that this risk has paid off…big time. At the beginning of the film, we are immediately transported from one young boy’s traumatic experience at a hospital to the other side of the galaxy, where that very boy becomes Star Lord (Chris Pratt) – a.k.a. Peter Quill. Peter Quill, an orphan of Earth, is raised in an alien gang of thieves led by the infamous Yondu (Michael Rooker). Quill starts out his misadventure with a simple misdeed in mind: snatching Yondu’s latest bounty before the boss can collect it. Unfortunately, stealing the mysterious object instantly makes Star-Lord the target of bounty hunters like Rocket (Bradley Cooper) and Groot (Vin Diesel), as well as assassins like Gamora (Zoe Saldana). After a few scuffles, Quill and his pursuers land in a prison where their oddball circle is completed by the lethal Drax 6

(Dave Bautista), a man living only for vengeance against the Kree terrorist, Ronan (Lee Pace) - who is also very much in pursuit of Quill’s stolen goods. With murder, betrayal, and greed as their common ground, the five inmates strike a temporary alliance to help each other reach their respective goals; but when the entire galaxy is put in danger, each outcast learns that sometimes, thieves, murderers, thugs and madmen are the exact types needed to save the day. The positives: even though Guardians of the Galaxy features an unlikely cast of characters who must team up, Director James Gunn creates bonds between each of the characters. So when they inevitably embrace their identity as a team it makes total sense. This is also down to some truly outstanding performances. An example is Chris Pratt as Star-Lord. Pratt is so engaging and so charming that he’s often the most convincing reason why we can believe in the far-out sci-fi world that Gunn has envisioned. And who could forget Rocket and Groot? Bradley Cooper taps into a bottomless reservoir of sarcasm, and while Groot might not be the most demanding role Vin Diesel has ever played, with just three words of endlessly repeated dialogue, the simple three provide the team with some much needed warmth.

Secondly, the negatives: although the characters have been played in an outstanding way it seems that the core flaw of this film was the large number of them. I really wish they focused the story on Peter Quill; instead he felt like a side character. That's probably because there were five heroes, four villains, and countless side characters. So many pointless characters could have been cut from this film, and the necessary time could have been given to develop Quill's story. This would have improved the movie dramatically. Don't get me wrong... all the characters in this movie do look really interesting - but you can't squeeze all of their stories into a two hour film. I strongly believe that there were too many characters in a film that's introducing the casual viewer to a completely new universe. Things should be kept simple. This is not The Avengers, where each super hero already had their own individual films that established their character's background. Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy would’ve been a huge risk in lesser hands, but from the opening credits to the end of the film, there is a genuine positive vibe about the whole film. It exudes charm and confidence throughout, and is flippant in all the best possible ways. In my opinion, one of Marvel’s greatest films yet.

The Critics

FILM REVIEW NOAH (2014): DVD RELEASE BEDE JOLY de LOTBINIERE I didn’t expect Hollywood to handle the bibli- much to the plot. Overall, a decent film worth cal account of Noah and the Ark with integrity a watch, but don’t expect a masterpiece. and respect for the Scriptures. Sadly, several Christian leaders have endorsed the film and encouraged people to go see it, claiming that the filmmakers did a good job of handling the 7/10 text. Having seen the film now, I find it difficult to understand how any informed Christian could make such a claim. Here are some of the mistakes: Wrong: Adam and Eve had three sons. Right: Adam and Eve had Cain, Abel, Seth, and other sons and daughters. Wrong: Noah’s father Lamech died when Noah was a young boy. Right: Lamech lives until Noah is about 595 years old, dying approximately five years before the Flood. Wrong: Japheth releases the raven from the ark. Right: Noah releases the raven. So, there are a few problems just off the top of my head. That aside, I thought there was a good performance from both protagonist Russell Crowe (Les Miserables) and antagonist Ray Winstone (The Departed) and the other cast. However, the subplot was a bit weak, and didn’t add


Starring Russell Crowe, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins and Jennifer Connelly

The Critics

BOOK REVIEW: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet - David Mitchell MR GARFATH “I added 'writers' to my list of peo- seems clear about why good storytellple not to trust. They make every- ing is so important: “One of the questhing up.” tions I always try to keep in the front David Mitchell doesn't seem that in- of my mind is to ask why anyone terested in many of the things which would want to read this, and to try to English teachers tend to go on about. find a positive answer for that. People’s time, if you bought it off them, Ghostwritten (his first novel, from is expensive. Someone’s going to give which the above quotation is taken) sets the tone for the five that have fol- you eight or ten hours of their life. I lowed. Like most of them, it features want to give them something back, multiple narrators and protagonists – and I want it to be an enjoyable experience”. tricky to wrangle into a GCSE essay about ‘characterisation’. ‘Themes’, another word beloved of English examiners, are also hard to figure out. Take Ghostwritten, for example: what connects an immortal spirit living in a tree at the foot of the Himalayas, a member of a Japanese doomsday cult obsessed with a comet’s prophesised collision with earth, and Russian art thief Margarita Latunsky? So far (I’m currently half way through it), very little. So, why do I love his books? “The human world is made of stories, not people. The people the stories use to tell themselves are not to be blamed”, says the Himalayan spirit-being in Ghostwritten. Here, I think, Mitchell is letting us know what he’s really interested in: storytelling. And he’s really, really good at it. Jacob de Zoet is an historical novel – a brilliantly researched book set in 18th Century Japan – but it’s the stuff he ‘makes up’ that is so fantastic. A disproportionately large number of great literary storytellers come from Ireland. David Mitchell is English, but moved to County Cork some years 8 ago, after years living in Japan. He

their outpost, a peculiar floating village just off the mainland. Jacob quickly forgets about Anna (who is waiting for him back in Holland), and falls in love with the midwife Orito. She is promptly kidnapped by a local warlord, Abbot Enomoto, who whisks her off to a temple deep in Japan. Jacob, an unlikely action hero, must attempt a rescue.

Another lesson from Hollywood: a character is only as interesting as the Mitchell ‘gets’ what you ‘get’ when enemy they face. Abbot Enomoto is a you watch your first really good acbrilliant enemy; how wonderful that a tion film. Drama comes from conflict: novel that starts as historical fiction make a character want something, and has a bad guy straight out of a Manga make it very, very difficult for them graphic novel or Anime. to get it, and you have a story. Get a “In the rice paddy beyond the garden, character in lots of trouble, and they a cacophony of frogs detonates”, the reveal what they’re made of. All good first chapter opens. ‘Descriptive lanscreenwriters know this, but even guage’, another favourite of the Engvery good novelists sometimes forget lish teacher, also gets short shrift in it. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Ghostwritten. Not so in Jacob de Zoet, Zoet plays this game from the outset. where 18th Century Japan explodes The first scene sees our female protag- onto the page in all its glory. The onist, midwife Orito Aibagawa, hope- Dutch outpost itself reminded me of lessly out of her depth. With only a the London of Great Expectations. Dutch textbook for help, she must deliver the first son of a hugely pow- David Mitchell’s most recent novel erful and feared local magistrate; she was long-listed for the Booker Prize. believes the child to be stillborn, until So, people who know about books the “shuddering newborn boiled-pink clearly rate it as serious, ‘grown up’ despot” opens its mouth and “howls at stuff – but serious stuff, I think, that you can lose yourself in, rather as Life”. you’d lose yourself in a great HollyA single hero, unusually for Mitchell, wood thriller. If you’ve read The Hunis at the heart of the whole novel, and ger Games and some of the many books he is wonderfully drawn. Jacob de like it, and want to challenge yourself Zoet, a junior clerk for the Dutch East a bit, this might be a great place to India Company, arrives on a remote start. Dutch outpost in the Bay of Nagasaki in 1799. The Japanese, unwilling to compromise the purity of their culture, strictly confine the Dutch to

The Critics


Fellow students: in this issue I will be reviewing the much anticipated game Destiny. I’ll start this rant by expressing my feelings about certain features. The new ‘motion control’ with the Wii remote is an extremely bad idea because the remotes will be too advanced for the game. This has caused many problems. Some people do not understand the controls; for others, the game simply does not work. For the unlucky few, the game disc keeps freezing and, in a few cases, has actually exploded. This has been highly hazardous, and could cause lives to be lost.

beyond a normal game, from £100-£150 for example. Graphics... Don't get me started. I have seen better graphics on snake. An anonymous quote from a fanatic gamer (JP McGrath): “I’ve seen better graphics on PES 2009."

The platforms it has been predicted to release on include: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, 3DS, Gameboy, PlayStation 2, 3, Xbox 360 and finally your phone (exclusive to Nokia 1100). The game app hasn't been quite finished. It seems that the app takes too long to download (up to two weeks). The gameplay is fairly consistent, I have been hav- The upcoming DLC will only be released on the ing some trouble picking between Mario or Luigi as popular new 3DS and is likely to storm the world they are both very important characters in the and make a predicted 600 Million USD. This is due game’s story. The missions themselves have not to it having a 3D screen, making it the ultimate exbeen very good either. Whenever I get a mission, it perience ‘on the go’. The DLC will include a code tells me to do something. I thought this was meant that unlocks a cow level in Destiny's later levels. to be a sandbox game, as was stated at E3 by Activision and Bungie studios. I rate it a 3/10 due to its many, many problems and glitches: dying, killing, running and levelling up. In terms of the game’s budget, Bungie haven’t been Activision and Bungie haven't bothered to fix it and too honest or open. There have been many articles they never will. that say Activision and Bungie increase the budget that they publicise to try and make it sound good. This is your trustworthy source for gaming, The original budget was 350 Million USD and the Francesco Zucchelli price tag given later was 500 million USD. This allows the developers to sell the game at prices well


£49.99 on PlayStation 4. 9

Tech Talk

iPHONE 6: A look at Apple’s latest flagship product KIERAN EL-NAHHAS Apple uses the slogan of “iPhone 6 - bigger and better” in a confident manner, and they have every right to. The iPhone 6 seems to improve some of the points the iPhone 5 didn’t live up to, notably: the 720p HD retina display the iPhone 6 comes with as standard, and the 1080p HD video of the plus edition. As well as boasting the larger screen size and resolution, it also boasts being thinner than any iPhone yet. As well as being thinner, it fits more processing power inside it. This includes an apparently 50x faster CPU and an 84x faster GPU. This means no more lagging internet surfing as well as better streaming quality. The iPhone 5 also has an improved camera,

including an anti-shake feature which stops blurry camera photos. However, its issues must be addressed— and its most prominent issue is its bending ability. This can cause a deformity and permanent bend if enough pressure is applied. This could even happen if the phone was in your back pocket. In conclusion, the iPhone 6 is a leap forward, but its issues must be addressed; if you take care of it, it could be your ideal new phone.

AMAZON PRIME AIR By FILIPPO GALDIOLO Amazon, the world’s largest ecommerce retailer, is testing unmanned drones to deliver goods to customers. This service will be called ‘Amazon Prime Air.’ The drones, which are called Octocopters, can deliver packages which have a maximum weight of 2.3 kg to customers within 30 minutes. This new method of transporting goods could cover 86% of the items that Amazon delivers annually. Unfortunately, it could take up


to five years for the service to start because the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is yet to approve the use of unmanned drones for civilian purposes. The FAA has accepted the use of drones for police and government agencies, issuing about 1,400 permits over the past several years. Civilian air space is expected to be opened up to all kinds of drones, in the US by 2015 and in Europe by 2016. However, the Octocopters do not currently have the awareness

of their environment and surroundings to be able to avoid flying into people. Another thing to consider is that they could be captured and stolen during transits. Nevertheless, Amazon is still modifying their futuristic delivering machine, so that it is safe to fly. One day, Prime Air vehicles will be as normal as seeing mail trucks on the road.

Music News


Royal Blood, a recent start up band from down south in Brighton, have recently burst onto the scene of music and are taking rock lovers by storm. The men responsible for this slam-bang, hard hitting rock that is Royal Blood, are bassist and main singer Mike Kerr, and the rhythmical genius drummer, Ben Thatcher. The pair have channeled many classic rock influences into this 10 track LP, and as you progress through this jewel of an album you will hear the sounds of Led Zeppelin, Metallica, and Queens of the Stone Age cruising through this album’s veins. The chief goal in the recording room for Thatcher and Kerr was to “make it sound as big as possible”. Surprisingly, for a two man band, this task was achieved effectively and smoothly, giving the heavy rock sound a full and encompassing effect. Another question a listener may ask is “Guitar riffs? Mike Kerr is a bass player surely?” Well this is where the genius that is Royal Blood comes into play. Many would have a pejorative attitude towards a bass and drums band, as it would be lacking twang and brightness (i.e: it would be lacking a guitar). Kerr, to avoid this problem combined his Bass guitar experience with effects and modelling: (for those with technical understanding) Kerr utilises chorus and harmonic effects to create additional octaves. Single notes are transformed into punching chords, and high notes are filtered, distorted and sustained, while everything maintains the deep visceral punch of bass. This creates the allure of three guitars playing in unison, unforgettably accompanied by the expressive and pugnacious drumming of Ben Thatcher, and the mournful sweetness of Mike’s incredible voice. Royal Blood, out now everywhere.


FOOTBALL AND SPORT: Match of the Month ARSENAL 2-2 MANCHESTER CITY ALFIE COX Arsenal, 2 (Wilshere, Sanchez) Manchester City, 2 (Aguero, Demichelis) Teams:

Arsenal; 01 Szczesny 02 Debuchy (Chambers - 81’) 18 Monreal (Booked) 06 Koscielny 04 Mertesacker 17 Sánchez (Booked) 11 Özil 16 Ramsey 10 Wilshere 20 Flamini (Booked) (Arteta - 95’) 23 Welbeck (Oxlade-Chamberlain - 88’) Man City; 01 Hart 22 Clichy 04 Kompany 05 Zabaleta (Booked) 26 Demichelis 15 Jesús Navas 21 Silva 25 Fernandinho (Booked) (Kolarov - 77’) 18 Lampard (Booked) (Nasri - 45’) 07 Milner 16 Agüero (Booked) (Dzeko - 67’)


Arsenal’s new signings, Alexis Sanchez and Danny Welbeck, both started. Frank Lampard was the only Manchester City player making his debut. It was an exciting game from the beginning with Sanchez making the first attempt in the sixth minute, forcing a save from Joe Hart. The next effort would come from Welbeck in the tenth minute, which could have been the turning point for the game had he scored, but he could only hit the post. Aaron Ramsey took the next chance, but aimed it straight at the keeper. Man City took advantage of Arsenal's misfortune with Sergio Aguero making it 1-0 from inside the box. The rest of the half went quite quietly with a few attempts from each side, none particularly threatening, and City went into Half Time one up. In the 49th minute Man City’s Fernandinho received the first booking of the match after a cynical foul on Jack Wilshere. The 10 minutes that followed were only disrupted by yellow cards for Arsenal’s Mathieu Flamini and Nacho Monreal. The game changed in the 63rd minute when Jack Wilshere brought the game level, with a shot from inside the box put past Joe Hart. The goal was followed by a yellow card for Sergio Aguero which led to him being taken off in the 66th minute to be replaced by Edin Dzeko. Arsenal then took the lead through Alexis Sanchez in the 74th minute, but he was booked for stupidly taking his shirt off whilst celebrating. Man City responded in the 82nd minute with Martin Demichelis heading the ball into the top corner, despite Szczesny's good effort to palm the ball away. The game ended without a winner, with only two more Man City attempts, neither of them too threatening for Wojciech Szczesny, as both sides played out an entertaining draw.

FOOTBALL AND SPORT: ‘THE BANNER THAT COST 64K’ The story behind Legia Warsaw’s exit from the Champion’s League. GEORGE WHEAR The point of the UEFA tive competition possible, Champions League is to and Beresynki had no influunite the top teams in ence on the result of the tie Europe and to provide (in fact they won 4-1 when the best and most excithe did not even feature in ing spectacle possible. the match), why did UEFA Unfortunately, UEFA did act this way? not achieve this when Even stranger is that last year, in August 2013, they penalised Legia Warsaw for an administrative Warsaw were also fined by UEFA, this time for error. racist and discriminatory conduct by the Warsaw During Legia Warsaw’s Europa League play-off tie fans. Surprisingly, Warsaw were only charged against Aktobe, the Warsaw fans vented their frus- 30,000 euros (£25,700) for this racist aggression. tration over being eliminated from the Champions At a time when the ‘Kick it out’ campaign is strivLeague by unfurling a banner, reading: “UEFA. ing to rid football of racism, it is bizarre that the Because football doesn’t matter. Money does.” As fine for racism is less than half the penalty for disa result, Legia Warsaw were fined 80,000 euros playing a banner portraying UEFA in bad light. (£63,389) for this banner criticising UEFA. Surely ridding racism from the game of football is a Bartosz Beresynski, the right back for Legia Warsaw, was suspended for three matches during Warsaw’s final Europa League tie against Apollon. He served his three match ban siting out two matches against St Patrick and one against Celtic. However, due to an administrative error, Beresynski was not registered for the matches against St Patrick and so when he came on in the 2nd leg against Celtic, officially Warsaw fielded an illegal player. Warsaw were clearly the better team, beating Celtic 6-1 on aggregate. Paperwork was at fault rather than the ban being disregarded, yet UEFA chose to ignore the Champions League philosophy and allow the worse team to progress. It is clear that there was no intention to cheat, as Beresynki only came on in the 88th minute and, as a right back, there is not much you can do with 2 minutes on the pitch. However, this cost Warsaw their place in the Champions League. So if the aim of the Champions is to provide the most competi13

greater goal than punishing some outspoken fans? UEFA need to get their priorities right; they are currently most concerned about their appearance, but they need to put football first. I feel UEFA have handled this situation poorly and should have done what was best for football, and allowed Legia Warsaw to progress into the next stage of the Champions League. However, it is evident that UEFA made the wrong decision, as Celtic were knocked out immediately by Maribor. Now one can only wonder what would have happened if Warsaw had progressed.



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