Trinity Term Review 2016

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Issue 8 I Trinity Term 2016

Termly Review The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School


Contents TRINITY term 2016 6 Summer Fête Photographs and thanks from the Vaughan Parents Association.


10 An Evening of Music and Prayer The Schola perform with pianist Carl Bahoshy in a special ACN Fundraising Concert in the New Hall. 13 London Assembly Elections West Central candidates appeal to first-time voters in a special Sixth Form hustings. 18 Mudlarking on the River Thames Third Form Latin and Classical Civilisation students learn about archaeology on the banks of the River Thames.


30 CVMS vs OVFC CVMS Senior Football and Rugby First XV take on the Old Vaughanians Football Club at Twickenham. 32 Miss Bugg’s Book of the Term The School Librarian reviews The Nest by Kenneth Oppel and Jon Klassen.


37 Cakes for the Queen CVMS bakes brownies and cake in celebration of the Queen’s 90th birthday.











A foreword from the Headmaster I write these words on the last day of term in the immediate aftermath of this year’s wonderful school production: Les Misérables. I do try to steer clear of pronouncing each production the best ever, as this can all too easily descend into banal cliché and devalue the currency of praise. But I have to say that this year, that judgement is justified: this really was the best ever. Now that is all very well; but much more interesting is the question why: what exactly was so good about it and what does this point to more broadly? When all is said and done, Catholic education is nothing more and nothing less than a joint human endeavour, a journey towards self-improvement and, ultimately of course, to redemption – a journey in which we are propelled along by grace. I was struck last night by the sheer Joy that pervaded the production – and I employ the capital letter deliberately and in the theological sense: what we witnessed was the distance we can jointly go – staff and pupils alike – when we are open to Joy. Put simply, the sheer happiness of the pupils performing and staff organising communicated


itself very clearly and was, in a deep and true sense, transformative. To this extent it was a wonderful exemplar of what this school should be – and hopefully is – all about. My gratitude and congratulations go to all concerned. At an individual level, I also congratulate Dominic Ogbechie in our Third Form, who earlier this month became the English Schools National Champion for the high jump: this is an astonishing achievement which needs no embellishment from me. Well done Dominic! I wish you all a happy and restful summer.

P Stubbings

The Love and Service Fund - Launch Meeting On 7 June, the Headmaster held a meeting for parents, friends and Old Vaughanians to outline the cuts to state education and the impact this will have on the Vaughan. Mr Stubbings explained that the School’s annual grant from the Government is frozen until 2019 and that no extra funding would be received for anything over and above our core education grant. The news of the reduction in funding simply means that the Vaughan requires more support than ever before.

teaching hours and well-qualified staff – remain as they are, even in this increasingly difficult environment.

The School hopes that all members of the community will consider how they can best support the Vaughan, by volunteering their time, sharing their expertise or making a financial gift. If the State is no longer in a position to guarantee the provision of this high level of education, then it is incumbent upon us all to consider what we can At this meeting, the Love and Service Fund was do to make the Love and Service Fund a success. launched. The aim of this new fund is to unite all fundraising efforts at the Vaughan to maintain the excellent standard of education, exceptional Stephanie McCabe facilities and wide range of opportunities offered Development Officer to pupils, despite the cuts to funding. To do this, we must ensure that the advantageous conditions which the pupils benefit from – smaller sets, longer



Vaughan Parents On behalf of all Vaughan Parents, I would first like to extend a warm welcome to all the new parents who will be joining the School in September. It was a pleasure to meet many of you at our new parents Social Evening in June and to see so many of you at our Summer Fête in Twickenham on Sunday 3 July. The Trinity Term is a very enjoyable time of year expanding extra-curricular sports programme. for the Vaughan Parents Association, with our support for the annual Vaughan Foundation Golf Day and Summer Fête, all rounded off by a wonderful evening’s entertainment at the best show in town, the Vaughan’s school musical. This year’s production of Les Misérables will no doubt be another unmissable performance by our superb musicians and budding thespians.

This year’s Fête may have been our largest ever, with over 1000 Vaughanians enjoying a day in the sun at our Twickenham Playing Fields. With over 70 parents helping on the day, 30+ stalls and rides, and 160 of our boys playing in our very ‘own’ Euro 2016 5-a-side football competition, a great day I would also like to extend my thanks to Old was enjoyed by all. Vaughanian John Billing for hosting the annual Vaughan Foundation Golf Day, and to Golf Pro On behalf of all our boys and girls, I would like Thomas Talbot for again supporting us on the day. to say a big thank you to all those who attended We enjoyed a fantastic turnout again from current and helped in so many ways, raising a magnificent parents, former parents and Old Vaughanians, £13,500 on the day. with many so generously donating prizes for the Auction on the evening. A very enjoyable day was Tony Mars had and almost £ 5,000 raised to support our ever- Vaughan Parents Association



religious life

Face to Faith: Human Trafficking Third Form pupils participated in the School’s second Face to Faith videoconference in May, engaging with students of different faiths across the world to learn with, from and about each other. In a time of increasing concern about extremism, these sessions build bridges and create conversation between young people of different faiths and backgrounds. The session was observed by a member of the Department of Education, a representative from the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, and our lead Director for Religious Education, Mr Ndoca. The theme selected was Human Trafficking. This time nine Third Form pupils participated: Christopher Henry, Conor Higgins, Morgan Harriott, Callum Whelan, Freddie Thompson, Vince Aghedo, Patrick McWeeney, Jamie Gustafson and Henry


Wolcott. They joined pupils from Horris Hill School in London, Narmer American College in Egypt and Smadar Middle School in Israel for an hour-and-ahalf of discussion.

‘The Bible tells us that man was made in God’s image. God has a plan for all of us and no one has the right to take that away from us.’ Morgan Harriott, 3M

The slot began with contributions from the pupils on religious teachings about the value of human life. Having listened respectfully to their Muslim and Jewish counterparts, our pupils referred eloquently to Biblical quotations to explain our spiritual nature and why human trafficking is a grave evil. From this basis, they moved on to all consider the measures currently being implemented in their respective countries and in the international community at large, sharing insights from their own daily lives.

‘All humans should be treated fairly. All humans should have equal lives.’ Narmer American College, Egypt

something far more remote for them. By the end of the session pupils were directly engaging particular individuals from Egypt and Israel on particular points in a constructive manner, demonstrating politeness and patience. Commercial globalisation in recent times has not always been accompanied by a growth in better relations between those of different nations and religions. Pope Francis has called for Catholics to go ‘out to the peripheries’ and act as ‘missionary disciples’. Through modern technology, in witnessing to Christ and his Church to those who probably have little contact with Catholicism, our pupils did precisely this. We look forward to the next Face to Faith session in the new academic year, and congratulate all our pupils who have been involved in the sessions to date.

It was fascinating for our pupils to hear about the immediacy of the dangers posed to some of their Mr Kelly counterparts in this regard, in contrast to it being Director of Catholic Formation


An Evening of Music and Prayer with ACN Pianist Carl Bahoshy and the Vaughan’s Schola Cantorum performed in a special ACN Fundraising Concert on Thursday 19 May, raising over £2,000 for the suffering Christians in Syria and Iraq. As well as a superb musical programme, the evening included a special reflection by School Chaplain Father Dominic and a harrowing talk by ACN UK National Director, Neville Kyrke-Smith. Lower School pupils will remember the Assembly given by Archbishop Jeanbart of Aleppo in Syria last October. On Easter Sunday, a couple of processions in Aleppo were so poorly attended and punctuated with so much sorrow that they were reported as being more like Good Friday processions. These people must surely be amongst the most grief stricken and wretched on the earth. Patricia Hatton, Head of Fundraising and Marketing at ACN, said: ‘On behalf of everyone at Aid to the Church in Need, I want to thank Mr Stubbings, Father Allain, Mr Kelly and the Schola Cantorum for a wonderful evening of music and mediation on behalf of suffering Christians in Iraq and Syria. The drama of the organ, played by Carl Bahoshy and the purity the Schola, together with a moving


meditation in honour of our Blessed Mother made the evening one I will remember for a long time. We are deeply grateful to everyone who attended. Thanks to your support and prayers, we will be able to supply vital aid - food, clothes, shelter and medicine - for families who are destitute after five years of civil war and targeted violence, and who turn to the Church for support and comfort. May God bless you all.’ 11

Catholic Retreat to Tyburn Convent In July Second Form pupils visited Tyburn Convent, which is famous for being a shrine to the Catholic Martyrs who died close by at the Tyburn Scaffold. A retreat is a day set apart and not like any other day, since it is time devoted solely to our relationship with God. The focus of the day was on ‘who he is’, as well as providing an opportunity for silence and meditation. The boys enjoyed a talk given by one of the Benedictine nuns on the lives of the Catholic Martyrs, in which they heard horrific stories about people being hung, drawn and quartered. John Houghton, the Mother Theresa of his day, said famously, as the executioner pulled out his heart: ‘Oh dear Jesus, what will you do with my heart?’ The boys loved it, of course. The Shrine holds a crypt full of relics which the boys venerated. They were each asked to bring their own rosary beads and Mr Kelly led the Rosary (beautifully, I might add), before a 10-15 minute silence before the Blessed Sacrament. This was followed with Holy Mass at St James’s, Spanish Place, and Holy Football in Hyde Park. Mr Fleischer Head of Religious Education & Philosophy


London Assembly Elections West Central candidates appeal to first-time voters in special Sixth Form hustings. On Monday 25 April, Cardinal Vaughan played host to a special hustings of first time voters ahead of the London elections. Featuring the candidates for the West Central constituency, the event provided an opportunity for Sixth Formers to put their questions to those vying for their vote. The debate focussed on issues affecting young people, including concerns over knife crime and the cost of transport. The speakers on the panel were Tony Devenish (Conservative), Mandy Richards (Labour) Annabel Mullin (Liberal Democrat), Jennifer Nadel (Green Party) and Alex Nieora (UKIP). The audience was made up of Sixth Formers from across the constituency, including pupils from Sacred Heart and London Oratory.

if candidates agreed with the proposed banning of legal highs. Nadel for the Green party and Lib Dem Mullin both argued for legalisation and the creation of a controlled market. Conservative Devenish took a hardline approach against any relaxation of drug laws, whilst Nieora for UKIP seemed unsure of the official policy but was personally open to a changing of drug laws. Similarly Richards, the Labour candidate, thought a system like that in Amsterdam could be seen in London. Other points which the candidates clashed over included the Garden Bridge project and how to tackle rising house prices in the capital.

The event was chaired by Lower Sixth Form student Ben Farmer. He said: ‘It was great to hear a One of the questions which caused the most range of views from across the political spectrum, debate was whether drugs should be legalised and especially considering this was the only event where the candidates from all the main parties for the West Central seat were in one room together ahead of polling day. We had some challenging questions from the audience and, as Chair, I tried to put the candidates under some real pressure. The turnout was fantastic and just proves young people do care about politics and those after their vote.’ Full Q&A to be featured in the 2015/16 Vaughan Magazine. Photographs by Calum Currie, L6AB. 13

Design & TechNOLOGY


Fourth Form D&T students create hi-tech marquetry using a laser cutter as well as traditional woodworking methods.

Design & TechNOLOGY

Thirty pupils from the First and Second Form visited the 2016 Big Bang Festival at Westminster Kingsway College on Tuesday 5 July. Schools from all over London and the South East of England brought their exhibits to the STEM event, which featured ideas about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The exhibits were judged by staff from various companies as well as lecturers from the college. Once again, Cardinal Vaughan’s D&T club came joint second in the competition. Oliver Gobie and Anthony Edgar presented the club project which was very popular. They explained how they had used 3D software to design their chess pieces and how they were produced on a 3D printer. They fielded questions from a number pupils as well as from company representatives and lecturers. Miss Taylor, Design & Technology 15


First Form visit to The Globe Theatre The First Form enjoyed a hands-on ‘Introduction to Shakespeare’ this term with a workshop, live stage fighting demonstration and tour of The Globe Theatre. On Wednesday 25 May, I had the pleasure of visiting one of the greatest historical buildings in England: the Globe Theatre. Here we had the joy of seeing all the brilliant, many marvels of the world of Shakespeare, while learning about all the clever effects and acting styles adopted in William’s time. When we arrived, we didn’t enter the Globe immediately; we went to the Tate Modern Art Museum where beautiful paintings circled the rooms. Luckily, we were allowed to use our phones


to take pictures of stunning pieces of art. It was a wonderful experience and I know I wasn’t the only one who enjoyed it. We soon left the gallery and waited for our sword fighting session to begin. When our turn came, we sat on benches surrounding the main performance. During the show I was stunned at how Shakespeare had to incorporate so many different effects and techniques to make the fight scenes in his plays look so real. Next we were taken by an instructor to do some vocal exercises and we learnt the importance of posture and physical structure. Finally, we went to the Globe. It was a doughnutshaped building made of wood and had decorated seats circling the entire theatre. We learnt about how the play would be set on the stage and we learnt about how the actors talked to the audience to ‘wake them up’. I really enjoyed this trip to the Globe and I learnt so much about what the theatre was like in William’s time. I know next year’s first years will love it. Yared Yohannes, 1MO The Globe Theatre was originally used by Shakespeare when people acted out his plays. Many came to watch; some were peasants of a cacophonous nature paying a penny to stand on the muddy, uncomfortable floor, and some were the royalty, sitting on the worst seats in the whole theatre: behind the actors on a sort of balcony. They did this because they valued being seen in public. What I found interesting was how complicated the stage was; containing trapdoors and hidden doorways, actors were gifted with the element of surprise, and the play was intensified and enjoyed more. We were given a fantastic opportunity to view a sword fighting session; sword fighting was absolutely crucial in most Shakespeare plays, giving a hint of the action that we would find in a gun fight scene in a modern day film. The sword fighting tutors would have to teach the actors to duel, as they would have found it extremely hard to bring on stunt doubles on stage to do the

fighting. This was my favourite part of the day. Our energetic and ecstatic tour guide showed us around the Globe and its different features. The Globe is a theatre with no roof, so you can imagine the commotion it would have caused among the peasants if it did rain. I always wondered why the Globe Theatre had gone up in smoke a few times, and I was enlightened when the tour guide said that they would have used cannons to introduce the play or certain important characters within it, and seeing as the outer roof of the theatre was made of straw, it setting alight was inevitable. We went on to do an acting workshop with the tour guide, who turned out to be an actor at the Globe. There we learnt how to express our lines using body language, and different tones of voice intended to evoke emotion in our partner. I would highly advise visiting the Globe, if you haven’t done so already. It has an interesting history and is still a functioning theatre today. Oscar Dybowski, 1MO 17



Mudlarking on the River Thames Third Form Latin and Classical Civilisation students got an opportunity to learn about archaeology and what it means (and takes) to be an archaeologist on Tuesday 24 May when they went Mudlarking on the banks of the Thames on the latest Classics Department trip. Pupils spent the morning searching for archaeological finds on the foreshore under the watchful gaze of Vanessa, our guide and reallife archaeologist from the Thames Explorer Trust. It was a matter of minutes before we had collected a whole range of finds ranging from the jaw bone of a sheep, to a 400-500 year old clay tobacco pipe, to 600-1000 year old pieces of medieval pottery. Pupils learnt how to ‘get your eye in’ and not to be ‘biased’ in their searches and were encouraged along the way to think about what finds were telling us about the lives of Londoners of bygone ages. After lunch in the sunshine by the river, we headed to the Museum of London where pupils spent the afternoon in the ‘lab’ looking at a range of finds, sorting, dating and investigating how London changed over the ages and how we could tell using the physical evidence found in and along the river. A fun and interesting day was enjoyed by all. The Classics Department hopes that history has come to life a little more for these pupils and that archaeology might now be something they will consider studying more in the future. Mr Foley, Classics 19

Music at

Musical activities b two events taking the Concert Band’ Concert Band Fes London Heat of t past couple of yea had the chance to Royal Northern Co for their performa and something tha was very pleasing focus and ambitio Congratulations to this aspect of the D

The second event b Big Band at the Ha the Band, who hav sister venue, The the stage at Half M very many famous The Who. The ban appreciative audie January for anothe

The very first day Evensong at St Pau day back as St Paul’ to sing when you a feeling a little rust well and the boys The Schola sang m

Trinity Term is of c music courses too weeks of the term together by pupils forward to seeing t



the Vaughan in the Trinity Term 2016

began in earnest in the Easter Holidays with g place before term began. The first was ’s appearance in the Finals of the National stival in Manchester. We have hosted the the National Concert Band Festival for the ars and it was great that the Concert Band o compete in the national finals, held at the ollege of Music. They were awarded Silver ance which was a considerable achievement at all involved can build on for the future. It to see the Concert Band working with such on as the trip to Manchester approached. o Miss Wilby on her inspiring leadership of Department’s work.

before term began was an appearance by the alf Moon in Putney. This was a new venue for ve for many years played at the Half Moon’s Bull’s Head in Barnes, but never before on Moon, which has seen performances from s acts including U2, The Rolling Stones and nd performed a good show to a large and ence and we will be returning there next er appearance.

We were also doing all we could to encourage younger boys to take Music at GCSE – something that is in decline nationally – and it was very pleasing to see record numbers of boys in the Second Form opt for Music next year. As part of our determination to open music up to as many of the boys as possible we ran a series of concert trips over the first few weeks of term, taking around 75 boys in various years to listen to the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in three separate evening concerts. The first few weeks of term were also concerned with the preparation of the annual Easter Concert, placed in this term because Easter was very early this year, which was to be a performance of Mendelsohn’s Elijah. We have performed this work before (in 2008) and it was wonderful to return to it as it a piece that the boys love to sing. Full of colour and variety, the oratorio flows beautifully, telling incidents from the eventful life of the great prophet. We were joined by four truly outstanding soloists for the concert at St James’s, Spanish Place, and the performing was of a very high standard, I think one of the best of the large-scale concerts we have put on in recent years. There are highlights from the evening available on our Soundcloud.

of the Trinity Term saw the Schola singing ul’s Cathedral. This was quite a difficult first ’s, with its 14 second acoustic, is a tricky place are not used to it and everyone was perhaps ty after the break but things came together s acquitted themselves reasonably enough. music by Howells and Balfour Gardiner.

course dominated by exams and the various ok up much of our time over the first few m. There was some tremendous work put s in the Fifth and Sixth Form and we look the results of all their efforts in the Summer. 21

The Schola gave a concert at St Clement Danes, the Church of the RAF, truly memorable occasion in the his in late April as part of the Brandenburg Choral Festival. The choir also appeared in the Marylebone Festival in June when it sang with the Orion Orchestra conducted by Sue Perkins (of Great British Bake Off fame). The boys have been busy as always recording for various films and other commercial events and this term you could have heard the boys on The Hollow Crown soundtrack on the BBC, on the Hollywood film Alice Through the Looking Glass, at the Gucci fashion show held at Westminster Abbey and on a new CD by Carly Paoli being recorded for Pope Francis and the Jubilee Year. The boys have also been busy with opera work, singing at the Royal Opera House in Oedipe and in Opera Holland Park’s production of La Bohéme.

The Schola has appeared twice at Westminster Cathedral and also sung for the School’s liturgies including at Our Lady of Victories for the Mass for the Holy Martyrs in May (when it sang music by William Byrd) and for Feast of St Peter and Paul when it sang music by Palestrina. The preparation of the music of Palestrina fitted well with our Tour to Rome at the very end of June and the choir spent a lovely four days in the Eternal City, singing concerts at Sant’Eustachio and Sant’Ignazio and for Mass at St John. The highlight of the trip was singing for the Capitular Latin Mass at St Peter’s Basilica on Sunday morning. This is the main mass of Sunday, attended by the Chapter of St Peter’s and therefore involving around sixty priests and on this occasion three bishops. The Schola sang alongside the Cappella Giulia, the choir of St Peter’s Basilica, alternating with them in the chant setting of the Mass the Creed. The Capella Giulia had invited the Schola to join them when they heard the choir at its last visit to St Peters in 2010. The Mass ended with the boys singing Tu Es Petrus by Palestrina, the text being the same as that written around the dome of St Peters in letters that are thirty feet high. This was quite a moment and a wonderful conclusion to what was a


Before going to Rome we had held Music Competition, this year adj saw an excellent number of partici standard of performing. The winne outstanding individual prize of the Hewins. Always a good barometer o amongst the younger boys, this yea we are in a very healthy state of talented boys in the Lower School

story of the choir.

many more boys who are not quite so advanced perhaps but equally keen to be involved and take a full role in the music-making that we do. There was a notable lovely, attentive and supportive atmosphere at this event amongst the boys, something commented on by a number of people including our visiting adjudicator, who described the musicmaking at the Vaughan as “unique”.

One of the highlights of the Chamber Music Competition was a first performance of a new composition by Fourth Form pupil Theo Karpinski. We were delighted to learn that another of Theo’s composition Unknown Landscapes, has been selected as a Highly Commended entry in the 1516 category of the BBC Proms Inspire Young Composers’ Competition 2016 – this is a very considerable achievement in a national competition. At the time of writing we are putting the final touches to this year’s musical, the mammoth Les Misérables. I hope that you will be able to join us for one of the performances this week. If not then there are a number of exciting ventures planned for next year. Boys will once again appear in operas with the Royal Opera and English National Opera. We are to perform Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony, Vaughan Williams’ Sea Symphony, and Handel’s Messiah amongst many other works whilst there are exciting plans for the Sixth Form Choir, the Concert Band and the Big Band. I hope that you will be able to join us at these and other occasions next year – you can follow the Music Department on Twitter (@cvmsmusic) if you would like to be kept up to date.

the annual Lower School Chamber judicated by Simon Toyne, which ipants and groups and a very high ers were ‘Fourth Form Jazz’ and the evening deservedly went to Oliver of the condition of the music-making ar’s competition made it clear that Mr Price affairs. There are very many very Director of Music and alongside them there are very 23



Sports Day 2016 The School’s annual Sports Day took place at the Linford Christie Stadium on Friday 8 July and despite the threat of bad weather, the pupils’ enthusiasm could not be dampened. Over 360 boys took part in the inter-house event which delivered a high standard of competition. There was a great atmosphere with spectators singing, supporting and cheering their House representatives. Campion emerged as the overall Sports Day champions for 2016. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Campion for their win and to all pupils for their exceptional behaviour and efforts during the day. Also to all of the staff and especially to Mr Bailey for organising a wonderful day. Mr Terblanche Head of Physical Education Click here to view further photographs 25


Fifth Form Iron Man From burpees and press-ups to a 400m block run and brutal last-man-standing plank and ski-hold, on Tuesday 3 May eight boys from the Fifth Form dared to compete in the annual Fifth Form Iron Man.

Leaderboard 1. Laurence Joss - 2016 Iron Man Champion 2. Joseph Melly 3. Harry Forster


Thames 100 charity relay row 100 miles, 36 students, 34 locks, 5 days and enough flapjacks to sink a ship... it can only be the Thames 100. From 4 - 8 April, Cardinal Vaughan’s burgeoning rowing team joined forces with pupils from other local state schools to compete in a 100mile charity relay row along the Thames from Trinity College Oxford to Fulham Reach Boat Club. Organised by Fulham Reach Boat Club, the ‘First Row’ project aims to make rowing accessible to all state school students within Hammersmith and Fulham, and create at least four competitive state school boat clubs at a national level. Steve O’Connor, CEO of FRBC, said: ‘This is an incredible opportunity for our students to get excited about rowing, a sport which would traditionally be difficult for them to access. We hope that by completing this challenge we can inspire Olympic Champions of the future, as well as give them a lifelong love of exercise and competitive sport.’ Nicknamed the ‘oarsome foursome’, Cardinal Vaughan completed their first 20-mile leg with just four rowers, and after crossing the finishline the team were met by Imogen Walsh of the GB Rowing Team. Day four saw them back on the water for an epic day of Olympic venues, castles and some very chilled out coxing! 27

Other sporting achievements this term... English Schools Junior Boys High Jump Champion Dominic Ogbechie English Schools Junior Boys Champions 2016 4x100m relay Dominic Ogbechie London Schools Combined Events Championships Devlin Brant Justin Henry Alfie Hill (Intermediate Boys Champion) Dominic Ogbechie (Junior Boys Champion) Amanuel Worku London Schools Track & Field Championships Alfie Hill, Long Jump (3rd) & Javelin (4th) Dominic Ogbechie, High Jump (1st Championship Best Performance) & 200m (2nd) Joseph Walshe McBride, 800m (2nd) London Schools Y7 & 8 Championships Cedrick Ocampo, Long Jump (3rd) QPR League Champions CVMS U-14 Football Team Runners-up in the U-18 QPR Championship Final CVMS First XI Football Team Runners-up in the U-18 QPR Plate Final CVMS Second XI Football Team Winners of the 2016 Putney Town Regatta Joel Outschoorn Felix O’Malley Vincent Renders Milo Storey


sport 29


CVMS 36 - 24 0VFC

CVMS 4 - 9 0VFC 30

CVMS 1 - 7 0VFC

CVMS vs OVFC On Saturday 16 April, the Old Vaughanians Football Club (OVFC) took on the School’s Senior Football teams and Rugby First XV for Cardinal Vaughan’s annual tournament between current and former pupils. Mr Murphy, Manager of the First Eleven, said: ‘Saturday morning was a great occasion for the Vaughan community. As well as being a very good, competitive fixture, it provides an opportunity for the OVFC to build links with the current cohort of schoolboys. As I reminded the boys after the match, as they move into their lives beyond Cardinal Vaughan, whether that is at University or in the work place, they will always have their football experience from their school days to bind them together and OVFC is the perfect club to continue their football development as a group.’

thanks to both Mr D Murphy, Head of Senior Football, and Mr A Murphy, OVFC school liaison officer, for organising such a wonderful celebration of Vaughan Football. Old Vaughanians will always find a friend and a game of football at the OVFC, at whatever level. Sixth Formers are also warmly invited to join the Club, with A-Level students exempt from membership fees and earning caps for their appearances. A huge thank you also to Mrs Evans, Mr and Mrs Higgins and Mrs Di Paola for their help with the post-match hospitality.’

Click here for the OVFC website. Kieran McDonnell, OVFC Chairman, Click here for the CVMS Sport website. said: ‘The Old Vaughanians Football Club would like to extend enormous

CVMS 5 - 1 0VFC 31

the library

Miss Bugg’s Book of the Term: The Nest by Kenneth Oppel and Jon Klassen The baby is sick and Mom and Dad are sad. The first time Steve saw the creatures in his dreams he thought they were angels. All he has to do is say ‘Yes’ to their plan and they will fix everything. But yes is a powerful and dangerous word. Once it is uttered, can it be taken back? Treading the thin line between dreams and reality, Steve is stuck in a nightmare he can’t wake up from and that nobody else understands. The wasps’ nest is growing, and the ‘angel’ keeps visiting Steve in the night. Is the mysterious man who sharpens knives a friend or an enemy? The Nest is a surreal journey into a terrifying world that spirals out of control. It is a tense and claustrophobic story that had me reading at breakneck speed, behind the sofa, with one eye closed – in case they came to get me! And just to make it a little bit creepier, the book is illustrated by Jon Klassen’s dark and shady drawings. Miss Bugg, School Librarian


Cardinal Vaughan Carnegie Shadowing Group Cardinal Vaughan’s Carnegie Shadowing Group meets in the Library every Monday lunchtime to discuss, argue and review the books on the Carnegie shortlist. The boys’ reviews are published on the Cilip Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children’s Book Awards website, where you can also learn more about the eight shortlisted books and hear interviews with and readings by all of the authors.

The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedgwick

On 23 May the boys filmed a promotional video for the School’s page on the website, which also features a reading barometer, book polls and ‘Star Review’.

‘I disliked this book it took too long to get interesting and became a chore to read. I thought the characters seemed dull but I enjoyed how they were all connected. 5/10’ - Louis

Their bio? ‘Top readers and all-round good eggs’. We couldn’t agree more.

One by Sarah Crossman

Click here to visit the website.

‘One was a very captivating book and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I felt that I was with the characters throughout the novel. I would give it a 10/10.’ – Anthony 33


Summer Celebrating the creative Art Exhibition endeavours of our GCSE and A-Level students

34 35


Cakes for the Queen In Honour of HM The Queen’s 90th Birthday, on Sunday 12 June RBKC hosted a street party-style tea party in the Town Hall for 350 local elderly residents. We were delighted to be asked to help, and wish to thank CVMS Cooking Club, Miss Openibo, Head Chef Esther Buckman and parent Lee-Ann Welsh from Beyond Imagination Cakes for baking and donating these delicious brownies and spectacular cake. 37

London Regional Recruitment Fairs for

STEM Teacher Training Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Design & Technology We were delighted to welcome over a hundred visitors to our first STEM Teacher Training Recruitment Fair on Saturday 14 May. A number of Schools and Alliances across London were present, offering a variety of School Direct teacher training and recruitment opportunities, with experts on hand to offer advice about suitability and the possibility of financial incentives and bursaries.



Organiser of STEM Recruitment For Teacher Training Programmes The Royal Borough Teaching School Alliance consists of eight schools who work closely together to improve the educational outcomes of young people through developing the professional practice of new and existing teachers. Our training and research programmes aim to develop and disseminate best practice across the primary and secondary phases of education. In choosing to train with the Royal Borough Teaching School Alliance you will benefit from mentoring and coaching offered by a range of outstanding teachers. Our training programmes are school-based and classroom focused as we recognise that teaching professionals develop best when they have ample exposure to excellent practice across different schools. Our collaborative approach incorporates mentoring, coaching and peer observation tailored to the individual needs.

• •

Some programmes come with large tax free bursaries of £20-30k and some with scholarships. Some other programmes have no tuition fees and you can earn a salary while you train.

Use your expertise to inspire and change lives. 39


The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School 0207 603 8478 89 Addison Road, W14 8BZ 41

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