Sudden Cardiac Arrest

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Overview The sudden lack of heart function, respiration, and awareness is known as sudden cardiac arrest. A issue with your heart's electrical system causes the disorder, which affects your heart's pumping action and stops blood flow to your body. A heart attack, in which blood flow to a portion of the heart is interrupted, is not the same as sudden cardiac arrest. A heart attack, on the other hand, can sometimes cause an electrical disruption that results in rapid cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest can be fatal if not addressed quickly. With prompt and appropriate medical attention, survival is possible. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the use of a defibrillator, or even simple chest compressions can increase the chances of survival until help arrives.

Symptoms The following are immediate and severe signs of sudden cardiac arrest: –Chest



is no pulse.


is no way to breathe.




indications and symptoms may appear prior to sudden cardiac arrest. These could include the following: –Painful



of breath


(fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart) are typical problems of abrupt cardiac arrest.

What causes sudden cardiac arrest? An abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia), which occurs when your heart's electrical circuitry fails, is the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest. The electrical system of your heart regulates the rate and rhythm of your heartbeat. Your heart may beat too fast, too slowly, or irregularly if something goes wrong (arrhythmia). Although most arrhythmias are brief and harmless, some might result in cardiac arrest. An arrhythmia in a lower chamber of your heart is the most prevalent heart rhythm at the time of cardiac arrest (ventricle). Your ventricles quiver ineffectively instead of pumping blood due to rapid, irregular electrical impulses (ventricle fibrillation).

When to see a doctor –Pain

or discomfort in the chest

–Palpitations –Heartbeats

in the heart

that are fast or irregular


that isn't related to anything




or being on the verge of fainting


or light-headedness

The shortage of oxygen-rich blood when the heart stops can result in death or irreversible brain damage within minutes. When you're assisting an unconscious person who isn't breathing, time is of the essence.

Sudden cardiac arrest can be caused by a variety of heart problems. People with no known heart problems might experience sudden cardiac arrest. A life-threatening arrhythmia, on the other hand, frequently occurs in those who have a pre-existing, possibly undiscovered heart ailment. The following are some of the conditions: ●

Coronary artery disease: is a condition that affects the arteries of the

heart. People with coronary artery disease, in which the arteries become clogged with cholesterol and other deposits, decreasing blood flow to the heart, are more likely to experience sudden cardiac arrest. ●

Heart attack: A heart attack has occurred. A heart attack, which is most

commonly caused by severe coronary artery disease, can cause ventricular fibrillation and abrupt cardiac arrest. A heart attack can also cause scar tissue to form in your heart. Electrical short circuits in the scar tissue can cause heart rhythm irregularities.

Enlarged Heart (cardiomyopathy): This happens when the muscle

walls of your heart expand and enlarge or thicken. The muscle of your heart then becomes aberrant, resulting in arrhythmias. ●

Valvular heart disease: Leaking or narrowing of your heart valves

might cause your heart muscle to stretch or thicken. Arrhythmia is more likely to develop when the chambers become enlarged or weaker as a result of stress induced by a tight or leaking valve ●

Heart defect present at birth: When sudden cardiac arrest occurs

in infants or adolescents, it can be due to congenital heart disease. Adults who have had surgery to address a congenital heart abnormality are nonetheless at risk of abrupt cardiac arrest. ●

Electrical problems in the heart: In other patients, the issue is with

the electrical circuitry of the heart rather than the heart muscle or valves. Conditions like Brugada syndrome and long QT syndrome are examples of primary cardiac rhythm abnormalities.

Differences between Heart attack and Sudden Cardiac Arrest What is a Heart Attack?

When the blood supply to the heart muscle is substantially reduced or entirely cut off, a heart attack ensues. ●

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

When the electrical mechanism of the heart fails and becomes exceedingly erratic, it is called sudden cardiac arrest. ●


These phrases are frequently used interchangeably, however they are not synonymous. When blood flow to the heart is impeded, a heart attack occurs, and sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and ceases pumping unexpectedly. Sudden cardiac arrest is a "electrical" problem, while a heart attack is a "circulation" problem. ●

Factors that are at risk Because sudden cardiac arrest is frequently linked to coronary artery disease, the same factors that put you at risk for coronary artery disease might put you at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. These are some of them: –A history

of coronary artery disease in the family

–Smoking –Blood –High

pressure that is too high

cholesterol levels in the blood


\ Diabetes

–A sedentary



Reduced blood supply to the brain produces unconsciousness when abrupt cardiac arrest occurs. If your heart rhythm does not return to normal quickly, brain injury and death will occur. Those who have survived a cardiac arrest may show evidence of brain injury. ●


Get frequent checkups, get checked for heart disease, and live a heart-healthy lifestyle to lower your risk of sudden cardiac arrest. ●

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