Annual Report 2010

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Through one of CARE’s Village Savings and Loan Associations, Mamata Tinou began a cereal bank in her village of Genki in Niger. Not only has Mamata Tinou created a thriving business, the people of Genki have ample food available at all times. Mamata is now the leader of a regional federation microfinance programme and respected in her community for her knowledge and skills.

|2 | Photo: Š 2010 CARE |


1 dollar invested in preventing climate disasters is 7 dollars saved in emergency relief

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EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS HAVE HELPED MILLIONS In 2010, CARE helped over 82 million poor and vulnerable people around the world. CARE Danmark is working to fight poverty and counteract humanitarian disasters through results-oriented development projects. Below are a few examples of how CARE Danmark has made a difference. In bold are the overall results from CARE International.

CARE Danmark has for instance formed groups consisting of untouchable women, who are especially vulnerable in southern Nepal. In these groups, the women have learned basic reading and writing skills and received education about their rights, for example their entitlement to a minimum wage. As a direct result some groups jointly demanded and achieved a wage rise. All of the women can now afford better food and clothing for their families, and more than ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE half of them are able to send their children to school. The women Almost 15 million poor people have received help to adapt to have also secured higher wages for more than 13,000 untouchable climate change and to achieve sustainable use of natural women and men in southern Nepal. Their total annual wage increase resources through CARE’s global efforts. amounts to DKK 11.5 million. CARE Danmark is continuing its work to establish more groups. CARE Danmark has for example educated 140 farmers in Niger on how to optimise their harvest and thereby bridge the hunger gap BETTER HEALTH experienced by the majority of the country’s population several 30 million poor people have been helped to protect themselves months during the year. Poor farmers are particularly defenceless against HIV and AIDS, malaria and other life-threatening in the face of climate change, where the lack of rain is likely to diseases. destroy the harvest and cause nothing short of a famine. Following the education programme, the 140 farmers increased their yield five- CARE Danmark has for example educated pupils at 16 village schools fold, and are now much better prepared for the return of the hunger on how to protect themselves against HIV and teenage pregnancy. gap in summer. The project is part of CARE Danmark’s climate In Mozambique, 15 per cent of the population is HIV positive, and adaptation programme, which was set up to assist a total of 59,000 many young girls leave school because they marry at a young age or people in 40 communities in high risk regions of Niger, Kenya, Ghana become pregnant. Currently, up to 76 per cent fewer children have and Mozambique. left the 16 village schools and only half as many girls have become pregnant.The project is progressing to a new phase that focuses on EQUAL RIGHTS equipping the girls with life skills that will allow them to create Over 19 million of the world’s poorest women and men have better futures for themselves. received information about women’s rights advocacy.



More than 6.5 million poor people especially women, children and elderly people - have received help to learn how to act in time to save their lives in the event of sudden disasters such as flooding. CONFLICT RESOLUTION




More than 6 million of the world’s poorest have received help to attain peace in conflict-ridden countries.



Almost 35 million children and their family members have received information on nutrition and help to improve child health. FOOD SECURITY


Almost 10 million people have gained better access to food by means of programmes on nutrition awareness and sustainable agriculture.



More than 17 million of the world’s poorest have received help to increase their income through Village Savings and Loan Associations and other activities to boost their earnings.



Almost 31 million poor and vulnerable people have received help in lobbying their governments and successfully realising their rights.



Almost 22 million poor people have received help to personally influence political decisions at local, regional and national levels that improve equal opportunities and address the underlying causes of poverty.



Nearly 13 million poor children and adults have gained better access to schooling and a higher standard of education. The figures inevitably overlap, as CARE’s projects always focus on more than one aspect of poverty reduction and preventing humanitarian disasters. |5 | Photo: © 2010 CARE |

| Photo: © 2010 CARE Danmark |

’100 Places to Remember Before They Disappear’ in the Danish provinces From sunset over the wandering dunes in Namibia, to coral reefs off Australia’s coast, and roaring waterfalls in the DR Congo. In 2010, the popular photo exhibition ’100 Places to Remember Before They Disappear’ reached Jutland, where it was shown at the Bryggen shopping centre in Vejle. About 40,000 people saw the exhibition, which focuses on the serious threats of climate change and CARE’s efforts to prevent humanitarian climate disasters in Africa and Asia, where the poorest populations are most severely affected. At the end of the end of the exhibition, CARE auctioned off products donated by the shopping centre. The auction raised almost DKK 10,000 for CARE’s work in developing countries. In 2011, the photos will be exhibited outdoors at Højer in southern Jutland.

| Photo: © 2010 Michael Bothager - Scanpix Denmark |

‘Danmarks Indsamling 2010’

Africa’s women - Africa’s future. This was the theme of the yearly television appeal, ‘Danmarks Indsamling 2010’ shown by the national Danish Broadcasting Corporation. But just a few weeks before the appeal was broadcast, Haiti was hit by one of the most powerful earthquakes on record, which left the country in ruins. In response to this event, the television appeal was quickly extended to include fundraising for the victims of the earthquake. 2010 was a record year for the appeal, which raised DKK 130 million. DKK 6 million was donated to CARE’s work in Mozambique and Haiti. CARE is investing the funds in about 300 Village Savings and Loan Associations for poor women in Mozambique. The Village Savings and Loan Associations help the women supplement their income by alternative means. A total of 4,000 people will receive assistance. In Haiti, CARE has secured clean water and improved sanitary conditions for 75,000 people. |6

CARE IN DENMARK ‘B.T. Børneløbet’

On the first Sunday in September, more than 1,200 children and their parents ran two kilometres in support of CARE during the tabloid newspaper B.T.’s annual kids’ fun-run, ‘B.T. Børneløbet’. The route was marked in Copenhagen Zoo, and after a determined effort, the five to 12-year-olds were each awarded a gold medal. The fun-run sponsors, Playitas, Urtekram, Newline, TrygFonden and Vores Børn, donated a total of DKK 55,000 to CARE in support of its efforts to fight poverty and prevent climate disasters in CARE Danmark’s programme countries. The event will take place again in 2011 at Copenhagen Zoo, Odense Zoo and Aalborg Zoo.

| Photo: © 2010 CARE Danmark |

‘Verdens Bedste Nyheder’ On a wet September morning, 20 CARE volunteers took to the streets to hand out breakfast rolls and newspapers to morning commuters at the Forum metro station on Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. The event was organised as part of the national campaign ’Verdens Bedste Nyheder’ (The World’s Best News) organised jointly by the UN, the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and around 70 humanitarian organisations. And the aim was to spread the good news of the progress made in attaining the UN’s eight Millennium Development Goals for the developing world. Ghanaian Chief Kwaw Ampim Ababio and Queen Mother Adwoa Bema also enjoyed handing out bread and newspapers to the astonished commuters alongside CARE’s volunteers. The successful campaign will be held again in 2011.

Stay updated on the latest events at |7

FROM ‘CARE PACKAGES’ FOR EUROPE TO EMPOWERMENT IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD CARE was established when a number of private US organisations sent emergency relief packages to war-torn Europe and Japan after World War Two. The ’CARE packages’ were a private-sector counterpart to the Marshall Plan. The plan consisted of money and goods in order to boost economic recovery with the aim of preventing further destitution and armed conflict. When emergency relief was no longer needed in Europe and Japan, CARE’s focus shifted to the developing world. To this day, CARE’s work abides by the same principle: to avert disasters by empowering some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people to participate in and assume responsibility for positive development.

Packages were customized to meet the special tastes and dietary requirements of various countries and peoples; tea for example was a substitute for coffee in British packages.

1949 1945

CARE’s first development programme is launched

22 American organisations form an alliance to send emergency relief supplies to Europe and Japan. Initially, the supplies consist of food, but later also blankets, clothing, medicine and school materials.

While the emergency relief activities continue, CARE’s first development programme is launched in the Philippines. This marks the first step towards the development-enabling efforts that characterise CARE today.

CARE is founded


| Photos: Š CARE |


CARE focuses on empowerment CARE directs its efforts to development programmes designed to empower the world’s poorest countries with knowledge and resources for working their way out of poverty. Emergency relief activities are scaled down, and commitment to development assistance is increased. In 1966, CARE begins to phase out its distribution of emergency relief packages.


CARE Danmark is formed From the beginning, the focus for the Danish organisation has been on climate and sustainable use of natural resources as a crucial aid to reduce poverty.











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| Photo: © 2008 CARE |

CARE INTERNATIONAL CARE is a non-political and non-religious confederation of 12 independent organisations in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Thailand, the UK and the USA. The national agencies operate independently, each with a specialisation theme within development and emergency relief. In the field they co-operate closely. Internationally, CARE is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organisations with programmes in 87 countries, reaching more than 82 million people in 2010. The prevention of humanitarian disasters is the best and most cost-effective form of development assistance. The core of CARE’s development programmes is based on the principle that the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people are to be assisted in improving their own and their families’ lives. But not all disasters can be prevented. Consequently, CARE International also delivers emergency relief to those groups in society that need it most.

CARE DANMARK CARE Danmark was founded in 1987 as an independent foundation to help the poorest and most vulnerable people in developing countries improve their living conditions. CARE Danmark does not provide emergency relief, but focuses on long-term development efforts in Africa and Asia based on its mission to empower the world’s poor people. To that end, the organisation also works closely with local communities. Globally, CARE’s activities in developing countries are run by local staff, who account for 97 per cent of all CARE employees. This ensures sustainable and efficient community-based operations. At the Copenhagen offices, CARE Danmark has the equivalent of 26 full-time employees. Furthermore, eight employees are stationed in the organisation’s programme countries. CARE Danmark’s annual revenue exceeds DKK 100 million. The organisation has a framework agreement with DANIDA and receives project funding from other institutional donors. These sources of funding are supplemented by donations from private individuals, companies and foundations, which correspond to more than 20 per cent of the revenue. 82 per cent of CARE Danmark’s revenue is devoted to projects, while 12 per cent is spent on administration, and six per cent on information and fundraising.

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CARE DANMARK’S PROGRAMMES CARE Danmark’s programmes are based on preventive activities in developing countries to avert the humanitarian disasters that arise out of poverty and climate change. This is more effective than delivering emergency relief in the aftermath of a disaster. CARE Danmark’s programmes fight poverty in every aspect in order to help the world’s poorest people escape poverty. In this context, human rights, equality and climate adaptation are as important as income, education and health. The following is an overview of CARE Danmark’s programme activities in 2010.








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GHANA CARE Danmark’s patron, HRH Prince Joachim of Denmark, visited Ghana in 2010 while the northern part of the country was struck by flooding. He was interviewed about this situation live on the Danish news channel, TV2 News. This was the fourth time in four years that the country was hit by unusually heavy rainfall at an atypical time of year. Many Ghanaians are now convinced this was caused by climate change. Also, Ghana’s largest oil field began production of oil and gas in 2010. While oil benefits national economic growth in the country as a whole, profound poverty persists in northern Ghana. CARE consequently supported civil society in demanding more effective regulation of the oil sector.

CARE DANMARK’S PROJECTS IN GHANA FNRM ensures community-based co-influence over management of national forest resources and fights illegal deforestation. AFS works to ensure year-round access to food especially for women and young people - combined with lobbying for the government to invest more in Ghana’s impoverished northern regions. KASA supports civil society organisations and media in reacting to governmental environmental policy. PREVENT prevents HIV/AIDS - and promotes co-operation between traditional authorities and people living with HIV on limiting discrimination and incorporating concern for people living with HIV in community-based work.





TANZANIA Much of Tanzania’s forested land has succumbed to short-term economic interests that have benefited neither poor people nor the natural environment. Forest-dwelling communities are among the poorest in Tanzania. They are marginalised and weakly represented in society. CARE aims to conserve the region’s forests and other natural areas and to improve living conditions for poor people. In 2010, the programme has had notable success in assisting poor farmers in integrating their farming with forestry and in building terraces to protect watercourses and prevent erosion. This has resulted in improved water quality and increased agricultural production for the benefit of both the natural environment and the human lives it sustains.

CARE DANMARK’S PROJECT IN TANZANIA PES compensates poor people for taking better care of the environment through a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) system between farmers and companies.

CARE’S GLOBAL COOPERATION CARE Danmark has more than 20 years’ experience in fighting climate and environment-induced poverty. As a result, CARE has accumulated a comprehensive body of knowledge and experience in sustainable farming and forestry in particular. Climate change has come to exert more influence over the years, and by virtue of the experience it has amassed, CARE Danmark now has a leading position in this field within CARE International, which in 2010 approved CARE Danmark as the headquarters and overseer of the organisation’s first designated Centre of Expertise on climate change. The concept for the centre is to achieve sustainable results from the substantial funds allocated by both national and international donors to help strengthen the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people facing climate change, while the centre’s experts are to participate in and exert pressure on UN-led climate talks. ALP assists poor and vulnerable families in Niger, Mozambique, Ghana and Kenya adapt to new climate challenges. The knowledge improves national NGO and governmental efforts within climate adaptation. Southern Voices supports partners from communitybased organisations in Ghana, Tanzania, DR Congo, Vietnam, Indonesia and Nepal in exerting their own influence on political decisions on climate change at national, regional and international levels. | 13

MOZAMBIQUE 2010 saw widespread urban rioting in the country. Originally, it was sparked by an increase in bus fares, which was later followed by government announcements of price increases on wheat, rice, imported vegetables, sugar, drinking water and petrol. The military and police were dispatched to manage the riots. Seven fatalities were recorded and hundreds of people were injured. In the aftermath, the government implemented a price subsidy programme. However, much of the population has not benefitted from the average national growth of eight per cent over the last 15 years. Approximately half of the 20 million citizens are still living below the poverty line. The year ended with flood warnings in the wake of heavy rainfall in southern Africa.

UGANDA The creation of national parks in Uganda has meant that people who lived in and of the forest have been cut off from their previous sources of income and thereby lost their livelihoods. CARE is building and educating community-based organisations on forest legislation and activities that can generate essential income. CARE Danmark’s work in Uganda thus aims to improve living conditions for those people whose survival depends on the natural environment. CARE assists local communities in holding the government accountable for community involvement in decisions concerning the use and management of those natural resources.

CARE DANMARK’S PROJECTS IN MOZAMBIQUE FAPIM improves agriculture and secures the proceeds of forest felling for the communities. COCISO supports community-based organisations in fighting HIV/AIDS among persons at risk, including orphans. SCORE-NRM provides advocacy in support of community influence over local government on environmental and development issues. Ku Kula Kuatsi educates pupils in preventing HIV transmission, preventing sexual abuse of girls and guaranteeing their schooling. WASH drills wells, establishes pumps, and mobilises communities to achieve improved hygiene. Village Savings and Loan Associations trains women and men in forming their own groups for savings and small loans.

CARE DANMARK’S PROJECTS IN UGANDA REPA strenghtens community involvement in the development of sustainable agriculture and forestry in and on the margins of national parks. CCMB reduces child mortality among the Batwa people in southwestern Uganda. SLOGIN holds the government accountable for the quality of services such as education and access to water, and involves the local community in decision-making processes.

NIGER 2010 was a disastrous year for Niger, which is one of the world’s poorest countries. The meagre harvest in 2009 meant almost eight million people starved for months. More than half of the Nigerian population was affected. CARE Danmark is one of the few Danish humanitarian organisation with a long-term commitment to the country. To help the poor part of the population, which is severely affected by climate change and recurrent droughts, training in climate adaptation is provided by creating local cereal banks and Village Savings and Loan Associations to assist the population in creating a basis for stable earnings, livestock keeping and more reliable access to food and water when times are hard.

CARE DANMARK’S PROJECTS IN NIGER CEREAL BANKS prevents recurrent famines by counterbalancing seasonal fluctuations in cereal prices. PROGRES fights extreme poverty through more equitable and sustainable use of natural resources. IFETE works for poor women - young women especially – in order for them to obtain their own farming land titles as a source of income.

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DESERT SCHOOLS guarantees access to schooling, especially for girls, and evening classes for their parents. WELLS OF PEACE establishes wells in areas with nomadic people as means to promote peace rather than risk conflict.

| Photo: © 2010 Jonathan Bjerg Møller | | Photo: © 2009 CARE |

 2010 was characterised by political deadlock with extensive discord between the political parties and yet another deferral of the date for the new constitution. The situation stalled progress in many areas, and caused political tension in southern Nepal especially, where most of CARE’s activities are based. More than one in three Nepalis live below the poverty line, and the country is severely affected by climate change which affects the monsoon season and glacier melt in the Himalayas. Discrimination on grounds of caste, gender and ethnicity remains widespread. CARE Danmark fights discrimination, protects human rights, and creates access to education, health care, and natural resources for the poorest and most vulnerable Nepalis.

CARE DANMARKS PROJECTS IN NEPAL CHULI improves living standards for the untouchable people, for women and poor farmers by safeguarding access to natural resources and education. JIWAN protects natural resources by disseminating knowledge about their use. JANSEEP reduces poverty and strengthens ethnic minorities’ rights and influence. Village Savings and Loan Associations helps poor and vulnerable people supplement their income.

 In spite of several years of positive economic growth in Vietnam, poverty remains rife. Vietnam thus still badly needs improvements in areas such as equality, education, health care, water supply, sanitation, the environment and sustainable use of the country’s natural resources. Vietnam’s high-risk location for cyclical tropical storms has been highlighted by a series of powerful typhoons that have caused flooding over the last couple of years, including in 2010. CARE Danmark’s projects enable the poorest and most vulnerable population groups to create a better and safer future for themselves.

CARE DANMARK’S PROJECTS IN VIETNAM PACODE improves the living conditions of the ethnic Khmer communities in the Mekong Delta. CASI encourages rural community participation and influence on poverty reduction measures. ECCODE contributes to improved living conditions among poor mountain farmers by providing new income-generating opportunities. SIEED increases poor farmers’ contributions to and profits from Vietnam’s economic growth. MANGROVES promotes the planting of mangrove trees along exposed coastlines as protection against typhoons and flooding.

| Photo: © 2011 Jacob Holdt | 15 | | Photo: © 2010 Kate Holt |

| 16 | Photo: Š 2010 Miklas Njor |

INCREASING INTEREST IN CARE In every respect, 2010 was a productive year for CARE Danmark’s fundraising, with an even greater number of people providing more support for CARE’s work. This support makes a huge difference to our activities in assisting some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people - and we are grateful for the confidence placed in us by the CARE supporters. During the past year, we have stepped up our fundraising activities through relationship-building with our present members, donors and supporters. At the same time, we have maintained our commitment to gain new supporters. The combined effect of these drives has resulted in an increase in revenue from existing supporters and an influx of new ones.

NEW SUPPORT MEMBERSHIP It is possible to be a member of CARE without being a regular donor, just as it is possible to be a regular donor without being a member. Accordingly, in 2010 we introduced a new type of membership that we call ’support membership’. This allows both new and existing members and donors to consolidate their support for CARE in one. The support membership costs DKK 75 a year, and is automatically deducted from the regular amount that the donor has chosen to donate each month. This scheme also makes it easier for support members to report their donations to the Danish tax authorities and have them tax-deducted.

CARE’S AMBASSADORS AND STORYTELLERS ARE POPULAR As a special thank you to all our support members, we held an event at which CARE ambassador Jacob Holdt presented his slideshow entitled ‘With Prince Joachim and Bolivia’s Indigenious People’. After the slideshow, CARE supporters met Jacob Holdt and learnt more about his many travels with CARE, and his deep commitment to our work. This was a well-attended event, reflecting the popularity of CARE’s other ambassadors and storytellers who tour the country to recount their experiences of CARE’s work in the field.


organised in different parts of Denmark. During spring, CARE participated in an exhibition at the Bella Center in association with the American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla, which made its ’Tesla Roadster’ available for an electric car race across Denmark from Esbjerg in the west of Denmark to the Bella Center exhibition in Copenhagen. The aim of the event, covered by Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s radio channel P3, in which a number of Danish celebrities took part, was to drive green, not fast. And in autumn the tabloid newspaper B.T. held its annual kids’ fun-run, ‘B.T. Børneløbet’, in Copenhagen Zoo in association with the sponsors Playitas, Urtekram, Newline, TrygFonden and Vores Børn. More than 1,200 children and their parents completed the twokilometer run and the sponsors donated DKK 55,000 in support of CARE’s work.

SUPPORT FROM DENMARK More than one million viewers tuned in to DR1 on January 30, 2010 for the culmination of Danmarks Indsamling – the national television appeal. DKK 130 million were raised for women in Africa and the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The emergency relief angle was a new feature of the appeal, which set a record in both audience ratings and fundraising. CARE invested its share of the funds in establishing Village Savings and Loan Associations in Mozambique. In Haiti the funds were spent on clean water and improved sanitary conditions. Further into 2010, this work was further boosted by a sizeable donation from the foundation Roskildefonden. In the run-up to Christmas, we relaunched CARE’s online gift shop with an extended selection of charity gifts at www.caregaver. dk. The gift shop is a good place to find charity gifts for friends and family, while supporting some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. The wide assortment of sponsorship gifts range from camels for single women in Niger to ducks, lifejackets and mangrove trees in support of poor farmers along the Vietnamese coast. Both existing support members and new donors have visited the online shop to purchase sponsorship gifts.

In 2010, CARE also focused on its partnerships with foundations and companies. A great deal of energy has been devoted to formulating a long-term strategy for our corporate partnerships. The strategy development process received substantial support from a leader in the field when the consultancy PA Consulting Group assisted our staff as part of its corporate social Niels Tofte, National Director of responsibility commitment. Meanwhile, CARE has greatly CARE Danmark appreciated the many inspiring and entertaining activities

TV host Anders Breinholt, stand-up-comedian Sebastian Dorset, and motor journalist Christian Grau participated in Denmark’s first CO2 neutral car race in the world’s fastest electric car ‘Tesla Roadster’. MP Ida Auken also attended: ‘The Tesla revamps our image of the electric car. But I also welcome this opportunity to support CARE, because the charity receives far too little attention in Denmark given its success,’ Ida Auken said. | 17

FINANCIAL REVIEW CARE Danmark receives the largest share of its revenue from the Danish International Development Agency (Danida) in the form of funding for specific programmes. In addition to this, CARE Danmark receives funding from other institutional donors such as the EU, and the Finnish, British and Dutch governments. Donations are also made by private individuals, companies and foundations. In 2010, the revenue totalled DKK 118.5 million before accrual, of which DKK 68.3 million came from Danida, DKK 18.9 million from the EU and other donors, and DKK 31.3 million from foundations, companies and private donors for designated and non-designated projects. In 2010, CARE Danmark was granted funding for continuance of a project in Vietnam to improve living conditions for the ethnic Khmer people, for an HIV/AIDS project in Nepal, and for the ’Southern Voices’ project in support of civil society’s involvement in the international climate talks. 2010 saw the launch of a women’s project in Niger, which in 2009 was approved for financing from the Danida ’Women in Africa’ fund. Finally, in 2010, financing from the British government fell into place for a major five-year climate adaptation project in four countries in Africa co-financed by Danida and the Finnish government.

In 2010, CARE Danmark received a total of DKK 3.2 million from companies and foundations. This represents a decline from DKK 6.4 million in 2009. CARE Danmark has created a strategy for corporate partnerships with the assistance of PA Consulting Group, which donated staff time to the cause. The object of the strategy is to generate an increase in income for CARE Danmark’s activities and to foster closer cooperation with selected companies and foundations. Once again, in 2010 CARE Danmark was one of the beneficiaries of the national television appeal Danmarks Indsamling, which raised DKK 130 million for Africa and the devastating disaster that affected Haiti. CARE Danmark’s share of the funds raised was DKK six millions for projects in Mozambique and in Haiti. It is especially gratifying that CARE Danmark once again succeeded in achieving an increase in its fundraising revenue, with income from private sources now amounting to 23 per cent of the total revenue. In the opinion of the board and executive management, fundraising must continue to be given very high priority. Accordingly, in 2011 investments in this area will continue to be increased.


The closing financial statement for 2010 shows a surplus of DKK 2.2 million, and as of December 31 reserves totalled DKK 7.6 million. CARE Danmark has thus sustained the financial growth achieved in recent years. The result for the year is satisfactory in FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES terms of CARE Danmark’s long-term goal of accumulating reserves of In spite of the global financial recession and domestic financial DKK 10 million. crisis, 2010 was another year of growth for CARE Danmark’s overall fundraising activities from DKK 25.3 million in 2009 to DKK 26.3 In 2010, besides grants from Danida and the EU, CARE Danmark million in 2010. However, both years have been characterised by received funding from the British, Finnish, Dutch and Austrian extraordinary one-off donations. governments. In addition, the majority of CARE International’s members have contributed to the establishment of a Centre of In order to achieve a more transparent membership structure, CARE Expertise devoted to environment and climate change, hosted by Danmark introduced a new support membership in 2010. Combined CARE Danmark. with CARE Danmark’s ongoing efforts to build relations with existing Looking ahead to 2011, CARE Danmark anticipates a positive result support members and donors and acquire new ones, this resulted in favouring further consolidation of reserves. The framework grant a very favourable increase in the number of members, from 7,041 in from Danida will remain unchanged in 2011, at DKK 43 million. Again 2009 to 9,485 in 2010, together with an increase in income from in 2011, there will also be the possibility of supplementary Danida membership fees. However, the focus on increasing membership has single projects. The productive cooperation with the EU and the resulted in a fall in the total number of donation-only supporters, British and Finnish governments is expected to continue through from 20,721 in 2009 to 19,246 donors in 2010. 2011.



Empowerment of women




Local development


Baseline studies, reviews and evaluations







Global activities

23 % 9%

Private donations (restricted and unrestricted)



Danida framework


East-African Region


Agriculture and natural resources

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Support for civil society and NGOs





25% Niger



8% EU


Danida single projects



for the period January 1 - December 31, 2010



REVENUES (DKK 1,000s) (DKK 1,000s) RESTRICTED REVENUES Public project support 81.934 74.549 Private donations 9.746 8.175 TOTAL RESTRICTED REVENUES BEFORE ACCRUAL 91.680 82.724 Accrued public/private projects support -2.700 3.340 TOTAL RESTRICTED REVENUES 88.980 86.064 OTHER REVENUES Private donations 15.859 16.671 Administration fee 5.856 5.553 Other 5.055 1.914 TOTAL OTHER REVENUES 26.770 24.138 TOTAL REVENUES 115.750 110.202 EXPENSES USE OF RESTRICTED FUNDS Projects and programmes 87.275 86.082 USE OF UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Projects and programmes 4.291 2.491 Information/PR 836 653 Fundraising 5.775 4.381 Administration (incl. salaries, operating costs, deprec.) 15.359 14.600 TOTAL USE OF UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 26.261 22.125 TOTAL EXPENSES 113.536 108.207 THE RESULT FOR THE YEAR 2.214 1.995 The result for the year is allocated as follows: Transferred to unrestricted reserves 509 2.013 Adjustment to restricted reserves 1.705 -18


at December 31, 2010

2010 2009 ASSETS (DKK 1,000s) (DKK 1,000s) FIXED ASSETS Total fixed assets 1.222 940 CURRENT ASSETS Project support receivables 19.588 25.080 Other receivables (incl. inventory/stocks and accrued income) 5.720 3.076 Total receivables 25.308 28.156 Cash 22.730 13.199 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 48.038 41.355 TOTAL ASSETS 49.260 42.295 LIABILITIES RESERVES Restricted reserves Fund capital 200 200 Total restricted reserves 200 200 Unrestricted reserves Correction framework financial report 2009 -2 0 Balance 01.01. 5.149 3.154 Annual adjustment 2.214 1.995 Total unrestricted reserves 7.361 5.149 TOTAL RESERVES 7.561 5.349 DEBT Debt to bank 761 1.147 Project accounts (public, private, CARE International) 36.631 33.114 Other debts 4.307 2.685 TOTAL DEBT 41.699 36.946 TOTAL LIABILITIES 49.260 42.295

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT 2010 ’Danish development assistance must help the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. It must be bold, and it must achieve results. It sounds good. And it is indisputable. But the entire cause is threatened when a fixation on results is allowed to direct political decisions. Because the areas where Danish development assistance is most needed, are also where results are most elusive. In other words, it is possible to be too poor to qualify for Danish development assistance.’ This was the introduction to CARE Danmark’s open letter to the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Søren Pind, who immediately upon his appointment in early 2010 fuelled the debate on how Danish assistance should be targeted.

Danish development assistance must not turn its back on the poorest countries because the results fail to materialise in great numbers straight away.


Yet there are examples of aid successes in the Sahara. CARE’s Village Savings and Loan Associations, for example, were established 25 years ago in Niger. The Village Savings and Loan Associations are a completely different form of microfinancing from that offered by the banks and microfinance institutions. These associations are created as community cooperative savings banks. They are typically owned and operated by impoverished women, who learn to pool their savings Niger is possibly one of the most difficult countries in which to and give loans to each other. achieve results. 60 per cent of the population live below the UN poverty line. 85 per cent are illiterate. The country is unable to feed The associations also school their members in local democracy and its population even in good harvest years. The population growth in joint decision-making. The women call the associations Mata Musa rate is one of the highest in the world at 3.3 per cent per year. One Dubara - women on the way. Many associations support their in five children dies before the age of five. This profound, chronic members in running for local elections and support them through poverty is a challenge that causes many donors to turn their backs their election campaign. Some women have even run as candidates on Niger or to clear their consciences by sending emergency aid once for parliamentary elections. These are the examples that prompt the a year, when the hunger sets in. women to refer to the associations as Niger’s answer to a ’Harvard law degree’. Denmark, as one of few donors, has been a stable supporter of progressive forces in this desert nation. This applies both to bilate- More than 7,300 associations have been started in Niger. Each one ral aid and aid for Danish and Nigerien civil-society organisations. of these still exists today, and nationally the system comprises more CARE Danmark has stayed on course. And let there be no doubt: we than 400,000 women. Worldwide there are now more than three must continue to invest heavily in agriculture and climate adaptation million women and men organised in CARE’s Village Savings and Loan so that the poor population does not have to endure the annual Associations. The associations continue after support from CARE hunger gaps - let alone the frequently recurring famines. comes to an end, and new ones begin spontaneously without CARE’s assistance because the people are inspired by their neighbours in Wells full of water, crops in the field and food on the table are other villages. This makes the village savings and loan associations obviously the first steps. Next come education and joint decision- one of the most sustainable forms of development assistance. making. Niger’s democracy remains threatened in a country where so few people are literate. This is why there is an evident need to THE WORLD’S BEST NEWS focus on education, human rights and future prospects for the The stories from CARE’s Village Savings and Loan Associations are younger generation, so they may look ahead to a peaceful and bright some of most encouraging stories from the world’s poorest countries, future for themselves in the country. This applies to Niger and to all but they rarely reach the Danish news channels. Perhaps this the other countries CARE works in. Fighting poverty thus calls for explains why the Danes are sceptical about whether development both courage and patience. Working with the poorest people is assistance ever makes a real difference. In recognition of this, in demanding and complicated - and completely essential. summer 2010, the UN, Danida and as many as 70 Danish development











agencies teamed up to launch a joint campaign entitled: ’The World’s Best News’. The object was to tell the Danes that efforts to fight global emergencies and poverty have already produced good results, and to inform people about the UN 2015 Millennium Development Goals, which came under scrutiny at a special UN Summit in New York in the autumn.

malnutrition, but that it costs 80 dollars to save that child once it is malnourished. Prevention is the solution. We know that the people involved in CARE’s cereal banks or who are organised in our Village Savings and Loan Associations were better able to survive the year’s crisis. We know that the farmers who have received help in replacing their crops with more drought-resistant varieties have benefited from an increased harvest yield of as much as 500 per cent. This is what is known as timely intervention. And we’ve translated that into a simple mission statement that will now appear under our logo: CARE – the sooner the better!

On the campaign day on September 10, CARE, together with a Ghanaian chief and a queen mother, handed out breakfast rolls and information newspapers at the Forum metro station in Frederiksberg. This brought many surprised smiles to the faces of the morning commuters. But hopefully the campaign also helped stress that Danish development assistance makes a genuine, lasting SUSTAINED FINANCIAL IMPROVEMENTS difference to many of the world’s poor and vulnerable people. CARE Danmark is sustaining recent year’s financial growth. Our total DISASTER PREVENTION revenue in 2010 before accrual amounted to DKK 118.5 million. This There are many encouraging stories to be told about development is an increase of DKK 11 million over the previous year, and adds up successes from all corners of CARE’s global organisation, but new, to a surplus of DKK 2.2 million. It is a very satisfactory overwhelming problems loom large as the global climate becomes development. Danida continues to contribute just under 60 per cent increasingly unpredictable. of our revenue. At the same time, in 2010, CARE Danmark received funding from the British, Finnish, Dutch and Austrian governments. Once again in 2010, prolonged droughts and massive flooding across the globe highlighted the value of CARE’s ground-breaking climate In addition, the majority of CARE International’s members have work, which is carried out both in the field and around the contributed to the establishment of a Centre of Expertise devoted to international climate conferences. CARE is therefore pleased to note environmental and climate change, hosted by CARE Danmark. that the UN Climate Change Conference was revived in Cancún, Finally, a rising number of members of CARE Danmark’s support Mexico at the end of the year. Within CARE, we will continue to association and increasing donations from CARE Danmark’s donors monitor the negotiations and make every effort to ensure that those have helped to maintain the positive trend and the good results. most at risk from climate change receive the right assistance when the climate is at its harshest. The board of directors remains intently focused on pursuing stable financial improvements and efficiency in CARE Danmark’s Emergency assistance to the world’s poorest, when droughts destroy administration and fundraising activities. This balance is challenged harvests and livestock - and floods devastate lives and homes - is in by the keen competition between the humanitarian organisations fact assistance that comes too late. We know where the droughts set and by ongoing changes in programme quality and reporting in. We know where the floods strike - and we know where people are requirements. CARE Danmark spends 12 per cent of its revenue on so impoverished and vulnerable that they need help from outside to administration, a level that the board finds appropriate in relation survive. Yet the global community tends not to react until the to the organisation’s work. disaster is raging at its worst. This is unreasonable. And it costs both lives and money. CARE’s studies from the last famine disaster in Niger reveal that it costs one dollar to prevent one child’s
















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CARE DANMARK THANKS INSTITUTIONAL DONORS Danida, the EU, the Finnish government, the British government, the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ghana and the UN.

FOUNDATIONS 2010 Asta og Jul. P. Justesens Fond, Augustinus Foundation, Civilingeniør H.C Bechgaard og Hustru Elly Mary Bechgaards Fond, Erik Thunes Legat af 1954, Fabrikant Mads Clausens Fond, Fonden af 17.12.1981 Roskilde Festival Charity Society, Frimodt-Heineke Fonden Grosserer Andreas Collstrop og søn Rudolf Collstrop’s Mindelegat, Kong Christian den Tiendes Fond, Kong Frederik og Dronning Ingrids Fond til humanitære og kulturelle formål, Lauritzen Foundation Nordea Denmark Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation Snedkermester Axel Wichmann og fru Else Wichmanns Fond, Solar Fonden af 1978, STG’s Gavefond, Svend Chr. Olsens Familiefond Toyota Foundation, Tryg Foundation



Anne Balle Fromholt, Principal Søren Engberg Jensen, Student Marianne Kemp, Film Producer Anders Kern Kernel, MSc Social Science Hans Georg Møller, Journalist and TV host Laila Bjørn Pedersen, Development Consultant Flemming Pless, Rev. Minister Pernille Rosenbæk, Student Mia Lund Sørensen, International Project Officer Anna Cecilie Varnild, Project Manager Kirsten Vaupel, Opera Singer

PROJECT COMMITTEE The project committee deals with general project-related issues and advises CARE Danmark’s Board of Directors and Secretariat. Svend Kaare Jensen (Chair), Managing Partner, on leave Thomas Augustinus, Natural Resource Management Consultant Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde, PhD student, on leave Jens Dragsted, PhD (Agr.) Flemming Frandsen, former Prorector at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark Jan Hassing, Senior Policy Adviser, DHI Water & Environment Hanne Hübertz, Consultant, Nordeco Søren Mark Jensen, Team Leader at Nature Plan Denmark and National Focal Points for ABS Marianne Wiben Jensen, Africa Programme Coordinator, IWGIA Karen Lauterbach, Head of Section at Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation Søren Lund, Associate Professor, Roskilde University

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Furthermore, CARE Danmark thanks Kulturøkologisk Forening and Personal Systems.

CARE DANMARK AWARD 2010 The CARE Danmark Award is presented annually to an individual or an organisation for outstanding achievements in support of the CARE Danmark cause. In 2010, the CARE Danmark Award was awarded to Søren Rud and Stine Norden from Life Exhibitions. The award recognises their productive cooperation with CARE on the exhibition ‘100 Places to Remember Before They Disappear’ which was visited by more than 800,000 people in Aarhus and Copenhagen in 2009.

STORYTELLERS By giving presentations and attending debate events at companies, clubs and schools, CARE Danmark’s storytellers recount their first-hand experiences of CARE’s work in the field. Marie Bennike, Student Benedicte Funck Christensen, Tour guide Luna Christensen, Student Trine Mortensen Didriksen, Project Manager

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THE BOARD OF THE SUPPORT ASSOCIATION The Board of the Support Association advises the Board of Directors and the Secretariat of CARE Danmark on public relations and information strategies and activities. Andreas Hastrup (Chair), Estate Owner Orla Grøn Pedersen (Deputy Chair), CEO Leo Bjørnskov, former State Secretary Søren Nordahl Friis, Journalist Ellen Lindskov Plesner, former Senior Teacher Morten Søgaard, MSc Social Science Jesper Steen Andersen (Alternate), Master of Theology Marie Ditlevsen (Alternate), Student

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO Ulrich Bang, Mathilde Brix, Lene Bruhn, Bill Farmer, Emilia van Hauen, Jacob Holdt, Reimar Juul, Marianne Kemp, Johannes Lehmann, David Lush, Hans-Georg Møller, Stine Norden, PA Consulting Group, Søren Rud and Susanne Sayers

MEMBERS OF CARE DANMARK´S BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES Chair Søren Haslund-Christensen, former Lord Chamberlain Deputy Chair Anette Reenberg, Professor Collective members Annelise Bastholm, Chief Dentist, Association of Public Health Dentists in Denmark Niels Dabelstein, Senior Adviser, Danish Society of Engineers Eva Maria Olhoff, Danish Women’s Society Lise Warren Pedersen, Representative, Danish Gymnastics and Sports Associations Kirsten Holst Sørensen, Chair, Association of Graduates in Agricultural Science Johannes Østergaard, Senior Consultant, Danish Agricultural Council

Personal members Stig Andersen, CEO Vagn Holck Andersen, CEO Dorthe Arnoldi, CEO Thomas Augustinus, Natural Resource Management Consultant Leo Bjørnskov, former State Secretary Jannik Boesen, Senior Researcher Hendrik Boesgaard, Head of Division Hans Henrik Brydensholt, High Court Judge Klaus Bustrup, former CEO Jens N. Christiansen, CEO Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde, PhD student Sophie Vedel Dalsgaard, Head of PR and Marketing Frans Dolberg, Associate Professor Jens Dragsted, PhD (Agr.) Pia Olsen Dyhr, MP, Danish Socialist People’s Party Charlotte Dyremose, MP, Danish Conservative Party Henning Dyremose, former CEO Jørgen Egelund, Gallery Owner Flemming Frandsen, former Prorector Henriette Frandsen-Melau, HR Development Director Lis M. Frederiksen, Journalist Steen Frederiksen, Consulting Engineer Søren Nordahl Friis, Journalist Jan O. Frøshaug, CEO Anette Følsgaard, Co-owner and Co-initiator of a private hospital Steen Gade, MP, Danish Socialist People’s Party Martine Cardel Gertsen, Associate Professor Susanne Grubb, Translator Henrik Grüttner, Environmental Manager Carl Gyllenhoff, Copywriter Christian Gylstorff, Market Director Jan Hassing, Senior Policy Adviser Andreas Hastrup, Estate Owner

Hans Henningsen, Principal Per Holten-Andersen, Dean Hanne Hübertz, Consultant Aase Jensen, Homemaker Hans Jørgen Jensen, former Director General Svend Kaare Jensen, Managing Partner Henrik Toft Jensen, Associate Professor Marianne Wiben Jensen, Africa Programme Coordinator Jørn Jespersen, Consultant Ole M. Jung, CEO Anne-Lise Klausen, Partner Henning Klestrup, CEO Susanne Larsen, former CEO Karsten Lauritzen, MP, Danish Liberal Party Karen Lauterbach, Head of Section Henning Lehmann, Professor Peter Buch Lorentzen, Customer Relations Manager Christian Lund, Professor Søren Lund, Associate Professor Mogens Lykketoft, MP, the Danish Social Democrats Henrik Secher Marcussen, Professor Birgit Meister, Journalist Charlotte Münter, CEO Kjeld Møllgård, Professor, MD Christian S. Nissen, Freelance Consultant Per Nørhaven, CEO Knud Overø, CEO Orla Grøn Pedersen, CEO Bitten Petersen, Homemaker J.C. Briand Petersen, State Forest Supervisor Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Professor Ellen Lindskov Plesner, former Senior Teacher Mogens Munk Rasmussen, former CEO Michael Schultz Rasmussen, Chief Project and R&D Manager Helle Munk Ravnborg, Senior Researcher Karin Riis-Jørgensen, MEP Ulla Röttger, CEO Anders Samuelsen, MP, Danish Liberal Alliance Party Hans-Otto Sano, Senior Researcher, Head of Research Division Bent Schmidt-Nielsen, former Rector Gunhild Lange Skovgaard, CEO, Chief Physician Carsten Smith-Hall, Associate Professor Jørgen Stubgaard, Nature Guide Morten Søgaard, MSc Social Science Lars Toksvig, Forest Supervisor Steen Uhrskov, CEO Margrethe Vestager, MP, Danish Social-Liberal Party Jens Vestgaard, Head of Department Anna Vinding, Head of Information Nicolai Wammen, Mayor Christian Wedell-Neergaard, Estate Owner Metteli Würtz, Head of Division Lars Øgaard, CEO

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1 dollar invested in preventing climate disasters is 7 dollars saved in emergency relief

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