Annual report 2012

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Annual report 2012


83 million of the world’s poorest people IN


| Photo: Mozambique / © CARE Danmark |

83 million of the world’s poorest people

through In 2012 CARE International reached


84 projects in


Annual Report 2012



CARE International is one of the largest humanitarian organisations in the world. In 2012 the work of CARE International strengthened the capacity of 83 million people in 84 countries. CARE Danmark runs long-term programmes in eight of these countries. CARE Danmark’s work is focused on prevention and helping people help themselves. According to calculations, one dollar invested in preventing climate disasters is seven dollars saved in emergency relief. This is why CARE acts before disasters strike to create long lasting solutions together with poor and vulnerable people. This is what we call timely care.


Annual Report 2012 | Photo: ŠCARE |

BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT 2012 In 2012 CARE Danmark’s programme country Niger really hit the global spotlight when Islamist groups occupied the northern parts of its neighbouring country Mali. The rebel groups sought to impose radical Islamic measures such as Sharia against the will of the local population. Consequently, thousands of refugees fled across the border to Niger, which resounded all the way to Europe and Denmark, who formulated a brand new Sahel initiative. The on-going debate about conflict in the starved Sahel region often centres around religious perspectives. But the root causes of the conflict are to be found in the absence of human rights and investments in the area, which has put an already vulnerable population under pressure and resulted in HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE JOACHIM PATRON OF CARE DANMARK


Annual Report 2012

recurring rebellions that also kicked off the current crisis. The new Islamist police and intelligence service in Mali was recruited locally and mainly among young people who saw an opportunity for a paid job that would ensure their survival. So the occupation was fuelled rather by economic motivations than religious beliefs.

crisis in seven years. In Niger, more than six million people were starving and in the Sahel at large 18 million people were severely affected by the food crisis.

Combating radicalization is therefore not the way forward. Solutions are rather to be found in investing in the region and in empowering the local population and realising their rights to education, health care and basic services. The fight for human rights for the local population is central to CARE Danmark’s work in Niger.

The fact that the increasing variability in the climate leads to a growing number of disasters – especially in the world’s poorest countries – didn’t resound accordingly at the 18th UN Climate Conference in Doha. COP18 was marked by a blatant lack of ambition and political will to find solutions that can save the planet from the devastating effects of climate change. The disappointing lack of results, especially for the world’s poorest people who are affected the worst, is an obvious sign of the climate fatigue that has fallen upon the richest part of the world.

In the midst of the political conflict Niger was once again hit by a harsh drought, which threw the population into the third hunger

In contrast, great ambitions prompted the CARE International Board to adopt a resolution which is to set the stage for a new future CARE called









CARE Global. The process will lead CARE away from being nationally anchored in a small number of countries to become a global network. By tapping into the organisation’s diversity, resources and experience, CARE will promote innovative solutions and be at the forefront of global responsibility. CARE Danmark wants to take an active and constructive part in this transformation. At the back set of these developments in CARE International and our cooperation with Danida, CARE Danmark developed a new long-term strategic plan - Vision 2020. The plan was developed through a process in which both the daily management, the staff and the board of CARE Danmark participated. CARE’s cooperation with Danida has focused on performance reporting, but the beginning has been difficult. Danida’s guidelines on result-based reporting of the civil society strategy were unclear. CARE ANETTE FØLSGAARD





Danmark has now launched a number of initiatives to solve the problem in a way that takes CARE’s own priorities into account. CARE Danmark’s strategic partnership with Coop on vegetable production in Kenya spread out in 2012. In autumn eight new storytellers visited the project, and in the spring of 2013 they are touring Coop’s annual meetings around the country to talk about the joint project, CARE’s work and Coops Trade with Africa initiative. Our partnership with Coop branched out even further when CARE Danmark together with the children’s organisation Børns Vilkår won the right to manage the charity button on the bottle recycling machines in all of Coop’s supermarkets for the next two years. A number of activities related to the button has been planned, which will involve store customers. It is just one out of many initiatives SUSANNE LARSEN




that CARE Danmark looks forward to expanding in the future. In summer it was time to say goodbye to the offices at Nørrebrogade, where CARE’s secretariat has been located for a number of years. The secretariat moved to new surroundings at Jemtelandsgade on Amager. The new house is shared with the Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy and the Nordic Consulting Group. In 2003, CARE Danmark took a decision to increase the number of fundraising campaigns significantly. The investment has gradually borne fruit, and income from private donors has increased significantly since then. This has resulted in our healthy financial situation. This positive trend means that CARE Danmark will still be working with private fundraising in the coming years. ULLA RÖTTGER CEO




Annual Report 2012

FINANCIAL REVIEW 2012 In 2012, CARE Danmark had a total income of 118 million kroner. Of this, 48 million kroner came from the framework agreement with Danida. CARE Danmark also received support from the EU and the Governments of Austria, UK and Finland. Added to this were contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations. FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES In 2012 the income from individuals, corporations and foundations went slightly below 2011 level. Private donations amounted to 25.4 million and accounted for 21 percent of the total revenue. The majority of this year’s private fundraising came from regular contributors and support members and amounted to 18 million - of which 3.7 million kroner came from memberships. The number of support members increased by 21 percent from 12,837 in 2011 to 15,472 in 2012. The number of donors also increased by 21 percent from 20,755 in 2011 to 25,092 in 2012.

Danmark’s share of the funds amounts to 3.8 million kroner. They are earmarked towards helping children in northern Uganda. It is noted with satisfaction that CARE Danmark once again has succeeded in keeping an overall high level of fundraising. The growing support from private individuals is central to CARE Danmark’s work and future. ANNUAL RESULT AND EXPECTATIONS FOR 2013 The final accounts for 2012 show a profit of 447,000 kroner and at 31 December 2012, the reserves amounted to a total of 10.4 million kroner. CARE Danmark therefore continues the recent years of economic growth. The financial results were satisfactory compared to CARE Danmark’s long term goal of building its reserves. The administration rate has gone down from 15 percent in 2011 to 12 percent in 2012. This is due to a decrease in the administrative expenses of the secretariat. Meanwhile, the total income from public institutions has been increasing in 2012. It is expected that revenues from public institutions in 2013 will be at the same level as in 2012, and that the administration rate is maintained at 12 percent.

Cooperation with companies is an important part of CARE Danmark’s fundraising strategy. In 2011, CARE Danmark entered into a strategic partnership with Coop, and in 2012 managed to win the right to run the charity button on bottle recycling machines in Coop’s supermarkets. The result of this collaboration will appear in the accounts in 2013 CARE Danmark expects a profit of a total of two million kroner in and 2014. Overall in 2012, CARE Danmark received four million 2013 to further consolidate the reserves. The framework grant from kroner from businesses and foundations, which is less than in 2011. Danida is at 48 million kroner, and opportunities for additional individual project funding from Danida are anticipated. At the same In 2012 CARE Danmark also took part in the yearly national telethon time the well-established cooperation with the EU and other foreign Danmarks Indsamling, where 88 million kroner were collected. CARE institutional donors is expected to continue in 2013.


Annual Report 2012

Revenues 2012



(DKK 1,000s)

88,365 30,128

76,851 27,415





83,836 28,478

88,706 26,953





1,650 -1,203

462 1,942

Revenues Private donations Other

Restricted revenues Other revenues

21% 41%


Other institutional donors

Danida framework


Accrual of restricted revenues

Total revenues


13% 10% EU

Use of restricted funds Use of unrestricted funds

10% Danida single projects


Administration Information and fundraising

Global activities Other project activities

(including Tanzania and Kenya)





Total expenses

Result of the year




6% 6%


Uganda Niger


Mozambique Ghana

For the entire financial review, see

Private SHEET BALANCE donations as of 31 December 2012


(DKK 1000s)




(DKK 1,000s)

The result of the year has been allocated as follows: Transferred to unrestricted reserves Adjustment of restricted reserves

Expenses 2012


STATEMENT OPERATING for the period 1 January-31 December 2012

Danida framework



(DKK 1000s)

2,737 41,084

1,565 37,056



200 10,213

200 9,766

Total reserves



Total debt





Otherassets Fixed Current assets 5% Other institutional Total donorsassets




Reserves 10% Restricted reserves EU reserves Unrestricted

Total liabilities

10% Danida single projects


CARE INTERNATIONAL CARE is a non-political and non-religious organisation consisting of 12 autonomous organisations in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Japan, Norway, Great Britain, Thailand, Germany, USA and Austria. These organisations work autonomously each with their unique core competences within the fields of emergency and development assistance. At country office level however, all 12 organisations coordinate their respective activities closely. Internationally, CARE is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organisations with programmes in 84 countries reaching more than 83 million people in 2012. The core principle of all CARE programming is that the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people must be empowered so that they become capable of improving the livelihoods of themselves and their families.


Annual Report 2012

CARE DANMARK CARE Danmark does not provide emergency assistance. Instead, we focus on long-term development assistance based upon our core principle of helping people to help themselves. CARE Danmark works in eight countries in Asia and Africa in close cooperation with local communities. Local staff makes up 97 per cent of all CARE country office staff, ensuring sustainability of activities as well as effective locally-anchored operations. In addition, CARE Danmark partners with local civil society organisations in our countries of collaboration. Through this strategy we enable grass root organisations to strengthen their level of influence and voice in dealing with governments on issues concerning the right to food, water, land, health care, participation in decision-making processes, as well as gender equality. Read more about CARE Danmark’s work at






CARE Danmark was established in 1987 as an independent foundation. Consequently, CARE Danmark is governed by a Foundation Board that is elected by the Board of CARE Danmark Representatives.

VIETNAM In addition, the organisation consists of a Support KENYA TANZANIA MOZAMBIQUE


Association representing its members. At the technical and professional level CARE Danmark’s Programme Support Committee provides feedback and coaching to the Programme Department. His Royal Highness Prince Joachim is patron of CARE Danmark. Last but not least CARE Danmark enjoys the support of a number of volunteers. They serve as ambassadors and storytellers, travelling for and with the organisation, giving lectures and talks, and representing CARE Danmark. Read more about CARE Danmark’s organisation at


Annual Report 2012

CARE THANKS Institutional donors

AdA – the Austrian foreign Ministry, danida, the Nordic development fund, Ministry for foreign Affairs of finland, the eu, the uN, ICCo Netherlands, uKaid - department of International development.


Alice og torben frimodts fond, the Augustinus foundation, Civilingeniør h.C. Bechgaard og hustru elly Mary Bechgaards fond, Queen Margrethe and prince henrik’s foundation, erik thunes legat af 1954, the Mads Clausen foundation, fonden af 24. december 2008, the frimodtheineke foundation, grosserer Andreas Collstrop og søn rudolf Collstrops Mindelegat, henry donsruds fond, hesseragles fond, Medarbejdernes honorarfond i Novogruppen, the Nikolai And felix foundation, the Novo Nordisk foundation, the oticon foundation, snedkermester Axel wichmann og fru else wichmanns fond, the solar foundation of 1978, stgs gavefond, svend Chr. olsens familiefond, the toyota foundation

Project Committee

Niels Elers Koch (Chair), dean Thomas Augustinus, NrM Consultant Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde, phd International development Jens Dragsted, phd (Agr.) Hanne Hübertz, Consultant Søren Mark Jensen, team leader Marianne Wiben Jensen, Africa programme Coordinator Karen Lauterbach, Assistant professor Søren Lund, Associate professor Svend Kaare Jensen (on leave), Managing partner


Annual Report 2012

Hans Paakjær (on leave), Administration and finance director

Business and Partnerships Committee

Catharina Collet (Chair), MA psychology and sociology Leo Bjørnskov, former state secretary Henriette Frandsen-Melau, deputy hr director Susanne Larsen, former Ceo Peter Buch Lorentzen, regional director Orla Grøn Pedersen, Board Chairman Ulla Röttger, Ceo

Support Association Board

Andreas Hastrup (Chair), estate owner Orla Grøn Pedersen (Vice Chair), Board Chairman Leo Bjørnskov, former state secretary Søren Elkrog Friis, Journalist Signe Markussen Christensen, lawyer Morten Søgaard, Msc social science Jesper Steen Andersen (Alternate), MA theology Ellen Lindskov Plesner (Alternate), former senior teacher

Storytellers and ambassadors Emilia van Hauen, sociologist Jacob Holdt, photographer Louise Lehrmann, editor-in-Chief Karen Mukupa, singer Marianne Kemp, filmmaker Jan Lund, opera singer Mikael Melbye, Artist and opera producer Hans-Georg Møller, Journalist and tV host Flemming Pless, rev. Minister and politician Kirsten Vaupel, opera singer

Luna Christine Christensen, student and Actress Jacob Christensen, Msc social science Trine Mortensen Didriksen, Msc Claire Dungey, phd student Christina Elisabeth Gadiel, freelance journalist Maja-Louise Heiberg, development Consultant Søren Engbjerg Jensen, grammar school teacher Stefan Steen Jensen, Campaign officer Anders Kern Kernel, Msc social science Pernille Rosenbæk, student

CARE Danmark Board of Representatives Chair

Søren Haslund-Christensen, former lord Chamberlain

Vice Chair

Anette Reenberg, professor

Collective members

Annelise Bastholm, Chief dentist, Association of public health dentists in denmark Niels Dabelstein, senior Adviser, danish society of engineers Eva Maria Olhoff, danish women’s society Lise Warren Pedersen, representative, danish gymnastics and sports Associations Kirsten Holst Sørensen, Chair, Association of graduates in Agricultural science Johannes Østergaard, senior Consultant/Manager, danish Agricultural Council

Personal members Stig Andersen, director

Selected corporate donors 2012

Dorthe Arnoldi, director Thomas Augustinus, NrM Consultant Leo Bjørnskov, former state secretary Jannik Boesen, senior researcher Hans Henrik Brydensholt, high Court Judge Klaus Bustrup, former Ceo Jens N. Christiansen, director Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde, phd International development Catharina Collet, MA psychology and sociology Sophie Vedel Dalgaard, head of pr and Marketing Bjerne Ditlevsen, forest supervisor Frans Dolberg, Associate professor Jens Dragsted, phd (Agr.) Pia Olsen Dyhr, Minister for trade and Investment Charlotte Dyremose, MA political science Henning Dyremose, former Ceo Jørgen Egelund, gallery owner Flemming Frandsen, former pro-rector Henriette Frandsen-Melau, deputy hr director Steen Frederiksen, Consulting engineer Søren Elkrog Friis, Journalist Jan O. Frøshaug, Ceo Anette Følsgaard, Board Member Steen Gade, MP, danish socialist people’s party Martine Cardel Gertsen, Associate professor Susanne Grubb, translator Henrik Grüttner, environmental Manager Carl Gyllenhoff, Copywriter Christian Gylstorff, Market director Jan Hassing, senior policy Adviser Andreas Hastrup, estate owner Hans Henningsen, principal Per Holten-Andersen, dean ERAORA Logo Brunt.pdf 1 07-03-2012 11:31:00

Hanne Hübertz, Consultant Aase Jensen, homemaker Hans Jørgen Jensen, former director general Svend Kaare Jensen, Managing partner Henrik Toft Jensen, Associate professor Marianne Wiben Jensen, Africa programme Coordinator Søren Mark Jensen, head of section Jørn Jespersen, Consultant Ole M. Jung, director Anne-Lise Klausen, partner Henning Klestrup, director Niels Ehlers Koch, dean Susanne Larsen, former Ceo Karsten Lauritzen, Mp, danish liberal party Karen Lauterbach, Assistant professor Henning Lehmann, professor Peter Buch Lorentzen, regional Manager Christian Lund, professor Søren Lund, Associate professor Mogens Lykketoft, speaker of the danish parliament Henrik Secher Marcussen, professor Birgit Meister, editor Charlotte Münter, director Kjeld Møllgård, professor, Md Christian S. Nissen, freelance Consultant Per Nørhaven, director Knud Overø, director Orla Grøn Pedersen, Board Chairman Bitten Petersen, homemaker J.C. Briand Petersen, state forest supervisor Ellen Lindskov Plesner, former senior teacher Michael Schultz Rasmussen, Chief project Manager Mogens Munk Rasmussen, former Ceo Helle Munk Ravnborg, senior researcher

Karin Riis-Jørgensen, llp Ulla Röttger, Ceo Anders Samuelsen, Mp, danish liberal Alliance party Hans-Otto Sano, head of research division Bent Schmidt-Nielsen, former rector Gunhild Lange Skovgaard, Medical specialist Carsten Smith-Hall, Associate professor Jørgen Stubgaard, Nature guide Morten Søgaard, Msc social science Bjarne H. Sørensen, Ambassador Lars Toksvig, forest supervisor Steen Uhrskov, former director Jens Vestgaard, head of department Anna Vinding, director of Communications Nicolai Wammen, Minister for european Affairs Christian Wedell-Neergaard, estate owner Lars Øgaard, director

CARE Danmark Award 2012

the CAre danmark Award is presented annually to an individual or an organisation for outstanding achievements in support of the CAre danmark cause. In 2012 the award went to hans-georg Møller – known as ’gorm’. As CAre danmark ambassador and storyteller, gorm has since 2003 given a long row of presentations and talks about CAre’s work to thousands of danes. he has inaugurated exhibitions and acted as auctioneer, and he has travelled to several of CAre’s programme countries acting as a reporter to the danish media. gorm has put an extensive amount of hours and great energy into his voluntary work for CAre, which is why he received the 2012 CAre danmark Award.


Annual Report 2012

CARE Danmark

Jemtelandsgade 1 DK - 2300 Copenhagen Tel: +45 35 200 100 E-mail:


Annual Report 2012

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