CARE Danmarks work

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CARE’s work | Foto: Nepal / © CARE - / Lucy Beck |


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Every day, poverty and climate change threaten millions of people and their possibility to put food on the table.

with your help and support from our devoted members.

For almost 30 years, CARE Danmark has focused on strengthening rural and poor people in order to ensure that their rights are respected and their living conditions are improved.

The sooner, the better We support poor families by helping them help themselves before a disaster strikes. This is how we care and why we say: the sooner, the better.

We work towards alleviating poverty and securing the right to food. This is possible

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CARE DANMARK NEED YOUR SUPPORT More than ever, we need your support to fight hunger and poverty.

“New crops and more knowledge on farming has meant that Hannah Mwangi from Kenya now produces more food than before. She is a part of project, Kilimo Biashara, which ensures better access to the market for small-scale farmers, thereby enabling them to sell their produce for a reasonable price”.


/ Photo: © CARE - Brendan Bannon /

CARE’s work

EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO FOOD It is a basic human right not going to bed hungry. Most countries in the world agree upon this. Even so, more than 800 million people starve worldwide – one in nine people globally. CARE Danmark’s objective is to fight hunger and poverty. We believe that everyone has the right to food. CARE Danmark’s goal is to ensure food on the table for poor people in ten countries in Africa and Asia. We deliver neither bags of rice nor high energy biscuits. On the contrary, we focus on helping people help themselves, so that they, on their own, can put food on the table all year long. We do this by working in three specific areas: Climate adaptation and climate justice, land ownership, and sustainable trade and access to markets. Read more about CARE Danmark’s work to ensure food on the table for poor people:


CARE’s work

Before, I only gained two cans of ground nuts from my daily work. With the new farming technique, I can fill-up two bags”.

Plant a tree

CLIMATE From one day to the next, big disasters as droughts and floods steal harvests away from poor people.

Lack of rain, more hot days, and new plant diseases slowly drain the life out of crops and animals, which no longer provide food for families. An increasingly rough and less predictable climate challenges traditional farming techniques and crops. That is why the climate adaptation and climate justice is an important part of CARE Danmark’s work. THIS IS HOW WE ENSURE FOOD ON THE TABLE CARE Danmark works with poor farmers enabling them to better deal with climate change and therefore improving their chances to support themselves. Hamsin Hamsin lives in the Uruguru Hamsin Hamsin lives in the Uruguru mountains in Tanzania with his family. Climate change has previously cost him most of his harvest. Now, with support from CARE Danmark, he has grown new and better vegetables that will not succumb to the changed climate. / Photo:


CARE Danmark - Mette Noppenau /

We support farmers to adjust to the changed climate by developing and improving farming techniques that prepare farmers for disasters. It is about finding types of crops that fit with new weather conditions and finding new ways to contain rainwater. We also plant trees that can help contain water in the soil and provide shadow for crops.

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CARE Danmark works to TO 1414 implement the use of rain gauges and local weather forecasts for the coming season. This helps farmers to know when to plant their seeds and when to harvest. It is also important to make sure that poor farmers are not solely relying on agricultural production, which is why CARE Danmark supports them in creating other ways to earn a living. It is crucial that the people we work with are capable of seeking new knowledge themselves and continue to adjust to the changed climate, because it is going to keep on changing in the future to come. This is why CARE Danmark continues to work on a political level in Denmark and internationally, pushing for policies that will limit climate change in the future. On behalf of CARE International, CARE Danmark is the international leader of a knowledge centre on climate change, the environment, and poverty.

Read more about the climate effort of CARE Danmark: 5 areas/climatechange/ CARE’s work


Securing land ownership is necessary if poor people are to provide for themselves. In many African and Asian countries, many poor people lose their land ownership, when governments suddenly take over the property rights. Farmers have often lived and farmed the land throughout generations but lack the documentation of ownership and acknowledgment of their right to farm the land. In many countries, it is particularly difficult for women to gain land ownership. In many cases, the authorities will take away the land from the farmers. They can sell it to private companies and investors, who will use it for mining or industrial farming. To investors, the land means big economic gains. To farmers, the land equals survival. Sometimes the farmers are compensated for their loss, but the compensation does not get them far nor match what they could have earned selling their land on their own. The farmers are often relocated to places without access to school or medical doctors. Those who still live close to the

mines, often experience that chemicals used to extract gold and other valuable minerals contaminate the drinking water. This is why land ownership is important for CARE Danmark.

People have problems getting enough food in other villages. Here, we have enough food all year around.

EVERYONE NEED DOCUMENTATION OF LAND-OWNERSHIP Local communities and poor farmers, including women, need to have their rights and land ownership secured. We do this by training local organisations to engage in dialogue with politicians, local community leaders, and companies. They use the media to create awareness of the injustice that the farmers experience. They help them unite and thereby become stronger when facing investors. This leads to a formal acknowledgement of their rights to the land or a better compensation. Both bring farmers more security for the future. Read more about how CARE Danmark works to ensure poor farmers’ right to land:


CARE’s work | Foto: Mozambique / © CARE - Faith Amon |

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When a mining company came to take away the land from Ana Gyetua, Teresa Darko, and Elisabeth Obeng from Saamang in Ghana, they arranged a demonstration and alerted the press. They were educated in their rights by CARE Danmark’s partner in the area. The mining company saw no other way than to leave the village, and the farmers in Saamang still farm their land undisturbed. / Photo:



CARE Danmark - Nikolaj Houmann /

CARE’s work

Now I can afford to pay for my children’s education.


CARE’s work


Many countries in Africa and Asia experience rapid development, but the economic progress is often not contributing to any tangible gains for poor people. Some farmers produce just enough to put food on the table. Should they be so fortunate that they produce more than that, often the farmers are not able to sell the surplus on the market. Either the market is too far away, or the profit is too low. This is either because many farmers in large areas sell the same produce and thereby making them uncompetitive. Or because the quality changes all year making them unfit for the export market – a market, where the price usually is higher. CARE Danmark works to help poor farmers getting access to both the local and the export market. Fulmaya Tamang is a farmer in Nepal. With the support of a CARE project, she has become a member of a cooperative for farmers that negotiates better prices when they need to buy seeds and sell their food. / Photo:


CARE Danmark - Signe Buchholtz Andersen /

FARMERS NEED TO UNITE We organise savings and loan groups that especially give women, but also men, the opportunity to expand and improve their agricultural production or to start a new

195 kr.

One person in a savings and loan group

business. We pay special attention to women, because experience shows that women invest surpluses in their family. CARE Danmark organises farmers to unite and negotiate better terms with buyers of their food production.

Meanwhile, CARE Danmark also works on professionalising farmers’ production in such a way that they can grow more vegetables of the same quality all year around. We believe sustainable trade leads to development. Trade gives poor people the opportunity to become part of the economic development that is taking place in their countries. The result is food on the table and money for medicine and medical help, to pay for the children’s education, and to invest in their farms and businesses. Read more about how CARE Danmark works to include the world’s poorest in economic development: focusareas/value-chains/


CARE’s work

THAT IS HOW CARE DANMARK WORKS CARE DANMARK WORKS LOCALLY AND THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS CARE Danmark has close partnerships with local organisations in the ten countries we work in. The local organisations represent the interests of poor people and build bridges between politicians and the people. The local organisations have a direct influence on legislation, defend human rights, and spread awareness on new methods of work. Together we create development for citizens across the ten countries. It is important for CARE Danmark to work together in partnerships with Danish companies such as Coop and Arla. We work on projects that support poor people in becoming self-sufficient and constitute a sound and sustainable business at the same time. ENSURING VALUE FOR MONEY To ensure that our work creates the intended results, we continuously test and develop new solutions to fight poverty, document results, and share experiences. We track every single Danish krone to ensure that our funds are well spent. In 2014, CARE Danmark received a top mark from Danida in their evaluation of national civil society organisations. That is a big acknowledgement of our effort, strategy, finance, and our work with development in Africa and Asia.


CARE’s work


CARE INTERNATIONAL CARE Danmark is part of CARE International. Globally, CARE International is one of the world’s biggest humanitarian organisations with programmes in 95 countries. In 2015, CARE International supported more than 65 million people.


CARE International consists of 14 independent organisations in Denmark, USA, Canada, Germany, Australia, France, the Netherlands, India, Japan, Norway, Great Britain, Thailand, Peru, and Austria. Every organisation works independently with their area of specialization within development and humanitarian aid, but CARE coordinates the work closely in the specific project countries. CARE Danmark’s projects are managed by locally employed staff, which on an international level accounts for 97 per cent of all employees at CARE. This is how we ensure sustainable and efficient programs based on local contexts. CARE shares knowledge and experience across CARE’s global system, and this means that methods and success projects spread among countries that face similar challenges. Together we can raise awareness of problems and solutions from local villages to national, regional, and international levels and achieve political influence. Read more about CARE International: international-eng


CARE’s work

SUPPORT CARE DANMARK Never before has donations from the Danish public been as vital to CARE Danmark. Your support creates opportunities for the world’s poorest. Thank you! Call 35 200 100




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