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Pregnancy Centers Under Attack
from Affiliated Pregnancy Centers Under Attack - See How You Are Helping Them Stand Strong
by care-net
You are helping them stand strong and stay open!
Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v Wade last June, pregnancy centers have been attacked politically, physically, verbally, and spiritually. Through your generous support, Care Net has empowered pregnancy centers across the country to stand firm and continue to offer the love of Christ which transforms hearts and saves lives!
Protecting Pregnancy Centers
• Equipped centers with information on how they are protected under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act
• Met with a U.S. Department of Justice task force and offered edits and revised language to the “Resource Booklet for Reproductive Health Care Providers and Their Staffs.” These changes now address pregnancy centers rather than abortion clinics only
• Encouraged pregnancy centers to recruit volunteers to keep overnight watch and deter vandalism
• Alerted centers of pending legislation that will impact their services and provides ways they can take action
I had briefly heard about the “Pregnancy Center Security Act” in our state, but didn’t know the bill would help provide additional security measures to protect centers like ours. We installed security equipment about 6 months ago, but I’m glad there is a bill that was introduced that could help protect pregnancy centers! Thank you!
Defending Pregnancy Centers
• Developed a “Truth about Pregnancy Centers” Report
• Care Net’s National Medical Director provided expert testimony at various legislative hearings in several states
• Paid for the damages of 17 pregnancy centers who suffered vandalism through our Center Relief Fund
Training Pregnancy Centers
• Held an Annual Conference with more than 1,600 attendees
• Provided online training for pregnancy center volunteers, staff, and board members through Centers of Excellence University