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At this year’s Summit, Care Net’s Executive Director of Church Outreach and Engagement, Greg Austen, shared Care Net’s Making Life Disciples (MLD) strategy. The response was overwhelming, and pastors left feeling equipped and empowered to bring MLD to their own congregations. The summit helped them understand that abortion, at its core, is a discipleship issue, and MLD is the solution that pastors have been looking for to end abortion and rebuild families in their churches.
But MLD is not just for pastors. The men in attendance were shown how they can also start their own ministries to walk alongside women and men considering abortion. MLD is an indispensable tool for both pastors and men looking to make a difference in the lives of those considering abortion.
If you want to learn more about Making Life Disciples and how you can get involved, visit makinglifedisciples.com. Together, we can change lives and restore families.
Millions of men have been hurt by abortion. But there are few places for them to turn to find the help and healing they need. In response, Called and Missioned pointed the pregnancy center, ministry, and church leaders across the country who attended the event to the resources and programs in their communities that can help.
At the event, Care Net launched Reclaiming Fatherhood new Bible study for men who have experienced abortion. Built on the groundbreaking work, Fatherhood Aborted, this new study was crafted by Care Net’s Director of ARC, Jill Marquis, in collaboration with four men with abortions in their past. Reclaiming Fatherhood provides a road map to healing for men who are struggling with the emotional and spiritual fallout of abortion. This book can be the first step in a journey out of survival and into hope, purpose, and fulfillment for men’s lives.
Anchored in this new resource, Care Net is encouraged to see what God will do with the seeds that were planted at Called and Missioned to help men find healing after abortion and to start ministries that will help other men find healing.
To learn how you can get involved in Care Net’s ARC program, visit abortionhealing.org.
Called and Missioned attendees heard from men serving in pregnancy center ministry and saw the difference it makes when dads are met with compassion and equipped to be the dads God called them to be. The Summit marked the launch of Care Net’s brand new online Doctor Dad® Course for new and expectant fathers. Attendees already active in pregnancy center fatherhood programs and pastors from their surrounding churches, used the event to strategize on how to partner to reach men and families in their communities.
If you’d like to learn more or if you feel called to get involved in this mission, contact our Fatherhood Team: fatherhood@care-net.org