2 minute read
From the Editor
This time of year usually brings with it resolutions and intentions to do things differently, to make changes that we think could bring balance and happiness to our lives. I don’t know about you, but I’ve found this one quite different.
As we rolled over into January, it felt very much like we were going to have another 2020. We were faced with a national lockdown, COVID cases were rising with a worrying new strain of the virus, and though vaccinations were on their way, it seemed like a long time before things might improve.
For me, able to work in relative safety from the comfort of my sofa, the idea that there was no ‘fresh start’ with the new year seemed doable. But my thoughts were and are with those of you who are in and out of people’s homes, working in care settings and dealing with this terrible illness – and the fear of it – day in, day out. We’ve heard reports that this new strain of the virus is different to the first, that it feels more aggressive and more difficult to control. I hope that you are all coping, that you are supported, and that you are seeking out extra help if you need it.
While it’s easy to dwell on how we’ve come into the year, it’s important to focus on the positive changes it might still bring.
In a feature on page 20, Vic Rayner looks at what we still have to be hopeful about. She speaks about the opportunity for reform, and indeed it does feel like there has been a shift in the likelihood of progress here. Maybe the chances of full-scale reform are still questionable, but Government’s focus on the importance of the sector seems to have changed. Priority
Editor, Angharad Burnham, looks to the year ahead and why we must focus on what could change.
was given to social care in the vaccination programme, and logistical staffing pressures have been recognised with investment. It seems like we are being listened to, at least to an extent.
I can’t help but be a little excited about what the year has in store, as I await the imminent arrival of a new addition to my family. This will be my final column before I enter a world of nappies and midnight nursery rhymes, and I’m delighted to let you know that Simon Bottery, Senior Fellow at The King’s Fund, will be taking over this slot in CMM each month. Expect insights into the social care world, latest news and big-impact reports. I’ll certainly be looking forward to keeping up with his thoughts each month.
While I’m off, CMM will continue to bring you expert thought leadership, major social care developments and support to keep you going through the immensely difficult days. Make sure you are signed up to our website – it’s completely free for care providers – as we expand to offer you more content in even more ways.
Email: editor@caremanagementmatters.co.uk Twitter: @CMM_Magazine Web: www.caremanagementmatters.co.uk
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