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DHSC updates sector support package

The Government’s newly released ‘Better Care Fund framework’ aims to ensure at least £16.8bn is spent to make sure people receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time. However, leaders in the sector argue that the Government has repackaged and cut promised funding. Allocations of over £2bn previously announced funding include:

• Launching a call for evidence in partnership with Skills for Care on a new care workforce pathway and funding for hundreds of thousands of training places, including a new Care Certificate qualification –aiming to increase opportunities for career progression and development, backed by £250m.

• £100m to accelerate digitisation in the sector, including investment in digital social care records.

• A new innovation and improvement unit to explore creative solutions for improving care, such as supporting local authorities to reduce careassessment waiting times and using best practice from those areas where waiting times have already been cut by a third –backed by up to £35m.

• A £1.4bn Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund.

• £102m over two years to help make small but significant adaptations people need to remain at home, stay independent and avoid hospital.

• £50m to improve social care

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