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CQC publishes review on oral health


The Care Quality Commission's (CQC) follow-up review on the state of oral health care in care homes shows that there have been improvements.

CQC first reviewed oral health in care homes in 2019 and found steps were often not being taken to ensure that people get the oral health care they need to ensure that they are pain-free and that their dignity is respected.

The health and social care regulator conducted a follow-up review of how providers have responded to its recommendations from 2019 and was pleased to find that improvements were being made.

Care home providers also highlighted that not enough dentists were able or willing to visit care homes to treat people who may be less mobile.


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Care homes are much more aware of the NICE oral health guideline. In 2019, only 61% were aware of the guidance. This has now increased to 91%.

More than double the proportion of care plans fully covered oral health needs, compared to the CQC's review of care plans in 2019 (60% in 2022; 27% in 2019); however, more work needs to be done to ensure all care plans cover oral health.

The percentage of care home providers saying that staff always (or mostly always) receive specific training in oral health has doubled from 30% in 2019 to 60% in 2022. This however means 40% of staff may not receive training.

Inspectors remain concerned that people living in care homes are missing out on vital care from dental practitioners – both at the right time and in the right place.

Commenting on the report, Mary Cridge, Director of Adult Social Care at CQC, said, ‘Whilst I am pleased to see that many of our recommendations from 2019 have been taken on board, and providers are more aware of how important oral health is to keeping people healthy, we recognise that there is still room for improvement. In particular, it is imperative that more is done to ensure people have access to vital care from dentists and that oral and dental health is included in all care plans.

‘We have made further recommendations for both adult social care providers and staff, as well as dental providers, so every resident of every care home has their oral health needs met.’

CQC has made a number of recommendations, such as: Getting an oral health assessment on admission to a care home. How much treatment should cost, and who is exempt and entitled to free treatment on the NHS. In addition, to improve collaboration in planning for the health and wellbeing of local people, commissioners should:

• Promote cross-sector integration between care home and dental professionals.

• Use funding to improve oral health in care homes –through local initiatives like peer-to-peer support schemes or increasing dental access and training.

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