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Welcome from Worcestershire County Council

Welcome to the Worcestershire Care Services Directory 2022/23 which provides information on a range of social care services available across the county.

Our aim is for people to be well and stay safe, live independent and connected lives and to access the best support possible for those who require it under the Care Act. This Directory is for everyone, to help people to make the right decisions for the future independently and at the right time. The Directory is complemented by other information sources, such as the Worcestershire County Council website.

Visit www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20500/


We are committed to working with social care providers to raise standards and maximise the quality and choice of services available in Worcestershire. We work closely with providers to ensure that people’s needs are met and liaise with inspectors to ensure that care providers meet appropriate standards. We wish to help people make the right decisions for their care needs and to promote independent living as much as we can.

I hope you will find this Directory useful, and if you require any further information about the many services available in the county, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Adult Contact Team on 01905 768053.

Mark Fitton

Strategic Director for People

Worcestershire County Council

Tel: 01905 768053 Email: adultteam@worcestershire.gov.uk Web: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/info/20500/



This Directory has been compiled to support you to make an informed choice about the care you may need. As your local authority, we have a responsibility to assess you to enable those needs to be identified and to promote your independence and wellbeing. If you would like to access that advice, please contact the Adult Contact Team on 01905 768053.

This Directory contains information about the care and support services available to help you choose that care, whether you remain at home, move into a housing scheme that provides some care or consider moving to a care home or care home with nursing. Your first step to accessing services is to have a conversation with Adult Social Care to discuss your specific needs, what options are available to you within the community and what you might consider if these don’t fully meet those needs. The Care Act calls this a ‘needs assessment’ and it’s free, irrespective of your income, and available to all those who appear to have care and support needs. More details are provided on page 7.

We’ve been working to make this process more open and proportionate to your needs but are always glad for feedback to improve our conversations further. The information you provide will help us determine whether you are eligible

Depending on your level of income or savings, you may be expected to pay some or all of the costs towards your care and we can advise on this through a financial assessment. If you are expected to pay for the whole cost of your care (commonly called a ‘self-funder’), we can still advise on the best options for your care in order to help you get the most for your money. This is discussed on page 24 for those paying for care at home and page 48 for those paying for residential care. You will find information on benefits you may be able to claim on page 49.

We also understand the importance of Assistive Technology to help maintain and improve people’s lives to allow them to remain living independently for as long as possible. You will find more information on Assistive Technology on page 13.

Support or care to help you remain living in your own home may be the option that best suits your circumstances. Things you can do to make life easier Useful checklists featuring questions to ask providers are also included in this edition. The Assistive Technology checklist is on page 14, the home care agency checklist is on page 23, another addressing care homes is on page 45, while one covering residential dementia care is on page 47.

Comprehensive lists of care homes and care homes with nursing in Worcestershire start on page 57.

We also have some information and advice about care decisions, making a comment or complaint about a service and how solicitors can help you, starting on page 53.

All this information and more is also available through the Worcestershire County Council website. Visit www.worcestershire.gov.uk/ info/20500/adult_social_care or contact the Adult Contact Team on 01905 768053.

Finding care in your area

Looking for care in your area? Want to know the quality rating of providers you’re considering? Care Choices, publisher of this Directory, has a website providing comprehensive details of care providers as well as essential information.

You can search by postcode, county or region for care homes, care homes with nursing and home care providers that meet your needs across the country.

Your search can be refined by the type of care you are looking for and the results can be sent to you by email. They can also be saved and emailed to others.

The website includes detailed information for each care provider, including the address, phone number and the service’s latest CQC inspection report and rating (see page 54), indicating the quality of care provided. You can also view an electronic version of this Directory on the site and have it read to you by using the ‘Recite Me’ function. Visit


Worcestershire County Council does not in any way recommend or endorse any of the organisations listed in this Directory, other than services we deliver directly. The information in this Directory relating to other providers of goods and services is for general information purposes only and does not purport to provide recommendations or make any offer and does not guarantee the quality of the goods/services. Other providers of goods or services are available.

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