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Welcome – from Norfolk County Council and the NHS in Norfolk

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Welcome to the 2022/23 edition of Norfolk’s your guide to care and support for adults. The aim of this Guide is to provide useful information to help you, and anyone you know, stay independent, safe and well for as long as possible. The Guide provides details of services and organisations that can help to support you.

The pandemic continues to have a huge impact on people and organisations across Norfolk. Everyone is working together closely to make sure that people continue to receive up-to-date information, advice, services and support.


Our ongoing pandemic response has included changing and adapting the way we deliver some of our services, so that we can continue to provide essential services. We are using technology in new ways to support people to keep safe, well and independent. For example, using video calls for appointments and assessments, as well as helping people to stay in touch with friends and families.

Health and social care are working together closely to support older people at risk of crisis who might otherwise have to be admitted to hospital and to make sure people have the right support when they return home after a stay in hospital.

For the latest information, please see: www.norfolk.gov.uk and:


At the forefront of our pandemic response has been the need to safeguard those at risk of abuse and harm, risks which have been increased by the lockdowns. Social care, health, housing and community partners have worked closely with the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board to inform our Norfolk communities how to stay safe, how to raise awareness of risk without increasing fear, and what to do if a person suspects someone they know or know of is being harmed or exploited.

A new service, the Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS), has been set up which will offer free, confidential and non-judgemental support to those affected, and any children, to help them escape and recover from abuse. Please see page 21 for more information.

We know that choice is important when it comes to deciding where to live, so Norfolk County Council is continuing to invest in new Independent Living homes. Apartments are designed for people who are getting older and want to continue living in their own home, with the peace of mind of 24-hour on-site care if needed.

Meadow Walk, a 66-apartment site in North Fakenham, opened in 2021 and has been welcoming residents into their new homes. In autumn this year, a second scheme, Swallowtail Place in Acle, will open with 41 affordable rent apartments and 17 shared ownership apartments available. Please see page 61 for more information.

We hope this Guide helps you to think about what your choices are and find the information you need to make the choices that are right for you.

Please see: www.norfolk.gov.uk/directory and page 5 for more information about groups, events and organisations in your local community that can help you to stay independent.

James Bullion, Executive Director of Adult Social Services, Norfolk County Council

Cath Byford, Chief Nurse, NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group

Alternative formats This Guide is available electronically at www.carechoices.co.uk. The e-book is also Recite Me compatible for those requiring information in the spoken word.

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