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Health and wellbeing

Looking after our health and wellbeing is key to ensuring that we feel good, live well and enjoy life. There is a range of services and support to help you to make changes to your lifestyle. The Public Health Team at North Yorkshire Council provides a range of information on health and wellbeing online, including:

• Mental health.

• Sexual health.

• Drugs and alcohol.

• Stopping smoking.

• Healthy weight.

Cost of living support

There is a wide variety of support schemes and organisations in North Yorkshire which may be able to help or advise if you are struggling to pay for essentials:

• The North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund (NYLAF) – provides emergency financial support to those unable to meet essential living costs. NYLAF can also make awards in kind, such as supplying basic necessities or household goods such as a fridge. Visit: www.northyorks.gov.uk/adult-care/social-careadults/stay-your-home/local-assistance-fund

• Dentists and oral health.

• COVID-19 information and advice.

• Other health information including environmental health, finding health and wellbeing services and avoiding infections on farm visits.

Visit: www.northyorks.gov.uk/healthy-living

Useful websites

Better Health – Healthier Families

Web: www.nhs.uk/healthier-families

NHS Health Checks

Web: www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check

• Warm and Well North Yorkshire – apply for hardship funding or help with minor repairs to make your home warmer. Call: 01609 767555 or email: wnw@northyorkslca.org.uk

• Council Tax reduction and support scheme – if you’re on a low income or claim benefits, you can apply for a reduction in the Council Tax you pay. Visit: www.gov.uk/apply-council-tax-reduction to check your eligibility.

For more details, visit: www.northyorks.gov.uk/ community-and-volunteering/cost-living-support

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