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Getting out and about
Community transport schemes
There is a wide range of schemes across North Yorkshire to help you get where you need to be so that you can access services in the community. You can find out more about community transport in your area on the Go Local website: www.golocal-northyorks.community
Further details regarding transport in North Yorkshire are available at: www.northyorks.gov.uk/roads-parking-andtravel/public-transport/community-transport
Demand responsive transport
Pre-booked transport that uses taxis or minibuses to provide transport to areas that are not served by conventional bus services.
We are working closely with community transport operators to increase the availability of these lifeline services where public transport is not available. Details of the demand responsive services that operate in the county can be found at: www. northyorks.gov.uk/roads-parking-and-travel/ public-transport/demand-responsive-transport
YorBus is our new, flexible and on-demand bus service connecting the pilot area of Ripon, Masham, Bedale and surrounding villages. You can find further details at: www.northyorks.gov.uk/roadsparking-and-travel/public-transport/yorbusconnecting-north-yorkshire
Bus passes
There are two main types of bus pass available.
Older person’s bus pass
Older people of pensionable age are entitled to free off-peak travel on local bus services anywhere in England.
Disabled person’s bus pass
Disabled people are entitled to free off-peak travel on local bus services anywhere in England.
You must meet one or more of the following criteria, provide supporting evidence and include this with your application:
• Be blind or partially sighted.
• Be without speech.
• Not have arms or have long-term loss of the use of both arms.
• Be profoundly or severely Deaf.
• Have a learning disability.
• Have a disability or have suffered an injury which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to walk.
• Have been refused an application for a driving licence due to physical fitness, not including the misuse of drugs or alcohol.
Companion bus passes for disabled people
You can apply for a bus pass for a companion to travel with you if you are disabled and meet the eligibility criteria. Your companion need not travel with you on every journey or be the same person each time. They cannot use the pass without you.
Applying for a bus pass
You can check whether you are eligible for a bus pass, and apply or renew your bus pass, by visiting the ‘Bus Passes’ section on the North Yorkshire Council website: www.northyorks.gov.uk/roads-parking-andtravel/public-transport/bus-and-travel-passes
Blue Badge parking permits
The national Blue Badge scheme helps people with severe mobility problems who travel as drivers or passengers to park close to their destinations. For more information about the scheme, including how to apply or renew a badge, visit: www.northyorks. gov.uk/roads-parking-and-travel/parking-permits/ blue-badge-parking-permits-disabled-people
You can apply for, or renew, a blue badge online. If you are not able to use our online form or you need assistance accessing information outlined in this section, call your local North Yorkshire library where you can make an assisted digital appointment at one of our core libraries where a library assistant can support you or contact our Customer Service Centre on: 0300 131 2 131. A list of libraries in North Yorkshire starts on page 82.