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‘A service to help you become more independent.’

Our Reablement Team can support you at home to do things for yourself. The team will support you to maximise your independence by helping you to maintain or re-learn the skills needed for everyday life, such as managing your personal care independently or preparing a meal. Reablement may be useful for you if you are returning home after treatment in hospital or you are not managing at home as well as you did.

Your reablement plan lasts from a few days to a few weeks and is tailored to you individually, supporting you to achieve your goals. Many people who receive reablement find that afterwards they can will support you as an individual and, during the conversations we have, will consider with you the most relevant aspects of your wellbeing and how your needs impact upon them.

Will there be a charge for services provided?

While an assessment is free of charge, there may be a charge for services provided; for a full description about charging for services, see the information titled ‘Paying for care’ beginning on page 54.

You can start the assessment process by completing the care and support initial assessment online at: https://myaccount.northyorks.gov.uk or, if you are unable to go online, contact the Customer Service Centre on: 0300 131 2 131. www.myfamilyourneeds.co.uk cope very well on their own, without the need for ongoing social care support. If they do need ongoing support, they may find that they need less.

Will I need any special equipment?

Reablement workers may suggest that you carry out some tasks in a slightly different way to make them easier for you to do on your own and. can suggest equipment which could make your day-to-day living easier. You may have to purchase small pieces of equipment, or we may be able to provide it in some situations.

We will advise on local services you may be interested in and encourage everyone to take up the use of Assistive Technology and Lifelines (see page 15 for more information).

As part of your reablement plan, we will help you to plan any ongoing care that you might need and whether any charges will apply. For more information on financial assessments and paying for care, see page 54.

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