What to do with a Geology major‌. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Atmospheric Scientist Bridge and tunnel construction advisor Building and construction environmental supervisor Climate change predictor College Professor Economic Geologist Engineering geologists Geochemists Geochronologists Geological Mapper Geologists Geomophologists Geophysicists Glacial Geologists Global Strata Correlation Researcher Hydro geologists Hydrologists Marine Geologists
19. Meteorologists 20. Mineralogists 21. Natural Hazards mapping 22. Oceanographers 23. Oil explorer 24. Oil researcher 25. Paleoecologists 26. Paleontologists 27. Park Ranger 28. Petroleum Geologists 29. Petrologists 30. Planetary Geologists 31. Researcher 32. Sedimentologists 33. Seismologists 34. Soil scientists 35. Stratigraphers 36. Structural Geologists 37. Volcanologists 38. Waste management manager 39. Water sourcing inspector
University Career Center * Union West 103 * utep.edu/careers * pca@utep.edu