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Version - 2.0 Release Date - June, 2020
Copyright and Disclaimer This Guide is ©2020 Copyright Careers International SPRL. “Jobinar” is a registered trademarks of Careers International SPRL. Copying and reproduction of this Guide or parts hereof for the exclusive purpose of informing, training or assisting any Jobinar User is explicitly permitted. All uses not explicitly hereby permitted are prohibited. New release of the System are available at https://www.jobinar.com/. Version - 2.0 Release Date - June, 2020
Jobinar User Guide
Welcome to jobinar the webinar platform designed specifically for engaging with talent.
jobinar in your business
Employer branding
Talent acquisition
Pre & onboarding
Internal mobility
Here’s everything you need to know about jobinar. This user guide helps you get started using jobinar and discover all the amazing things it can do.
Jobinar makes engaging with talent simple and smart. You connect from wherever you are, to wherever your talent is. Are you ready for the new approach to talent management?
Employee engagement
Table of content
Jobinar User Guide
Getting started with jobinar
3.2 Testing your jobinar
1.1 How it works
3.3 Navigating the Statistics
1.2 Users
1.3 Navigation & login
Questions asked
2.1 Managing your account
2.2 Credits
2.3 Managing your users
3.4 Sending emails
4.1 To-do BEFORE the jobinar
4.2 Useful tips DURING the jobinar
3.1 Creating a jobinar
4.3 Join as speaker
STEP 1 – jobinar details
STEP 2 – Template
5.1 To-do BEFORE the jobinar
STEP 3 – Speakers
5.2 To-do DURING the jobinar
STEP 4 – Moderator
5.3 Join as moderator
STEP 5 – Jobs (optional)
Plan a jobinar
STEP 6 – Testimonials (optional)
Tips & tricks
STEP 7 – Validate
Jobinar overview
Duplicate an existing jobinar
Jobinar User Guide
During a live jobinar, the Speaker(s) respond live via video to the questions asked in writing by the attendees.
The Moderator selects, approves and edits questions before and during the live.
Pending Questions
Published Questions 1
1.1 How it works
Once selected, questions are published by the Moderator and appear on the Speaker’s studio to be answered in the broadcast.
3 4 5
The Attendee watches the jobinar and asks questions (live jobinars only). After the live-session, the broadcasted video is available for replay.
The Speaker answers the questions from the Attendees selected by the Moderator and runs the broadcast.
2 3 4 5
1.1 How it works
Jobinar User Guide
During an on-demand jobinar, the Speaker(s) answer a set of predefined questions via video. Here, there is no live interaction with the attendees, who will view it in replay mode afterwards.
The Moderator publishes the pre-defined questions that will appear on the Speaker’s studio to be answered during the broadcast.
Pending Questions
The Speaker answers the preselected questions published by the Moderator and leads the jobinar.
Published Questions
3 5
4 5
Once recorded the video is available for replay.
1.2 Users
Jobinar User Guide
User types & roles
There are three types of users. Each user: — has a different access level to the platform. — can be a speaker or a moderator during a jobinar.
ADMIN The Admin has the right to manage the account, add other users, create a jobinar, see all jobinars of the company, have an overview on available and consumed credits.
SPEAKER The Speaker(s) leads the jobinar, acting as the face of the company and answering to Attendees’ questions.
MAESTRO The Maestro has the right to see all jobinars, create jobinars and Guests. A Maestro cannot create an Admin.
GUEST A guest is temporarily invited to the platform to perform a role as either Moderator or Speaker. They only have access to the Studio of the jobinar they have been invited to.
MODERATOR The Moderator performs a key behind-thescenes role [in the jobinar], acting as a gatekeeper between Attendees and Speaker(s), approving the questions the Speaker(s) answer.
1.2 Users
Jobinar User Guide
User rights To each role that can be assigned to users corresponds specific rights.
Create/Edit/Delete jobinar
Create/Edit/Delete Speaker
Create/Edit/Delete Moderator
Create/Edit/Delete Maestro
Attendees’ information
Approve question
Delete question
Start session
Answer questions
Share screen
● ●
Stop questions ●
Close session Reset session
1.3 Navigation & login
Jobinar User Guide
Vertical navigation bar
Jobinar features a vertical navigation bar. When clicking on an item, a panel will open on the right-hand side of the navigation bar.
Login Log in to access the jobinar platform using your credentials at login.jobinar.com. Once logged in, you see a vertical navigation bar on the left, with the following items: — My jobinars — My profile
On each panel you have the options to: — Close it — Minimise it My jobinars
When panel is minimised, a blue tab will appear. On each table, you have the options to: — Maximise it — Close it When you have different panels open and you close the most right one, all panels on its left will also close.
We recommend accessing the jobinar SaaS platform on PC or laptop, using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you want to simply view a jobinar, you can do this on a smartphone or tablet.
My profile
You manage the back office of a jobinar. — You create the Maestros who organise the jobinars and you monitor the number of credits available to do more jobinars. — Get in touch with our jobinar Success Consultant to buy more credits when needed.
Jobinar User Guide
2.1 Managing your account
2.2 Credits
2.3 Managing your users
2.1 Managing your account You can check or modify your account information at any time. — Click on your name at the bottom of the left navigation bar.
— Click on “My account”, then select “Account”, which opens the account overview.
— Click on “Edit company” if you want to change the company’s address, website, logo etc.
This only changes the details within the jobinar platform/studio. To change the information that your attendees will see on the template, please contact your jobinar Success Consultant.
Jobinar User Guide
2.2 Credits On the account overview, you can check the number of credits that are still available, as well as the number of booked credits. Your jobinar license starts with a certain number of credits. — Credits have three statuses: Available, Booked and Consumed — You start your subscription with a certain amount of available credits — Once you have created a jobinar and published it, a credit is booked but not consumed — If you decide to not broadcast the jobinar and unpublish it, the credit moves back to being available — When you broadcast a published jobinar, that credit is moved to Consumed
— Once a credit is consumed, it is no longer available for publishing or broadcasting more jobinars — When all credits are consumed or booked, jobinars can still be created, but cannot be published anymore
Need more credits? Contact your jobinar Success Consultant to purchase more.
Jobinar User Guide
2.3 Managing your users You have access to all users’ details: — Click on your name at the bottom of the left navigation bar — Click on “My account”, then select “Users” to open the list of existing users linked to your company — Click on a user to see his/her details, you can edit them or reset their password (through the buttons at the top of the user detail screen) — On the list of users, click on the button “Add user” to add a user The blue cross is a newly created user. The green tick is an activated user.
Newly created Admins or Maestros need to create a password to activate their account, thus becoming an activated user
As an Admin, you can create a user with one of the three following types: — Admin
— Maestro — Guest
Jobinar User Guide
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar You are the behind-the-scenes contact of jobinar in your company. As such, you can — introduce jobinar to your team. — set up jobinars and guide your colleagues through the organisation of a jobinar.
STEP 1 – jobinar details
STEP 2 – Template
STEP 3 – Speakers
STEP 4 – Moderator
STEP 5 – Jobs (optional)
STEP 6 – Testimonials (optional)
STEP 7 – Validate
Jobinar overview
Duplicate an existing jobinar
3.2 Testing your jobinar
3.3 Navigating the Statistics
Questions asked
3.4 Sending emails
3.1 Creating a jobinar
Jobinar User Guide
You can create a jobinar in two different ways: either from scratch or by duplicating an existing jobinar (see page 25).
Creating a jobinar from scratch — Access your jobinars by clicking “My jobinars” on the left. — Click on “CREATE NEW” to start setting up an a jobinar. There are 7 STEPS to create a jobinar: 1. Jobinar details 2. Template 3. Speakers 4. Moderator 5. Jobs (optional) 6. Testimonials (optional) 7. Validate — The completion of STEPS 1-4 and 7 is required to be able to create a jobinar and publish it. The completion of STEPS 5-6 is optional. — You can monitor the degree of completion of a jobinar through the percentage (0-100%) indicated next to Project. Anything you input here can still be edited at a later stage and is saved automatically so you can freely navigate between the steps without the risk of losing content.
Optional steps
3.1 Creating a jobinar STEP 1 – Jobinar details
— Choose between Live (if you want to create a jobinar with live interaction with the audience) or On-demand (if you want to pre-record a jobinar which the audience will access on demand). — In the field USE , choose the purpose of your jobinar (this information will be used for statistical purposes).
— Add your JOBINAR TITLE. This title will appear on the jobinar website (maximum 50 characters).
— Set the DATE, the TIMEZONE and the TIME of the jobinar. You will not be able to start live broadcasting or recording before the set time.
— Under DESCRIPTIONS, include additional information about your jobinar that will become visible to the viewers once they have signed up (maximum 300 characters).
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar
Jobinar User Guide
STEP 2 – Template Jobinar
Here you can select the template of the website that will host the jobinar and will be seen by the audience.
— The first template, personalised with your company’s details, is set as the default for new jobinars. If you have multiple templates, select the one you want to use here. — You can see what the template looks like by clicking on Preview, which opens the template in a separate tab (without any content).
Need a customised template? Should you want additional templates, please contact your jobinar Success Consultant for this additional feature. These templates can be used for different reasons, e.g. a specific language to attract talents from certain countries, or customised for specific departments within your company.
3.1 Creating a jobinar STEP 3 – Speakers
You can have Speakers in up to three locations (connecting from three computers).
— To add a speaker, click on Add a speaker in the blue box. At this point the Users panel will open, where you can select an existing user or add a new one. — If the Speaker already exists, click on his/her name and it will automatically be added to your jobinar — If the Speaker does not appear on the right, click on Add User and create the user (which will be a guest) The blue cross is a newly created user The green tick is an activated user (see info note on page 13 to know more).
As a Maestro, you are not able to select an Admin as a speaker (but can add himself/herself if needed).
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar STEP 3 – Speakers
All fields with a red asterisk (*) are compulsory. — Upload a photo for the Speaker, it will appear next to their name on the Attendee’s View of the jobinar
— Include the Speaker’s name, it will also appear on the Attendee’s View
— If filled-in, the Position will also appear on the Attendee's View — The Speaker is a “Guest”
— “Locale” indicates the location where the Speaker is — Include the Speaker's email address to receive the link to start broadcasting. The email address is not visible on the published website.
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar STEP 4 – Moderator
There can only be one Moderator per jobinar.
— To add a Moderator, it is the same as with adding speakers: click on Add a moderator in the blue box. At this point the Users panel will open, where you can select an existing user or add a new one. — If the Moderator already exists, click on his/her name and it will automatically be added to your jobinar — If the Moderator does not appear on the right, click on Add User and create the user (which will be a guest)
The blue cross is a newly created user The green tick is an activated user (see info note on page 13 to know more). As a Maestro, you are not able to select an Admin as a moderator (but he/she can add himself/herself if needed).
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar
Jobinar User Guide
STEP 5 – Jobs (optional)
Steps 5 (Jobs) and 6 (Testimonials) are optional and can be edited at a later stage. If you want to publish your website now, go directly to STEP 7. You will be able to add jobs and testimonials to a later stage.
— Add your jobs by clicking on Add a job in the blue box.
— You need to enter the JOB TITLE and LOCATION.
— You can choose between using a direct link to the jobs on your website (in which case, you enter a URL) or providing your own text description.
3.1 Creating a jobinar STEP 6 – Testimonials (optional)
Steps 5 (Jobs) and 6 (Testimonials) are optional and can be edited at a later stage. If you want to publish your website now, go directly to STEP 7. You will be able to add jobs and testimonials to a later stage.
— Add your colleagues’ testimonials by clicking on Add a testimonial in the blue box.
— In addition to the person’s First name, Last name and Position, you can upload a photo. If you do not want to include the last name, you can just enter an initial — Testimonials are text only.
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar STEP 7 – Validate
Jobinar User Guide
— This is an overview of the Validate screen, the last page you will see before publishing your jobinar on the web. Here you can: • check all your jobinar information, • publish or unpublish the website,
— Publish - If you are happy with the listed information, click on PUBLISH. • You will find the generated URL of your website in the jobinar details section. Use that URL to advertise the jobinar to the audience you want to attract. — Edit - If you are not happy with the listed information and you want to make changes in STEPS 1-6, make the changes by clicking EDIT in the relevant sections and make the changes which will automatically appear on the website.
As soon as the changes are saved they are visible on the public version of the site. If you click UNPUBLISH, the URL will be made inaccessible to the audience.
Senior Account Manager SEA
3.1 Creating a jobinar Jobinar overview
— When you click on a jobinar in the list of jobinars (through My jobinars), you will be redirected to the jobinar overview. — From the overview page you will be able to do the following with your jobinar: • Duplicate • Preview • Edit • Invite the speaker(s) and the moderator to the jobinar. • If you are also the Speaker or the Moderator, you can do the broadcasting via the “Join” button • See the statistics
Jobinar User Guide
3.1 Creating a jobinar Duplicate an existing jobinar
Instead of creating a jobinar from scratch, you can easily duplicate an existing one and update the information as necessary. — When you click on a jobinar in the list of jobinars (through My jobinars), you will be redirected to the jobinar overview. — Click on DUPLICATE (on top left of the overview screen), confirm your decision and refresh the page. You will find your duplicated jobinar with “(copy)” in the title. By default, the duplicated jobinar will be unpublished. Now you can start editing the jobinar by clicking on EDIT.
Jobinar User Guide
Jobinar Jobinar
3.2 Testing your jobinar Performing a test session (before the live or on-demand recording) — It is strongly advised to do a test session at least once before a jobinar to get familiar with the platform and the process. The test should involve all participants: the Maestro, the Moderator and the Speaker(s). — In order to start the test, click on the blue Test icon, which will lead you to the Test landing page. You will see that it is a test session by having (Test) in front of your jobinar name and a “TEST” watermark in the background. — Bear in mind that each time you do a new test session, the previous test recording session will be automatically erased (as well as all the questions).
Jobinar User Guide
3.3 Navigating the statistics For each jobinar you have access to the following Statistics. — Unique visitors – the number of unique visitors of the jobinar website (who are registered or not). — Registrations – the number of people who have registered for the jobinar (by leaving their name, first name, email and – for some jobinars – the CV). — Attendees – the number of people who have watched all or part of the live broadcasting. — Average time – the average time the attendees have watched the live broadcasting. — Questions asked – the total number of questions asked by the attendees (number of published and unpublished questions).
The statistics are updated each time you open the page.
Jobinar User Guide
3.3 Navigating the statistics
Jobinar User Guide
Registrations — By clicking on REGISTRATIONS, you have access to all the people who have registered to your jobinar.
You will see two values next to the people’s name: — The speech bubble icon indicates the number of questions (if any) asked by the person prior to and/or during the jobinar (for live jobinars only). — The thumbs-up icon shows the person’s engagement index. This is based on his/her behaviour before, during and after the jobinar (number of questions asked, time spent watching the live and the replay…).
The Engagement Index is a metric which shows the engagement of individual attendees. The higher the number, the more that attendee engaged with your jobinar.
3.3 Navigating the statistics
Jobinar User Guide
— If you want to access an attendee’s individual record, simply click on the attendee’s name and you will get a more detailed overview of his/her profile and CV (if the CV was requested to register in the jobinar).
Registrations Registrations
— Create a 'sub-bullet point' with: "To download an individual candidate's CV, click the name in the right-hand panel"
— To download the CVs of all the registered persons/attendees of your jobinar, click on SELECT ALL and then EXPORT.
— By clicking on MORE FILTERS, you have several filters to choose from when exporting the CVs: • Resume (with or without) • Asked questions (asked a question / didn’t ask a question) • Participation (didn’t watch live, watched live, watched replay, watched both) • Sort by first/last name • Order by ascending/descending
3.3 Navigating the statistics Attendees — By clicking on ATTENDEES, you see all the people who watched all or part of the live broadcasting.
— You can filter and export their CVs following the same steps as before.
Questions asked — By clicking on QUESTIONS ASKED, you will see the full overview of the questions asked prior to and during your jobinar. You can filter the questions: Published Pending Deleted
— You can export the questions asked in the jobinar in the form of a CSV file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet software. — First click “ Select all”, then click “Export”.
Jobinar User Guide
3.4 Sending emails
Jobinar User Guide
You can send emails to all (or a selection of) the registered people for your jobinar (regardless of whether they attended the live broadcasting or not).
— Click on SELECT ALL, if you wish to email the entire group. — Or simply tick the box to select their name(s) from the list message attendees individually or in selected groups.
— By clicking on MAIL in the blue box, a new tab will open allowing you to email your attendees. KB Note that the jobinar platform will send a number of automatic emails to inform all registered people and company participants about different jobinar stages (see page 52) The emails you send to the registered people are sent on behalf of jobinar and not in name of the company. The emails are sent from noreply@jobinar.com .
Jobinar User Guide
You are your company ambassador — You are the face of your company. — You engage with the attendees with your energy, enthusiasm and valuable answers to their questions. — You keep the conversation lively and personal .
MODERATOR questions correction & validation
qualified questions
4.1 To-do BEFORE the jobinar
4.2 Useful tips DURING the jobinar
4.3 Join as speaker
4.1 To-do BEFORE the jobinar — Run a test to get acquainted with the jobinar platform and check your computer’s audio- and video-functions •
Use the same computer as the one you will use on the day of the jobinar to test the video and the audio quality. You may wish to use an external microphone or camera
Be in the same room as the one you will be on the day of the jobinar to test the set-up, including lighting, distance from microphone/camera
Make sure to connect to a wired Ethernet network (WiFi is usually too unstable)
Practice starting and ending the broadcast, as well as moving to Next Question
— Coordinate with the other Speakers involved (if applicable)
— Think about the set-up and the dress code •
Avoid having a white wall behind you. Think of placing a banner with your logo, green plants, or a roll-up in the background to make it more engaging. Make sure not to have windows behind you as this will prevent the attendees from seeing you properly
Plan the seating arrangement carefully, especially if you are several Speakers. Make sure not to sit too far from the microphone and in a way that makes all the speakers equally visible on camera
Avoid wearing stripes, sequins or small repetitive patterns (circles, lines or flowers) as it will flicker on camera.
— Get in touch with the Moderator •
If you and the other Speakers are located in the same room, decide in advance how you will sit and agree on how to distribute questions among the team
Since the Moderator has access to all the questions asked by the audience prior to the jobinar, it is important for you to communicate with him/her to have an idea about the questions that will be asked during the jobinar
Pick the Speaker who is the most comfortable with the platform and the role itself to read the questions out loud and lead the discussion by distributing the questions among the other Speakers
Prepare some questions in advance together with the Moderator who can add them on the platform. In this way you will start with a couple of questions you are comfortable with
Inform the Moderator of any taboo topics you would prefer to avoid during the jobinar (e.g. salaries, competitors…)
If there are questions you absolutely want to address, ask the Moderator to add them during the jobinar if they are not asked by the audience
Agree on the last question so that you can close the jobinar with the right message
If speakers are based in different locations, or using different devices, it is crucial to discuss in advance how they will interact with each other and the audience during the jobinar
Jobinar User Guide
4.2 Useful tips DURING the jobinar — Be efficient at timekeeping and set the right pace •
The duration of each jobinar is agreed upon by the Speakers before broadcast. Typically it runs 30-60 mins
Stay dynamic and make sure not to dwell on a question too long or rush through the list
To ensure that the jobinar remains easily navigable for the attendees watching in Replay mode, or for those connecting directly to an On Demand jobinar, remember to click 'Next Question' before moving onto the next
Once a question is validated by the Moderator, it is published and cannot be skipped. If you do not want to answer that question, give a general answer and move on to the next one.
We advise a pacing of 10 questions per 30 mins.
Jobinar User Guide
— Keep the jobinar as authentic as possible •
The strength of jobinar is the authenticity it conveys. It is all about real people speaking to real people. Remember to give personal examples and unique insights into your company to create a stronger sense of proximity with the attendees
Practise being in front of the camera — for some people it is not easy to speak when they cannot see the audience
Stay relaxed and friendly — the atmosphere that the Speakers create has an impact on the participants’ interest in your company
If you do a jobinar with other Speakers, support each other and allow your colleagues to contribute their points of view, making the chat more like a well-balanced, lively conversation showing team spirit
4.3 Joining as Speaker — Once the Maestro invites you to be a speaker, you will receive an email. — In the email, click “Click here to join” to join the jobinar platform.
— By following the link, you will arrive on the jobinar Studio landing page, where you will see the name of the jobinar, who the other speakers are, who the moderator is, who your Maestro is and some tips.
How to proceed in case IE is the corporate default browser? See page 51.
Jobinar User Guide
4.3 Joining as Speaker — Click on “Test Video” to perform a technical test (video/audio/internet connection).
— An informative pop-up will open about the test. You will need to click “Launch the test” to perform the test.
— A new tab – please select the camera and microphone you want to be using for the recording and click “allow”. — When the test has been performed, check that the results are as follows: green tick boxes for the servers and excellent expected video and audio quality. — If your test has been successful, close the tab. If not, check your computer settings (audio/video) or with your IT-department.
Jobinar User Guide
4.3 Joining as Speaker — Click on “Join as speaker” to go to the Speaker studio where you can start the broadcast. Your webcam should be used by jobinar only and no other software.
— This leads you to the speaker studio. Here you will see the other speakers (if there are any AND if they have already joined the session) as well as the published questions (on the right). Please note that you can speak to each other because you are not yet broadcasting.
— Click on “Start broadcasting” when you are ready to begin broadcasting. If you are several speakers, choose one speaker who takes the responsibility to start and end the chat and who navigates through the questions. The “Start broadcasting” button will only be visible when the time to start the session (as set by your Maestro) has come. Once you start the broadcasting, you cannot stop, as if you stop the jobinar will be ended.
Jobinar User Guide
4.3 Joining as Speaker
Jobinar User Guide
— When the session has started, you will see that the first question is the “Introduction” and that you are “on air”. Starting from that moment, you will be visible to the attendees on the website (with a few seconds of delay).
— You will start with the introduction by saying a few words (welcoming the audience, saying who the speakers are and the objectives of the jobinar) and then answer the questions in the order chosen by your moderator. Please note that the introduction is always the first and the conclusion always the last topic. All other topics/questions will be added in-between by the moderator. Hello, Steve
— Once you have finished answering the current question, click on "Next question“.
— This is how an attendee will see the session.
4.3 Joining as Speaker — Click on “Share screen” if at a certain moment you want to share your screen with the audience. You can choose which screen or application window you will share. The preview in the studio will be small, but it will fill the video frame on the attendee’s device (see next page)
For more details about sharing your screen - See pages 54 & 55.
— Once you have finished sharing your screen, click on "Stop sharing" in the Speaker's studio to fully stop the screensharing and make the Speakers' video feed return to filling the video frame in the Attendees' view.
Jobinar User Guide
4.3 Joining as Speaker — This is what the other speakers will see during the screen sharing.
— This is what an attendee will see during the screen sharing.
Jobinar User Guide
4.3 Joining as Speaker — Once you have reached the conclusion and have finished speaking, you can end the broadcast by clicking on “End broadcasting”.
— A dialogue box will appear to confirm the end of streaming. In case you did not mean to end it, click on “Continue to stream”.
— Once you have stopped the live broadcast, you will see “live ended”. You can now continue speaking with the other speaker(s) in the Studio to debrief the session.
— You can leave the Studio by closing the active tab (clicking X in the top right corner).
Jobinar User Guide
Jobinar User Guide
You are the champion for the attendees. — You validate the questions that are the most relevant for the audience and keep the conversation lively by putting forward a variety of topics. — You validate the number of questions manageable for the speakers according to the planned duration of the jobinar.
MODERATOR questions correction & validation
qualified questions
5.1 To-do BEFORE the jobinar
5.2 To-do DURING the jobinar
5.3 Join as moderator
5.1 To-do BEFORE the jobinar — Do a test to get acquainted with the jobinar platform and check the quality of your connection •
Use the same laptop as the one you will use on the day of the jobinar.
Make sure to connect to a wired Ethernet network.
Post test questions and practise how to re-order/delete/validate them.
— Monitor attendees’ questions on the platform •
From the moment people register to the jobinar (by entering their name, first name, email), they have the right to ask questions. By regularly monitoring these questions, you will get an initial overview of the topics that interest them.
A few days prior to the jobinar, do a review of those questions together with the speakers and select the most relevant so that you and the speakers are well-prepared when the jobinar starts. If the Moderator is a Guest, the Maestro will communicate the questions to the Moderator before the jobinar.
You can already publish 3 or 4 questions before the jobinar starts so that the speakers will see upcoming questions in advance.
If you see that no questions were asked yet, prepare some questions in advance, together with the speakers and add them on the jobinar.
Jobinar User Guide
— Get in touch with the Speaker(s) •
Check whether there are any taboo topics the Speaker(s) would prefer to avoid during the jobinar (e.g. questions on salaries, competitors, sensitive issues, …).
Ask the Speakers whether there are questions they would absolutely want to address and add them to the question list if not asked by the audience.
Agree with the speakers on the first questions to publish, to put them at ease.
5.1 To-do DURING the jobinar — Be well-organized when managing questions •
Delete irrelevant or redundant questions, edit typos or mistakes.
When approving questions, put forward a variety of topics to make the jobinar as informative as possible.
You can delete questions that you already validated up until the moment the speaker(s) start answering them, afterwards it is too late.
— Be efficient at timekeeping •
Agree beforehand on the duration of the jobinar with the speaker(s) and stop validating questions based on the agreed timeframe.
Follow the tempo of the Speaker(s) when validating questions to make sure they do not feel overwhelmed and rush through their answers: there should not be more than 4 validated questions pending at the same time.
— Keep the jobinar as authentic as possible
Give preference to the questions asked by the audience during the jobinar to create a stronger sense of proximity with the attendees.
Listen carefully to the Speaker(s) to be able to validate questions based on the content that has or has not been covered yet.
Jobinar User Guide
5.3 Joining as Moderator — Once the Maestro invites you to be a moderator, you will receive an email. — In the email, click “Click here to join” to join the jobinar platform.
— By following the link, you will arrive on the jobinar Studio landing page, where you will see the name of the jobinar, who the speakers are, who your Maestro is and some tips.
How to proceed in case IE is the corporate default browser? See page 51.
Jobinar User Guide
5.3 Joining as Moderator Please click on “Join as moderator” to go to the moderator studio where you will manage the questions.
— Once the speakers have joined you can see them and hear them, but they cannot see nor hear you.
— You will also see the questions that have already been asked by attendees prior to the start of broadcasting. You have the opportunity to add your own questions via the “Add question” button. — You can publish questions via drag & drop: just move them over from the “Pending questions” section into the “Published questions” section, in between “Introduction” and “Conclusion” which are pre-set to start and finish your broadcasting. You can publish questions at any time during the broadcasting. For long lists of questions, a scrollbar will appear on the right of each column.
For live jobinars, you should not publish questions all at once.
Jobinar User Guide
5.3 Joining as Moderator — Once the speaker(s) started broadcasting, the current question as well as questions already answered will fade into a light grey, while remaining questions will be black in the “Published questions” section. — Click on “No more questions” if you think there are enough relevant questions to answer for the rest of the broadcasting. This will remove the question box that attendees are using to ask questions. You can still add and publish questions yourself though. — You know broadcasting is over when the speakers have gone through all questions and the Conclusion is in light grey. Once broadcasting is over, the speakers can debrief together and you can listen to them but they will not hear you. — You can leave the studio by closing the tab(s) (clicking X on the top right).
Jobinar User Guide
6. Plan a jobinar Timing The amount of time needed to do a successful jobinar depends on: — the objective: talent acquisition, internal mobility, onboarding, etc., — the target group: an external audience for talent acquisition or an internal audience for internal mobility, — the format: live or on-demand. For a live jobinar you need time to attract the audience before you broadcast the jobinar; for an on-demand jobinar, you record first and then you reach out to your audience. If you hold a jobinar for an external audience that you need to attract, the time required to get enough attendees of the right quality depends on the difficulty to activate the target group. To attract enough attendees, we recommend: minimum 2 weeks for young graduates, minimum 4 weeks for a more experienced audience.
— In order to start the attraction, your jobinar website must be ready and published first. — If you do a jobinar for an audience that you can invite easily (for example your colleagues for a jobinar on internal mobility), 1 week is enough but the earlier the better so that they can block the jobinar in their calendar.
Jobinar User Guide
6. Plan a jobinar Here is an example of a reverse planning of a jobinar for talent acquisition. You should adjust, based on the difficulty to attract your audience.
Jobinar User Guide
The jobinar team is picked and finalised (Maestro, moderator and speakers)
The jobinar user guide is distributed to everyone on the team
The Maestro sets up and publishes the jobinar website when validated by all people involved
The Maestro launches an attraction campaign publicizing the jobinar via the company’s available and relevant channels (LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, corporate website, newsletters, …) encouraging everyone on the jobinar team to re-post and share via their own networks. Active sourcing is recommended for hard-to-attract target groups
The Maestro launches another round of social media campaign posting a reminder via the company’s channels (to be re-posted and shared by the jobinar team)
The Maestro gives the jobinar team an overview of the number of people registrations
The Moderator gives an update on the first questions from the audience (if applicable)
Gather as a team 1 hour prior to the jobinar to log into the jobinar platform
Use this time to refresh your memory on the platform’s functionality, do a technical test and perfect your set-up and image on screen
Go over the questions and your answering strategy again, especially if you are several Speakers
A test session is organized by the Maestro for the moderator and the speaker(s) involved to test the equipment and familiarize themselves with the jobinar platform
The Moderator sets up a meeting to discuss with the Speaker(s) the first questions from the audience (if applicable), any taboo questions or topics that they absolutely want to address. It is a good idea to prepare the first few and last questions in advance to be at ease on the day of broadcasting
If you do not have enough registered people yet, boost your attraction campaign
7. Tips & tricks
In the following pages, you will find useful tips and tricks, based on our experiences with jobinar. We are continuously compiling all tips and tricks to support you and ensure the best experience in using jobinar.
Jobinar User Guide
7. Tips & tricks Check list – Start broadcasting a LIVE jobinar
Jobinar User Guide
To start broadcasting your live jobinar you need to double check: The date and time is correct You had selected the right time zone during creation The website has been published
The invitations are sent Now, you are good to go!
7. Tips & tricks
Jobinar User Guide
Email templates The jobinar platform will send a number of automatic emails to inform all registered people and company participants about different jobinar stages. Here an overview.
Confirmation of their jobinar registration (sent to all people who register with their name, first name, email)
Password recovery on jobinar
Confirmation of their password change
jobinar invitation to join the team (only sent to administrators or Maestro’s)
jobinar invitation (only sent to company speaker(s) and moderator)
Reminder jobinar (sent to all registered people)
Watch the jobinar replay (sent to all registered people)
7. Tips & tricks What to do if Internet Explorer is the corporate default browser?
If your organisation’s default browser is Internet Explorer, clicking the link in the email will not direct you to the correct page to join the jobinar as a Guest. Fortunately, there is a work-around for this. These instructions assume you use Outlook as your email client. 1.
First, open the email you received and click “Forward”.
Right-click on the “Click here to join” button.
Click “Edit link”.
Copy the link in the dialogue box and paste this into your browser’s (Chrome or Firefox) address bar.
Jobinar User Guide
7. Tips & tricks Sharing your screen during a jobinar - FIREFOX
Start the PowerPoint presentation in “Reading mode”. This option is found in the lower-right of the application..
Return to Firefox and click “Start Screen Sharing” in the Speaker’s Studio.
In the dialogue box choose “PowerPoint Slide Show...” then click ”Allow”. You will know Screen Sharing is active due to the Firefox and “overlapping squares” icon at the top of your screen.
PowerPoint will automatically switch to the current application. — Advance through your PowerPoint as normal. — If you plan on using your Presentation for multiple questions, don’t forget to return to Firefox to click “Next question”. The attendees will not see this.
When you have finished presenting, go back to the browser and click “End Screen Sharing”. This ensures that the Speaker(s) videofeed returns to full-size.
Jobinar User Guide
7. Tips & tricks Sharing your screen during a jobinar - CHROME
Start the PowerPoint presentation in “Reading mode”. This option is found in the lower-right of the application.
Return to Chrome and click “Start Screen Sharing” in the Speaker’s Studio.
In the dialogue box choose “Application Window”, “PowerPoint Slide Show...” then click “Share”. You will know Screen Sharing is active due to the login.jobinar.com is sharing a window pop-up at the bottom of your screen.
PowerPoint will automatically switch to the current application. — Advance through your PowerPoint as normal. — If you plan on using your Presentation for multiple questions, don’t forget to return to Chrome to click “Next question”. The attendees will not see this.
When you have finished presenting, go back to the browser and click “End Screen Sharing”. This ensures that the Speaker(s) videofeed returns to full-size.
Jobinar User Guide
7. Support
Jobinar User Guide
You can always count on our support, by reaching out your jobinar Client Success Consultant by email. On top of this, we offer two levels of support.
Assistance (maximum 2.5 working hours in total) — Online support prior to jobinar
€ 500
€ 1,500
Speaker preparation (up to 60 minutes before jobinar starts)
Jobinar monitoring (up to 90 minutes in total)
Platform creation —
API integration
— Web design & development Moderation of jobinar — Questions screening, corrections and selection
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Need sourcing and attraction? Contact Careers International for your customised solution with jobinar. info@careersInternational.com.
General questions For general questions regarding the credits or jobinar functionalities, contact our jobinar Success Consultant on info@jobinar.com .
Technical issues Should you have technical issues, send an email with a description of the issue and screenshot (if possible) to support@jobinar.com . Our technical team will resolve the issue as fast as possible and keep you informed.
Jobinar User Guide