Know More About Heart Transplantation

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Know More About Heart Transplantation

What is a Heart Transplant?

A heart transplant is surgery to remove a person's diseased heart and replace it with a healthy heart from a deceased donor. Most heart transplants are done on patients who have end-stage heart failure. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart is damaged or weak.

What happens during a heart transplant?

A heart transplant requires open heart surgery and a stay in a hospital. Procedures may vary depending on your condition and your healthcare provider's practice.

The donor heart’s left atrium is sewn onto recipient's left atrium

The surgeon will begin by exposing the chest cavity through a cut in the ribcage. The surgeon will then open the pericardium (a membrane that covers the entire heart) in order to remove your diseased heart. The back part of your own left atrium will be left in place, but the rest of the heart will be removed.

The donor heart’s right atrium is sewn onto the superior and inferior vena cava.

Your new heart will be carefully trimmed and sewn to fit the remaining parts of your old heart. This transplant method is called an "Orthotopic procedure". This is the most common method used to transplant hearts.

The transplanted heart with sutures

You will be given medications both before and during the operation to prevent you from rejecting the new heart. After the operation, you will be taken to a special unit and hospital floor for recovery.


You will stay in the hospital until your doctor believes you are ready to go home. How long you stay in the hospital will depend on the following factors: Your health How well the new heart is working Your ability to learn to take care of your new heart transplant

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