Lesson Plan Template Student Name: Caren MacConnell Course Name: 551
Lesson Plan #: Solution:
Context/Setting: This lesson/unit will take place in my classroom as well as in the computer lab. Lesson Title:European Vacation Lesson Duration: 2 Weeks/10 class periods Objectives: The students will research an assigned country and make a Google Tour to take the rest of class on a “Vacation” to the country. Students will learn about the culture, government, food, money, and historic and tourist destinations of the country.
Materials Needed: Computer lab reservations, handouts, family European vacation DVD. Students will need to bring supplies for their projects from home.
Lesson Steps Anticipatory Set: Discussion of travels to places in Europe that my students have been. Sharing of my own family video of Europe. “Today you are going to work with your Team groups to make your own travel tour of a European country.” May be used in lieu of Record of Progress if a classroom setting is not available.
Step # 1. Days 1-3 Assigning of countries
2. Go over handouts and expectatio ns. 3. Go to computer lab.
4. Days 4-6 Google Tours
What Happens Students work with their Team groups to pick a European country to “visit”
Handouts are given and read to them. All questions are answered. Rubrics are also shared. Review safe search engine sites and allow students to research as a team the most popular tourist spots. Decide on at least 5. While Teams work on assignment (see attached worksheet) I will be working with each group to show them how to create a tour. We will also embed an “in
Special Strategies Team groups already know what is expected of Team work. Remind students of this.
Problems? Not agreeing on a country unanimously.
Make sure to answer all questions. Gifted students will need extra time to analyze. Make sure to sign out lab, make sure computers are working properly. Help students with their searches.
Make sure each Team knows what they need to do before devoting attention to Tours. This will ensure everyone is busy doing what they should be doing.
May be used in lieu of Record of Progress if a classroom setting is not available.
Computer failures – go back to room and teams can work via one computer each. Students may not be able to find the best places to visit.
IT not allowing YouTube access (request was made and approved, also checked to make sure it really worked). Need flash drive to save tour correctly to show on laptop/projector in classroom. Groups taking advantage of me working with other groups and not getting enough work
flight movie” from Youtube about the country. 5. Days 7-8 Final class time to work on presentation
Students put finishing touches on presentations by reviewing Google Tour, posters, scripts, etc.
6. Days 9-10 Presentation
Students will present their Tours.
Make sure groups are finished or almost by end of period.
Closure: Review of places visited. Student Assessment: Rubric Self Assessment: Extensions: Reading of countries in SS class Content Area Integration:SS, Tech, Literacy
May be used in lieu of Record of Progress if a classroom setting is not available.
Students not getting required components done in time for “vacation day.”
Tours not playing correctly, laptop/projector malfunction. Not having enough time to finish tours.