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a. Background studies
Background studies
2022 Regular Session HF4065 Chapter 98, Article 1, Sections 1, 62-66, 70 Health & Human Services omnibus policy bill Effective: Various
Short description
Removal of duplicative background study requirements for licensed individuals.
Eliminates duplicative background studies of individuals employed at a facility required to submit background studies under chapter 245C who already have already completed a criminal background check as part of their health-related licensure process.
De-duplication of background studies specifies that the Department of Human Services is not required to conduct a background study under chapter 245C on an individual who is employed at a facility or agency licensed by the Department of Health if the individual has a valid license issued by a health related licensing board and has completed a criminal background check under section 214.075 as part of the health-related licensing board’s licensing process.
Bill language
Chapter 98, Article 1, Sections 1, 62-66, 70: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/2022/0/Session+Law/Chapter/98/