1 minute read


Weapons,illegaldrugs,andotheritemsthatcould interferewiththesafeoperationoftheshiporthesafe andsecureenvironmentofourguestsandcreware prohibited Thefollowingareexamplesofitemsthat guestsarenotallowedtobringonboard

Firearms & Ammunition, Sharp objects (knives & scissors)


Illegal Drugs & Substanes

CBD Oil/ CBD products

Items that generate heat (steamers, flat irons)

Electrical Extension Cord

Perishable food & meat products

Alcoholic Beverages


Womenwhohaveenteredtheir24thweekofpregnancyasof theirembarkationdateorwhowillentertheir24thweekof pregnancyduringthecruisewillberefusedpassageduetosafety concerns

Neitheradoctor’smedicalstatementnorawaiverofliabilitywill beaccepted Inaddition,DisneyCruiseLinecannotbeheld responsibleorliableforanycomplicationsrelatingtopregnancy atanystage

PleasecheckwiththeCDCpriortodeparturefortravel restrictionstovariouscountriesinLatinAmerica&theCaribbean


Getting from the airport or hotel to Port

Disney Transportation From Airport Or Wdw Hotel

If you're flying to Orlando, you can use DCL's shuttle service to get to Port Canaveral. It is recommended that your flight into Orlando arrives by 1:45pm and your flight out depart after 11:30am

Disney's shuttle service is certainly convenient, but you will be paying a premium for this convenience If you're taking a DCL cruise after staying at an on-site Disney-owned resort at Walt Disney World and you've booked transportation from the resort to the ship through Disney, cruise reps can transfer your luggage directly from your hotel room to your ship's stateroom

From Orlando:

$78 per person, round trip, free for kids under age 3 $39 per person for just one direction

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