2014-15 Lecture Series

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Alvernia Lecture Series Expand your mind with inspirational, thought-provoking lectures at Alvernia University.

2014 2015

h t i a f r e Int e r u t c e L

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Ingrid Mattson "(Don't) Save the Children"

— The Benefits of Interfaith Aid Programs

Dr. Ingrid Mattson is the London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies at Huron University College at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. Formerly, she was professor of Islamic Studies, founder of the Islamic Chaplaincy Program and director of the Macdonald Center for Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Conn. See page 16

2014 Alvernia 2015 Lecture Series Fall 2014 Founders Day Lecture: Richard Gaillardetz Sept. 11 4 Jack Gulati “Serial Entrepreneur” Sept. 22 6 David Updike - Art of John Updike Oct. 2 8 Larry Mazzeno Updike Lecture Oct. 6 8 Lit Fest Feature: Denise Kierman Oct. 8 10 First-Year Seminar: Coach Smallwood Oct. 30 12 O’Pake Lecture: Jim Gerlach Nov. 10 14

Spring 2015 Interfaith Lecture: Ingrid Mattson Jan. 26 Batdorf Lecture Mar. 10 Hesburgh Lecture: Darren W. Davis Apr. 9 Vatican II Lecture: Massimo Faggioli Apr. 14 Faculty Panel & Edible Books Festival Mar. 26 Earth Day Lecture: Spencer S. Stober Apr. 22 About the Venues

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Founders Day Lecture Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College and the director of graduate studies. Gaillardetz previously taught at the University of Toledo from 2001 to 2011 as the Thomas and Margaret Murray and James J. Bacik Professor of Catholic Studies, and at the University of St. Thomas Graduate School of Theology in Houston from 1991 to 2001. He received a Bachelor of Arts in humanities from the University of Texas, a Master of Arts in biblical theology from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, and both a Master of Arts and a doctorate from the University of Notre Dame in systematic theology.


Richard Gaillardetz, Ph.D. He has published numerous articles,

"A Theology of Baptism after Vatican II" Date: September 11

authored eight books and has received

Event: Founders Day Lecture: Richard Gaillardetz

numerous awards from the Catholic

Place: McGlinn Conference Center

Press Association for articles he has

Time: 7 p.m.

written. He is a past recipient of the Sophia Award (2000), offered annually by the faculty of the Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C., in recognition of a theologian’s contributions to the life of the church. Gaillardetz has served on the Board of Directors of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), the largest professional association of Catholic theologians in the world, with over 1,400 members. In June of 2013 he became president of the CTSA.

Don’t miss the closing ceremony for the St. John’s Bible Exhibit on Dec. 1 alvernia.edu/mission

Jack Gulati Date: September 22 Event: Lit Fest: Jack Gulati Place: Francis Hall Theater Time: Wine & cheese 5:30 p.m., lecture 6 p.m.

have been Fidelity Technologies

part of a delegation sent to Dakar,

Gulati immigrated to America with

Corporation, TeleAlarm Group,

Senegal, to advise African countries

his family in 1958 when he was 15

Fidelity Investment Corporation,

on matters involving the transition

years old. He attended high school

SafetyCare Technologies and Stoke-

from military to civil rule.

in New York City, graduating in 1959.

say Castle. In 2014, Gulati bought

He enrolled at the University of Min-

the Reading Royals Ice Hockey team,

pervisor in Upper Merion Township,

nesota, and after a somewhat circu-

in order to keep the team from mov-

Pa., serving from 1980-1986. He

itous route, he received Bachelor of

ing away from the City of Reading.

also ran an unsuccessful campaign

Born in India in 1942, Jack David

Science in mathematics in 1966.

Gulati has received many honors

Gulati was elected Township Su-

for Congress from the 13th Con-

over the years. President Ronald

gressional District of Pennsylvania

before him, Gulati had ambitions

Reagan appointed him to the White

in 1982. Over the years, Gulati has

to become an entrepreneur. He

House Conference on Small Busi-

been involved in civic and business

acquired his first business in 1968

ness in 1986, and President George

organizations, namely Kiwanis Club,

at the age of 26, and in the ensuing

H. W. Bush appointed him to the

Chamber of Commerce and the

years he bought, sold or created 40

Small Business Advisory Commit-

National Federation of Independent

businesses. Among his companies

tee of Federal Communications


in the United States and Europe

Commission. In 1992, Gulati was

Like his father and grandfather


Performing Arts Series The arts are alive at Alvernia, with ticketed events scheduled for 2014-15. Visit Alvernia.edu/arts-culture for details.


All About Updike David Updike “Family Archaeology, in Pictures and Prose” Oct. 2, 2 p.m., Francis Hall Theater As the son of John Updike, David Updike is uniquely positioned to talk about his family's life and works. Combining photographs with prose from his father's stories and memoirs and excerpts from short story collections written by his grandmother, David hopes to reveal some of his family's "story" in Shillington and Plowville, Pa., Updike Scholar in Residence at Alvernia, David Updike is a professor of English at Roxbury Community College in Boston. He has written six children's books, a young adult novel called "Ivy's Turn," and two collections of short stories: "Out on the Marsh," and "Old Girlfriends."

Laurence Mazzeno “Writers, Reviewers, and Reputations: A Tale of Three Pulitzer Prize Winners” Oct. 6, 12:30 p.m., Student Center, 2nd Floor Seminar Room Don’t miss a special lecture by Alvernia President Emeritus — Dr. Laurence Mazzeno on the the reputations of John Updike, Ernest Hemingway and Herman Wouk.

Date: October 1-6 Event: Exploring John Updike Place: Main Campus


Updike Conference 2014 October 2-4, 2014 The John Updike Society Conference returns to its original location at Alvernia University in October 2014. Keynote speakers include Adam Begley, whose biography of Updike has been everywhere in the news, and Chip Kidd, the graphic designer responsible for many of John Updike’s dust jackets. Alvernia is the home to the scholarly archives of The John Updike Society. For more information about the conference, contact James Plath at 309-556-3352.


Denise Kiernan Denise Kiernan is the New York Times Bestselling

Voice, Ms. Magazine, Saveur and many more national

author of "The Girls of Atomic City" (Touchstone/Simon &

publications. She has also worked in television, serving

Schuster), the true story of young women living in a secret

as head writer for ABC’s “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”

government city during World War II while unknowingly

and has produced for places such as ESPN and MSNBC

working on the first atomic bomb.

as well as independent productions. She has authored

Kiernan will take the audience back in time, into a

several popular titles, including "Signing Their Lives Away,"

top-secret world where young women and men lived

"Signing Their Rights Away" and "Stuff Every American

and worked surrounded by spies and secrecy, forbidden

Should Know" (Quirk Books).

to speak of their work, even to each other, as the United

As an author, Kiernan has been a featured guest on

States worked to face the challenges of World War II and the

"The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart, "PBS NewsHour,"

Manhattan Project raced to harness nuclear power.

"NPR Weekend Edition," "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, "The

Kiernan has been working as a writer for more than 15 years, covering a variety of topics. She has been published in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Village


Takeaway" on WNYC, "The Cycle" on MSNBC and many other print and radio outlets.

Date: October 8 Event: Lit Fest: Denise Kiernan Place: Francis Hall Theater Time: 6 p.m.

More Lit Fest Fun: Saturday, October 18

Friday, October 24

Pagoda Writers Club presents

Alvernia Writers' Series

"Paris at the Pagoda," an interactive

Original readings and acts, hosted

workshop at one of the city's most

by Dr. Tom Bierowski, associate

recognizable landmarks.

professor of English at Alvernia.

(The Reading Pagoda, 1 p.m.)

(Crusader CafĂŠ, 1 p.m.)

Thursday, October 23 Inter-College Poetry Contest Hosted by Dr. Richard Law, associate professor of English at Alvernia University. (Franco Library, 2 p.m.)


First-Year Seminar Lecture sheep and pigs, and driving his own

food and health. He brought heritage

dedicated to promoting organic

Coach Mark Smallwood has been

team of oxen. As Executive Director

livestock back to Rodale Institute’s

agriculture, environmental steward-

of Rodale Institute, he has focused his

333-acre farm, created a Honeybee

ship, efficiency and conservation for

efforts on training a new generation of

Conservancy to train and steward

more than 30 years. He is a long-time

organic farmers. Coach has expanded

backyard bee keepers, and launched

organic farmer and biodynamic

research efforts at Rodale Institute to

“Your 2 Cents,” a national campaign

gardener, raising chickens, goats,

explore the connection between soil,

to support new organic farmers.

Date: October 30 Event: First-Year Seminar Lecture: Coach Smallwood Place: Physical Education Center Time: 7 p.m.


Coach Smallwood

In recognition for his sustainability efforts, Coach was chosen as a messenger for Al Gore’s Climate Project, presenting to over 15,000 people on the effects of Global Warming. And as his name suggests, Coach was also a public educator and basketball coach.


O'Pake Lecture

Rep. Jim Gerlach

"Civility, Compromise and Public Service" The annual O’Pake Lecture will be delivered by United States Representative Jim Gerlach. A lifelong Pennsylvania resident, Jim Gerlach earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Dickinson College and a Juris Doctor from the Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle. Gerlach has served for more than 20 years, beginning in 1990 with the first of two terms in the state's House of Representatives, followed by two terms in the State Senate. He served his sixth term in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2014, representing portions of Berks, Chester, Lebanon and Montgomery counties. In December 2010, he earned a spot on the influential House Ways and Means Committee. One of his biggest legislative accomplishments was creating a much-needed veterans cemetery. The bill Gerlach authored was signed into law by the President on Veterans Day in 2003, and the cemetery opened in Bucks County in 2009.


Date: November 10 Event: O'Pake Lecture: Rep. Jim Gerlach Place: McGlinn Conference Center Time: 2 p.m.

O'Pake Film Series The O’Pake Film Series continues with a new set of films that will focus on ethical leadership. Alvernia University’s O’Pake Institute for Ethics, Leadership and Public Service is collaborating with community partners to bring a classic series of films and panel discussions to Berks County. All showings are free and open to the public, and will be held 6-9 p.m., in the Bernardine Lecture Hall on Alvernia’s main campus.

Fall 2014: Sept. 16 — "Dead Poets Society" Oct. 15 — "High Noon" Nov. 17 — "Doubt"

Spring 2015: Jan. 27 — "Mississippi Burning" Feb. 12 — "Hotel Rwanda" Mar. 18 — "Bloody Sunday" Apr. 21 — "Erin Brockovich"


Interfaith Lecture “(Don't) Save the Children” — The Benefits of Interfaith Aid Programs The New Testament defines “pure and faultless” religion as “looking after orphans and widows in their distress;” among Job’s virtues was that he was “father to the needy;” in the Qur’an, care for orphans is mentioned over twenty times as a hallmark of believers. Throughout their histories, the Abrahamic traditions have preached that care for needy and orphaned children is the responsibility of religious communities and they have been prolific in establishing institutions and organizations to serve this need. The impact of religious communities, however, has not been all good. Taking advantage of vulnerabilities for proselytizing or ideologically indoctrinating children, abuses at residential schools, and the violation of familial and community rights are also part of the history of faithbased interventions in the lives of children. Dr. Ingrid Mattson will discuss how having an interfaith aspect to aid programs can harness the power of faith-based work, while potentially avoiding some of the negative impacts.


Dr. Ingrid Mattson is the London

contemporary Muslim communities.

Islamic Studies at Huron University

From 2006-2010, Dr. Mattson served

College at the University of Western

as president of the Islamic Society

Ontario in London, Canada.

of North America (ISNA), where she

Formerly, she was professor of

previously served two terms as vice

Islamic Studies, founder of the


Islamic Chaplaincy Program and

Date: January 26, 2015 Event: Interfaith Lecture: Dr. Ingrid Mattson

and gender and leadership issues in

and Windsor Community Chair in

Born in Canada, Mattson earned

director of the Macdonald Center for

a bachelor's degree in philosophy at

Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim

the University of Waterloo, Ontario

Relations at Hartford Seminary in

(1987). From 1987-1988 she lived in

Hartford, Conn. She earned her

Pakistan, where she developed and

doctorate in Islamic studies from the

implemented a midwife training

University of Chicago in 1999.

program for Afghan refugee women.

She is the author of "The Story of

Mattson is frequently consulted

Place: McGlinn Conference Center

the Qur’an: Its History and Place in

by media, government and civic

Time: 7 p.m.

Muslim Life," as well as numerous

organizations and has served as an

articles exploring the relationship

expert witness.

between Islamic law and society

More Interfaith Discussion Common Heart Interfaith Lecture Feb. 25, McGlinn Conference Center, 7 p.m. Established in 2009, "A Common Heart" is a group of religious organizations working together to increase tolerance, understanding and respect among the interfaith community.


Batdorf Lecture Social Justice & Sentencing Reform The annual Batdorf Lecture, supported by the Berks Bar Association, promotes dialogue on contemporary ethical issues, important for both students and the local community. More details about the 2015 Batdorf Lecture will be available online at alvernia.edu/arts-culture.

Date: March 10, 2015 Event: Batdorf Lecture Place: McGlinn Conference Center Time: 3 p.m.


Throughout its history, Alvernia University has aimed not only to develop students’ intellectual promise, but also to foster their ethical and moral perspectives and emphasize their leadership potential. The O’Pake Institute for Ethics, Leadership and Public Service seeks to build on this tradition. The O’Pake Institute is an expansion of the university’s Center for Ethics and Leadership, launched in 2006. It is named for longtime Alvernia

board member Sen. Michael O’Pake, who passed away in December 2010. O’Pake served nearly four decades in the Pennsylvania State Senate as a champion for all those in need. The institute continues to be a nucleus for dialogue on contemporary ethical and leadership issues, with a focus on promoting interdisciplinary discourse around social justice and Franciscan values. www.alvernia.edu/ about/ethics-and-leadership


In 2008, Alvernia received a generous gift from T. Jerome and Carolyn Holleran, a Berks County couple with a passion for community service and a personal record of meaningful community engagement. The gift of $3 million included capital to enhance the work of the center in the Reading community as well as provisions to permanently endow it. Rooted in the Franciscan identity of Alvernia University and its mission as a teaching and learning institution, the


Holleran Center identifies, cultivates and sustains strategic partnerships to strengthen both campus and community life. By making these community partnerships an essential part of the curriculum, the Holleran Center strives to foster the university mission and improve the quality of life in our community and to develop in its students a lifelong commitment to service as engaged citizens. Visit www.alvernia.edu/about/ holleran-center for more information.


Hesburgh Lecture "Race, Perseverance, and Catholicism" Darren W. Davis, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President for Research & Professor of Political Science Each spring, Alvernia hosts a

Since 1986, the Hesburgh Lecture

Hesburgh Lecture that both embodies

Series has brought a taste of Notre

the university’s core values and brings

Dame’s academic excellence to

attention to topics that are relevant to

Alvernia’s campus courtesy of the

today’s local and global communities.

Notre Dame Club of Reading, which

Considered a prolific scholar in

supports the event. The lectures

political behavior, public opinion,

perpetuate the example of President

political psychology and racial

Emeritus Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh

politics, Darren W. Davis is nationally

as a lifelong learner and further

recognized for his research on political

the Alumni Association mission by

tolerance, the support for democratic

providing meaningful opportunities

values, subtle racism and the concern

to Notre Dame alumni, parents and

for social desirability. His scholarly


research has appeared in the most prestigious journals in political science. Davis was part of a national

Hesburgh lectures are presented by Notre Dame faculty members on topics related to art, architecture,

committee that examined the

business, communications,

reliability of polling results in the 2008

contemporary social issues,

presidential primaries. During the 2008

economics, environment, ethics,

Date: April 9, 2015

election, Davis appeared as a polling

government, history, law, social

Event: Hesburgh Lecture: Darren W. Davis

expert on CNN, NBC, FOX, BBC and

concerns and many more. Annually,

Place: McGlinn Conference Center

in numerous newspapers. He earned a

almost 5,000 alumni, parents and

Time: 7 p.m.

bachelor’s degree at Lamar University,

friends attend a Hesburgh Lecture.

a master’s degree from Louisiana State University, and a doctorate from the University of Houston.

Vatican II Lecture Revisiting GAUDIUM ET SPES Alvernia’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council will

concilio. Modello episcopale e aggiornamento

continue with a lecture by Dr. Massimo Faggioli,

al Vaticano II" (Bologna: Il Mulino 2005); "Breve

who will discuss “From Gaudium et Spes to

storia dei movimenti cattolici" (Roma: Carocci

Evangelii Gaudium –­­ The Call for Hope and Joy.”

2008); “Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli - Giovanni

Faggioli is an assistant professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.

XXIII, Tener da conto: Le agende di Bulgaria (1925–1934),” ed. (Bologna: 2008); “Vatican

He received his doctorate in religious history

II: The Battle for Meaning” (Paulist, 2012);

from the University of Turin in 2002. From 1996

“True Reform: Liturgy and Ecclesiology in

to 2008, Faggioli carried out scientific research at

Sacrosanctum concilium” (Liturgical, 2012).

the Foundation for Religious Sciences, Giovanni XXIII of Bologna, and arrived at St. Thomas in September 2009.

Date: April 14, 2015 Event: Vatican II Lecture: Massimo Faggioli Place: McGlinn Conference Center Time: 7 p.m.


Faggioli's publications include "Il vescovo e il

Dr. Massimo Faggioli

More Interfaith Discussion Common Heart Interfaith Lecture Feb. 25 Adfalkfjlfjfjf ajsdfasiuf idlkjf, author of “Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America,” has been conducting visual arts programs with incarcerated men and women for 25 years – from county jail to death row – in 18 institutions in seven states.


Faculty Panel “Godley Heretics� Marc DiPaolo, Ph.D., with Tim Blessing, Ph.D., & Jerry Vigna, Ph.D. Throughout history, legendary thinkers have argued

examining how various thinkers and storytellers over

that Christianity should start fresh by recapturing

time have conceived of a reinvented Christianity. In

the humanitarian spirit of Jesus' original message.

confronting this controversial idea, this book examines

These include such disparate individuals as Thomas

how unorthodox interpretations of the Bible can

Jefferson, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Walt Whitman,

be some of the most valid, how visions of Jesus as a

Friedrich Nietzsche, Leo Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw

revolutionary may be the most historically sound and

and the religious leaders of the Occupy Wall Street

how compassionate Christians such as Origen have


wrestled with the eternal questions of the existence of

"Godley Heretics" offers new essays by scholars of literature, film, history, theology and philosophy,

Date: March 26, 2015 Event: Lit Fest: Godley Heretics Panel & Edible Books Festival Place: Frank A. Franco Library, Bonaventure Room Time: 2 p.m.

evil, the gift of free will and the promise of universal salvation.

Edible Books Festival Students, faculty and staff are invited to submit individual or team entries for the annual Edible Books Festival. Share your love for a favorite read with a fun, creative or unique edible depiction of the book.


visit: alvernia.libguides.com/ediblebook

Earth Day Lecture “Nature-centered Leadership” Spencer S. Stober, Ed.D. with Tracey L. Brown & Sean J. Cullen "Nature-centered Leadership" is a book for those who aspire to reflect on their relationship with nature while influencing others to do the same. Nature-centered leadership is not a category of leadership style per se — it is a process by which we build an aspirational narrative with others for a more sustainable future. This book introduces nature-centered visionaries who have demonstrated that it is possible to influence the way humans view and act with Nature. These visionaries include Saint Francis of Assisi, Charles Darwin, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Arne Naess, Thomas Berry, James Lovelock and Chico Mendes. Their visions contribute to an aspirational narrative — a hopeful story — where humans are living in harmony with nature.

Date: April 22, 2015 Event: Earth Day Lecture: Spencer S. Stober Place: Francis Hall Amphitheatre Time: 4 p.m.

About the Venues Francis Hall Theater & Miller Gallery Francis Hall, home to the Theater and Miller Art Gallery, is the original building on Alvernia’s campus. It is a four-story structure of Pueblo red brick built in the California Mission style in 1926. The flexible space of the theater provides a firstclass venue for many different styles of performances.

Bernardine Lecture Hall In 2010 the heavily-used lecture hall in Bernardine Hall was transformed into an impressive high-tech space that is an ideal venue for many uses. Classes, lectures, comedians and movie nights keep the lecture hall filled on a daily basis.

Dr. Frank A. Franco Library, Bonaventure Room The Bonaventure Room is located in the center of Alvernia’s beautiful library and is normally home to scores of students researching projects in a group setting. The open space is often transformed to host events or exhibit, and can easily accommodate large groups for lectures and formal campus announcements.

McGlinn Conference Center The McGlinn Conference Center is located adjacent to the home of the university’s sponsoring congregation, the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters. With a lovely view in every season, the conference center is a peaceful environment for retreats, lectures or seminars.

Crusader Café Located inside Alvernia University’s Student Center, the Crusader Café offers the ambiance of a small coffeehouse, complete with artistic lighting and a corner stage. Live musical and poetry performances and other events are regularly held here.


Veterans Center Beginning in September, military veterans and members of the armed forces enrolled at Alvernia will have a new destination on campus. A Veterans Center will provide centralized support for Alvernia’s growing veteran student population, provide training to faculty and resident advisors and work with student-veterans to develop counseling, as well as career development and financial plans. Strongly supported by a number of faculty and staff members who are themselves veterans, the center was made possible by significant start-up funding from a trustee and proud veteran, Carl J. Anderson, Jr., and his wife Debbie. In a few short years, Alvernia has become a “Military-Friendly School� and an emerging national leader in the education and support of veterans. A member of the Yellow Ribbon Program, Alvernia has earned Servicemembers Opportunity College status and was named one of the top Military Friendly Schools in the country. The university is an increasingly popular choice for veterans, having realized a 40 percent increase in student-veteran enrollment since 2008.


Contact Us:

1-888-ALVERNIA (1-888-258-3764)

400 Saint Bernardine St. Reading, PA 19607

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