Step by Step Weight Loss - Carey Heart

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A Step – By – Step Guide To Losing Weight In this step – by – step guide it will tell you all you need to know about losing weight. We all know how disheartening it can be to attempt to lose weight and fail. With this step by – step guide, you will improve your chances of weight loss immensely.

1. Food Diary The first thing you need to do is create a food diary. In the food diary you need to write down every single meal, snack, drink; EVERYTHING that you consume every single day. You will be able to see what types of food you are eating, whether you are eating the correct foods, whether you are eating the correct amount of food/calories, and whether you are eating wrong types off foods. You shouldn’t be eating processed foods, take out, fried foods or too much dairy. You can eat them every once in a while, but limit yourself and don’t go on an all-out binge! You should be introducing fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet and pulses like chickpeas and beans are also a good source of nutrience. Nuts and dairy are also good, but not too much of them should be in your diet as these also contain fat. Fresh fish cooked the healthy way is also contains half the B12, niacin, and selenium which is needed on your diet. You should be drinking around 8 – 10 glasses of water a day, it is not just a source of refreshment, but it will wash out all the nasty, bad toxins that accumulate in your body, also gives your liver a new lease of life.

2. Exercize The second thing you need to do is use that diet and combine it with exercise. Exercise should be unique to you. So depending on what part of your body you want to tome/lose weight on, you should focus on the appropriate exercises. You should be doing around 30 – 40 minutes of moderate exercise a day, which means that you should have an appropriate raised heart rate, and you should be sweating by the end of your workout. You don’t have to do the full workout in one day, you can break it up into sets of 3 or 4, which is perfect if you only have after work, or your lunch break to work out, but remember, you should be sweating! You should seek to do a bit of exercise when-ever you can, for instance: Walk to work, not only is walking a good form of exercise, you are doing your bit for the planet by not driving! If you live too far away from your work place to walk, take the bus and get off a couple of stops early, so you can do some exercise there, also a bit of fresh air in the morning will do you good for your work day ahead.

3. Set Goals for Yourself The third and last thing you need to do is set goals for yourself. Not just goals, but realistic goals! You don’t want to over work yourself and you don’t want to be aiming to lose too much weight in one go as this will lead to serious illness. You should aim to lose between 1 – 2lb’s a week, no more than that. It will get harder to do as you lose more weight, so if you decide to lose more than 2lbs a week, and you don’t reach your target, you will feel as though you are taking a step backwards, and this can lead to you giving up entirely! In the long run, depending on how much you weigh, you should be aiming to lose around 10% of your body weight. If you find that you are not reaching your goals, adjust them, if this doesn’t work, go back to point one, it is more than likely you are going wrong there!

Also read The Fast Metabolism Diet – Click Here

For More Healthy Diet Tips & Tricks Visit

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