Vah Horn Alumni Association - Falcon Newsletter

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The Falcon Legacy

Publication of the Van Horn High School Alumni Association

The Falcon Legacy V o l u m e

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I s s u e


M a y - J u n e

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2012 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED TO LUIS CUELLAR Once again we, as a group of Van Horn Alums, have had the opportunity to award a scholarship to a deserving student. The 2012 Graduating Class boasts numerous worthy young men and women and the decision was as difficult this year as in years past.

Inside this issue:

Letters to the 2 Editor

A Word from 3 our President

Falcon Jam


Days of Yore 6

Events Calendar


Fortunately, we have found in Luis Cuellar a bright, witty and capable young man with great dreams and a real “can-do” attitude. This year’s award winner is so eager to get started on his life after high school that he says staying attentive and motivated these last few weeks of his senior year are about the biggest obstacle of his educational career thus far! Luis was born in Palmero, Florida to parents who emigrated from Mexico. Being from a bi-lingual family has had its advantages. While Luis readily admits that occasionally the nuance of a slang term or analogy will slip by one of his parents, he also declares proudly that his parents have worked hard to be a part of American culture while preserving their own Mexican roots. Luis' mom instilled in him the desire for a higher education and has been a motivator for him to excel in his classes in preparation for college. Shortly after his birth, the family moved to Chicago where Luis . (Continued on page 5)

Board Elections Wednesday, May 16th, elections were held at the regular business meeting for President, Secretary and At-Large Director for the VHHSAA Board. Re-elected were President Jay Fisher (VH ’75) and At-Large Director Marietta Boenker Luis Cuellar flanked by VHHSAA Board mem(VH ’60). Our new Secretary is James ber Marietta Boenker and Jay Fisher, President. Scott (VH ‘82).

The Falcon Legacy


Letters to the Editor Thanks for your kind email. Yes, I will forward the website (information) on (to my classmates). All these years I have kept in touch with two VH friends, both from the class of VH ‘70. I know they would be interested. One is in Dallas and the other in Boston. . .. All of my close VH friends ended up being in the VH classes of ‘70 and ‘71. Those years were, of course, a pinnacle of the “baby boomers” in public schools. My graduation class was over 700 and VH was packed to the max during my years there. I was a good student (we were “tracked” then A (College Prep), B and C. Can you believe they got away with that? So, you had classes with all the same kids from Jr. High on if you were “A” track.

you excelled at that you felt just as a part of the crowd as the best jocks/athletes. Very cool. Other sometimes tragic aspects of those years (‘68’72) was the era — Vietnam, protests, MLK and RFK assignations, riots in KC as well as all over the country. The start of my sophomore year in ‘69 there was a strict dress code at VH. I never wore blue jeans to school at all. Shirts tucked in. No slacks or pant suits allowed for women students or faculty. If the dress/ skirt was too short (they used to measure them with rulers) — sent home! No long hair for guys. Well, that late spring of 1970 the VH protests began. A couple of young women teachers wore slacks/ pantsuits to school in protest. Student protests followed. I remember a meeting after school with the administration. Dress code gone. The next year I had hair down to my shoulders and bell bottom jeans. LOL But most everyone did. Even the “good kids”. Ah, well, thanks for prompting “memory lane”.

I was in the Theater/Thespian crowd, Music, Pioneer paper staff, French Club, was Best Actor on the senior ballot, etc. (was fun to see the picture of Bob Klamm Best regards, and the “Little Theater” dedication). Of course, the wonderful thing about VH in those days was that it Richard “Rich” Kaler (VH‘72) had such outstanding theater and music programs. If Dear Editor: I received an email today from Nor Nelson (VH'61) in which a very remarkable achievement was described. On May 15th, 2012, local golfer Wes Bolyard (VH’61) beat the odds of 67 million to one. Those are the odds according to Golf for one player making two holes-in-one in the same round. While playing at Longbow Golf Club in Mesa, AZ, Wes aced the third hole (129 yards) and then did it again on hole eleven (115 yards). He said “It was interesting because I used the same club, a Ping i15 Gap Wedge, but the wind was different for each shot”. This brings his total number of aces to seven. Wes has served for nine years as the Volunteer Coor-

dinator for the Winn Grips Heather Farr Classic, an American Junior Golf Association event which is held at the Longbow Golf Club. He probably drew his inspiration from watching the young golfers. He has also volunteered for over 15 years at several golf events in the greater Phoenix area, giving his time back to the game of golf he loves so dearly. Bob Smith, Ph.D. (VH'61) Editor’s note: Wes is a member of the media now, having been a golf writer for the last 12 years. He does golf travel destinations, golf equipment and golf clothing reviews. He has volunteered for the last 15 years doing various professional events, college tournaments and the AJGA event.

The Falcon Legacy


A Word from our President It’s hard to believe that it has already been four years The resurgence of winning athletic programs — since Van Horn High School (as well as its middle including only the second state football berth in and elementary feeder schools) left its previous failing school history (2011), as well as back-to-back Dis(and now unaccredited) urban school district for the trict Championships in girls soccer (2011, 2012), Accredited-with-Distinction Independence School and District. With the May 20 graduation of 133 Falcons The awarding of over $1.3 million in scholarships of the Class of 2012, Van Horn has graduated its first to the Class of 2012, of which over $600,000 will class whose members spent their entire high school be used by the 2012 class over the next four years. career as part of the Independence district. The value of Van Horn’s new management is reflected in the We expect many graduates of the Class of 2012 will accomplishments of the Class of 2012, including: join the Van Horn Alumni Association. If you haveTest scores which compare comparably with (and n’t already joined, so should you! And if you are an in some cases, surpass) those of suburban Kansas Association Member (thank you for your support!), encourage your fellow Falcon grads to join you as City area high schools, Members. Skyrocketing graduation rates, as well as percentIn just three years (during which we became a 501(c) ages of students attending college, (3) not-for-profit), we have awarded $4,000.00 in (continued on page 4)


Every Sunday a small group of Van Horn Alumni musicians host an open “jam” at RG’s Lounge at 9100 East 35th Street in Independence. On the second Saturday of each month, Van Horn Alumni have also been meeting at RG’s Lounge. The “jam “ hosts thought it would be fun to put the two gatherings together. On September 8th during the Van Horn Alumni gathering at RG’s Lounge, the Sunday “jam” group will be hosting the first FALCON JAM. There are a lot of musicians from Van Horn and we have been approached by many of them wanting to get together to play with other Van Horn musicians. So, this will be a great opportunity to catch up with more Van Horn alumni and listen/play some great music with other Falcons.


If it is a success, we will continue to have music each month with some sort of tie to Van Horn High School. There may or may not be a JAM each month but we do know that the first one will happen!


September 8th hosts are: Scotty Yates (VH‘69) — Guitar/Vocals Jammin Jan Lamb (VH‘72) - - Keyboards/vocals Rick Eidson (VH‘89) — Bass/vocals and Emcee (We haven’t picked a drummer yet.)




For further information go to Contact: Rick Eidson (VH‘89)


The Falcon Legacy

(President, continued from page 3) scholarship support to Falcon graduates (the latest stipend to 2012 graduate Luis Cuellar), inducted the first nine-person class of the Van Horn Hall of Honor (recognizing Falcon grads and former staff for their adult accomplishments), and assisted with Van Horn class reunions. We want to do even more for Van Horn, for current and future Falcons, and for you — and that’s why we need you! Even if you never attend an Association meeting or event, we hope you will at least be moved by the Association’s mission, and that you will generously support us with your Membership, as well as a portion of your charitable giving.

VHHSAA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE The VHHSAA is pushing to increase our membership to 100 new members in 2012. To date, we have grown by only 13 new members. We have a long way to go to reach our goal!


YES! Many of you will be attending a REUNION this year. Consider talking up your membership and encourage others to join. A representative of VHHSAA (probably Jay Fisher) will be present at your reunions with answers to questions and, of One last item — through the end of May, we are still course, membership applications. accepting nominations for 2012 Hall of Honor inductees. So far, our nominees for the 2012 class include a Applications are also available to download from our retired brigadier general, a noted professional musi- website at Bring your classmates cian, a local grocery company executive, a world- into the fold for just $25/annually (or $250 one-time renowned academic oncologist, and a former Van dues for Lifetime membership). Your membership Horn vocal music teacher. There is no limit to the number of persons you may nominate; however, in dues are tax deductable (consult your tax advisor). order for your nomination to be considered, you need Also, don’t forget to keep your dues up to date by to be an Association Member. Applications to nomi- sending your annual renewal by July 1st. nate potential Hall inductees — and to join the AssoWHAT’S IT WORTH? ciation — are available for download at the Association website, Your membership dues help fund Here’s wishing to all Falcons a great summer! our annual Scholarship to a deserving graduate. You will reJay Fisher, VH ‘75 ceive all issues of the Falcon Legacy newsletter. You are entitled to submit nominations to our Hall of Honor. And, you help provide the students at the new Van Horn High School with much needed support since the transition from the Kansas City School District to the Independence School District. Our goal is to get graduation rates to 100%.



The Falcon Legacy (Luis Cuellar—continued from page 1)

went to several grade schools as the family moved often. Each stepping stone brought Luis and his parents closer to their dream of his college education. Over the semester break of his 6th grade year, Luis and his family moved to Kansas City, Kansas. A move to Independence the following year brought Luis into a school district in tumult. Luis is yet another young person who has been given great opportunity as a result of public outcry, support and “The Vote” leading to great improvements in our Independence schools. Luis has worked hard and earned an education which has well prepared him for his college days ahead. You wouldn’t know enough about Luis without knowing about his passions. His favorite part of high school has been being a part of the soccer team. He talks of the team as his family, and knows that soccer has given him many lifelong friends and teamwork skill sets that will serve him in life outside of sports. Like many young men of his age, one of his favorite songs is “Not Afraid” by Eminem. He likes to go to the movies and his current favorite movie is “In Time.” This movie is a futuristic sci-fi flick about a society where people stop aging at 25, but die within a year. The only way to continue to live is to achieve youthful immortality. Luis is already registered to attend Graceland University and will be a part of their soccer team as well. He is planning to have a major in biology or chemistry and wants to go into medicine. Currently, his goal is to be a chiropractor as he has always had a fascination with the spine and its importance to the human body. He has not ruled out becoming an MD where challenges would be larger and more varied. He is definitely a “people” guy and has a desire to work with people, improving the lives of those he comes in contact with. After corresponding with Luis and knowing his drive and determination, I dare say that this line from his favorite song can be his anthem as he moves forward in life. “I’ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt, undoubtedly.” Undoubtedly, indeed. It is with great honor, we present our 2012 VHHSAA scholarship to the future Dr. Luis Cuellar. Editor’s note: Luis graduated Summa Cum Laude (5th in his class), and received additional scholarships from the following: American Legion Tirey J. Post

21; Graceland University (1) President’s Scholarship and (2) Soccer Scholarship. Luis was Varsity Soccer Team Captain and Wrestling Team Captain; Track, Basketball, Army ROTC, Principal’s Honor Roll for 4 years, and in the A+Program. Commander Dennis Mooney of American Legion Tirey J. Post 21 shakes the hand of scholarship recipient, Luis Cuellar

50th HS Reunion He was a widower and she a widow. They had known each other for a number of years being high school classmates and having attended class reunions in the last 20 years without fail. This 50th anniversary of their class, the widower and the widow made a foursome with two other singles. They had a wonderful evening, their spirits high. The widower throwing admiring glances across the table. The widow smiling coyly back at him. Finally, he picked up courage to ask her, "Will you marry me?" After about six seconds of careful consideration, she answered, "Yes, yes I will!" The evening ended on a happy note for the widower. But the next morning he was troubled. Did she say “Yes” or did she say “No?” He couldn't remember. Try as he would, he just could not recall. He went over the conversation of the previous evening, but his mind was blank. He remembered asking the question but for the life of him could not recall her response. With fear and trepidation he picked up the phone and called her. First, he explained that he couldn't remember as well as he used to. Then he reviewed the past evening. As he gained a little more courage he then inquired of her. "When I asked if you would marry me, did you say “Yes” or did you say “No?” "Why you silly man I said, ‘Yes. Yes I will.’ And I meant it with all my heart." The widower was delighted. He felt his heart skip a beat. Then she continued. "And I am so glad you called because I couldn't remember who asked me!”

The Falcon Legacy


Events Calendar

The Van Horn High School Alumni Association

June 8-9 June 20 Sept


Phone: 816-914-6490 (Jay Fisher)

Sept Sept

9 15




P.O. Box 520172, Independence,

MO 64052

VHHSAA Board Members President Vice President Secretary Treasurer At-Large Dir.

Jay Fisher (VH‘75) Nancy Mills Ehrlich (VH‘56) James Scott (VH‘82) Lisa Hay Renshaw (VH‘76) Marietta Wilson Boenker (VH‘60)

To submit articles, news or comments to the Falcon Legacy, write to

From Days of Yore Photo from 1974 when the Independence Center first opened. What were the three major department stores then? Submit your answers to

Class of 1962 50th Reunion VHHSAA Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Mid-Continent Library, 24 Hwy. Hall of Honor Celebration, 5:00 p.m. Little Theater, VHHS VH Jam at RG’s (See story on page 3) Class of 1972 40th Reunion

VHHSAA Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Alumni Room, VHHS Sept 21 Van Horn Homecoming Parade, Englewood Sept 22 Van Horn Homecoming Game Oct 12-13 Classes of 1955-61 Reunion, “Van Horn Had A Dream”





VHHSAA Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Alumni Room, VHHS VHHSAA Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Alumni Room, VHHS

ATTENTION ANNUAL MEMBERS DUES FOR 2012-13 ARE DUE BY JULY 1, 2012 Please remit your annual dues of $25 to: VHHSAA, P.O. Box 520712 Independence, MO 64052 Our fiscal year begins July 1 of each year. If you have not paid your annual dues for 2011-12, you may send them in one check for both years marking in the memo space that you are paying for 20112013. Members not in good standing will be dropped from membership. Having trouble remembering to pay your dues? Become a Life-time Member and pay just a one-time $250 membership.

Answer from last issue: This is the Fall 1981 Football team. First correct answer was from James Scott (VH’82).

VHHSAA meets the 3rd Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. every month. For locations, please review sites on calendar above.

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