CCRE Contributions 1972-2012

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CCRE Contributions – 1972-2012 Abed-Navandi, D., and P.C. Dworschak. 2005. Food sources of tropical thalassinidean shrimps: A stable-isotope study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 291: 159-168. Achatz, J. G., M.D. Hooge and S. Tyler. 2007. Convolutidae (Acoela) from Belize. Zootaxa 1479: 35-66. Acosta, C. A., and M.J. Butler. 1997. Role mangrove habitat as a nursery for juvenile spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, in Belize. Marine Freshwater Research 48: 721-727. Acosta, C. A. 1999. Benthic dispersal of Caribbean spiny lobsters among insular habitats: Implications for the conservation of exploited marine species. Conservation Biology 13: 603-612 Adey, W. H., and I.G. Macintyre. 1973. Crustose coralline algae: A re-evaluation in the geological sciences Geological Society of America Bulletin 84: 883-904. Adey, W. H. 1977. Shallow water Holocene bioherms of the Caribbean Sea and West Indies. Pages 21-24. Third International Coral Reef Symposium, 2. Geology, Miami. Alvarez, B., R.W.M. van Soest and K. Rützler. 1998. A revision of Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) of the Central-West Atlantic region. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 598: 1-47. Alvarez, B., R.W.M. van Soest, and K. Rützler. 2002. Svenzea, a new genus of Dictyonellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) from tropical reef environments, with description of two new species. Contributions to Zoology 71: 171-176. Ambler, J., F. Ferrari and J. Fornshell. 1991. Population structure and swarm formation of the cyclopoid copepod Dioithona oculata near mangrove cays. Journal of Plankton Research 13: 1257-1272. Ambler, J., F. Ferrari, J. Fornshell and E. Buskey. 1999. Diel cycles of molting, mating, egg sac production and hatching in the swarm forming cyclopoid copepod Dioithona oculata Plankton Biology and Ecology 46: 120-127. Ambler, J. W., J. Alcala-Herrera and R. Burke. 1994. Trophic roles of particle feeders and detritus in mangrove island prop root exosystem. Hydrobiologia 292/293: 437-446. Ambler, J. W., S.A. Broadwater, E.J. Buskey and J.O. Peterson 1996. Mating behavior of Dioithona oculata in swarms. Pages 287-299 in P. H. Lenz, D.K. Hartline, J.E. Purcell and D.L. MacMillan, ed. Zooplankton: Sensory Ecology and Physiology. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Basel Ambler, J. W. 2002. Zooplankton swarms: Characteristics, proximal cues and proposed advantages. Hydrobiologia 480: 155–164. Anker, A., and E. Toth. 2008. A preliminary revision of the Synalpheus paraneptunus Coutiere, 1909 species complex (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). Zootaxa 1915: 1-28. Antonius, A. 1972. Hurricane Laura witnessed in British Honduras. Atoll Research Bulletin 162: 11-12. —. 1972b. Island news and comment. Atoll Research Bulletin 162: 1-25. —. 1981. Coral reef pathology: A review Pages 3-6. Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila.

—. 1981b. The "band" diseases in coral reefs. Pages 7-14. Fourth International Coral Reef Symposium, Manila. Antonius, A., and E. Ballesteros. 1998. Epizoism: A new threat to coral health in Caribbean reefs. Revista de Biología Tropical 46 145-156. Antonius, A. 1998. Some parameters of Indo-Pacific and Caribbean reef-health: Changes over time. International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) - European Meeting. Université de Perpignan, Perpignan, France. —. 1999. Metapeyssonnelia corallepida, a new coral-killing red alga on Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs 18: 301. —. 1999b. Halofolliculina corallasia, a new coral-killing ciliate on Indo-Pacific reefs. Coral Reefs 18: 300. Antonius, A., and D. Lipscomb. 2000. First protozoan coral-killing identified in the Indo-Pacific. Atoll Research Bulletin 481: 1-21. Arnold, S. N. and R.S. Steneck. 2011. Settling into an increasingly hostile world: the rapidly closing ‘recruitment window’ for corals. PloS One6(12):e28681. doi:10.1371/joural.pone.0028681 Aronson, R. B. 1987. Predation on fossil and recent ophiuroids. Paleobiology 13: 187-192. —. 1991. Predation, physical disturbance, and sublethal arm damage in ophiuroids: A Jurassic-Recent comparison. . Marine Ecology Progress Series 74: 91-97. —. 1992. The effects of geography and hurricane disturbance on a tropical predator-prey interaction Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 162: 15-33. Aronson, R. B., P.J. Edmunds, W.F. Precht, D.W. Swanson and D.R. Levitan. 1994. Large-scale, long-term monitoring of Caribbean coral reefs: Simple, quick, inexpensive techniques. Atoll Research Bulletin 421: 1-19. Aronson, R. B., and W.S. Precht. 1995. Landscape patterns of reef coral diversity: A test of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 192: 1-14. Aronson, R. B., and W.F. Precht. 1997. Stasis, biological disturbance, and community structure of a Holocene coral reef. Paleobiology 23: 32-346. Aronson, R. B. 1998. Decadal-scale persistence of predation potential in coral reef communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 172: 53-60. Aronson, R. B., W.F. Precht and I.G. Macintyre. 1998. Extrinsic control of species replacement on a Holocene reef in Belize: The role of coral disease. Coral Reefs 17: 223-230. Aronson, R. B., W.F. Precht, I.G. Macintyre and T.J.T. Murdoch. 2000. Coral bleach-out in Belize. Nature 405: 36. Aronson, R. B., and W.S. Precht. 2001. Applied paleoecology and the crisis on Caribbean coral reefs. Palaios 16: 195-196. Aronson, R. B., and W.F. Precht. 2001b. White-band disease and the changing face of Caribbean coral reefs. Pages 25-38 in R. B. Aronson, ed. The Destruction of Coral Reefs: Geological Perspectives on an Ecological Crisis Hydrobiologia, Springer-Verlag, New York. Aronson, R. B., I. Macintyre, W. Precht, T. Murdoch and C.M. Wapnick. 2002. The expanding scale of species turnover events on coral reefs in Belize. Ecological Monographs 72: 233-249.

Aronson, R. B., W.F. Precht, M.A. Toscano and K.H. Koltes. 2002b. The 1998 bleaching event and its aftermath on a coral reef in Belize. Marine Biology 141: 435-447. Aronson, R. B., I.G. Macintyre, C.M. Wapnick and M.W. O'Neill. 2004. Phase shifts, alternative states, and the unprecedented convergence of two reef systems. Ecology 85: 1876-1891. Aronson, R. B., I.G. Macintyre, S.A. Lewis and N.L. Hilbun. 2005. Emergent zonation and geographic convergence of coral reefs. Ecology 86: 2586-2600. Aronson, R. B., I.G. Macintyre and W.F. Precht. 2005b. Event preservation in lagoonal reef systems. Geology 33: 717–720. Aronson, R. B., and S.P. Ellner. 2007. Species turnover on coral reefs: A probabilistic approach in R. B. Aronson, ed. Geological Approaches to Coral Reef Ecology. Springer-Verlag, New York. Aronson, R. B., I. G. Macintyre, A. M. Moesinger, and W. F. Precht. 2009. History of reef-coral assemblages on the rhomboid shoals of Belize. Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Science Aronson, R.B. and I.G. Macintyre. 2011. Natural and anthropogenic catastrophe on the Belizean Barrier Reef. In Palomares, M.L.D., Pauly, D. (eds.), Too Precious for Oil: the Marine Biodiversity of Belize, pp. 125-128. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 19(6). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia [ISSN 1198-6727]. Aronson, R.B., W.F. Precht, I.G. Macintyre and L.T. Toth. 2012. Catastrophe and the lifespan of coral reefs. Ecology 93(2): 303-313. Baeza, J. A., & C. Piantoni. 2010. Sexual System, Sex Ratio, and Group Living in the Shrimp Thor amboinensis (De Man): Relevance to Resource-Monopolization and Sex-Allocation Theories. Biological Bulletin 219: 151-156. Baeza, J. A., & C. Piantoni. 2010. Sexual System, Sex Ratio, and Group Living in the Shrimp Thor amboinensis (De Man): Relevance to Resource-Monopolization and Sex-Allocation Theories. Biological Bulletin 219: 151-156. Baldwin, C. C., and D.G. Smith. 2003. Larval gobiidae (Teleostei:Perciformes) of Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, Central America. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 639-674. Baldwin, C. C., J.H. Mounts, D.G. Smith, and L.A. Weigt. 2009. Genetic identification and color descriptions of early life history stages of Belizean Phaeoptyx and Astrapogon (Teleostei: Apogonidae) with comments on identification of adult Phaeoptyx. Zootaxa 2008: 1-22. Baldwin, C. C., L. A. Weigt, D. G. Smith, and J. H. Mounts. 2009. Reconciling genetic lineages with species in western Atlantic Coryphopterus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Science 38: 111-138. Baldwin, C., Castillo, C., Weigt, L., Victor, B. 2011. Seven new species within western Atlantic Starksia atlantica, S. lepicoelia, and S. sluiteri (Teleostei, Labrisomidae), with comments on congruence of DNA barcodes and species. ZooKeys 79: 21-72. Doi: 10.3897 / zookeys.79.1045 Baldwin, C.C., B.J.Brito, D.G. Smith, L.A. Weight, and E. Escobar-Briones. 2011. Identification of early life-history stages of Caribbean Apogon (Perciformes: Apogonidae) through DNA Barcoding. Zootaxa 3133: 1-36.

Baldwin, C. C. and L. W. Weigt. 2012. A New Species of Soapfish (Teleostei: Serranidae: Rypticus), with Redescription of R. subbifrenatus and Comments on the Use of DNA Barcoding in Systematic Studies. Copeia: 2012(1): 23-36. Barnard, J. L., and J.D. Thomas. 1987. A new species of Chevalia from the Caribbean sea (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 100: 532-542. —. 1987b. New species of Neomegamphopus from tropical America (Crustacea: Marine Amphipoda) Proceedings, Biological Society of Washington 100: 147-163. —. 1990. Ensayara jumane, a new species from Belize, Caribbean Sea (Amphipoda, Lysianassiade). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 103: 1120-1126. Barnard, L. A., and I.G. Macintyre. 1974. Possible environmental index in tropical reef corals. Nature 252: 219-220. Bartsch, I. 1984. New species of the genus Copidognathus (Halacaridae) from the Caribbean region. Studies of the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands 200: 1-20. Bauer, R. T. 1987. Stomatopod grooming behavior: Functional morphology and amputation experiments in Gondactylus oerstedii. Journal of Crustacean Biology 7: 414-432. Bauer, R. T., and R. VanHoy. 1996. Variation in sexual systems (protandry, gonochorism) and reproductive biology among three species of the shrimp genus Thor (Decapoda: Caridea). Bulletin of Marine Science 59: 53-73. Bauer-Nebelsick, M., M. Blumer, W.l. Urbancik and J.A. Ott. 1995. The glandular sensory organ of Desmoridae (Nematoda) ultrastrucure and phylogenetic implications. . Invertebrate Zoology 114: 211-219. Bauer-Nebelsick, M., C.F. Bardele and J.A. Ott. 1996. Electron microscopic studies on Zoothamnium niveum (Hemprisch & Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, 1838 (Oligohymenophora, Peritrichida), a ciliate with ectosymbiotic, chemoautotrophic bacteria. European Journal of Protistology 32: 18-30. Bauer-Nebelsick, M., C.F. Bardele and J.A. Ott 1996b. Redescription of Zoothamnium niveum (Hemprisch & Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, 1838 (Oligohymenophora, Peritrichida), a ciliate with ectosymbiotic, chemoautotrophic bacteria. European Journal of Protistology 32: 202-215. Best, B. A., and J.E. Winston. 1984. Skeletal strength of encrusting Cheilostome Bryozoans. Biological Bulletin 167: 390-409. Bingham, B. L., and C.M. Young. 1991. Influence of sponges on invertebrate recruitment: A field test of allelopathy. Marine Biology 109: 19-26. Bleidorn, C. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of Orbibniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) based on molecular data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 144: 59–73. Bleidorn, C., and H. Hausen. 2007. Axiothella isocirra, a new species of Maldanidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Belize. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 120: 49-55. Bochdansky, A. L. H. 2010. Re-evaluation of the EUK516 probe for the domain eukarya results in a suitable probe for the detection of kinetoplastids, an important group of parasitic and free-living flagellates. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 57(3):229-35.

Boles, E. 1988. Bibliography of environmental sciences literature on Belize. Raymond, Mississippi. Boury-Esnault, N., and K. Rützler. 1997. Thesaurus of sponge morphology. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Boxshall, G. A., and R. Huys. 1994. Asterocheres reginae, a new species of parasitic copepod (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from a sponge in Belize. . Systematic Parasitology 27: 19-33. Brandt, C. A. 1984. Age and hunting success in the brown pelican: Influences of skill and patch choice on foraging efficiency. Oecologia 62: 132-137. Bretschko, G. 1982. Pontomya Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae), a member +C112 of the coral reef community at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Pages 381-386 in K. Rützler, and I. G. Macintyre, ed. The Atlantic barrier ecosystems at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, I: Structure and Communities. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Bright, M. 2002. Life strategies of tiotrophic ectosymbioses. Pages 19-32 in M. Bright, P.C. Dworschak and M. Stachowitsch, ed. The Vienna School of Marine Biology: A Tribute to Joerg Ott, Facultas Uiversitatsverlag, Wien. Browne, W. E. 2004. Molecular genetic and developmental studies on malacostracan Crustacea. Atoll Research Bulletin 522: 1-21. Bucher, K. E., and J.N. Norris. 1995. Marine algae new to Lesser Antilles, including Mazoyerella kraftii sp. nov. (Ceranuales, Rhodophyta). Caribbean Journal of Science 31: 1-24. Budaeva, N., and K. Fauchald. 2008. Diopatra tuberculantennata, a new species of Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from Belize with a key to onuphids from the Caribbean Sea. Zootaxa 1795: 29-45. Bulgheresi, S., I. Schabussova, T. Chen, N.P. Mullin, R.M. Maizels and J.A. Ott. 2006. A new C-type lectin similar to the human immunoreceptor DC-SIGN mediates symbiont acquisition by a marine nematode. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 2950–2956. Bulgheresi, S., H.R. Gruber-Vodicka, N.R. Heindl, U. Dirks, M. Kostadinova, H. Breiteneder, J.A. Ott. 2011. Sequence variability of the pattern recognition receptor Mermaid mediates specificity of marine nematode symbioses. The IMSE Journal 5: 986-989.

Burke, R. 1982. Reconnaissance study of the geomorphology and benthic communities of the outer barrier reef platform, Belize. Pages 509-526 in K. Rützler, and I.G. Macintyre ed. The Atlantic barrier ecosystems at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, I: Structure and Communities. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Burnham, R. 1990. Paleobotanical implication of drifted seeds and fruits from modern mangrove litter, Twin Cays, Belize. Palaios 5: 364-370.

Buskey, E. J., J.O. Peterson and J.W. Ambler. 1995. The role of photoreception in the swarming behavior of the copepod Dioithona oculata. Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology 26: 273-285. Buskey, E. J., and J.O. Peterson. 1996. The swarming behavior of the copepod Dioithona oculata: In situ and laboratory studies. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 513-521. Buskey, E. J. 1998. Energetic cost of position-holding behavior in the planktonic mysid Mysidium columbiae Marine Ecology Progress Series 172: 139-147.

—. 1998b. Energetic costs of swarming behavior for the copepod Dioithona oculata. Marine Biology 130: 425-431. —. 2000. Role of vision in the aggregative behavior of the panktonic mysid Mysidium columbiae. Marine Biology 137: 257-265. Buskey, E. J., C.J. Hyatt and C.L. Speekmann. 2004. Trophic interactions within the planktonic food web in mangrove channels of Twin Cays, Belize, Central America. Atoll Research Bulletin 529: 1-22. Byrne, M., and G. Hendler. 1987. Arm structures of the ophiomyxid brittlestars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiomyxidae). . Pages 687-695 in R. D. Burke, et al. , ed. 6th International Echinoderms Conference, Canada. Byrne, M. 1988. Evidence for endocytotic incorporation of nutrients from the haemal sinus by the oocytes of the brittlestar Ophiolepus paucispina. . Pages 557-563 in R. D. Burke, et al. , ed. 6th International Echinoderms Conference, Canada. —. 1991. Reproduction, development, and population biology of the Caribbean ophiuroid Ophionereis olivacea a protandic hermaphrodite that broods its young. . Marine Biology 111: 387-399. Cadena, N. J., C. Rey, M. Hernández-Hoyos, J. D. Sánchez, S. Teillaud, N. Ardila, J. A. Sánchez. 2009. Linking local to global properties in branching modular networks: gorgonian coral colonies. Marine Biology 157(5): 1003-1010. Cairns, S. D. 1982. Stony corals (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Scleractinia) of Carrie Bow Cay, Belize. Pages 271-302 in K. Rützler, and I.G. Macintyre ed. The Atlantic Barrier Ecosystems at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, I: Structure and Communities. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. Calder, D. R. 1988. Turritopsoides brehmeri, a new genus and species of Athecate from Belize. (Hydrozoa, Clavidae) Proceedings, Biological Society of Washington 101: 229-233. —. 1991. Abundance and distribution of hydroids in a mangrove ecosystem at Twin Cays, Belize, Central America. Hydrobiologia 216/217: 221-228. —. 1991b. Associations between hydroid species assemblages and substrate types in the mangal Twin Cays, Belize. . Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 2067-2075. —. 1991c. Vertical zonation of the hydroid Dynamena crisioides (Hydrozoa, Sertulariidae) in a mangrove ecosystem at Twin Cays, Belize. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69: 2993-2999. Calem, J. A., and J.W. Pierce. 1993. Distributional control of seagrasses by light availability, Twin Cays, Belize, Central America. Atoll Research Bulletin 387: 1-13. Cameron, C. C., and C.A. Palmer. 1995. The mangrove peat of the Tobacco Range Islands, Belize Barrier Reef, Central America. Atoll Res. Bull. 431. Campbell, J., P. Inderbitzin, J. Kohlmeyer, and B. Volkmann-Kohlmeyer. 2009. Koralionastetales, a new order of marine Ascomycota in the Sordariomycetes. Mycol. Research 113(3): 373-380. Cerrano, C., M. Pansini, L. Valisano, B. Calcinai, M. Sará and G. Bavestrello. 2004. Lagoon sponges from Carrie Bow Cay (Belize): Ecological benefits of selective sediment incorporation. Pages 239-252 in M. Pansini, R. Pronzato, G. Bavestrello and R. Manconi, ed. Sponge Science in the New Millennium. Officine Grafiche Canessa, Rapallo, Genova.

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