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The Healing Realities of Merging Mental Health and Spirituality: Because Good Mental Health is The Birthright of Everyone in The Global Village
accordingly and maintain a healthy state of wellbeing. The result of such a move would be the attainment and affirmation of a “wisdom set” which goes beyond present day realities and catapults you into a space in which “foolish things” are neither welcomed nor tolerated. Sense and sensibility kicks in and is displayed in every facet of your being as you are transformed to live, speak, Rule and Reign on behalf of your Father and His Heavenly Kingdom. Thus, during periods of Psychological Turbulence and Manufactured Chaos, you do have the ability to move forward, stay focused, heal yourself with His word. It’s about breaking the prisoner mentality while meditating on His Truth which admonishes you to be anxious for nothing and guard your heart and mind with those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. This will help to build your self-esteem.
Showing up with your scars and owning those emotions that get in the way of your authenticity can change your narrative. He gave you power and authority to renew your mind and be transformed. What is hidden and held in the prison of your soul may not be understood in its entirety, but you must trust Him because you’re coming out as pure Gold; Your Mental Health Matters to Him.
When you were created, it is written that you were “very good.” Taking care of your business requires that you stop, reflect, and reorient yourself to this Truth. Moving from where you are to where you ought to be, requires that you endure a process that is meant to transform and not destroy you.
This process is meant to prepare you to successfully complete your Divine assignment. As a result of this, there may be childhood and other experiences that were very traumatic to your overall health and wellness, the likes of which were kept hidden when they should have been addressed. You may be undergoing current situations of gender abuse at home, in the workplace, at church and other venues. Yet your Creator remains constant with His promise to strengthen, establish, secure, and heal you. Why? Because your story may very well be the healing salve that’s required to bring about restoration and deliverance to others… Beloved you must know that forgiveness plays a significant role in a transformed life. See the Savior as a prototype of what forgiveness looks and sounds like. Do it for you and for others. This is where compassion envelopes you as you envision yourself walking in the shoes of the offender. It’s about Him and not you. You can do this, Yes, you can!
Seeking help from the local place of worship is often the first line of defense for some people. For others, their place of employment or personal references are some of the ways in which help is sought. You may need to go through this process to become your authentic self and there is no stigma, no shame, and no blame associated with this decision. Remember this: Showing up emotionally well is essential for the fulfillment of your Divine purpose here on Earth.
“Mental Health Balance – breaking the stigma you no longer have to suffer in silence; especially our faith-based community and population.” Nouchelle