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Orlando International Trade and Cultural - EXPO 2023
Our vision is to welcome new businesses, expand global sales, foster collaboration, and build strong connections while providing essential tools and resources for those aspiring to live and work in the vibrant heart of Central Florida.
At OITC-Expo, you will have the privilege of engaging with a diverse array of local and international companies, connecting with key leaders, industry experts, and attendees from around the world, centered on international trade, foreign direct investment, and culture. Learn more about Florida's cities, with their substantial purchasing power and unmet commercial needs, as these burgeoning markets have become prime targets for businesses seeking new opportunities
This event is expected to attract an estimated attendance of 600 people, offering networking and business expansion opportunities.TheOITC-ExpoTeamispassionatelyworkingto showcase the multicultural essence of Florida and the global tradepotentialitpossesses.Itistimetoelevatebusinessestothe next level and bring them to this dynamic region, all while celebrating the diverse food and cultural elements that enrich ourcommunity.
• Promote Florida Redevelopment: community redevelopment, including health and education, cleanupofcontaminatedproperties.
• WorldExpoShowcasingDoingBusinesswithother Countries-Anextraordinaryopportunitytoexplore andfosterbusinessrelationshipswithrepresentatives fromnumerouscountries.
• The future of Health through Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Natural health practices, Mental Health in the workplace, Juvenile Intervention programs, Early detection, Healthcare counseling, FREE programs,AARPMembership.
• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program - An informative session on federal funding for housing and community development activities, offering communities a chance to secure fundingfortransformativeprojects.
• CulturalTourismandthelocal,internationalimpact oncommunitydevelopmentandeconomicgrowth.