6 minute read
Asian American Month Celebrations

Asian American Heritage Month is an annual celebration in the United States that takes place in May. It is a time to honor and recognize the contributions, achievements, and rich cultural heritage of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in the country. This month-long celebration provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the diverse histories, cultures, and experiences of the AAPI community, while also promoting understanding and appreciation of their contributions to American society.
Asian American Heritage Month originated from a week-long commemoration in 1977 when Congress introduced a resolution to honor the first Japanese immigrants who arrived in the United States on May 7, 1843. The celebration expanded to a monthlong observance in 1990 when President George H. W. Bush signed a bill designating May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
Throughout Asian American Heritage Month, various events and activities are held to highlight the achievements and contributions of Asian Americans. These events include cultural performances, art exhibitions, film screenings, workshops, lectures, and panel discussions that showcase the diversity and richness of Asian American history and culture. It is also a time to recognize and honor notable Asian American figures who have made significant contributions in various fields, such as arts, sciences, politics, business, and activism.
Asian American Heritage Month serves as an opportunity to address issues facing the AAPI community and promote inclusivity. It provides a platform for dialogue, education, and advocacy on matters such as racial discrimination, immigration, social justice, and cultural representation. It is a time to promote unity, celebrate diversity, and foster understanding among all communities.
The celebration of Asian American Heritage Month holds great significance in today's multicultural society. It highlights the importance of acknowledging the experiences and contributions of Asian Americans, who have played a significant role in shaping the history and fabric of the United States. It promotes a sense of belonging and pride among Asian Americans, validating their identities and narratives. It also encourages cross-cultural exchange, fostering mutual respect and appreciation among different communities.
Asian American Heritage Month is not only a time to celebrate achievements but also an opportunity to address ongoing challenges. It helps shed light on issues such as xenophobia, racism, and discrimination that Asian Americans continue to face. By raising awareness and promoting understanding, it seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.
Asian American Heritage Month serves as a significant celebration to honor the diverse contributions, achievements, and cultural heritage of Asian Americans. It provides a platform to educate, raise awareness, and promote understanding and appreciation for the AAPI community. By recognizing their history, culture, and achievements, the celebration fosters a sense of pride, belonging, and unity. It also encourages dialogue and advocacy on important issues impacting Asian Americans, aiming to create a more inclusive and equitable society.
ApostleDr.S.ReginaPierreRobertson NewDimensionsGlobal
Have you ever heard it said that forgiveness is not about others, it is about you. This statement is true. Nevertheless, in its totality, it cannot be envisioned or understood to the fullest, if we negate the inclusion of culture, race, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, cultural norms, and mores which changes from time to time, and from place to place. Individually or collectively, these variables have the propensity to cloud our vision and decision-making capabilities as they are constantly impinging on His Truth about what forgiveness is and is not. Yet, the authenticity, veracity, and implications of what forgiveness really entails can only be understood in its entirety when placed within its proper context, which is this; Forgiveness in the eyes of your Creator is a constant, His Word is immutable, and does not change irrespective of the circumstances you have had to encounter. This reality is laid at your feet because of a reasonable, yet deeply profound question asked by the Disciple Peter, “Lord how many times must I forgive anyone who comes against me? Up to seventy times?” Peter posed the question, then added what he believed to be a reasonable answer. But Peter was given a reply, which on the surface appeared to be an insurmountable feat, an impossible undertaking, one loaded with that which was meant to convey an indelible truth to you and I about “loving your brother as you say you love your Creator” Thus, the answer came, “No Peter, up to seventy times seven in one day,” thus alluding to His Eternal Truth that each day brings with it a new start to the count of forgiveness; yesterday’s count cannot be rolled over into today’s count.
Having understood this, we are therefore brought to a new dimension of enlightenment about the genesis of His expectations of us, which is this, “True Forgiveness occurs when those emotions of unforgiveness are changed to warm, loving, compassion, caring, altruistic emotions resulting from a heartfelt transformation. Forgiveness is both an act and a process” (Everette Worthington Jr. Care and Counsel Bible, 2001). Thus, the power of this process rest in the love and compassion we demonstrate toward each other. Indeed, The Power Is in The Love.
As you pursue this journey to apprehend your Divine Destiny, it is important to note that forgiveness has a flip side whose name is unforgiveness. So, what is unforgiveness about. Again, Worthington Jr. (2001) schools us on this truth, that “Unforgiveness is a set of delayed emotions that consists of resentment, bitterness, hatred, hostility, anger, and fear. These emotions arise in a person because of a transgression that has wounded them psychologically or physically.” And, though the writer reminds us that the emotions of anger and fear are not to be linked to unforgiveness, we are to be cognizant of the fact that where there is constant mental repetition of these emotions, where you find it difficult to release yourself or others for an “offense” this has the potential to eventually lead to unforgiveness.
Keeping this in mind; have you ever been told, or said to someone, “It's Ok, I forgive you.” Sounds easy does it not. But it is easier said than done, for It takes courage to forgive others and yourself.
Forgiveness is not an overnight feat or accomplishment. Or have you ever said or been told, “I’ll never forgive you.” Words that are repeated because of the depth and intensity of the pain, shame, and stigma emanating from the crucibles of your soul. Therefore, a deliberate decision is made not to address the “why” of an offense. This decision creates a perfect storm for the accumulation and accommodation of a plethora of erroneous information. Thus, a scenario is now set to take you down a road of self-depreciation and self-doubt with all the implications that are tied to becoming overwhelmed by the issues and circumstances of life, meanwhile nurturing a mindset that is counter productive to your reason for being on this earth.
Understanding these occurrences, leads to a conscious awakening which brings you to the realization that the process of becoming your authentic self is uniquely tied to the mission you were sent to accomplish on behalf of the One who created you. Once it is understood that being here was never about you, your focus changes and it becomes evident that a shift, a transformation is required to move you from your current psychological place of abode. It takes a new mindset to catapult you “there” to embrace His truth that the time is now, if ever, to embrace new learning, unlearn erroneous information, and relearn about the power that lies within the process of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is about going to a new dimension in your spirit to unlock and release the chains of unforgiveness which have kept your soul in prison. A place where negative emotions have held you captive because of your inability or unwillingness to let go of past and present incidents and accidents; where your mind, will, emotions and your body can only be released when you make an intentional and free will decision to forgive others, and most importantly, yourself. Suffice it to say that Forgiveness is the panacea, the treatment modality for learning new ways of letting go and letting God take care of instances of those things which you have allowed to hold you hostage. A stumbling block to your forward move and progress in life.
Whatever your stumbling block is, you must be prepared to embrace the courage and strength to recognize, categorize, and address the problem. Wherever it is planted it must be uprooted and destroyed through forgiveness. Even when you have experienced mental, physical, psychological, financial, and even spiritual abuse, be willing to admit that Your Divine Purpose and Destiny is incumbent upon your brevity to seek the support, that is needed to be free in every aspect of your being. If you have convinced yourself that you are unable to do so independently, know that you are not alone. You are never alone.
Let nothing deter you form seeking, accepting, and embracing the keys to unlocking your Divine Destiny. Forgiveness is Life Changing. It Belongs to You. Embrace It.