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Regarding fishing in St. Croix, Carlos believe that “the way fishers fish on St. Croix is sustainable, and the fishers or at least most of them are aware of the importance of maintaining fish stocks to a level that would not create an overfishing issue since the St Croix fishers have always had this mantra of taking only what they believe would be sold that day because there is always tomorrow to fish again”.

Carlos has been a member of the CFMC for the past 11 years and served as Chairman for 7 years. He is also the Secretary for the St Croix Fishery Advisory Committee for the St Croix District; he has been working with this committee for approximately 45 years.

“I believe that the fishers and their participation in managing the fishery is a very important component in assuring that we maintain a healthy and sustainable fishery for the future generation of fishers,” Carlos reaffirmed.

*The CFMC acknowledges Carlos Farchette for the interview and the information and pictures provided

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