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CMU’S LOGO, CREST AND COLOURS Three distinguishable features of the Caribbean Maritime Three distinguishable features of the Caribbean Maritime University are University areCMU’s LOGO its logo crestandits logo, crest and colours. colours THE CMU CREST The CMU Crest
The Crest is one of the most important The logo is the main mark used for the identification of the University features of the CMU and is to be used on the letterheads, brand It embraces branded materials and majority of the University printed and electronspeci ic elements ically transmitted communications. that represent the The logo is comprised of three (3) CMU The of icial crest symbolises the maritime and specialised nature of the University The crest comprises of two dolphins two corals an anchor a map oftheCaribbeanandahelm The Dolphins: The dolphins signify the The Crest is one of the most important features of the CMU brand. It embraces specific elements that represent the CMU. The official crest symbolises the maritime and specialised nature of the University. The crest comprises of: two dolphins, two corals, an anchor, a map of the Caribbean and a helm. parts; the bold letters C, M and U (in navy blue), the name of the institution – Caribbean Maritime University (in maroon) and an image of a ship with three impressions of waves underneath it. The ship signifies the specialized nature of the university, as a maritime university, and represents the constant mobility of the institution, as one that has continuprosperity of the university The university was initially established as a training institutionin1980 sincethenit has grown and lourished into the universityweallknowtoday The Coral: This represents maritime The Dolphins: The dolphins signify the prosperity of the university. The university was initially established as a training institution in 1980, since then it has grown and flourished into the university we all know today. The Coral: This represents maritime importance and functionality. The corals function as a habitat for varously progressed over the years, and one that is always finding new and innovative ways to maintain its vision of being a maritime university of choice for global leaders. The ship also signifies the university’s vast connections with other international maritime entities, and other global universities. Navy Blue: Navy blue denotes the specialized nature of the university and represents trust, confidence and importanceandfunctionality Thecoralious aquatic animals, which speaks to CMU’s capability to act as habitat CMU’s Colours s wisdom. function as ahabitatand asylum by culturing and nurtur- forvariousaquatic The university has three official coanimals which s ing a vast number of students who possess diverse backgrounds and peaks to CMU s lours: burgundy, white and navy blue. capability to act as culture. The ship’s wheel/helm: This inhabitat Burgundy:and asylum Burgundy denotes honby culturing and nurturing a vast number of students who possess dicates the direction and focus of CMU and its students. our and discipline, for which the university is known for and upholds. diversebackgrounds The map of the Caribbean: The map signifies our focus of service andculture White: White denotes the untapped waters in line with the university’s and human resource development. overarching blue ocean strategy and 4 The ship’s wheel/helm: This indicates the direction and focus of CMU and its Anchor: This symbolizes being grounded represents light and goodness. students
The logo is the main marku identi ication of the Universi be used on the letterhead materials and majority ofthe printed and electronically communications The logo is comprised of parts the bold letters C M navy blue) the nameofthei Caribbean Maritime Univ maroon) and an image of a three impressions of wavesu it The ship signi ies thespecial of the university as a university and represents th mobility of the institution a has continuously progresse years and one that is alwa newand innovative waysto vision of being a maritime u choice for global leaders Th signi ies the universit connections with other in maritime entities and oth universities
By Chantal Wilson