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Full Plus Chemicals
Pre-winterizing inspection Blow out plumbing lines Insert return line plugs and skimmer gizzmo(s) Rinse D.E. grids or cartridges with garden hose or drain sand filters • Remove ladders/handrails • Add BioGuard® winterizing chemicals (Winter shock, Winter algaecide treatment) – Addl. $100.00 for Softswim® • Install winter cover
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Economy Plus Chemicals
Pre-winterizing inspection Blow out plumbing lines Insert return line plugs and skimmer gizzmo Rinse D.E. grids or cartridges with garden hose or drain sand filters • Remove ladders/handrails from safety and water bag cover pools • Add BioGuard® winterizing chemicals – Additional $100.00 for Softswim®
Blow ‘N’ Go
• Pre-winterizing inspection • Blow out plumbing lines and skimmers • Insert return line plugs and skimmer gizzmo
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Pre-winterizing inspection Drain spa Blow out plumbing lines and skimmers Install winter plugs if necessary
Autocover Pest Deterrent
Developed for autocover owners that have problems with pests nesting and chewing on cover components during the winter months. We will add 2 bags (mothballs in nylon hose) to autocover box to help deter unwanted guests. Two bags are included. This option is a deterrent, not a guarantee.
Will treat filter grids or cartridges with BioGuard® Kleen It® spray (not available for Blo ‘N’ Go Closings or customers with sand filters).
Phosphate/Enzyme Treatment
We will apply phosphate/enzyme treatment to help reduce chlorine demands and treat scum lines. Combo price for both services
Make your reservation today! Schererville Store: Phone: (219) 322-8550 (800) 589-7665 Fax: (219) 865-0049
Valparaiso Store: Phone: (219) 299-2997 Fax: (219) 707-5795
Orland Store: Phone: (708) 479-5900 Fax: (708) 479-5333
Please have your credit card ready to reserve your space on our closing schedule. We can not guarantee first stop, last stop, etc.You can however, call the morning of your closing (after 8:00 AM) for an estimated time. Closings must be paid in full at least 48 hours prior to the closing. There will be an additional charge for Caribbean Pools, Inc. to return to close any pool not prepared for closing or if the cover is on the pool when we close. The above pricing is valid thru 11/1/13. After this date, each closing is increased by $100.00. Caribbean Pools, Inc. will not winterize cabanas, showers, etc. Pricing is residential only. Chemicals added at closing will not guarantee a clear pool upon opening in the spring.
Pool Closings as low as $285.00! 36 E US 30 Schererville, IN 46375
Customers please complete the following checklist prior to the day of closing: ❑ Balance all chemicals: free chlorine, pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and remove metals. ❑ Keep pool/spa equipment running if outside temperature drops below 40°F to prevent freeze damage. ❑ Have garden hose outside and have water turned on. ❑ Have power to the equipment. ❑ Have all other supplies such as plugs and gizzmos together with the winter cover. ❑ Do not install winter cover before the pool is winterized. ❑ Remove auto cleaner and store as per directions in owners manual. ❑ Remove solar cover. ❑ If applicable, have winter cover and water bags outside near the pool/spa area. ❑ Throw out any used chlorinator cartridges. ❑ Make sure water is pumped off auto covers. ❑ Pools with tile at water line must be drained 1 ft. below bottom of tile. Suggestions that may better your chance of a clearer pool upon opening 2014: ❑ Periodically check water level and water clarity through winter and spring (especially with autocovers). ❑ Kill all algae if present. ❑ Thoroughly brush all walls, stairs, and bottom of pool/spa. ❑ Vacuum out all debris and remove all leaves. ❑ Clean out all pump and skimmer baskets. ❑ Keep water at normal operating level, unless tiled ❑ Bring sample to one of our locations to check for proper water chemistry. ❑ Keep water pumped off covers. Caribbean Pools, Inc. closing pricing does not include:
• Any needed repairs or problems with equipment found at the time of closing or repairs needed to replace cut plumbing lines needed to ensure that the lines are sealed properly. • Any leaf removal/vacuuming at the time of closing.
• Any parts required at closing.
• Any chemical cleaning of earth, cartridge or sand filters, unless a chemical Kleen'em is selected for earth or cartridge filters.
Home owners are responsible for:
• Completing checklist. (PRIOR TO CARIBBEAN POOLS ARRIVAL)
• Calling in the Spring to schedule any repairs noted at the time of closing.
Caribbean Pools, Inc. warrants its work to be free of freeze damage to equipment and plumbing above ground only. I, ______________________________ have read the previous statement and understand that all underground plumbing is not warrantable.
Signature ____________________________________________ Date _________
Scan with your smart phone for more info.