Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Royal Train stops at Lamont County (1978) The Royal Train pulled up to the station at Lamont on the afternoon of August 2, 1978 and out stepped Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to hundreds of adoring subjects of the Commonwealth. The crowd cheered and stared in amazement as the Queen was greeted by Mayor and Mrs. Andrais. They in turn introduced her to town dignitaries and officials. On behalf of the citizens of Lamont, the Royal Couple was presented a community greeting card and bouquet of flowers.
The town guest book was signed and Queen Elizabeth even took some time out of her busy tour to great members of the adoring crowd. Lamont was her fourth stop that day, as her Royal rail tour began in Vegreville where she was met at the airport by MLA and Mrs. John Batiuk at the
airport. The Royal Couple were escorted to the Pysanka where a mob of people awaited their arrival. Among the dignitaries travelling on the Royal train tour of Lamont county were Premier Peter Lougheed, and Dr. Horner. The Royal train stopped in Mundare, Chipman, Lamont and Bruderheim that day.
Canada becomes a nation
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Canada became a nation, the Dominion of Canada, in 1867. Before that, British North America was made up of a few provinces, the vast area of Rupert’s Land (privately owned by the Hudson’s Bay Company),
and the North-Western Territory. By 1864, many leaders felt that it would be good to join into one country. Known as the Fathers of Confederation, these leaders met and wrote a constitution for the new country, which had to be passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Once passed, it became known as the British North America Act, or the BNA Act. This Act brought together the three provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada (which became the provinces of Ontario and Quebec). The BNA Act described the structure and main laws of the new country, as well as the division of powers between the new provinces and the federal government. There has been a semblance of democracy in Canada since the mid1300s. The Iroquois
Confederacy in Canada was likely the first democracy in North America.
Canada’s first Prime Minister Sir. John A. Macdonald
Spirit of the West The Lamont Gazette (1919) The spirit of the west has
been well illustrated these last few days in the region of Lamont when the farmers began to help out Mr. J. Campbell in his seeding. As will be remembered, Mr. Campbell lost 10 horses and barn as well as considerable equipment in a mysterious fire two weeks ago. He had plenty of horses, but none ready to go to work and he did not see how he was going to get his crop in this spring. Well, the neighbours sensed the difficulty and one day 17 teams arrived to work on the land, the next day four more came and put in a full day's seeding etc. Sixty four acres were done in one day and such neighbourliness is magnificent to behold. We hear a lot about dollar hunting but these fine things are happening all over the west and we do not hear enough about them.
2 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Special Canada 150 edition, Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Canada’s centennial celebration included Expo ’67 Celebrations, activities and events of all kinds were held across Canada in 1967 to mark the 100th anniversary of Confederation, and promote the country’s achievements, history and cultural heritage. The federal Centennial Commission funded thousands of special events and activities, such as the Centennial Train and Caravans, the Centennial
Medal, and numerous music and sporting events across the nation. A focus of Centennial Year was the immensely successful Expo 67 World’s Fair in Montréal, which was visited by 50 million people. In addition, provinces, municipalities, businesses and individuals undertook thousands of events that contributed to a national mood of excitement and
Montreal 1967
Canadian Northern Railway built through Mundare (Memories of Mundare) The Canadian Northern Railway was built through Mundare in 1906. The surrounding countryside was sparsely inhabited; but it did not take long after the memorable date for settlers from many parts of Europe to arrive by passenger train, by team and wagon, and on foot looking for homestead land,” wrote Byron Moore. ”In the final reckoning, however, it is not buildings or businesses or railways that give life to a location, it is the people themselves who must grant it vitality, morality and perseverance. Mundare had and continues to have this most important ingredient… It would require men and women of courage and faith in God to dispel the disappointments that would occur regularly and still leave the spirit willing to carry on, for was it not already a miracle that they were here?”
Basilian fathers In 1902 the Basilian fathers, with whom the history of Mundare will be forever associated, arrived in Canada. Just two weeks later, Father Filias visited his people at Beaver Lake and Star, arriving by wagon in the company of Father Legal, from the French-
Canadian parish in Edmonton. They stopped at a Polish, Roman Catholic parish north of Edmonton as well. The following year, Father Filias took up a homestead near Mundare, to establish a religious community and the necessary acres to sustain it.” The Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate, four of whom arrived in Canada in 1902, are the unsung and unheralded angels so much behind the scenes during the early years and indeed, up to the present.”
optimism. A committee of business leaders, chaired by C.M. Drury, was originally instrumental in convincing John Diefenbaker, then prime minister, that Canada's 100th anniversary should be a memorable occasion. Planning for the country’s centennial celebrations officially began with the formation of the Centennial Commission in January 1963 under Secretary of State Judy LaMarsh. One of the country's best-known publicists, John Fisher (who was dubbed “Mr. Canada”), was appointed Centennial commissioner. Fisher’s tenure continued under Prime Minister Lester Pearson, and he was assisted by associate commissioners Georges E. Gauthier and Gilles Bergeron. lors got paid a total of $2 for a meeting. That same year they purchased a grader for $500.
PM visit Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier visited Mundare in 1910.
Premier Lougheed April 15, 1977 Premier of Alberta, Peter Lougheed, who flew in by helicopter for the occasion of the official opening of the Father Filas Manor, also visited the Basilian Fathers.
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Hospital needed Sister Servants operated and maintained hospitals, including Mundare. “A vicious plague (Spanish Flu), struck Mundare and the surrounding areas in 1918. There were several funerals each day… This plague further increased the need for a hospital in Mundare and in June of 1920 a meeting concerning the organization and building of a hospital was held in the monastery.
Mundare incorporated Mundare was incorporated as a village in 1906, the year that Edmonton became the capital of Alberta. Edmonton’s population was about 17,000 but we must guess that Mundare had one hundred lively persons, at least. *There are no early municipal records because they were destroyed in a town hall fire in 1928. In 1950 council-
Join the Village of Chipman in our
Canada Day 150 Fireworks Display Fireworks At Dark Free Hotdogs After 9:00pm While Supplies Last
Free Cake While Supplies Last
Chipman Ag Grounds July 1st, 2017 A Special Thank You to Rob & Cindy Lindemann Please bring your lawn chairs In case of inclement weather, to run next clear day
Special Canada 150 edition,The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 3
Bruderheim: What’s in a name? The name Bruderheim means literally Brethen’s Home. It was chosen and used first of all in direct relationship to the faith and church background of the early Moravian settlers, and especially the intentiality of their first minister, Andreas Lilge - at the time a lay-pastor and teacher. A goodly number of the Moravian colonists under the leadership of Andreas Lilge had already been members of the Moravian Church in Volhynia. The name of their church, in their native Germany, was “Bruedergemeine” or Brethren’s Church.
First blood transfusion performed by Lamont doctor Lamont’s first doctor, Dr. A.E. Archer worked out of his home until he helped the community get together to build a hospital in 1912. Dr. Archer was always innovative and forward thinking. He performed the first successful blood transfusion in 1912. In 1921 he invited the American College of Surgeons to inspect the hospital and it became the first fully accredited hospital of its size in rural Canada. It has retained this high standard ever since. His visionary
outlook led him to play an important role in 1933 in establishing a hospital insurance plan in the district. Later in his capacity as President of the Canadian Medical Association in 1942 he advocated for a system of universal health care for all Canadians and was called upon by the Federal Government in their planning for health care programs. For his work he was awarded the distinction of Commander of the Order of the British Empire and honourary LLD degrees from the Universities of Manitoba and Alberta. After he died in 1949 the hospital was named The Archer Memorial Hospital as a tribute to his long and devoted service to health care.
Andrew history began well into the 1800s
Moravian Church and Parsonage, 1899. The church was built in 1896.
Village of Andrew incorporated in 1930, but events such as the Palliser expedition in 1858, the Victoria
Mission of the 1860’s, the North-West Rebellion of 1885, and the homestead migrations of the 1890’s have all contributed to the establishment of a settlement in this location. First settlers in the Andrew area: Frederick Desjarlais, Philip and Andrew Whitford had served as Guides in the Riel Rebellion and were both given Military Homesteads in 1893. Andrew Whitford had both SW and SE quarter sections of 32-56-16-W4. Andrew Whitford died of small pox in 1902 and is burked in a little cemetery approximately 1/2 mile southeast of the Village of Andrew. In 1894 the first of the Ukrainians came to Alberta to settle in the Edna Area. and were impressed with the rich productive soil and sent word back to Ukraine to neighbours and family to join them in Canada. By 1898 the area directly north and west of Whitford Lake was being settled. Andrew’s first mayor was TJ Matichuk.
Nick Radomsky’s general store.
Dr. John Slanina and Staff wish you and your family a safe and happy weekend!
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4 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Special Canada 150 edition,Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Early government One of the earliest governments in the area was Local Improvement District #27N4, which administered the Chipman-Mundare area. On July 14, 1906 it held its first meeting. The first council includ-
ed; Michael Eleniak (Chairman), J. Wilinski, P. Bahry, and H. Theis (sec. treasurer). The sec. treasurer had a $100 salary, and the councillors were paid $2 per day. June 22, 1908 the Wostok LID #28N4 was formed with first council; Theodore Nemirsky (chairman), J.
Chipman High School (1943): Bottom: Mr. Frank Paege, teacher. Second row l to r: Peter Poskurniak, Arnie Van der Lee, Frank Jacknicke, Peter Sheptycki. Third row: Anton Chiperzak, Josephine Ewasiuk, Elinor Sveen, Tillie Holowaychuk, Paul Poskurniak. Fourth row: Alex Starko, Elma Henning, Julia Caragan, Vera Motyka, Vera Koblanski, Rose Starko, Murray Koch, Andy Antoniuk. Top row: Wesley Van der Lee, John Achtemichuk, Peter Kostiuk. Missing: Olga Bereska, Mary Stefura, Ted Small and Mike Mazurek.
Lesar, F. Wosnay, E.S. Harris, H. Samograd, and S.W. Calvert (sec. treas). They met at the Alexandra Hotel at Wostok. Taxes on a quarter-section of land was set at $4.50. The 50 cents was mandatory, but the remainder could be paid by two days road labour.
Bruderheim congregation kept growing After 15 years of depending on outside subsidies to pay the voluntary pastor’s salary of $500 per annum, plus construction and renovations to the church, the Bruderheim congregation had grown to 220 by 1910. It was the second largest among the Moravian congregations in the West. Bruederfeld, a sister congregation near south Edmonton had grown to 352 but was in decline as Bruderheim’s increased. By 1925 Bruderheim had reached a membership of 432 and continued at a level
Happy Canada 150
above 400 until the end of the Second World War when it too began to decline. After an attempted proselytizing by the Church of God in 1908, members ultimately became closer. In 1912, Rev. Charles A. Gutensohn began duty and became the congregation’s longest serving minister until 1926. In 1917 Rev. Gutensohn oversaw the church being lifted four feet to allow for a basement to be added beneath it for the purpose of a furnace and a Sunday School room. In 1920, electric light was introduced through the use of heavy batteries. As the church became the largest in Canada among Moravian churches in the 1920s, the pastor’s salary grew to $1,500 per annum and as automobiles were now used by pastors too - a large garage was built in 1923. During his time, Rev. Gutensohn began youth and women’s groups as well as missions.
First Beaver Creek School, 1896, later converted to a hog barn on Mike P. Melnyk’s farm.
1967 Klondike Days: Adolph and Mary Purschke with 16 of their 20 children, all grandchildren to early Edna (Star) district pioneers Carl and Mary Purschke who came to the area from Chicago. Carl farmed, while Mary was the area’s practical nurse and helped deliver many babies. The couple’s daughter Anna, was the first nurse to graduate from Lamont Public Hospital in 1915.
Happy Canada 150
Eleniak Family
Sportsday in Bruderheim, 1927
Bruderheim, 1910
Happy Canada 150
Special Canada 150 edition,The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 5
Facts that confirm Canada’s greatness Canada is the second largest country in the world, right after Russia. Canada is the World's Most Educated Country: over half its residents have college degrees. Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world's lakes combined. Canada has the largest coastline in the world. Santa has his own postal code: "H0H 0H0, North Pole, Canada." The U.S. / Canada Border is the longest international border in the world and it lacks military defense. After the attack on Pearl Harbor during WW2, Canada declared war on Japan before the U.S. did. "Canada" is an Iroquoian language word meaning "Village." Americans have invaded Canada twice, in 1775 and 1812. They lost both times. Canada has the third largest oil reserves of any country in the world after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Canada has fewer people than Tokyo's metropolitan area. During WW2, Canada gave out buttons to people who tried to enlist but were refused due to medical reasons to show their willingness to fight. The North American Beaver is the national animal of Canada. When flights got diverted or grounded during 9/11, Canada housed, fed, and sheltered over 33,000 passengers. One of the thirteen articles in the 1781 U.S. Articles of Confederation states that if Canada wants to be admitted into the U.S., it will automatically be
accepted. The Hawaiian Pizza was invented in Canada and is the most popular pizza in Australia. People from Canada can order a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and have it shipped to them for free. Canada stretches across six time zones. Canada has the world’s longest highway and beaverdam. Canada has world’s most maple syrup, doughnut shops and polar bears. Canada invented: Basketball, Bloody Caesar, Canadarm, Garbage bag, Goalie mask, Insulin, Poutine, Snowblower, Snowmobile, Telephone, Walkie-talkie, Wonderbra, Alkaline battery, Cardiac pacemaker, Caulking gun, Computerized braille, Egg carton, Electric wheelchair, Electric organ, Five pin bowling, Foghorn, Gas mask, Instant mashed potatoes, Java programming language, Jolly Jumper, Keyframe animation, Pablum, Paint roller, Peanut butter, Prosthetic hands (Specifically, a five-fingered electrical hand for children.), Robertson screwdriver, Rotary snowplow, Standard time, Five Pin Bowling, Zipper, Electron Microscope, Blackberry, Radio Voice Transmission, Lacrosse, Electric Oven, Superman,
church and the community, the 15 bed Lamont Public Hospital was officially opened on September 3, 1912 with Dr. Archer as its Superintendent.
Nurses Training From its inception the hospital offered a nurses training program. Its first graduate in 1915 was Anne Purschke who was from a pioneer family that had been in the area since 1894. Over the next 60 years the Lamont School of Nursing graduated 595 nurses who were highly regarded for their proficiency and compassionate care. When the hospital
opened Dr. Rush became Dr. Archer's partner. Over the years other physicians joined what became known as the Lamont Medical Clinic. As the surgical successes of Dr. Archer and another new partner, Dr. Young, became more widely known, demand for their skills reached far beyond the community. Over the years numerous renovations and additions were made to accommodate the influx of patients. Funding by the Home Mission Board of The United Church of Canada for construction of a new wing in 1948 increased capacity to 100 beds.
Photo from Along Victoria Trail
The original Lamont Hospital in 1912, with Dr. Rush and Dr. Archer at the main entrance.
Happy Canada 150
Starting the proud tradition of Lamont Hospitals
From the writings of Kent Harrold ... By 1911 a committee was formed to explore the means by which a hospital would be built. Dr. Archer had strong ties with the Methodist Church, and at the Annual Conference of the Alberta Methodists in Calgary that year, a plan for building a hospital in Lamont was approved. With funding from the
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6 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Special Canada 150 edition,Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Growing success of Lamont County In part from http://www.lamontcounty.c a/County-History The area which is now part of the County was first surveyed in 1883, before settlers arrived and while the Beaverhill area had been a hunter’s paradise. The first settler in the Beaverhill Lake region was an Englishman, Frank W.W. Fane, who after having served 8 years in the Northwest Mounted Police, took a homestead in 1887. He brought cattle and horses from southern Alberta, and while farming, maintained a post office and a general store (which served a wide area, with people coming 15 or 20 miles distance on foot for supplies). Mr. Fane was the first councillor in the Local Improvement District of Beaver, was the first Conservative candidate in 1905, and held various positions as magistrate, doctor, dentist, and lawyer. His son is Major Frank Fane, a former Member of Parliament, who still owns the home place upon which stands one of the houses his father built. Other settlers followed: Peter McCallum, and the Deby’s (1891), the Steel brothers, the McAllisters (1895), and the Watsons, Stewarts, and Wilsons (1898). At the same time, 1888, the German farmers migrated into the Bruderheim area, selecting the richest land in the region. By 1896 their number had reached 150. Polish people settled near St. Michael about 1898, later to move onward throughout the region. In 1891 a new era began when the first Ukrainian immigrants, Wasyl Eleniak and Ivan Pilipewsky, landed at Montreal. People from their homeland of Galicia came in large numbers to settle this part of Alberta. Wasyl Eleniak, along with his brother Peter, settled in Chipman. Wasyl Eleniak farmed and raised a large family, passing at the age of 97. Ivan Pilipewsky and his family settled north of Lamont, near Star. These hard-working people quickly broke the land, building sod houses with thatched roofs, a replica of which is found in Elk Island National Park. The nearest railway depot was at Strathcona, now South Edmonton and the mail was distributed from Fort Saskatchewan.
Trips through the wilderness were not uncommon and often took days, traveling by foot, ox-drawn carts or horse and buggy. The Ukrainians retained their dynamic culture and customs to contribute to the wonderful mosaic of today’s Alberta. The first governments were in the form of three Local Improvement Districts. The first LID 27N4 administered the Chipman-Mundare area and held the first meeting July 14, 1906 with Councillors Michael Eleniuk (chairman), J. Wilinski, P. Bahry, and H. Theis (sec-treas). On January 25, 1913, the area became the Municipal District of Pines No. 516. Councillors were A. Achtemychuk (chairman), E. Halberg, M. Kozak, W. Miskew, J. Jakubec and A. Lappenbush. M. Korczynski was secretary treasurer. The second LID No.28N4 centered at Wostok. Wostok was named by Theodore Nemirsky. This name is derived from the Ukrainian work “Wostoko” which makes reference to the Three Wise Men and the star in the East. The initial meeting was held on June 22, 1908, attended by Councillors Theodore Nemirsky (chairman), J. Lesar, F. Wosney, E.S. Harris, H. Samograd, and S. W. Calvert (sec-treas.). In 1919 this area became the Municipal District of Wostok No. 546, with the council as follows: J.
Hnidan (Reeve), N. Moshuk, M. Shopka, N. Zigonook, J. Warshawsky, and Wm. Knysh (who served as councilor for 19 years). E. Marianicz was secretarytreasurer. Headquarters were in Andrew. The third district was LID No. 546, centred at Sniatyn. The first meeting on March 14, 1913, saw as councillors Kost Nemirsky (chairman), W. Chamlock, G. Burdian, M. Shopka, T. Vitvicki, and N. Bidniak. In June, 1920, the Municipal District of Leslie No. 547 was incorporated. The council consisted of Wm. Pylypow (Reeve), J. Koshure, P. Thomas, M. Kaminsky, N. Prosek, and A. Anderson. Municipal office was at Lamont.
fulfill positions in the Catholic Church at the provincial and federal levels. Five became bishops, serving in both Canada and the Ukraine, and three served on the General Curia (the Basilian Fathers Board of Management) in Rome.
Premier Stelmach Born and raised on a farm near Andrew, Ed Stelmach became the 13th Premier of the Province of Alberta in 2006 and served until 2011. In 1986 Stelmach began in municipal politics when
Achievements Over the years various people of the district had received many honours. Willian Skaladan of the Village of Andrew won the world oat crown twice – in 1939 and again in 1941. John Skripitsky of Mundare was awarded the Master Farm Family Award in 1952. Many leading specialists have come from this area. A child-psychologist in California was born and educated here; medical specialists have also been raised here. A list of other professional would have to include lawyers, pharmacists, doctors, nurses and teachers. The Mundare Basilian novitiate has seen 128 priests ordained after training under its auspices and many have gone on to
Former Premier Ed Stelmach
he was elected to Lamont County Council. A year into his term he was appointed Reeve. In the 1993 provincial election, Stelmach was elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly
(MLA) for VegrevilleViking. A Progressive Conservative, he served in the cabinets under then Premier Ralph Klein - who he ultimately replaced as Premier.
Happy Canada 150
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Special Canada 150 edition,The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 7
Immigrants abused Old central European immigrants to the area tended to take up land close to each other for times of need. They didn’t know the language or customs and theirs seemed strange to those already settled. They received abuse from platform, press and pulpit. Fortunately most could not understand the language, nor read, and rather just went about their work oblivious to this judgement.
Bus/train accident horror By Kent Harrold The school bus/train accident on the morning of November 29, 1960 was an event of such immense tragedy, that it has forever left its mark on Lamont. An unscheduled freight travelling from the east struck the fully loaded bus at the crossing just south of the Lamont School and carried it about a quarter mile before it stopped. The bus was transporting students from the area south east of Lamont including the Village of Chipman to the Lamont High School. Seventeen of the students were killed outright. Twenty-four survived, most suffering with severe and multiple injuries.
Murder/Suicide June 30, 1938) The district was shocked out of its usually placid calm last Thursday, when the entire male side of the well known family of Alex Ogal were suddenly wiped out of existence. Reports stated Mike, 26, living in a shack on his well-to-do father's farm approximately 13 miles north-west of Lamont, killed his brother John, 38, about noon-time on the latter's farm five miles away across the Saskatchewan River and near Radway. The slayer then placed his brother's body in the trunk of the family 1938 model car and drove to Bruderheim, where his father Alex, 72, had gone with a team and wagon earlier in the day to purchase gasoline. Lying in ambush near the road about a mile northeast of the town, Mike shot his father as he drove the wagon toward home at about 4:00 p.m. Leaving his father dead in the wagon box, the murderer then drove back to the family home and commit-
ted suicide by shooting himself through the head at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Name change Because of anti-German sentiments during and after WWII, Bruederheim began being spelled less the “e”. It was already being spelled Bruderheim prior, but the duality ended in 1951 with plenty of resistance.
Rev. Lilge, 1893
Andrew fire of 1945 Andrew purchased firefighting equipment in 1935 and in 1937 a fire hall was built. In 1945 several buildings in Andrew burned including the Three Star Cafe, butcher shop, William Megley’s grocery store, William Tkachuk’s general store and telephone centre, and the Silver Glow Hall. It burned out of control for three hours until the 25 fire fighters kept damage at a minimum. Moravian immigrants Andreas Lilge brought Volhynian Moravians to Canada with a plan to form a Christian community. After tireless negotiations, Lilge arranged for 100 families, mostly very poor, to begin arriving in 1894 and he formed two congregations - Bruderheim and
Much of Chipman destroyed by fire in 1931 Chipman was a thriving community in the early 1900s, but the community suffered three dramatic blows that ended this reign in Lamont County. The most significant was the fire of 1931 which started in Kuzyk's Store and spread to the drug store, garage, butcher shop, hardware and ultimately wiped out most of the business block lying on the east side of main street. In the same time frame the CPR laid its tracks 10 miles north of Chipman for its line from Edmonton to Lloydminster. This was also a terrible blow to the
village which was thriving up until the end of the 1920s, as business formally belonging to Chipman was now moving to Andrew and St. Michael. At roughly the same time The Great Depression hit North America. The crash of the stock market in 1929 was followed by a drop in wages, loss of jobs, decline in prices, the depression was felt in every home. Grain and livestock prices fell so low that farmers could no longer make the payments on their farms, pay their taxes, buy machinery or even pay for their groceries. The Great Depression lasted well into the late 1930s. Chipman began to fight back though and re-establish itself. The 1950s brought major improvements to Chipman. Northwestern Utilities extended their gas lines to serve Chipman with natural gas, a water and sewer system was installed and a new town office and fire hall were built. The Chipman
School had been centralized to accommodate elementary and junior high school pupils from a wide area.
St. Michael The
Michael originated in 1928 when the CPR built its rail line from Lloydminster to Edmonton. It is in the centre of Lamont County and has had several small businesses serving residents of the area over the years.
Original Chipman School, 1914 - 1952
Happy Canada 150
Lilyʼs Steak & Pizza 780-796-3012
HAPPY CANADA 150 The Paquette Family
The Lamont Leader Recording the history of Lamont County residents every single day. Thank you for your advertising support which allows us to do so!
Happy Canada 150 "Loren & Erika Winnick and Sons, of Chipman. Missing is Meagan Winnick. Sons are dancers with Volya Ukrainian Dance Ensemble."
Happy Canada 150
Homestead Yard of Theodore Nemirsky 125 yrs Later
We are pleased to cordially invite you to celebrate Orthodox Day with us on Sunday, July 23rd, 2017. This celebration will be held at the Orthodox Centennial Site located 3 miles south of Hwy 45 on RR 182 and will include an open air Divine Liturgy on the same grassy field the first recorded Orthodox Divine Liturgy occurred on Canadian soil 125 years ago. The service will be conducted by His Grace, Iov, Bishop of Kashira, Administr. of the Patriarcal Parishes Canada and His Grace, Anthony, Bishop of Bogorodsk, Head of the Foreign Institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. The day will include a divine liturgy, fellowship and a refreshing lunch at the St. Michael Recreation Center. Lunch tickets are available in advance for $25/person. All are invited to attend! For info contact Jim Nemirsky 780-220-1950
“Divine Liturgy and Baptism of Children” May 24th, 1898
8 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Special Canada 150 edition,Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Canada’s greatest victories • Iroquois War (1609) • Iroquois Wars (1666) • Hudson Bay (1686) • Battle of Fort Albany • Battle of Quebec (1690) • Battle of La Prairie • Capture of York Factory • Battle of Fundy Bay Siege of Pemaquid (1696) • Avalon Peninsula Campaign Northeast Coast Campaign (1703)
47 churches Lamont County’s 47 churches are the most per capita in the whole world: Nativity of The Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, Chipman Presentation of The Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church (Delph), NW 18-58-18-W4 St.Demetro Ukrainian Catholic Church (Near Hilliard) (The Farm Church), SW 15-54-17-W4 Protection of The Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church (Krakow), NW 2455-17-W4 St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church , Lamont Nativity of The Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church (Leeshore), SE 12-58-20W4 St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church (Limestone Lake), NW 3156-17-W4 Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church (Spas Moskalyk), NE 36-53-16W4 Siracky Chapel, SE 3453-16-W4 Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, Mundare St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. Michael, NW 35-55-18-W4 Exaltation of the Hold
• Raid on Deerfield • Battle at Port-la-Joye • Battle of Grand Pré • Battle of Fort Necessity • Braddock's Expedition • Battle of the Monongahela • Battle of Petitcodiac • Battle of Fort Bull • Battle of Fort Oswego • • • Battle on Snowshoes • Battle of Fort William Henry • Battle of Carillon • Battle of Fort Duquesne • Battle of Beauport • Battle of Sainte-Foy • Battle of Quebec (1775) • Battle of Fort Cumberland • Battle of Trois-Rivières
• Battle of Machias (1777) • Defeat of the Penobscot Expedition • Naval battle off Halifax • Battle of Fort Dearborn • Battle of Mackinac Island • Siege of Fort Mackinac • Siege of Detroit • Battle of Queenston Heights • Battle of Lacolle Mills • Battle of Frenchtown • Battle of Ogdensburg • Battle of Chateauguay • Battle of Beaver Dam • Battle of Cook's Mills • Battle of Crysler's Farm • Battle of Stoney Creek • Battle of Mackinac Island • Battle of Lacolle Mills
• Battle of Hampden • Battle of Prairie du Chien • Battle of Saint-Denis • Battle of the Windmill • Battle of Windsor • Short Hills Raid • Battle of Eccles Hill • Battle of Loon Lake • Battle of Kitcheners' Wood (during the Second Battle of Ypres) • Battle of Flers-Courcelette • Capture of the Regina Trench during the Somme Offensive (1916) • Battle of Vimy Ridge during the 1917 Battle of Arras • Battle of Passchendaele • Second Battle of Passch-
Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church (Skaro), SE 1-5720-W4 Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church (Star-Peno),mNE 28-5619-W4 Descent of The Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Church (Jaroslaw), SW 3-57-20W4 Roman Catholic Churches St. Bonaventure Roman Catholic Church, Chipman Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church, Mundare St. Michael Roman Catholic Church, St. Michael Our Lady of Good Counsel Roman Catholic Church (Skaro), SE 5-5719-W4 Roman Catholic Church of the Precious Blood (Krakow), SW 2254-17-W4 United Churches of Canada Bissell Memorial United Church, Andrew United Church of Canada (Uwin), SE 15-5517-W4 Lamont United Church, Lamont Ukranian Orthodox Churches Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Andrew Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kahwin), SW 2-58-16-W4 St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Peno), NW 31-5618-W4 St. Demetrius
Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Jaroslaw), NE 3356-20-W4 St. John Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Sachava or Suchava), NE 8-56-16-W4 Orthodox Churches of America Church of the Archangel St. Michael, NW 9-56-16-W4 Nativity of The Holy Virgin (Kysylew), NE 7-57-16W4 Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Church (StarEdna), SE 27-56-19-W4 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church (Sunland), NW 158-16-W4 St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (Bukowena), NW 15-5617-W4 Russo-Greek Orthodox Churches St. John The Baptist RussoGreek Catholic Orthodox Church (Farus) SW 22-5516-W4 Russo-Greek Catholic Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist, Chipman St. Mary’s Holy Dormition Russo-Greek Orthodox Catholic Church of Shishkovitzi, SE 34-5318-W4 Russo-Greek Catholic Orthodox Church of St. James, SE 1-54-17W4 St. Demetrius RussoGreek Orthodox (Serediak Church), NW 33-54-16-W4 Holy Ascension RussoGreek Orthodox Church (Skaro), NE 1-57-20-W4
Holy Trinity Russo Orthodox Church (Old Wostok), SW 23-56-18-W4 Russo Greek Orthodox Parish of St. Michael the Archangel (Peno), SW 1857-18-W4 Other Denominations Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Bruderheim Bruderheim Moravian Church, Bruderheim Lamont Alliance Church, Lamont Andrew Full Gospel Church, Andrew
Grandparents House, Built in 1898 & Still Standing
endaele • Battle of Amiens (1918) • Battle of Cambrai (1918) • Allied Invasion of Italy • Juno Beach • Battle for Caen • Falaise Pocket • Battle of Verrières Ridge
• Battle of the St. Lawrence • Battle of Ortona • Operation Fusilade unopposed taking of Dieppe in September 1944 • Battle of the Rhineland • Operation Veritable
Canadian army at Juno Beach (June 1944).
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