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Your news this week: County road allowance - Page 3 Eskimos visit Bruderheim - Page 5 Andrew Figure Skating - Page 13, 16


Vol. 10, No. 22, Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Holocaust survivor Eva Olsson shares her story by ourselves,” and that is why she has been speaking and writing about her personal experiences inside Editor prison camps during World War II in Germany since the mid-’90’s. “For 50 years I was silent. But silence didn’t heal Olsson said she is “very lucky” to be alive, and me.” firmly believes “God wanted me to survive to talk to Those word were spoken by Holocaust survivor these kids and teach them not to hate.” and national bestselling author Dr. Eva Olsson to stuIn fact, the word “hate” is a word Olsson will never dents, staff and community members who had gath- say because she and many members of her family ered in the gymnasium to listen to her story on were starved, beaten and murdered at the hands of Tuesday, March 24th. the German soldiers more than 70 years ago. The 90-year-old told the audience, “We cannot heal The power of hate was not more powerful than at that time. “I was 19 when I was bullied by the Nazi’s. They didn’t like my religion.” Over the course of six years, more than six million Jews were murdered by the Nazi’s. Olsson begged the students never to use the word hate. “This is Canada, where we need to love each other.” Olsson asked the students what they would do if they were bullied, and encouraged them to speak out against bullying and tell their parents and teachers. “When I was bullied I didn’t have anyone to tell.” The Germans came for Olsson and her family in the spring of 1944 when they invaded Hungary. “They marched us to the train station seven miles away.” Between 100 and 110 people were crammed into a single box car. “It was standing room only.” There they stood for four days and four nights. “On May 19, 1944 we arrived in Germany,” Auschwitz-Birkenan. “We came to the gate where PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDREW SCHOOL the doctor of death, Dr. Holocaust survivor Eva Olsson, middle, poses for a photo with Medow, left, and Josef Mengele, stood. “He Tammy Evans following an emotional presentation to Andrew and Lamont stu- didn’t talk. He just pointed to the left or the right, dents, and community members on Tuesday, March 24. deciding who would live Michelle Pinon

and who would die.” Olsson was separated from her parents. “I tried to see my mother. I wanted to give her a hug, to tell her I loved her, to tell her I was sorry I disobeyed her.” Olsson never had the chance to say those words. Her mother was killed. “She was 48.” Olsson saw other prisoners waiting in line walking to the gas chambers. There were many mass executions. Even though her father was not executed; he was starved to death, and only lived six months after becoming a slave labourer. She believes it was the spirit of her mother that kept her alive during the darkest days, and she would not give up hope. She did whatever she could to make sure her younger sister did not die. “Her spirit was always there,” pointing to her heart, “and it still is there today.” “No amount of money can ever buy another family...I’m asking you please to never take your family for granted.” That is also why she believes that the only thing that matters in life is “when we love.” She also urged students to be compassionate. “When you feel for another person it makes you a stronger person when you grow up.” While Olsson cannot change the past, she is doing what she can to change the future, and asked the students to be cognizant of what they say and do, and think about what kind of legacy they want to leave behind. “We all learn and teach by example.”


Award winning author Eva Olsson, 90, holds up one of her CD’s that were available to purchase following a special appearance at Andrew School on Tuesday, March 24.

2 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ciao! Lamont High School Travel Club members sent greetings from Italy Monday, March 30th via lamonttravelclub.shutterfly.com Students are currently on a whirlwind tour of some of the most famous sites in the world during the nine day Spring Break excursion.

Lamont County fire chief to oversee Andrew and Chipman departments

Lamont Leader will be closed Good Friday, April 3rd and Easter Monday, April 6th.

Michelle Pinon Editor

Happy Easter to all of our Special Readers!

There have, and will continue to be changes on the firefighting front, in both the communities of Andrew and Chipman. Randy Siemens, Fire Chief and Emergency Services Co-ordinator with Lamont County, says he will not be filling the fire chief positions for both those department for about a year. “I will oversee both stations for issue that come up and are out of the scope for the station officers. During this next year, the officers will be given a chance to develop by taking courses and gaining experience,” stated Siemens. “When the candidates feel confident and have shown skill improvement and a willingness to work as a team, I will assist them in moving up into the position.” Following the Village of Andrew’s

From the Staff at the Lamont Leader.

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decision to restructure and reorganize its fire department under the umbrella of Lamont County; it created a vacancy in the fire chief’s position. Back in December of 2014, village council decided to “unappoint” Barry Goertz as its fire chief. In the case of the Village of Chipman, in late December, council decided not to renew its fire services agreement with Lamont County, and to establish its own, independent fire department to serve only village residents. In the new year, Fire Chief Steve Rasmussen announced he would be moving on to the new rural fire department, and had accepted the position of fire chief after the offer was made to him by Siemens. Unfortunately, and unexpectedly, Rasmussen died suddenly on March 8, 2015.

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The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 -3

Lamont County to spend estimated $30,000 to develop road allowance Michelle Pinon Editor

After months of research, photos and videos, as well as on-site visits by agricultural and public works employees, county council recently voted in favour of developing a road allowance on the far northeastern tip of the municipality. On March 10th, all but one member of Lamont County council voted in favour of proceeding with construction on Range Road 160 on the undeveloped portion of the road based on the non-engineering standards, as was the recommended action of Chief Administrative Officer Al Harvey. The lone voice of dissent came from Division 3 Councillor Roy Bryks. “I don’t agree with anything you guys said,” commented Bryks during discussion. Despite his objection, council went ahead and voted on the motion. Bryks asked for a recorded vote, and then council voted 4-1 in favour of proceeding with the project. Back on Feb. 10th, council made a motion to “direct administration to send a letter to the land owner, Mr. Marianicz outlining the scope of work and costs for the upgrading of the undeveloped road allowance of Range Road 160 at SW 31-58-15 W4.” The motion went on to state, “That Lamont County Council postpone their decision on the undeveloped road allowance subject to receiving a letter from Mr. Marianicz in which he agrees with the maximum scope of work that the county is prepared to offer.” That motion carried. Then on Feb. 18th, George Marianicz stated in writing on an email that was directed to CAO Harvey, “Re: Motion 14-490 Undeveloped Road Allowance. I accept your proposal. Yours truly, George Marianicz.” Originally Harvey estimated the scope of work to cost just over $15,000. However, during discus-

sion at the March 10th meeting, it was disclosed that the brush work alone would be around $12,700. “Then this figure isn’t the right figure,” commented Warawa, who received confirmation that the cost would be somewhere between $27,000 and $30,000. Public Works Director Harold Hamilton told council that when the proposal was being put together, they didn’t have the numbers for dirt and mowing. CAO Harvey said that the oversight was his mistake. “I apologize; it was my fault.” Harvey said they would be taking the roadway and widening it out to be more useful. However, it was pointed out earlier in the discussion that this road is not being currently used. Council was also informed during initial discussions many months ago that the reason for Marianicz’s request was to be able to access 60 acres of his land to access his fields along the North Saskatchewan River. According to the scope of work that was outlined in an email from public works to CAO Harvey: “Proposed program will be to cut the slopes of the road that was moved under the ASB program with grader(s) to allow wide enough access that up to 25 ft. farm equipment will have the availability to travel between the ditch lines which will allow access to the fields.” The email went on to state: “Shane Eleniak and I did an assessment on Range Road 160 north of Township 584 for improving the road width to approximately 25 feet. Starting at the top, there is minimal work to clean up after brusher. At first hair pin turn, with it being approximately 12 feet wide. A D6 CAT and track hoe will need to remove extra brush to access clay to widen the existing road and construct at least two foot high berm along the side


This gravel pit, which is owned by Lamont County, is located on Range Road 160 north of Township Road 584. Further north along the same road is another gravel pit, as well as the undeveloped portion of the road that leads to farmland adjacent to the North Saskatchewan River.

Undeveloped Road Allowances POLICY 5139 Approved in 2010. Policy Statement: “It is the responsibility of Lamont County to manage, direct and control the use of undeveloped road allowances and road plans within its boundaries by ensuring the most appropriate use and best utilization of them. Lamont County is under no obligation to develop of lease undeveloped road allowances on behalf of landowners or industry. Lamont County is under no obligation to hydro axe an undeveloped road allowance on behalf of landowners or industry. Applications or requests to lease undeveloped road allowances will not be considered.” for safety. The next hair pin will also need D6 CAT and track hoe to remove brush. Push clay across existing road to widen to 25 feet and construct a two foot berm for safety also constructing a drainage ditch as water flows from the fields at this point. Approximately 250 tonne of 4-40m gravel will be required to regravel the road.” Reeve Wayne Woldanski asked, “If council does approve it (developing the road allowance), is there a possibility of tying it into gravel exploration and have it tested because there are adjacent gravel sources on the banks of the North Saskatchewan?” Hamilton asked coun-

cil if testing of the gravel would be included in the motion? Wo l d a n s k i responded that they should make a separate motion. In that m o t i o n Woldanski specified that only the tax roll number, and not the legal land description, be included in the motion. “We don’t need to publicize that we’re doing the exploration,” s t a t e d Woldanski. The motion was made by coun. Dan Warawa and This a view of the undeveloped road allowance that leads to was carried. the river. Recent evidence of brush clearing was found along the left embankment.

4 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Opinion GUEST EDITORIAL: Bill 20 Transparent - Like A Brick Albertans had high hopes that things would operate differently under savior Prentice who campaigned for the job of Tory leader with promises of “transparency” and “accountability”. Now, only six months into his reign, the facade is crumbling and these apparently empty promises are being exposed. In just the first few days of the new premier’s first session in the Alberta Legislature, the Tory team, including Municipal Affairs Minister Diana McQueen, has proudly tabled the first round of amendments to the Municipal Government Act (MGA). This includes lessening the burden of accountability and also removes the requirement for municipal councils to be effectively transparent in their business. In fact, what is being proposed all but eliminates oversight of municipal governments by the provincial body, and to a large extent by the public. Presented by PC MLA Greg Weadick, Bill 20 seems like a huge step backwards for a government trying to promote a new era of openness and accountability. The sketchy legislation, which was quickly given First and Second reading last week, will essentially allow

local municipal governments to hide public business from residents. Currently, the MGA requires that residents be notified of certain municipal matters, and specifies that the information is transmitted to the public via direct mailing, or through newspaper advertising. The responsibility is put on municipal governments to transmit pertinent information they have out to residents before a decision is made. Several sweeping changes are proposed, including giving much authority to municipalities to determine what information they share and the methods they will use to notify the public, which could be a poster hung up in the washroom of the local gas station, or a notice obscurely hidden away on a page of the municipality’s website... or some other option that negates the responsibility of a local government to push information out to the residents - acting transparent and accountable. The biggest drawback to the growing trend of relying on websites to transmit important information is that people don’t know it is there... so how are they going to find something

she must mean, “not free”, because both traditional methods are highly effective in reaching people. What the PCs are really saying through Bill 20 is that they don’t care if the public is informed of initiatives that they have a right to now about; saving money is what matters. The punchline is that it isn’t their money, or the municipality’s money, it is the resident’s money and it is there to be used for the good of the public. Like for informing them of important changes that may impact their lives or business. Allowing local governments to not only decide what business the public has a right to know about, but also choosing the method of transmitting that information, is a huge blow to democracy and to the principles of transparency and accountability that Prentice says are important. Apparently not as important as saving a few bucks... which is the entire premise of Bill 20 - saving some money, not informing the public.

they aren’t looking for??? Are Albertans supposed to check their local municipal website every day and randomly seek out information that may or not be there, pertaining to a subject they have no knowledge of? It’s stupid! And just as ridiculous is the explanation given by Municipal Affairs Minister Diana McQueen to rationalize this idiotic legislation: “Albertans have observed that traditional notification methods may no longer be effective in communicating with the public due to increasing costs and limited accessibility in smaller communities...” Both of the reasons she offers are false. Every community in Alberta that is large enough to have a municipal government, has a post office. And the cost of mailing, compared to the rate of inflation for other services, has not dramatically increased. There is also the option of directly emailing information to residents, which isn’t even considered in the legislation. The cost of newspaper advertising a medium which reaches over 80% of adults in rural Alberta (where most municipalities are) - has also not substantially increased in many years. By “may no longer be effective”,

Dave Bruha Consort Enterprise

The Lamont Leader

Letter: Local resident grateful for support from Haying In The ‘30’s organization Dear Editor, I am a 77-year-old man of very limited means. Recently, I found out that I have lung cancer.

I have never been a person to ask for help, and was very pleasantly surprised when financial help was offered to me by Haying In The ‘30’s.

5038 - 50 Avenue Box 1079, Lamont, AB, T0B 2R0 Phone 895-2780 - Fax 895-2705 Email: lmtleader@gmail.com Published every Tuesday at Lamont, AB Serving the Communities of Andrew, Bruderheim, Chipman, Hilliard, Lamont, Mundare, RR4 Tofield, Star and St. Michael

My wife and I are very grateful for this and would like to thank this organization for their generous gift. It is good to know that

Kerry Anderson Publisher

there are people in our society who really care about others.

welcomes your opinions!

Write a letter to the editor!

All letters must be signed, and include contact information.

The deadline for all letters to the editor is Friday’s at 5:00 pm

Yours truly, Robert B. MacLeod

Michelle Pinon Editor

Marline Umrysh Jodie TracyDerksen Harding Advertising Sales/ Ad Sales Office Manager/ Composition Ad Composition

Jazmine Inkster Jodie Derksen Student Repoter Ad Sales

*Advertisements designed, set and produced by The Lamont Leader, as well as pictures, news, editorial content and other printed material are protected by copyright and may not be used without the written permission of the The Lamont Leader.

Subscription Rates: Local: $35.18 per year USA: $96.81 Overseas: $187.25 Call to find out about our ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 5

Online auction for Bruderheim School’s Hot Lunch Program raises more than $5,000 and visit from Edmonton Eskimos Michelle Pinon Editor

An online auction for Bruderheim School’s Hot Lunch program not only produced financial dividends, but profited students in an unexpected and wonderful way. Laura Pryatel, Hot Lunch Program volunteer and member of the Bruderheim Parent Advisory Council (BPAC), contacted many local businesses, sports leagues and large corporations in an attempt to try and raise enough funds for a new stove and operating expenses for the complementary program. One of the organizations she contacted was the Edmonton Eskimos. While the Eskimos were not able to contribute anything financially to the cause, they did offer to send out two of their football players to speak to the students on anti-bullying and nutrition. “On behalf of the school I gladly accepted this offer and arranged to have them out,” stated Pryatel.

On Friday, March 13, Grant Shaw and Ryan King, made their presentation on nutrition, antibullying, personal sharing experiences and a question and answer period. Pryatel said the Q & A were entertaining and well received by students, parents and school staff. “They (Eskimo players) personally handed out mini footballs to each of the children, as well as taking pictures and signing jerseys, shirts, and whatever else the kids wished to have signed. They were true superstars and on behalf of everyone in attendance we can sincerely say their presentation was fun and will be remembered I am sure for years to come.” Pryatel not only organized and collected donations, but she uploaded and maintained the Facebook events page during the 10 day online auction. “With the help from a few other moms: Steph Harrold, Stacey Nice, Nena Short and Sherri Strickland who also collected donation items, together we raised


Grade 6 students pose for a photograph with Edmonton Eskimos Ryan King and Grant Shaw followng their anti-bullying and nutrition presentation on Friday, March 13.

over $5,000 allowing us to now be able to purchase a new stove and have enough money still in the account to contin-

ue this free Hot Lunch Program for next year and even possibly a bit into the following year.”


2014 Financial Statements are now available at the Town Office or Town Website.

Andrew PeeWee Aces earn bronze banner

Forage Seed for Sale Alfalfa, Grass and Custom Blends Contact: Tyler Graham 780-691-2981 tyler@northpointag.ca www.northstarseed.com PHOTO COURTESY OF CARRI HREHORETS

Members of the Andrew PeeWee Aces earned the title of Bronze finalists in the 16/60 Hockey League championship on Sunday, March 22. Back row left to right are coaches: Blaine Hrehorets, Brian Hrehorets, Reece Hennig, and Brent Sharun. Middle row left to right: Carson Slasynski, Devon Hamaliuk, Haylee McNiven, Jayla Snyder, Breck Hrehorets, Colby Yaramie, Dylan Hennig, Carter Sidor, and Cody Sharun. Front row is goalie Kyle Fesyk.

6 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Mundare Mens Bonspiel Winners

A Event (Sponsored by Magnum Masonry) Elton Chmilar presents toolboxes to: Skip Ryan Franchuk, 3rd Scott Franchuk, 2nd Cody Holowaychuk, and Lead Spencer Kotylak. Runner ups: Skip Trevor Zacharkiw, 3rd Valerian Urichuk, 2nd Travis Kropielnicki and Lead Lanny Froland.

Graphics/Sales Representative Required at the Lamont Leader B Event (Sponsored by Widynowski Sausage House) President Trevor Zacharkiw presents toolboxes to: Skip Terry Farion, 3rd Cory Stabel, 2nd Ted Fedoruk and Lead Jarret Mouille. Runner ups: Skip Mark Domes, 3rd Owen Botz, 2nd Randy Ballance and Lead Mark Stetsko.

The Lamont Leader is looking for a reliable, friendly, people-person to fill two roles in a single full time position at our newspaper. The position requires a familiarity with computers, office work, and sales. As well, the successful applicant should possess the following skills: • Organized, able to manage jobs accurately • Typing (no hunt and peck here) • Spelling (spell check should only be for double checking) • Friendly (we demand professionalism and pleasantness) • Co-operative (jobs overlap in a small office) • Reliable (our readers and customers depend on us) • Responsible (jobs need to be taken to the end) We’ll train: Applicants should be able to learn office work, create graphics, manage customers, work within strict deadlines, and look forward to - and enjoy - the challenges and opportunities of both telephone and in-person sales. We’re growing! Wages according to experience, with great opportunity for increases depending on effort. You can make your own way in the world! Mileage paid, health benefits available. If you want to join our team with the only goal: To bring the people of Lamont County the best newspaper possible -

C Event (Sponsored by Napa Auto Parts/Flash Distributors) Director Candice Gara presents toolboxes to: Skip Blair Talaga, 3rd Lorne Koss, 2nd Les Hennig, and Lead Brad Koss. Runner ups: Skip Jason Diduck, 3rd Ryan Webb, 2nd Doug Needham and Lead Rory Wilkerson.

Please send resumes: Editor/Manager Michelle Pinon lamontnews@gmail.com Only top applicants will be contacted for interviews.

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 7

HELP WANTED Call 7808952780 to place your help wanted ad in this spot.

Hiss & Hers r & Esthetics Hair 4813 Queen Street, Bruderheim Great opportunity for a Stylist or Chair Rental!! 780-796-2121

Call for more information. Ask for Margaret. Serious inquiries only.

TOWN OF LAMONT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Town of Lamont will be accepting applications for 1 Summer Student and 2 Temporary Employees for summer employment in the following departments: PUBLIC WORKS PARKS & RECREATION Compensation will be $15.00 - $17.00 per hour and positions will range from two to four months. University and High School Students are encouraged to apply.

Please forward your resume to: Town of Lamont Box 330, Lamont, Alberta T0B 2R0 Fax: (780) 895-2595 lamontoffice@townlife.com Application deadline 4:00 p.m. April 15, 2015

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TOP P YIELD D FERTILIZERS S LTD. Is now taking applications for the following seasonal positions:

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TOP P YIELD D FERTILIZERS Box 501, Andrew, AB., T0B 0C0 Email to: topyield1@gmail.com Phone: 780-365-2020; Fax: 780-365-2290

8 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Local landowners attend Oil and Gas workshop Excellent turnout reported for event Submitted by Lamont County

Heartland Hall in Strathcona County was filled to capacity on March 12 as 50 land owners from the Lamont and Strathcona Counties gathered for a day of presentations from government and industry representatives. Presenters included Alberta Energy Regulators, Alberta Agriculture, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, the Famer’s Advocate Office, and Trican Well Services. Topics covered included: club root, hydraulic fracturing, reclamation of abandoned well sites, landspray of drilling mud, and statutes vs ethics.

Energy Exploration Liaison, Lori Mills. Last year’s workshop drew over 40 land owners, many of which returned this year. The Workshop is implemented under the direction of the Oil and Gas Exploration and Transportation Committee (OGEETC), which is a partnership between Lamont County and the towns of Bruderheim and Lamont. The OGEETC’s purpose is to provide advice to Lamont County, Bruderheim and Lamont on new policies and guidelines, in order to

minimize the impact of oil and gas exploration, extraction and transportation to residents and lands. Participants in the workshop commented that all the presentations were well done, and answered a lot of questions on topics of concern as the Heartland grows. Presentations from the workshop can be found on the Lamont County Economic Development Website at www.lamontcountynow.ca/Com munity-Engagement.

ARTISANS! CRAFTSPEOPLE! VENDORS! Are you an artisans, craftsperson or local food producer who is looking for an outlet to sell your goods this summer? Are your goods unique, locally made and reflect local Ukrainian heritage?

This is the second year for the Landowner and Oil & Gas Information Workshop, which is a joint effort between Lamont County and Strathcona County, coordinated by Lamont County Economic Development Manager, Jim Newman, Lamont Presenters from left to right: Carol Goodfellow (Farmer’s Advocated Office), County Agricultural David Brown (Trican), Maureen Vadnais (Alberta Agriculture), Kevin Ball (Alberta Fieldman, Terry Eleniak, Energy Regulators), Gordon Dinwoodie (AESRD), and Jocelyn McMinn (Trican). and Strathcona County

Church h Calendar For more information call 780-895-2780


It took Mundare resident Arlene Keppler more than two years to be able to capture this Snowy Owl on their perch long enough to snap a few photos. But patience and determination are Arlen’s strong points, and in the end she managed to capture this rare beauty.

Orthodox V Parishes All services start at 10:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted

Sunday Divine Liturgy 10:00 am 780-895-2149 Wednesday, April 1 - Lamont Senior Drop-in Centre - Orthodox V Bake Sale Saturday, April 4 - Serediaki - Lazarus Saturday, Service for the Departed, Confession Sunday, April 5 - Serediaki - Palm Sunday, Confession

Visit our website www.orthodox-canada.com

Then come to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village this summer and set up a table at our Village Market or sell your goods through our Museum Shop. Application forms available on-line or through our office. During event days between 1000 and 3500 people visit the Village. Join the fun, be part of the experience! We are also looking for local Cook Books to sell in the Museum Shop! Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society 780-662-3855 ext. 1164 info@friendsukrainianvillage.com Application forms: www.friendsukrainianvillage.com

Lamont Alliance Church Bethlehem Lutheran 44 st. & 50 Ave. 780-895-2879 Church Pastor Ron Wurtz

Sunday Service 10:00 am Lamont Alliance Church is a Family Friendly place to be Sunday mornings.

Pastor Richard Williams

Everyone Welcome.

Sunday Service 9:30 am

Come Join Us!

Bruderheim, AB

Check out our website:

“Come as a guest, leave as a friend”


Roman Catholic Church

www.lamontalliance.com Or call the church for more information.

5306 - 51 Ave., Lamont, AB 780-895-2145 Rev. Deborah Brill

Cluster of Parishes of Our Lady of Angels

Bruderheim Moravian Church

Fort Saskatchewan

Welcomes You!

Sunday, Worship Time 11:15am

Roman Catholic Services


Community Supper, Friday, April 17 5pm - 7pm Everyone Welcome! AA Meetings Thursdays at 8:00 pm

Lamont Auxiliary Chapel Saturday Evenings 4:00 pm Our Lady of Good Counsel - Skaro 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays 8:30 am St. Michael the Archangel - St. Michael 2nd and 4th Sundays 8:30 am For further information please call O.L.A. Fort Saskatchewan at 780-998-3288

5008 - 50 St. Bruderheim 780-796-3543

Sunday Worship 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am Junior Youth- (Kindergarten to Grade 6) Wednesday - 6:00 pm Grief Recovery Support Group - call for information. Located at the 4-way stop in Bruderheim


Bethany Lutheran Church

20577 TWP 550 Fort.Sask. (7km East of Josephburg) 780-998-1874 Pastor Richard Williams Worship Service 11:00 am Sunday School 11:15 am

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 09

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10 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Literary Rock ‘N Roll Show takes two local schools by storm Submitted by Nora Wisselink “Good stories.” “Awesome rocking music.” “Funny.” Are just some of the words Lamont Elementary School students used to describe children’s author, Sigmund Brouwer’s Rock and Roll Literacy Presentation. On Thursday afternoon, March 19 students and teachers were rock and rolling in the gym and learning about why stories matter and how to “daydream” and then “deliver” their own stories. Sigmund Brouwer is the best-selling author of nearly thirty children and young adult novels, with close to 4 million books in print. In his presentation he used music and story to give fun and practical advice on how to make sure that reading and writing become the foundation to future success and winning our own “Stanley Cups.” To everyone’s surprise he opened his presentation by saying that he doesn’t like to write.

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Student Zachary Kuzio poses for a photograph with award winning Canadian author Sigmund Brouwer. “I’ve written lots of books, but I don’t like to write,” but he admitted, “I love to daydream”. He likes to tell people he had the worst grade in his English class, and that it took him ten years to get his first book published.

He impressed upon students that stories need problems and the bigger the problem the better the book.He talked about how music speaks to the emotions of listeners and how a good story does the same. Students were thrilled when he announced that students in Grades 3-6 would receive one of his books. This generous gift was made possible by his sponsor.

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Andrew School librarian Denise Dorland received a Story Diva t-shirt from author Sigmund Brouwer during the March 20th presentation in Andrew. He is also seen clapping along with student Brooke Hamaliuk.

Pure Yoga Studio is a brand new yoga studio that opened Feb 2015. We have built an amazing team of instructors who will provide exceptional yoga to the people of Fort Saskatchewan and the surrounding communities. Pure’s vision is to make yoga accessible, and to purify your health and wellness. Pure offers hot, warm and non-heated yoga classes. For more information on class types and schedules check us out on Facebook or our website at Facebook.www.pureyogastudioinc.com

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 11









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12 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Future of St. Michael Rec. Centre: water supply, upgrades Michelle Pinon Editor

Tom and Mae Adamyk are worried about the future of the St. Michael Recreation Centre. So are fellow members of the St. Michael Agricultural Society. In fact, 45 members of the ag. society personally signed a letter of concern regarding proposed options for the hamlet’s future water supply that had been outlined previously during a public meeting that was hosted last fall by Lamont County and held in the local community centre. An article that was published in the Jan. 12th edition of The Lamont Leader sparked further discussion amongst ag. society members, and prompted the non-profit organization to write a letter of concern to Lamont County Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Al Harvey, Reeve Wayne Woldanski and fellow members of county council on Jan. 26th. Several options were outlined by CAO Harvey; some of which included: upgrading the existing water treatment plant, replacing the existing plant including a truck fill, and replacing the existing plant with a regional waterline.

Council requested more information regarding the availability of deep wells, and wanted an estimate as to the cost of upgrading the existing facility during its Jan. 12th meeting. Council made a motion to defer the item. As far as the Adamyks and other ag. society members feel, there is no need for another source of water as the current well, that has been in operation for the last 50 years, has no problems in relation to quality and quantity or rate of flow. They also say there is no need for a truck fill, reservoir, or alternate waterline. Both the society, which owns and operates the recreation centre, as well as residents feel the same way. They are concerned about the affordability of water in the community should council proceed with some of the options that are being proposed. They are also concerned about a possible future water levy, increases existing water rates, and perhaps property taxes, as well as future growth in the community. Some of the proposed options range in price from $400,000 upwards to $4 million, which is very disconcerting to them. The St. Michael Recreation Centre is the “lifeblood” of the community, say the Adamyks, who have invested their hearts and souls into the well being of the centre and the people who benefit from its many community based events and activities. For example, recently the ag. society provided the facility free of charge to organizers of the

From Where I Sit: Before It’s Too Late

By Hazel Anaka When a grandson is five you know time is short. Very soon he’ll be joining the ranks of the fulltime student and life will never be the same again. Our boy, Grady is already busy with hockey practices and games, swimming lessons, two days of kindergarten per week, play dates, and parties. No doubt, summer will bring soccer and tee ball practices. Arranging for a sleepover at the farm takes much maneuvering: texts, phone calls, and emails; calendar checking; and picking up and returning plans. So when Roy knew he’d be attending a conference at Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton, he suggested we try to arrange a sleepover at the hotel. It was

genius considering that the hotel is part of West Edmonton Mall that is home to a huge indoor amusement park called Galaxyland. So after Greg dropped Grady off we headed to the food court for a quick bite. Then because the fifty dollars (twenty-five from dad, twenty-five from us) was burning a hole in his Spiderman wallet we headed to the toy department at Target. You had to know he’d be leaving with a Lego set. He also bought a shield/slingshot/arrow type thing on sale. Before heading back to the room we checked every cage and tank at the pet store near the hotel. His favourite creature was a salamander because they have one living under their deck. The hamsters make my skin crawl but that’s another story. It is a grandparent’s sworn duty to stretch bedtime to the breaking point so we did. He wasn’t about to leave the Lego kit for morning. By ten he was out like a light. In the morning we amused ourselves with a few games of Go Fish. He was thrilled to kick Nana’s butt in each one. He squirmed and gig-

gled as I made him promise he’d never tell a soul so I’m sure everyone knows by now. We made art using the dollar store version of Spirograph. Using a series of cogged circles and rings and different coloured pens we were able to create beautiful mandalas. We played a rousing game of Balloon. Batting it, chasing it, keeping it airborne burnt off his energy and had both of us laughing. Finally it was time. We had to set some ground rules first. He had to clearly understand that my constitution doesn’t allow me to go on rides. I had to explain, more than once, that I couldn’t do it with my kids and I can’t with him. And besides, would he want me to vomit all over the attendant? Hell, I got nauseated going through the haunted house with him. He went on all the rides that his height and lack of adult companion permitted. He rejected the ‘baby’ rides. He played Whack-a-Mole and redeemed his earned coupons for toy soldiers. He had hours of fun and I got the chance to spend a couple of fun days with him before it’s too late, from where I sit.

Kalyna Country Music Festival which saw well over 1,000 people come in and out the doors for an entire week. The ag. society offers the venue free of charge for local 4-H clubs, parenting and senior groups, training courses and classes, etc. The St. Michael Recreation Centre is one of the busiest facilities in all of Lamont County, and hosts thousands of people on an annual basis, people who attend weddings, funerals, fundraisers, church functions, concerts, etc. “We have one of the largest network’s of volunteeers in the area, which not only brings community together, but provides this area and surrounding areas with a place of belonging and self worth,” stated Mae, in her letter of Jan. 26th. “Our St. Michael’s board of directors believes in families, youth and the well being of family growth. We volunteer our time and resources to run all these programs without being a financial burden to the family,” pointed out Adamyk. Tom, an engineer, who also has extensive experience operating a water treatment plant, says that if environmental regulations stipulate the upgrading or replacement of the existing water treatment plant, then so be it, but residents, businesses and members of the ag. society don’t want or need any of the other options right now. He added that if a waterline was deemed necessary in the future to accommodate population growth, to delve into the possibility at that time. For the time being, the Adamyk’s as well as fellow members of the ag. society, are anxiously awaiting the county’s response.

10th Annual Haying in the 30’s

Cancer Fundraiser Saturday, April 18, 2015 St. Michael Rec Centre Perogy & Chicken Supper: 6:00 pm Live and Silent Auction to follow Adults: $15 Children (4-10 years): $7 3 and under FREE

Tickets available at:

Lamont Home Hardware Mae 780-896-2102 Joanne 780-896-2281 Chris 780-896-2142

The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 -13

Andrew Figure Skating Club Gala March 22, 2015

Brooke Hamaliuk


Katelyn Yaremie Taylor Lamash

Members of the Edmonton Ice Edition Team were the featured guest skaters during the gala.

Jordan Fedorvich Colton Foreman Cowboy Gavin Hamaliuk tries to out skate the Lone Ranger Rylee Yadlowski and his trusty sidekick Tonto Easton Tkachuk.

14 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Business Directory


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The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 -15

Business Directory

Real Estate

1” $40/month; 2” $80/month For all your real estate needs




KT Mechanical LTD

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Massage Therapy

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Shannon Kowal Broker 5004 50 Street, Mundare

Kevin Tychkowsky Lamont, Alberta Commercial & Residential • Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration

ArTeam Realty

Independently owned and operated

Phone: 292-2336 Fax: 895-2809 ktmechanical@hotmail.com 20 years experience!

"I live in Lamont County!" Mary Robinson

JMP Plumbing & Heating Ltd.


Furnace & Hot Water Tank Replacement Plumbing - New Home Construction Air Conditioning - Gas Fitting - Gas Fire Places Garage Heaters - Service & Repair - Sheet Metal

John Panek 780-999-2065 jmpplumbing@live.ca Box 84, Lamont, AB T0B 2R0

HIGHLINE MECHANICAL Services Ltd. service@highlinemechanical.ca


Valerie McConville 780-700-8638 www.valeriemcconville.com Helping Families Make the Right Move Realty Executives Devonshire

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e-mail: gerhard.rosin@century21.ca

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Phone Steve for a FREE Estimate Today Cell: 780-632-9352 or leave a message at 780-657-2066

*Renovation of Houses & Basements*Concrete Restoration*Drywall&Taping* Forms for Basements

16 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Andrew Figure Skating Club presents annual awards Michelle Pinon Editor

The Andrew Figure Skating Club wrapped up its 2014-’15 season on Sunday, March 22 during its annual gala. The costumes were beautiful and the skating performances were delightful. Several of the skaters were also rewarded for their determination, perseverance, positive attitude, talent and passion for the sport of figure skating. Crowned Canskate Champions were Brittany and Rylee Yadlowski. This award is given to Canskaters who demonstrate the qualities that embody the spirit of a champion. Part-time dance coach Melanie Fedorvich explained that this a w a r d includes: “determination, perseverence and a positive attitude.” Payton Donald was n a m e d Canskater of the Year. “Canskater of the Year, MICHELLE PINON PHOTO recognizes Head Coach Abby Kozma, right, con- a skater gratulates Katelyn Yaremie for winning who shows the Starskater of the Year Award. talent and passion for

the sport of figure skating,” added Fedorvich. The Most Improved Canskater was awarded to both Abby Kapicki and Easton Tkachuk. The Starskater of the Year was awarded to Katelyn Yaremie for showing the most improvement during the season along with a positive attitude, determination and discipline. Head coach Abby Kozma as well as part-time Starskate coach Juline Chomay were given bouquets of flowers for all of their knowledge, guidance and

expertise during the season. Program Assistants Jordan Fedorvich, Katelyn Yaremie, Taylor Lamash and Abi Marianicz were also given flowers for all of their assistance throughout the season. Family, friends, community members and sponsors were also formally acknowledged for their contributions to the success of the Andrew Figure Skating Club.

Town of Mundare

Town of Mundare

Employment Opportunity

Employment Opportunity

Summer Student – Public Works

Ukraina Park Attendant

The Town of Mundare requires summer students to assist with various duties in the Public Works department. Duties will include general labour, cutting grass, weed eating, assisting with landscaping, special event set-up and tear-down, garbage pick-up, and assisting other staff as required. These are seasonal positions from MaySeptember 2015.

The Town of Mundare requires a PARK ATTENDANT for Ukraina Park on a contract basis. For full list of duties, please check our web site www.mundare.ca or contact the Administration Office at 780-764-3929. Park attendant contract pays $550.00 per week and runs from May 12 to September 8, 2015.

Please submit resume by Thursday, April 16 to: Susan Campbell Town of Mundare 5128 50 St. Box 348 Mundare, AB T0B 3H0 Or by fax to 780-764-2003 or e-mail to scampbell@mundare.ca.

Please submit resume by Thursday, April 16 to: Susan Campbell Town of Mundare 5128 50 St. Box 348 Mundare, AB T0B 3H0 Or by fax to 780-764-2003 or e-mail to scampbell@mundare.ca.

Business Directory

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Cell: 780-220-5405

Box 412 Lamont, Alberta T0B-2R0


The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 -17

Blanket Alberta Ads take approximately 10 days to process

______________________ AUCTIONS ______________________ COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION. 5th Annual Edmonton Motor Show Collector Car Auction. April 10 - 12. Edmonton Expo Centre. Over 80,000 spectators. Over 80% sold last year. Consign today. 1888-296-0528 ext. 102; EGauctions.com. ______________________ MEIER SPRING Classic Car & Truck Auction. Saturday & Sunday, May 2 & 3, 11 a.m. 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Consign today, call 780-440-1860. ______________________ UNRESERVED AUCTION. Terarosa Antiques, furniture, oil & gas, slot machine, chuckwagon, advertising, collectibles and more. 10 a.m., Saturday, April 4; www.scribnernet.com or 780-842-5666. Location: Marsden, Saskatchewan. ______________________ WHEATLAND AUCTIONS Spring Consignment Auction. April 18, 10 a.m. in Cheadle, Alberta. Farm equipment, vehicles, heavy equipment, RVs, etc. Consign now! Call 403-669-1109; www.wheatlandauctions.com

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sam@lloydexh.com; www.lloydexh.com. ______________________ EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ______________________ FULL-TIME MANAGING EDITOR wanted for weekly newspaper in Viking, Alberta. 1 hour drive from Edmonton. Experience preferred. Contact Lorraine 780-336-3422 or email: vikingweeklyreview@gmail .com. ______________________ FULL-TIME GRAPHICS DESIGNER required at the Vermilion Voice newspaper. Some weekend scheduling. Some experience is required. Email resume to: vermilionvoice@gmail.com ______________________ PEMBINA RIVER Natural Gas Co-op Ltd. Employment Opportunity Natural Gas Utility Operator. We are seeking the right individual to join our team as a full-time employee. Experience in the operation of a Natural Gas Distribution System is preferred. Computer skills, strong public relations and a willingness to learn are also important for this position. For those without experience we are willing to train the right individual. We offer a competitive salary, benefit package and pension plan. Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Please send resumes to Pembina River Natural Gas Co-op. Attention: General Manager. P.O. Box 122, Jarvie, AB, T0G 1H0 or email: pemgas@mcsnet.ca. Fax 780-954-3844. Deadline for resumes is April 6, 2015. ______________________ INTERESTED IN the Community Newspaper business? Alberta's weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. FREE. Visit: awna.com/for-job-seekers. ______________________ AUDI EDMONTON North Opening this June. We are looking for Licensed Technicians interested in relocating to join a winning group. Please submit resume to: shebdon@jpautogroup.com. ______________________ PROGRESSIVE EMS SERVICE in Southwest Alberta require a full-time EMT Paramedic (Advanced Care Paramedic) currently registered with Alberta College of Paramedics with no restrictions. The opening is located in a rural setting, and based in a vibrant,

These blanket classified ads are produced through a joint agreement by The Community Press, Viking Weekly Review, Lamont Leader, Tofield Mercury and Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association (AWNA). These ads appear in all AWNA member papers (120 papers) for the cost of $269.00 (+gst) for the first 25 words, $8.00 per word over 25. To place a blanket classified, call a CARIBOU PUBLISHING representative at 780-385-6693 or email ads@thecommunitypress.com. thriving town with full service and amenities. Requirements: Current non restricted ACP registration, Valid Class 4 licence, Drivers abstract, ACLS, PALS, ITLS certifications, Criminal Record check with vulnerable sector check, Completion of Alberta Health Services Emergency Medical Services Medical Control Protocols is an asset. This is an excellent opportunity for an EMT Paramedic who values work and life balance and who wishes to be a leader within a terrific team of dedicated professionals. Please contact Margaret Cox, Pincher Creek Emergency Services at 403-627-5333 or by fax at 403-627-3502. Email: marg.pcambulance@gmail.com

______________________ MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-athome positions available. Get the online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-855768-3362 to start training for your work-at-home career today! ______________________ EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ______________________ A-STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers. Used 20' & 40' Seacans high cube & insulated containers 40' HC. Winter Specials in stock now. Self unloading delivery. Phone toll free 1866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com. ______________________ FEED AND SEED ______________________ SELLING ORGANIC/conventional Sweet Clover, Red Clover, Alfalfa, Smooth and Meadow Brome, Crestedwheat, Timothy, Sainfoin. Milk Vetch. Free delivery on larger orders! Pasture and hay blends. Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK. Phone 306-863-2900; ivanaudrey@sasktel.net. ______________________ HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. "On Farm Pickup" Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252. ______________________ FOR SALE ______________________ METAL ROOFING & SIDING. 30+ colours available at over 40 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at

select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888263-8254. ______________________ SAWMILLS from only $4,397. Make money & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info & dvd: www.NorwoodSawmills.co m/400OT. 1-800-566-6899 ext. 400OT. ______________________ SILVERWOOD LUXURY Modular Log Homes. Show Home 311 - 36 Ave. SE, Calgary. Discover how we can design, build & finish your custom log home in weeks. 1-855-598-4120; www.silverwoodloghomes.ca. ______________________ REFORESTATION NURSERY SEEDLINGS of hardy trees, shrubs, & berries for shelterbelts or landscaping. Full boxes as low as $0.99/tree. Free shipping. Replacement guarantee. 1866-873-3846 or www.treetime.ca. ______________________ MANUFACTURED HOMES ______________________ FINAL CLEARANCE SALE. Check out the discounts on all of our 2014 homes left on our lot. We have two 20 wide homes

and one 16' wide left. For information call Marg at Craigs Home Sales in Lethbridge. 1-855-3802266. We deliver up to 300 km free. _______________________ CHOOSE FROM 8 Brand New Triple M 20x76 kitchen special spec manufactured homes starting at $138,500 and save over $5000! For more information call United Homes Canada 1-800-461-7632 or visit our site at www.unitedhomescanada.com. _______________________ REAL ESTATE _______________________ EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW - 3842+/- sq. ft. on 33.98 title acres & 5.50 Acre Lot w/32, 440+/- sq. ft. Commercial Industrial Buildings. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, May 7, Getkate Property near Lethbridge, Alberta. Jerry Hodge: 7807 0 6 - 6 6 5 2 ; rbauction.com/realestate. _______________________ UNDEVELOPED LAND in Okotoks, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, April 29 in Edmonton. 80+/- acres just North of Okotoks town limit. Currently Zoned A Agricultural District. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauction.com/realestate.


_______________________ SERVICES _______________________ NEED TO ADVERTISE? Province wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $269. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details or call 1800-282-6903 ext. 228. _______________________ CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-228-1300/1-800-3472540. _______________________ GET BACK on track! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need money? We lend! If you own your own home you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420; www.pioneerwest.com. _______________________ DO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - It's that simple. 1-877-4862161. _______________________ WANTED _______________________ FREE SCRAP and truck removal including farm machinery. We pay cash at our yard. 1-780-914-7560; www.sturgeonbusparts.ca.

Here’s how it works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

18 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015


CLASSIFIED AD RATES $10.75 first 25 words 39¢ each additional word LEGAL NOTICE RATES 79¢ per agate line/ insertion PICTURE BOLD $10.00 $5.00 ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID BEFORE INSERTION All advertising subject to the approval of the Publisher. Viking Review Ph. 780-336-3422 vikingreview@gmail.com Tofield Mercury Ph. 780-662-4046 adsmercury@gmail.com Lamont Leader Ph. 780-895-2780 lmtleader@gmail.com

ANNOUNCEMENTS A Celebration of Life in honour of Birdie Brunner will be held at the Spilstead Hall on Saturday, April 11th at 1:00 pm. TM13p ________________________

BUSINESS OPP. Floral & Gift Shop for sale. Located in Lamont, Alberta. In business for 15 years. Serious inquiries only, please call 780-895-2675. LL12-15 ________________________

COMING EVENTS VIKING FARMERS MARKET Easter Market April 2, 2 - 5 p.m. Regular baking, crafts and sewing, Woodwork, Watkins, Sunset Gourmet, Nut Lady, Llynda More Boots, Silk flower arrangements, Pampered Chef, Epicure, Artwork, Fifth Avenue and more. Contact Evelyn at 780-5922431. tfn ________________________ Tofield Garden Club muffin party on Thursday, April 16th @ United Church 9:3011:30. Guest speaker from Lil' Warriors Be Brave Ranch. Bake and plant sale. Everyone Welcome. TM13-15c ________________________ The Viking Knights of Columbus will lead the Walking Way of the Cross, on the streets of Viking, on Good Friday, April 3 starting at the Catholic Church at 3:00 P.M. Come join us! 12-13c ________________________


Serving Beaver County & Area

Classified ads placed in any of the three publications will appear in all papers for ONE price of $10.75 for the first 25 words and .39¢ a word thereafter






Auction Sale - Sat., April 18 - Starting at 11 a.m. at Viking Industrial Park. Mr. and Mrs. Don Place selling industrial equipment, hardware, supplies and much more. Free coffee from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 13-15p ________________________

Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Town of Vegreville. Balcony, 3 appliances. OnSite Management. Rent from $695 to $895, SD from $595 to $795. Senior SD $295. Rent includes water heat and powered parking stall. Please call 780-2750235 LL09tfn ________________________

Experienced Class 1 Gravel truck driver needed, approx May 1/15. Quad wagon or tridem end dump experience needed. Drop off Resume to Tofield Transit Mix, 4915-49 Ave. Tofield, AB. Or call Sandy 780-6623330. This is a possible year round position. TM11tfnc ________________________ KILLAM RECREATION BOARD INVITATION TO TENDER The Killam Recreation Board is accepting tenders to contract the Agri-Plex Concession. This position will begin on April 30, 2015. Tender packages will be available to pick up at the Town of Killam Administration Office. All tenders must be sealed and clearly marked “AgriPlex Concession Tender” and delivered to the Town of Killam Administration Office at 4923-50st. Box 189 Killam Alberta T0B-2L0. For more information please call Charlene at the Town Office at 780-3853977. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Killam Recreation Board CP09-13c ________________________ Parts person wanted at Tofield Napa Auto Parts. Parts or mechanical experience in the automotive field required. Call Tom or Darryl @ 780-662-3212 before dropping off resume. TM04-tfnc ________________________

In Loving Memory of Mike Ziminek Sept. 4, 1923 - April 4, 2012

Bark Avenue Dog Grooming. All breeds, open early mornings, some evenings and Saturdays. Call Loriann between 9 am & 6 pm 780662-3099. TM35tfnc ________________________ Carpet and upholstery cleaning - residential and commercial. Truck mount unit, sewer back-up, and flood cleaning. Auto and RV cleaning. Call Glenn and Cindi Poyser, Fancy Shine Auto and Carpet Care at (780) 384-3087, Sedgewick. CPtfn ________________________ GOT GOPHERS? Four adults from Edmonton are looking to arrange permission to shoot gophers. We are respectful, safetyminded, experienced, provide our own ammo. Call 780-405-2022. CP12-15p ________________________ Need Spring Cleaning? Need help? Need a break from your home? It’s time to call. Now accepting new clients for housekeeping and cleaning. One time, regular schedule or by contract. For more info call 780385-4154. CP13-14p ________________________

FOR RENT Wanted to rent cultivated land for 2015 or 2016. Premium prices paid for certain lands within 6 miles of Holden. Bonuses for long term. Call Wayne or Dylan 780-688-2430. TM13-15p ________________________ For rent in Tofield, suite in four-plex. 2 bedrooms, 1 & 1/2 bath, fridge, stove, washer & dryer. No pets, no smoking. $1,000/month and $1,000 damage deposit. Call 780-263-2688 TM46TFNc ________________________ Farm Land for rent. 108 cultivated acres. Located at SE30-47-12-W4M Beaver County. All bids can be mailed to Andrew Twerdochlib at Box 983 Viking, Alberta T0B 4N0 or emailed to andrewtwerdochlib@gmail.com. Highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. Deadline for bids is April 15, 2015. Any questions call 780-336-5503. 13-14p ________________________ Tofeild-Available June 1, 1500 sq. ft house for rent $1700 + DD + utilities. Two bay garage and no pets or smoking, or rent upstairs for $1000 and basement for $700. Shared laundry and garage. Call Rick at 780217-282 TM12tfn ________________________ 3 bedroom townhouse in Viking - will rent with utilities $1,000 per month or without $700. Available April 1. 780-336-6089 or 780-336-6088 12-13c ________________________ Office space for rent on main street Tofield, next to the Post Office. Call Norm for details 780-964-7424 TM10-13p ________________________ Tofield 3 bedroom house, 1 & 1/2 bath, nice yard, deck, single attached garage. Some pets welcome. $1,200/month plus D.D. and utilities. Available April 15th or May 1st. Call Janet at 780-431-0988 TM13-14p ________________________


FOR SALE 2007 Liberty Sports. Excellent condition. $7,500. Call 780-336-2237 or 780385-6233 12-13p ________________________ For Sale 36 inch Jenn-Air 5 burner gas cooktop $300. Located in Tofield. Call 780662-2768 TM13-14p ________________________ Malick’s Repair - 5012 - 50 St, Holden. Closing Out Sale. Plumbing, sheet metal, bolts, filing cabinets, shelving and more. Everything must go. 780-688-3556 or 780-688-3844 13-14c ________________________

FUNERAL NOTICE Albert Squair passed away peacefully on March 28 at the age of 88 years. Funeral service will be Friday, April 3 at 1 pm in Kinsella. 13p ________________________

HELP WANTED Viking Meats requires part time help 2 to 3 days a week and student for part time after school position and full time $12 to $15 an hour depending on experience. Apply in person. tfn p ________________________ The Viking Golf Club currently has an opening for a part time clubhouse employee. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and must have or be willing to obtain their pro-serve course. Must be willing to work evenings and some weekends. Resumes can be mailed to the Viking Golf Club, Box 985, Viking, AB, T0B 4N0, Attention Carter Oakes. 12-13c ________________________ Experienced Class 3 mixer truck driver needed, approx May 1/15. Will need to work some Saturdays. Drop off Resume to Tofield Transit Mix, 4915-49 Ave. Tofield, AB. Or call Sandy 780-662-3330. This is a possible year round position. TM11tfnc ________________________

Classified d

Adss Work!!

LIVESTOCK For Sale: Light birthweight red and black angus yearling bulls. $2,500 Bellshill Red Angus and Davidson Angus. Lougheed, AB. Phone: 780-384-2354 or 780888-2123. Cell: 780-8887585. 12-21p ________________________ Purebred Salers Bulls. White, tan, red and black. Scattered Spruce Salers. 780-768-2284. 13-26p ________________________




TOFIELD: 780-662-4046

LAMONT: 780-895-2780

They say it’s a beautiful journey From the old world to the new. Someday we’ll make that journey Which will lead us straight to you. And when we reach that garden In which there is no pain We will put our arms around you And never part again. Always remembered and sadly missed by Jennifer and family Shelly and family Sheila and family 13p ________________________

REAL ESTATE 80 Acres for Sale #2 soil on TWP Rd 573 1/2 mile west of RR 192. $260,000. MLS E3398560 Kim Stubbs RE/MAX River City 7 8 0 - 9 7 4 - 3 3 5 7 kimstubbs@remax.net LL05-14p ________________________


8.5 Acres, 7 miles southwest of Killam. 3760 sq ft ranch style home. 6 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 2 fireplaces. New roof, flooring, bathrooms, countertops, tile, and appliances. Barn, shed, serviced shop. $549,000 comfree.com/459392 realtor.ca – C3640678 780-385-8686 CP40tfn ________________________ FOR SALE - Viking Villas, 1080 square feet, 2 bedroom with developed basement, 3 bathrooms, beautiful cabinetry throughout, sliding door to covered patio, all appliances, attached heated garage. Open to offers. Low condo fees. Call 780385-5702 for more information or to view. 08-13c ________________________

SERVICES Massage and Reflexology 1 hour treatments. Marge 780-662-3066. TM33tfn ________________________ Roy’s Handyman Services. Flooring, trim work, basement finishing, decks, fences, kitchen cabinet installs and carpentry work. 780-6620146 or 780-232-3097. TMtfn ________________________

Want to buy a battery operated cassette player. The old type that does not have a radio. Phone George Thiessen 780-662-3179. TM12-13p

Does your club have an event planned? Advertise in Classifieds

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The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 19

Graphics/Sales Representative Required at the Lamont Leader The Lamont Leader is looking for a reliable, friendly, people-person to fill two roles in a single full time position at our newspaper. The position requires a familiarity with computers, office work, and sales. As well, the successful applicant should possess the following skills: • • • • • • •

Organized, able to manage jobs accurately Typing (no hunt and peck here) Spelling (spell check should only be for double checking) Friendly (we demand professionalism and pleasantness) Co-operative (jobs overlap in a small office) Reliable (our readers and customers depend on us) Responsible (jobs need to be taken to the end)

We’ll train: Applicants should be able to learn office work, create graphics, manage customers, work within strict deadlines, and look forward to - and enjoy - the challenges and opportunities of both telephone and in-person sales. We’re growing! Wages according to experience, with great opportunity for increases depending on effort. You can make your own way in the world! Mileage paid, health benefits available. If you want to join our team with the only goal: To bring the people of Lamont County the best newspaper possible Please send resumes: Editor/Manager Michelle Pinon lamontnews@gmail.com Only top applicants will be contacted for interviews.

Did you know? You are part of Kalyna Country Primary Care Network (KCPCN) if you see any of these doctors/physicians: • Dr. Hermanus Potgieter • Dr. Riaan Nieman • Dr. Margarietha Hagen • Dr. Darren Hallett • Dr. Calin Van Rooyen • Dr. Tim Hanton • Dr. Timothy Weighman Your family doctor works with a team of health care professionals as part of the Kalyna Country PCN, to best serve your health care needs. As well, if you attend one of our Kalyna Country PCN clinics, you are one of our patients. Need a Doctor? Find a list of family doctors accepting new patients on our website. Kalynapcn.ca or KalynaCountryPCN Viking Location

Killam Location

5301 51st Street Viking, Alberta T0B 4N0 (P) 780-336-0190

5203 49th Avenue Box 729 Killam, Alberta T0B 2L0 (P) 780-385-7890


Members of Lamont Elementary School’s parent advisory council. Sylvia McDonald, Lisa Dyck, Jody Zachoda, Ashley Dyck and Joan Dey.

Call 780-895-2780 and place your ad in this spot.

20 - The Lamont Leader (Lamont, Alberta), Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lamont County is seeking a public at large board member who will serve a three year term, with eligibility for renewal, on the FCSS (Family and Community Support Services) Board. This is a volunteer position. Members of the FCSS board meet bi-monthly. ROLE x Are committed to meet on a bi-monthly basis. x Serve as a member of the body, contribute and review activities, projects and plans. x Provide input, advice and guidance and act as a sounding board on potential issues. x Raise the profile of the Boards externally, liaise and build relationships with those affected.

Standard First Aid – Level A, B, C CPR & AGP This 2-day course will be held April 8 & 9, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Lamont Rec Center Meeting Room. Cost: $150 Fire Arm Safety The fire arm safety course is mandatory in order to apply to obtain a possession of ownership license. If there is enough interest, a Fire Arm Safety Course will be held.

Summer Program L.I.T. (Leader in Training) FCSS Lamont County invites Youth ages 14-18 to apply for the position of Summer Program L.I.T for the Summer Day Camps program held in Lamont County. Four Temporary Volunteer Summer Program L.I.T. positions are available. This flexible position allows you to volunteer for up to six summer camp weeks in July and August 2015. You are required to attend the staff training days. The position is full-time seven hours per day, four-five days per week. For each week that you volunteer, you will receive an honorarium of $125. Please hand in resumes by May 1, 2015.

Cost: $130 QUALIFICATIONS x Practical and pragmatic mindset and a strong interest in serving the public sector. x Team player with good communication skills, able to work effectively with a broadly based peer group and represent the board externally. x Must be a resident of Lamont County HOW TO APPLY This position will remain open until a member is found. Please email your letter of interest to info@lamontcounty.ca, or mail to:

Air Brakes There are only 2 spaces available in this 12hour day course. The course date will be chosen once all spaces are filled.

Summer Program Leader FCSS Lamont County is looking to fill five Summer Program Leader positions for the Summer Day Camps program held in Lamont County.

Cost: $240

The position is full-time 7 hours per day, five days a week. This is a temporary summer position for the months of July and August 2015.

Please contact Odette at 780-895-2233 ext. 233 to register and/or put your name on a waiting list for upcoming courses.

Please hand in resumes by May 1, 2015. Sara Rindero FCSS Lamont County Region 5303-50 Avenue Lamont, AB T0B 2R0

Executive Assistant Lamont County Administration Building 5303 50 Ave Lamont, AB, T0B 2R0

Phone: (780) 895-7751 Fax: (780) 895-7404 Email: sara.r@lamontcounty.ca For complete details on employment opportunities with FCSS, visit our employment webpage at lamontcounty.ca/community/fcss/work-with-fcss. FCSS Lamont County Region thanks all applicants for their interest, however only those who have been selected for an interview will be contacted.

Please be advised that the following bridges in Lamont County have weight restrictions; take caution and follow the restrictions as posted:

1-2-3 Cook With Me Program Come make a mess in our kitchen!

x SW30-53-17-W4M - Twp 534 between RR180 and RR175 - 10 tonnes x SE18-57-16-W4M - Twp572 between RR165 and RR170 3 tonnes x NW34-55-19-W4M – RR193 between Twp560 and Hwy29 -10 tonnes x NE33-55-19-W4M – Twp560 between RR193 and Hwy831 - 3 tonnes

6 week program for parents and children 0-6 years Saturday, April 4 from 10 a.m. – Noon Downtown Bruderheim (by the Gazebo) Join us for a FREE Easter Egg Hunt! Bring your own Basket! Prizes available! Join us for some Easter Fun!

The Bruderheim Senior Center would like to invite you to a full breakfast on Easter Saturday, April 4, at the Bruderheim Senior Center. $5.00 per plate and kids under 6 eat free.

Dates: April 8, 15, 23, 29, May 6, 13 Time: 10 a.m. - Noon Where: Lamont Alliance Church

Everyone is welcome! Please register with CALS @ 780-632-3225

For more information call Elsie @ 780-796-3952 or Jillian @ 780-575-0061 Sponsored by the Bruderheim Lioness Club

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