Rise Up Sis & Live
God Has Destined You To Live, Abundantly - Carica E. Williams
Christian Group Coaching Program Rise Up, Sis and Live! is a group coaching program designed for women of faith. It is a retreat and a coaching session that brings spiritual cleansing, healing, and restoration.
Facilitated by Carica E. Williams Carica is a small business consultant and empowerment coach, who skillfully incorporates faith and the word of God in her business strategy, empowering Christian females to overcome fear and pursue the dreams God has placed in their hearts.
Revive Your Spirit It is a six-week coaching session. Each week's session has an agenda full of surprises, engaging activities, and confidence boosters that will refresh and revive your spirit.
In Rise Up, Sis and Live Christian group coaching program, you will cancel doubt, confront fear, dismiss anxiety, embrace change, and work towards walking in the boldness of life God has empowered you to walk in, by faith.
Over Coming The Fear Your group facilitator Carica will guide you so that complete and total change will develop and take place in your mind and heart.
THANKS! Do you have any questions? carica@caricaewilliams.com +1 267-818-4435 www.caricaewilliams.com
@caricaewilliams @caricaewilliams