Home Care
FY15 Annual Report
Home is much more than just a word. It reflects your personality. It holds your memories. It’s your refuge in trying times. It’s your favorite place to be. So it’s no wonder that when health issues arise, you want to be cared for at home, if possible. At Carilion Clinic Home Care, we embrace that spirit. We bring compassion, technology and experience where they’re needed most. We bring them to you.
We bring them home.
Carilion Clinic Mission Statement To improve the health of the communities we serve.
HOSPITAL AND HOME In most cases, people don’t make an instant transition from hospital care to their normal routines. The benefit of extending care to the home goes beyond improving patient experience. It’s a vital link in the continuum of care that our system provides. It helps manage costs, increases quality of care, cuts down on emergency hospital visits and lowers readmissions. It even helps reduce unnecessary testing and medications.
By the Numbers
$16,160,966 REVENUE
129,571 VISITS
Charity Care
New River Valley
Performance Measures We are always striving to improve the quality of care we provide to those we’re honored to serve. Our focus is on improving our patients’ clinical outcomes in as many areas as possible. Some areas in which we have achieved this include the following:
80.5% 68%
99.8% 93%
Source: Percent of patients was reported through HHCAHPS.
GOALS and OBJECTIVES Our scorecard provides staff and leaders a forum where they can access and monitor the key performance indicators, goals, targets, and benchmarks defined by the organization for the year.
a Wide Variety of Services
SERVICES OFFERED INCLUDE: T elehealth – Offers remote monitoring of vital signs and symptoms through a central monitoring center that alerts a nurse to any changes that would warrant a visit or a patient’s physician to be contacted other and baby care – Provides home visits after discharge M from the hospital to help mothers care for themselves and their new baby and teaches them how to create a safe and healthy environment for the baby S ynagis – Helps prevent serious lower respiratory tract diseases in infants caused by RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) artners in Care – Supports patients and families who are dealing P with a life-limiting illness ound care – Provides vascular assessments and interventions to W expedite wound healing Rehabilitation – Physical, occupational and speech therapy
Our Community LONGEVITY PROGRAM Chronic disease management continues to be
a primary focus of home care service delivery. Our staff attends chronic disease management classes followed by a certification exam to ensure they are well equipped to manage this patient population. Diabetes, hypertension, COPD, congestive heart failure and depression are among the diagnoses targeted by this effort. Staff use an easy-to-understand “red flag action plan” to help caregivers know when all is normal, when they need to call the doctor or when they need to seek emergency care. The overall goal is to teach patients and caregivers to recognize when intervention is needed and to seek help before the patient requires a hospital stay.
SHARING THE HEART The holiday season is a poignant time for home
health patients and their families, and we help make it special through our Sharing the Heart of Christmas at Home program. Our caring physicians and staff adopted more than 300 patients and family members in 2015, delivering over 2,300 gifts to make the holidays a time of joy and gratitude.
HOME CARE ELITE Each year the HomeCare Elite™ list is compiled by
the National Research Corporation and DecisionHealth, recognizing the nation’s top 25 percent of agencies that receive high marks in quality of care, quality improvement and consistency, patient experience, process measure implementation and financial performance. In addition, HomeCare Elite™ recognizes the Top 100 and Top 500 providers nationwide. All Carilion agencies were named to the HomeCare Elite List in 2015 for the first time ever. NRV was named in the Top 500.
STAR RATINGS Newly released Star Ratings help to gauge how our organization is performing with patient care and patient satisfaction.
The Quality of Patient Care Star Rating is derived from the staff’s OASIS documentation and measures how well an agency has done with patient care. NRV and Roanoke agencies scored a 4.0 rating and Franklin and Tazewell both scored a 4.5 rating. The national average is a 3.5 star rating. The Patient Survey Star Rating is derived from the HHCAHPS satisfaction questions and measures the patient’s experience with their care. Roanoke, Franklin and Tazewell all scored a 4.0 rating while NRV scored a perfect 5.0 rating.
Telehealth This technology offers remote monitoring of vital signs and symptoms through a central monitoring center that alerts a nurse to any changes that would warrant a visit or a patient’s physician to be contacted. Our 2015 data collection indicated that our rehospitalization rate for patients on telehealth remained under the national average.
MIFI Devices Both Carilion Clinic Hospice and Carilion Clinic Home Care clinicians depend on access to our electronic medical records to review important patient information such as discharge summaries or clinical information related to a recent hospitalization or office visit. To enable our clinicians to use this information while on home visits, we continue to use MiFi mobile devices, a wireless connection allowing clinicians to connect to the server or the Internet for educational purposes. This access allows field clinicians to view a more complete clinical picture. We partner with inpatient settings to prevent avoidable hospital admissions, so access to current and more complete information is invaluable.
Staff Education To ensure quality care is provided, a clinical educator assists with onboarding of new hires and develops education/competencies for our current hospice and home care staff.
Clinical Coordinators Carilion Clinic Home Care has 3.6 FTE (full-time equivalent) registered nurses employed as clinical coordinators who work out of Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital and Carilion New River Valley Medical Center. When patients select Carilion Clinic Home Care as their provider for home care services, one of the clinical coordinators can meet with the patient, family and/ or caregiver to explain our services.
LEADERSHIP TEAM Lisa T. Sprinkel, R.N., B.B.A., M.S.N. Senior Director, Home Care and Hospice
Our Locations Roanoke
1615 Franklin Road Roanoke, VA 24016 540-224-4800
Sarah Browning, R.N., D.N.P. Director, Systems Operations and Support, Home Care and Hospice
Elaine Gravely, B.S. Manager, Revenue Cycle, Home Care and Hospice
Renee Poff, R.N., M.S.N. Manager, Quality, Home Care and Hospice
Mary Riddle, R.N., B.S.N., MS.Ed. Manager, Franklin Home Care and Hospice
Tracy Stewart, R.N., M.S.N. Manager, New River Valley and Tazewell Home Care
Kristie Mason, R.N., B.S.N. Manager, Roanoke, Bedford and Lexington Home Care
Virgil Thompson, O.T.R./L., B.S. Manager, Rehabilitation Services, Home Care and Hospice
35 Medical Court Hardy, VA 24101 540-719-3142
390 S. Main St. Rocky Mount, VA 24151 540-489-6383
100 Spotswood Drive Lexington, VA 24450 540-464-1577
New River Valley 701 Randolph St. Radford, VA 24141 540-633-9330
141 Ben Bolt Ave. Tazewell, VA 24651 276-988-8714