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Citations & Recognitions

October 2021 - January 2022 (& past presentations not noted prior to this edition)

Bath, J. November 1-December 15, 2021. Using a Needs Assessment to Determine Nurses’ Knowledge Gaps in Trauma. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference. Jones, B. November 1-December 15, 2021. Compassion Changes Everything: The Evidencebased Base for Compassionate Care for Patients AND Caregivers. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.


Church, A., Bond, D., Wohlford,S., Locklear, T.,

Sotelo, M., McGinnia, S., Carter, K. November 1-December 15, 2021. Lithium versus Alkaline Battery on a Telemetry Unit: Cost, Alarm Fatigue, Nursing Workflow, and Environmental Impact. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.

O’Conner, K., Hubbard, S., Brogan, T.

November 1-December 15, 2021. Nursing Work Related Stress in the ICU and Aromatherapy 2020 Carilion Nursing Research Fellowship. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.

Dalton-Ward, E., Ward, C. November 1December 15, 2021. Impact of the Influenza Vaccination on the Orthopedica Surgical Patient. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference. White, L., Jeffreys, A., Conkling, M. November 1December 15, 2021. Effects of Moral Distress on Quality of Patient Care - 2020 Carilion Nursing Research Fellowship. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.

Hedge, V., Carter, K., Downey, W., Sharp, H.

November 1-December 15, 2021. Diabetes Distress Among Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.

Bath, J. October 28, 2021. Received the Medical Education Research Certification (MERC).

Parker, S., Browning, S. November 1-December 15, 2021. Cardiac Hospice Care Program - A Matter of Heart. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.

Reiter, L., Harvey, E., Taylor, O., Jatta, M., Plaster, S., Busch, C., McDaniel, B., Cannon, J., Moreno, H., West, K., Tackett, W., Thomas, B.,

Brendel, W., Hodges, C., Mittal, S. November 1December 15, 2021. Reducing External Ventricular Drain Associated Ventriculitis. 2021 Carilion Nursing Research Virtual Conference.

Wooldridge, A., Carter, K. September 2021. Pediatrics and neonatal tracheostomy caregiver education with phased simluation to increase competency and ehnance coping. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 60 (2021) 247-251. DOI:https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2021.07.011

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