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Western Territory welcomes Defenders of Justice, Vincents


The Western Territory welcomed 13 Defenders of Justice Sept. 10 at the Tustin Ranch (California) Corps in a meeting also featuring the installation of Colonels Eddie and Genevera Vincent as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, respectively.

The Cadet Chorus—including the Defenders of Justice and their sister session, the Reflectors of Holiness— opened the meeting in song with “In the Army.”

“I am excited by the future of the Army, especially when I look at these cadets,” said Territorial Commander Douglas Riley in his words of welcome. “We’re here to celebrate God’s goodness and his faithfulness to us.”

After a College for Officer Training (CFOT) team led worship in song, Cadet Nicolas Carrillo-Saad prayed over the meeting and the Staff Songsters offered “I Sing Because I’m Happy.”

Captain Jennifer Masango, Territorial Candidates’ and Recruitment Secretary, presented the cadets to the audi- ence, turning to a video in which each cadet introduced themselves and their family. Douglas Riley then presented the session flag to Cadet Sean Pease.

I am excited by the future of the Army, especially when I look at these cadets.

“Being a defender makes you think there’s a space we need to defend, where we would stay put,” said CFOT Principal Major Nigel Cross in introducing a congregational song. “And yet, being a Defender of Justice means to move out into the world and to defend others with justice. We’re told to be ready to give a defense of the hope that is in us with gentleness and respect [1 Peter 3:15]. It’s an offensive moving out.”

Cadet Emily Reed gave her testimony on behalf of the session, noting her call to officership while on a shortterm mission trip to Belize in 2017.

The years that followed, she said, were filled with hardship and led her to question if she really had heard a calling. She began to pray God would give her a sign with the word “justice,” and later learned it would be in the name of her session.

“God heard my plea when I asked for confirmation and he gave me my word,” Reed said. “I’m here to tell you that our God is faithful. He will work things out far better than you could ever imagine.”

Commissioners Douglas and Colleen Riley installed the Vincents, officers of the Canada and Bermuda Territory, to their new leadership appointments in the West.

“We share with you the deep conviction that this appointment has been the response of God’s guidance on your lives,” Douglas Riley said.

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