1 minute read

Ed Covert is honored for Exceptional Service


Each summer, The Salvation Army welcomes thousands of children across the U.S. at its camps. For many, it’s their first time away from home, in the great outdoors. It’s also where many first experience the love of Jesus.

Camp Redwood Glen Executive Director Ed Covert knows the power of camp. He’s served in The Salvation Army’s camping ministry for more than 30 years across the Western U.S. His efforts were recognized at the North America Camp Symposium, held Feb. 6-10 in Texas at The Salvation Army Camp Hoblitzelle. There, Covert received the Certificate of Exceptional Service for his leadership.

“It was just incredibly affirming to know that camp has a significant role to play within the Army’s scope of ministry and that camp is seen as not only being a great place to develop leaders and to give kids a wonderful experience on their faith journey, but camp is seen as being highly missional,” Covert said. “It was pretty cool for sure to stand there and receive that on behalf of everyone in the room.” presenting the award, National Com-

For Covert, the award is indicative not of personal success, but of the continued importance and impact of The Salvation Army’s rich heritage of camping ministry. But while he is quick to shift the focus from himself to the mission, his impact is felt throughout the West and the larger Salvation Army world.


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