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Eyes On Family O2O Group Network Australia’s Caring Mother.CN is launching a new way to give our customers rewards for buying our all original Australia/New Zealand made products. Especially popular 100% Pure Goat Milk and Infant Goat Milk Formula, 100% Pure Goat Milk Soaps and USA made 'NeoLife' Vitamin Supplements, famous Globally since 1958! 愛尚佳,是由澳洲一位熱愛生活的溫蒂媽媽創立。她結合自己的育兒及從商經驗,挑選出來 自澳洲、紐西蘭及美國所產的數十種優質羊奶粉、羊奶皂及保健維他命,希望將讓更多人認 識澳洲品牌及帶來更好的生活品質! Following our 21 days in China this month (April/May 2017) we have been asked to allow a Group Leader to form a personal network of buyers. We believe this is a great way to serve our customers, at the same time providing the best highest quality milk products and giving you, the buyer rewards for building your own personal group of buyers, from your own friends and family members. 在2017年四月,當溫蒂媽媽度假時,許多當地朋友們向她問起澳洲的生活與分享彼此的生活 經驗後,了解到大家的需要,在大家的盛情邀約下,她決定成立品牌「愛尚佳」,讓更多喜 愛澳洲好產品的朋友能帶給自己及家人更好的生活品質。 Direct Sales Network : Our offer is to pay each Group Leader 3% of the total monthly buying volume of your own Buyers Group. Each within your personal buying group, can also make their own group. Like in the picture here. Each buying group leader will earn 3% of the monthly buying volume of your registered Buyers Group. This is called a ‘Direct Sales Network’. Only a Group Leader is paid 3% on their group’s sales volume monthly. Anyone can become a new Group Leader and start a new Group by registering with CaringMother.CN@gmail.com. 直效銷售網路:我們將採用直效銷售的方式,每月撥出3%採購量收入給組長,每位組長皆 可以組成自己的銷售小組,並在每月採購結算時,我們會統計出每一組採購量後,由組長獲 得3%的購買量金額當作其獲利。 Friends, we warmly invite you to create your own CMBG (Caring Mother.CN Buyers Group) 所以,我們誠摯的邀請各位朋友一起加入「愛尚佳O2O消費群」,讓所有喜愛澳洲產品的朋 友們一起參與! Step 1, Register with your “Name, Home Address, Email/WeChat and Phone”. 第一步:填入姓名、住址、電子信箱、微信及手機號,註冊成為銷售小組長 Step 2, We will email all you need to market and talk to your friends and family, inviting them to buy our products ‘from you’ the Group Leader. 第二部:當我們收到註冊通知時,我們將提供所有產品資料與使用說明,以便了解及開始向 大家介紹及開始銷售。 Step 3, Each week or month you place your group’s orders with us by email or WeChat.

由組長統計當周或當月採購額後,以電子信箱或微信通知我們以利發貨。 Step 4, Every month we calculate your volume of sales within your own group and we send you the ‘Group Leader’ 3% of the monthly sales volume of your group. Payment via Bank deposit, WeChat or Alipay..... Guaranteed. Your own Small Business of Direct Sales Network and your Group of clients/customers. Always remain your Business Group. 我們將在每一個月統計小組銷售額,並同時由銀行轉帳、微信支付等方式匯入指定帳戶,因 此組長、組員與消費者可以放心的經營與使用產品。


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