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about us The visionary Kejriwal Brothers founded Anand Silk Mills fourty years ago with an aim of bring about a contemporary textile revolution in India. After having recognized the importance of reinventing and transforming the exiting scenario in the fabric production industry, Kejriwal brothers used their astute entrepreneur skills coupled with immense foresight resulting in the creation of their first fabric brand Aanan in the year 1979. This was a turning point in the company’s history following which there was no looking back.
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contact inFo ASM Industries India Pvt. Ltd. 5B/285 Sanjay Building, Mittal Industrial Estate Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East) Maharashtra. Mumbai - 400059. (022) 42900045 / (022) 42900046 v9sales@asmindustries.co.in Monday-Friday: 10.00am-7.00pm Saturday: 10.00am-5.00pm Sunday: closed