Thirty-One Fundraiser , Carin Schindler

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As a single mom to two elementary aged boys, I became very frustrated with school fundraising. I don’t want to sell something I was unwilling purchase, I didn’t have time to


hand stuff back out, and not enough of the money was going back to the school. I came up with a better way!!! Parents are given


the opportunity to write a check or ask


friends, family, and co-workers to share just

$10 tax deductible gift and they are entered to a drawing as a thank you for their


donation. The “Thank you bundles” are drawn on my business page live on


Facebook. Winners are announced who win up to $500 in FREE Thirty-One product.


I print the tickets or create a link online, collect 1 check from the organization, and I distribute the thank you bundles to the winners. You earn all the funds you need for your organization. No work, just Rewards! –


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1. Amount you want to Earn

1. Amount you want to Earn

1. Amount you want to Earn




2. Divide by 70%

2. Divide by 70%

2. Divide by 70%




Must Sell (amount / .70)

Must Sell (amount / .70)

Must Sell (amount / .70)




3. Take the total of funds/ 100 = number of tickets you need to sell _____________________

3. Take the total of funds/ 100 = number of tickets you need to sell _____________________

3. Take the total of funds/ 100 = number of tickets you need to sell _____________________

4. Divide number of tickets needed by number of members. This is the amount of packets each member must sell.

4. Divide number of tickets needed by number of members. This is the amount of packets each member must sell.

4. Divide number of tickets needed by number of members. This is the amount of packets each member must sell.




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