Beauty Comes in all Shades Window Display

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THEME: SCAD BEAUTY MISSION: Emerging as the leading face of Beauty and Fragrance in the world of higher education. CONCEPT: We see SCAD as a leader in education within the beauty industry -- which is on the rise. SCAD is emerging as the new ‘face’ of innovative beauty and fragrance marketing. We are a diverse school and want to represent this in our display with an array of skintones. Green is the colour of growth, energy and life, which is representative of the changes within FASM & SCAD.

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The makeup brushes & makeup units on the podiums in the window will be dipped in green paint and sprayed with laquer to match the podium colour. Giving a monochromatic effect:

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We will place stickers with SCAD Beauty logo on the makeup product.


Skin-tone paint colours have been identiямБed.



STEP ONE: UNINSTALLING THE PREVIOUS WINDOW Prying off the old foamcore board. Taking off one of the reflective side walls. Taking all previous props out of the display.

STEP TWO: TESTING OUR CONCEPT FOR THE NEW WINDOW Taking off one of the reflective side walls. Taking all previous props out of the display. Making sure the foamcore board that the heads will be glued to is the same size as the door of the window. Testing the placement of our pedestals and staging our props on them to make sure the proportions are as planned. Measuring the distance of each head. Testing the mirror ------ we ended up having to order another one because the first one was magnified.

STEP THREE: PEDESTALS AND PROPS Sanding the pedestals to ensure a smooth and even coverage of spray paint. Spray painting the pedestals citron green. Spray painting the props i.e. the brushes, lipsticks, tray, bottle caps, printing the SCADbeauty labels, etc.

STEP FOUR: FACES AND RESIN Spray painting the faces and getting a smooth, shiny ďŹ nish (this was difficult and took lots of trial and error). Marking the distance between the faces and their overall placement on the foamcore. Glueing down the faces with wood glue. Mixing the resin and white acrylic paint while assuring that there were no bubbles. Pouring the resin around the faces onto the foamcore (balsa wood preventing leaks). Making sure the resin was distributed equally.

STEP FIVE: INSTALLATION Adhering the shadow box to frame the window. Taping the new reflective side panel and ceiling pieces. Testing out lighting --- we decided to go with white light and add two spotlights. Securing the finished back wall piece to the door with tape. Adding all of our props into the window display. Adding the “Beauty Comes In All Shades” decal to the outside of the window. Adding our artist card.

CHALLENGES Spray painting the faces and ďŹ nding a variety of skin toned spray paints. Encasing the faces in resin with enough time to dry. Finding the perfect shade of citron green. Finding a mirror that was the right shape/ height. Spray painting the pedestals, brushes, bottle tops, and lipstick without messing up. Making sure the forecore the heads are glued to was the exact same high as the door to the window. Despite the many challenges, we were able to install our window without problems thanks to careful planning and several test runs.

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