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PALS Intervention - Messages

and words fromthe Earthquake zone:
From Earthquake Survivors:
"We live in the mountainous areas of Defne. An aid truck came here only the first few days, bringing donations, but we do not know from whom. The distribution was so chaotic that people trampled on each other and only the strongest were able to take the aid thrown from the truck." Youcef M. – March 2023.

"We set up this tent area. My family arrived first, then wasjoined byrelatives and neighbors. Whenthe Syrians arrived, we were worried because they said there was looting.We dividedthe tent area in two.NowSyrians live here and Turks live there. Since we cannot go to school, we walk around all day. Things are still falling from some buildings.” – Nisan - 12 years old girl from ITS near St Pierre church.
"I would like to start by saying thank you. Your teams are going from tent to tent, door to door, offering their condolences and asking us what we need. For the first time, we feel valuable when we receive help. You make usfeelthatwe aretogether inthisdestruction.You make us feel like we matter.” - Meryem

“We have been living in the tent city for a month with my mother and siblings. I am 10 years old, teachers come here but my mother does not let me go to school. She always wants me to stay with her. But I want to go to my friendsand learn.” – Youcef - A child from AHBAP tent city.
“We were growing tomatoes in this greenhouse. Our house was badly damaged and we could not find a tent. Tent cities were far away and we could not leave our animals here alone. So, we dismantled the parts of the greenhouse and carried the belongings we could take out of the house. Now we live in the greenhouse. We do not know when and how we will be able to resume production.” - Hasan