July 2020
#AWARDATHOME—GREEN THUMBS AT WORK When the government put the island into full lockdown at the end of March no one was quite sure how long it would last. But, ‘dukers’ got to work, despite initially being unsure of what exactly to do since they would not be able to attend regular training sessions. That spirit of determination familiar to every ‘duker’ meant they found solutions. Growing things was a solution to many problems. For some it was the solution to being bored, others solved the ‘how am I going to continue my Award?’ problem and others solved the ‘I need a new challenge’ problem One such participant is Ché Alexander of the Open Group. Ché and his brother Remario started a container garden at home in May. After a primary school assignment to grow beans, growing fruits and vegetables has been a goal for him. Well, the restrictions over the last few months and the need to work on the Skills section gave him that opportunity and he has really got into it. Recycling all kinds of containers, Ché planted a variety of crops including bok choy (Chinese cabbage), tomatoes and cucumbers. Gold participant Jaaziel Parris is also an avid gardener. While she has been growing things for a while now, she did use the time staying safe at home to take things up a notch. (Cont’d Pg2)