What room is best to declutter first? Well I hate to break it to ya but guess what, there is no real rule on what room to start on first! Although common sense applies here, for instance if you are struggling to freely enter the house for all the stuff on the floor then start there. If your pain point is the kitchen (generally this is the heart of the house) start creating your freedom there by clearing out your mess! Find a schedule that works for you (contact me for more on this). It may just be 2hrs per day or your goal may be to keep going until that one room is complete? What ever you do don’t try to be a hero and clear the whole house on your own in a day, you will end up burning out and never want to touch it again and give up entirely. Often it might seem too overwhelming to start, enlist the help of friends, family or professionals, you’ll often find your family and friends will be more than happy to lend a hand, but guidance from someone not connected to you at all can often be a great kick-starter! Start small; try clearing a kitchen bench or dining table to spark your motivation. Then try repeating this task the next day & so on & before you realise it your home will start revealing its beautiful self again!